#just the way he is is soooooooo person that doesn’t fully feel or understand romantic feelings
clown-eating-pig · 3 months
Do you guys ever have a headcanon that you believe in soooooooo much like so deeply and it’s absolutely real and true to you, but if asked why you would simply have to shrug and shuffle your feet a bit?
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Oh I'll do you, baby. Right here, right now.
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Their first impression of your muse:
Tall, red hair, long limbs and nimble fingers. A smirk on his lips and flirtation in his gaze. She identified him as "the roguish type" based on his build and "confident" based on his swagger. He was sittting on the wall at Fancy Cakes the very first time she observed him, chatting with others and a redhead in his lap. His accent was strange, almost dwarvish and definitely common, but he spoke with a bit of mischief in his voice, and if Aelberyn hadn't been more concerned with individuals from an outlier branch of the church trying to come at her, she might have observed with more interest. At that point she listed him as "less boring than other people."
Over the next couple months she ran into him frequently as she was getting mail. Her first impressions then ripened to include "relatively attractive and pretty damn sure of himself if he thinks he's going to turn that charm on me, because there is no way I'm going to be interested."
Current impression:
Her favorite person. An amazing, adoring father to the twins, a constantly mind-scrambling lover, a perceptive and intelligent confidant, a loyal and loving companion, and a dear and uncompromising friend. Iloam has earned her complete trust - with an understanding of his limitations. That's something no one else has gotten from her, and it took them both a while to get there.
Although he may be "traveller scum" as he thinks, he's consistently shown leadership traits as well as an inherent nobility that he continues to deny. He is also incredibly clever, more than anyone guesses, and she finds his insight and advice invaluable no matter what the circumstances. He respects and encourages her, and he also challenges her.
She knows who and what he is, and she knows why he is where he is today. He doesn't judge her for her "darker" impulses while practically encouraging her to be a better person. He is so incredibly intense and chaotic... and deeper underneath it all he is pragmatic and dispassionate. He is dangerous and he is safety. He is home, he is family, he is the one that actually gave those words a definition.
Are they attracted to your muse?:
Oh man, Iloam is literally the most sexual, sensual, and passionate person she has ever met. He speaks and she gets all shivery, he looks at her and sploosh. She craves his touch all the time, just at random points throughout her day. The rough callouses on his hands know exactly where and how to touch her precisely how she needs. He is the only person who can make her stop thinking and just feel, and that makes her very hungry a lot of the time.
Also, tall roguish types with a rebellious attitude are TOTALLY Aelberyn's type. So, yeah, she's SUPER attracted.
Something they find frightening about your muse:
How willing he is to give so much of himself for those he loves. She knows how far he wiling to go for Kharris, and herself, and the twins, but she also knows he wouldn't balk at giving far too much for the other people he loves. And really, even for her, she knows he'd jump into fire and void for her if he thought it would keep her safe.
Part of the reason she fears it is that she knows he feels like he doesn't deserve love or happiness. So if he got into a dangerous position or gave his life for someone, even if she could bring him back.... she's vaguely afraid he wouldn't come. That she would try to resurrect him and he would refuse to answer the call, for what he perceives as "everyone's own good."
Something they find adorable about your muse:
Oh man, Iloam is soooooooo adorable, and no one knows how much. When he talks or plays with the twins? That's heart explodingly cute right there. Then when he starts talking all excited about battle ball and the bets he's made. And then, there's those times when he's got this mischievous little boy glint in his eye, like when he wears "the robe," or suggests a totally anti-noble naughtiness. He has this joyous, naughty grin and it's like, oh my goooooooooosh.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:
Yes, but. Not that she wouldn't be 100% willing to give her life completely for him. But it's not quite that simple either. She would definitely consider the cost first, and explore other options. And at the end of it, she would only do it if it really was the only option. She has many people counting on her, and her responsibility is to lead her people, no matter how she wishes. She also is fully aware that Iloam would never ever want her to give her life up for him, that he would want her to live for the children and herself. Which is total bullshit obviously, but she also knows that, if it were between him and her, the Iloam she loves would die with her and the thing left behind would be a danger to everyone. So... yes. But.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? platonic/romantic:
Tonight? You're on.
She does love going on dates with him. She just hopes being around her is as non-boring for him as it is for her.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:
I really did try to think of one word that truly encapsulates everything, but there's no one word big enough. So really, yeah, there's only one word that says it all:
Would my muse slap yours if they could?:
Totally, though it's no fun when he refuses to fight back. *pouts*
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
All the time. Right here, right now.
thank you and i love you @desolatedangel 😍
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jungblue · 6 years
OSIDJDJSIEISJS HELLI AGAIN ITS ME THE ANON YOU WANTED!!!! OMFGGGGG WHAT DID I TELL YOU????? I TOLD YOUUUUU !!!!!! THIS FIC FUCKING SCARRED ME PUNCHED ME IN THE GUT RIPPED MY HEART ATTACKED MY SOUL AND THREW ME INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN I WAS THAT TRAUMATIZED. I was SO sad when the OC ended up alone..I was REALLY hoping she'd get back with either Jungkook or Jimin, or the least make up with Sohee but no...I....I literally have no words. I stopped reading the fic ever since it completed but
I always came back to it and left anonymous comments to the author, mentally wanting to strangle her because of her story left me really upset and I couldn’t stop thinking about it even now. But I always thanked her for writing such a realistic fic, and it’s because it’s written in that way, it makes cheating seem scarier and more destructive that it really is. It broke apart friendship, trust and everything that was binding those friends. I can’t re read the last few chaps because it was so sad
i’m going to reply to every few sections each bc if i try to do this in one go at the very end my thoughts are going to sporadic and messy lmao. but anyways… HOW COULD YOU REC ME THIS. IT LITERALLY TORE MY HEART OUT ONLY FOR THE AUTHOR TO DANCE ON IT WITH SOME METAL CLEATS. LIKE YOUR GIRL WAS HURTINGG. like you said, i’m just upset for the oc. she ended up alone and lost everything. whereas with jungkook he still gets to talk to jimin (well like he’s also stuck in a relationship he didn’t really wanna be in so he got his karma too but still) and it just feels like at the end of it she truly has nobody
And I absolutely hated how Sohee too revenge by getting pregnant. Like what????????? And I literally prayed to God that it was a lie, because she was behaving like a real pain in the ass but at the same time…I really felt how much she loved Jungkook. Her love for him was pure, even her friendship with the OC was pure, but something about Sohee’s past relationships and even how she LITERALLY was the final push to Jungkook’s and Seulgi’s relationship, rubbed me in the wrong way. I felt horrible
NO I DISLIKE SOHEE A LOT. i didn’t like her’s and jungkook’s relationship bc it was all about status to the both of them. she thought that it was alright to help jungkook cheat on seulgi just ‘bc he was hot.’ and whenever she talks about him to the oc she treats him like an airhead jock. she says she loves him so much, but i don’t get why when she thinks of him so simply. like he makes her happy and comfortable i guess, but she doesn’t actually see him. and i’m just gonna say i usually hate that type of plot point. the trapping someone in a relationship through pregnancy plot point, bc i mean it’s just psychotic and usually isn’t done well, bc the character who does it seems cartoonishly evil. but sohee actually doesn’t. she seems like she’s just a real and insecure person who was ready to settle down and marry jungkook before she found out about the cheating and that was her last effort. LIKE I STILL DISLIKE HER BUT WHATEVER
For Jimin a LOT, because he reminded me so much of Future Hearts Jimin, because he was SO selfless and he loved the OC unconditionally really. He was the perfect boyfriend, and I felt my heart sink when Jimin found out about the cheating. I just couldn’t function anymore. He didn’t deserve any of that. He was such a good person, a good brother, a good boyfriend… why is it that all the good people get hurt? ;;;;;;;;;; BUT I HAVEN’T TALKED ABOUT JUNGKOOK YET GOSH. I had opinions about him 
POOR FUCKING JIMIN!!! AND YEAH HE REMINDED ME OF FH JIMIN TOO :( honestly i had a really hard time reading the part where he was going through jungkook’s notebook of poems to the oc. like it hurt to read about him finding out and god it was just awful. he didn’t deserve that at all. he didn’t every possible thing he could to be a good boyfriend to the oc. uhggg it really did make me mildly nauseous seeing him get hurt like that
Because he was such a complicated, mysterious and broken individual. The way he derived his sense of inspiration from his past relationship with his mother hit my heart like a bulldozer. I found myself sympathizing him many times, even though he was clearly in the wrong and the lines between his needs and wants was blurred. I felt so sad for him, and yet I wanted to smack him when he was so ready to leave Sohee even when she loved him so much. But I also understood that Sohee didn’t understand J  
Jungkook the same way as the OC did. I blame Jungkook because he exposed his past and his feelings to the OC first, and he could have easily had done that in the two (?) Years that he has been with Sohee. But I still think Sohee would see him more of a hot jock, nevertheless. I felt so sad for him though, he ended up with someone he didn’t love but it was his fault at the same time. But I still found myself drawn towards him, even if his morals were a bit crooked.
jungkook’s character was so hard for me bc i hated that i liked him. like what he was doing was absolutely awful, but the way the writer wrote his character made me sympathize with him. and the way the author used this along with the build up of the oc and jungkook made me not as angry as i should’ve been when they cheated the first time. instead i thought to myself, but i like them together??? but it wasn’t me liking them together bc their partners were awful, no that’d be too goddman easy lmao, it was bc they just FIT TOGETHER. like jimin’s great and perfect, but she she fit with jungkook so well. AND I’M ANNOYED THAT I THINK THAT BC GOD WHAT DID WAS AWFUL AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT. as for sohee, i again just think that she sees him as a hot airhead jock, so that’s why jungkook didn’t tell her. but it’s like you said he could’ve, and it’s also his fault bc he was more or less with her in the first place so similar reasons of her simply being attractive. their relationship was just messy to me, not like jimin and the oc’s which i fully loved
But it didn’t happen. I legit cried the laat chapter, because I wanted her to be with someone, I didn’t care who it was. I know it’s really shallow for me to say that haha. But instead she found herself, and I was also happy with that too.. because in the end you need to forgive yourself first before you can move on with life right? Ufff I can go on and on about the characters but it’s been months since I last read and I can’t write in a scholarly, fancy and critical way that you can! Okay so
no but same :(( i just wanted her to be with someone, which yeah is probably really shallow of me, but i just read 90k of fic from her pov so how could i not sympathize with the fact that she’s completely alone. i am happy that she found herself but i’m not gonna lie and say that i’m happy that she didn’t end up with jungkook or jimin (specifically jungkook) bc i think that they could have made it work. and lol i promise i can’t write critically without inserting my emotions into this fic. i’m a mess rn lmao
Enough about the characters, now the writing!! Gosh the quality of writing was soooooooo good!! It had the right pace, it had a perfect balance between suspense drama and romance, every chapter was such a ride to read, and the compositions oh my God!! I asked the author and she said she wrote all those beautiful poems! Wow, talk about talent, huh? Her descriptions were so real I literally felt in the moment, i could literally feel the pain from the characters on to me, I could hear their heart
breaks, I could taste the tears streaming down Jungkooks face when the OC told him to leave, I could feel the tension when the OC and Sohee met at the coffee place for the last time, I felt everything crumbling down on me when Jimin fought with Jungkook when he found out..I think the best part of her writing was how she able to make everything realistic. Like cheating is a realistic thing no doubt, but there are sO many layers underneath that. People can just say “oh it’s just a breakup move on”
But NO. Cheating is more than hurtful, it’s something that can break, tear, cripple someone’s feelings and fringesofsanity was able to write that in such very realistically. Anyone who reads this story can able to relate. Fanfic writers always like to put a dramatisized spin to cheating, and it ends happily with the person forgiving the other, but not in this story. Gosh I really hope you, and none of the people on this planet experience what the 4 characters did. It’s too hurtful, too painful.
yes yes yes i completely agree! her take on cheating and how it affects the people around the act was so realistic and beautifully written. and as much as i’m bitching about the fact that the oc is alone, i appreciate that the ending feels real, bc after something so traumatic happening to the four of them, it’s just unrealistic to think that everything would be happy and perfect. BUT I CAN STILL BE SAD ABOUT IT DAMMIT :((
I’m SO happy you liked this fic. And how can anyone not? The whole idea of the story’s imperfect characters, the cheating, the consequences…but the angst was just a way too much on the heavier side for my weak heart..well cheating is pretty heavy so can’t help it. And it just goes to show how love is such a dangerous emotion indeed. The people who loved unconditionally in this story, were left truly heartbroken. All of them loved each other unconditionally, whether it be friendship wise or
Or romantically. Look at Jimin, poor poor soul. I just wanna wrap him up and hug him forever. As for JK, even though I luh him so bad and he’s my bias, I feel really conflicted about his character. But I feel bad for him too you know… Sheesh I must be filling your anon box too much. Well I could write more but I don’t want you to get bored. I’m so happy you liked this fic! Thank you for boarding the ship of pain and misery, my friend!
EVEN THOUGH IT MADE ME REALLY SAD THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THE REC BC I HAVEN’T GOTTEN MY HEART TORN OUT LIKE THAT IN SO LONG. just oh god it’s just so painful :(((( lmao i’m so sad but i’m happy that i got to read a fic like that ;;;;;;
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