#just think grant could have been that chill 24/7 if he'd never been messed up as a child LMAO
holocene-sims · 2 years
🎂 for grant, paivi, shannon and our new favorite girl Margot 😊
thank you for asking!! also YAY sweet girl therapist margot 💟
🎂: does your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first perception people have of them? how do they surprise people?
grant is such a weird dude because i feel like he gives off so many vibes that all of his traits and interests could be believable. but mayyyybeeee it's surprising that he's into sports and played one and was good at it? i mean, you could guess that because he's a big dude and at least somewhat masc, but also that doesn't seem obvious when he dresses 99% of the time like a "former" emo kid and keeps bright sparkly nail polish on at all times. i'll say that for the contradictory interest LMAO. the queer, nerdy, shy, emo kid is into sports. other than that...maybe it seems contradictory that he has PTSD and is anxious in social situations or in places that connect to his trauma but he's also the most relaxed person otherwise. you get the impression he'd be like that 24/7 but no, it's kind of isolated to the things that most relate to his trauma. like he wouldn't get stressed if he were stuck in six-hour traffic and back when he had his former job, he was totally relaxed dealing with crazy passengers or serious mechanical issues on planes. he is the guy you want to chat with in an emergency because he's going to be the one with a plan and a level head.
päivi...hmm maybe it's surprising she's super into social media? she has a very closed-off personality, like she's not friendly at all LMAO and she hates talking to people and can be a real bitch, so you'd think she's equally as private and closed-off online but nope, she's very picky about her instagram feed and she only wants to post the best pics and she craves likes and comments. and yes, all the pictures for the most part are of herself.
shannon, my beloved 🤍 i think it could seem contradictory in a way that she's such a sweetheart but she suffers BIG TIME from "foot in mouth syndrome" aka she's always saying something a little out of turn or awkward or saying something she shouldn't. she can be a bit, um, tactless. it's never her being mean, just not reading the room, you know? like her little brother announced that he and his girlfriend were having a baby and he was dropping out of school, and her initial response was to say, "oh, well, you're going to have a lot of debt to pay off!" she meant it out of concern but it was totally the wrong moment and way to say it and her brother remains pissed at her for it. they get in a fight over it like biweekly. and shannon does this a lot. but you'd think the woman with a PhD in literature...who studies a lot of words and has written TONS of papers and fictional stories...could string her spoken words together somewhat better.
now for margot! you know what, i have this image of her in head being super brave and having a cool bucket list with lots of things already checked off. she's this sweet, artsy, introverted therapist and she definitely has a lovely family at home BUT she's gone skydiving and cave spelunking and all that other wacky bucket list stuff!
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