#just want to get my thoguths out there yk?
thatenglishmuff · 3 years
hi eberyone! im sick and have a bit of a fever ( and willprolly toss my cookies in an hour or so lol), and im in a rambly mood and i just wanna get some of my thoguhts out there,ya know? so ill put it under a cut, yall have a really really epic morning/afternoon/evening/night <333
hi! im not ready for school to start, i got my schdule today and apprantly im in 2 ap classes?? i did not sign up for 2 ap classes thank you veyr much. but its chill, ill be fine bc one of my choir classes is going to new yorl (WE GET TO SEE SIX IM SO FRICKIN PUMPED YALL HAV E NO IDEA!!!!!!!) but its reallyexpensive, so i got a job over the summer, which was cool and i made a lot of new friends from it, and theyre letting me keep the job even though i can only work friday nights now (and they just pushed back the endtime for school, but I gOt places to be people, please stop cutting into my afternoon thank you), which is cool. i got a new leotard today, it has lace in the back and its very pretty and fits well i think. the tubbo lore today destroyed me bc i was still reeling from the whole lmanburg ukelele but-you-didnt thing, and now hes discarding  his relationship with ranboo to flip burgers? doll, that is one ofyour worst decisions yet. i kept waiting for him to stop talking to big q then telling chat, yeah i dont trust him i got this job to keep a closer eye on him, esp after the whole i dont trust wilbur after all he did to me thing, but im stillvery much looking forawrd to where this will go, beeduo please communicate im beggin you. i had a voice lesson today and i was actuallly feeling not that sick so i did it over zoom just case, and my teacher said my voicewas really pretty!!! this is awesome. we finished working on “someone like you” from bonnie and clyde, or jekyll and hyde, or one of the and -yde’s idk, but next we’re working on “wishing you were somehoe here again” from poto!!!!! i love that song, and its a completely different style and im very excited! i made chicken nuggets today, tehy were very good. i also redently made fancy mac n cheese with gouda, asiago, and cheddar, with shell pasta! itslapped, it was very very good. ive been writing this one dsmp fic for abbout 2-3 months now and havent posted any of it, its 9k words sofar i just dont feeel confident in my writing, and also am losing motivation for this fic AGAIN and i have half a mind to post what i have and finish it when i get to it bc im working on  allot lot lot of original stories as well and have been spending al  my writing time on this fic and its not even thta good imo. ah well. my heads startin to hurt a lot more than it was eariler, i think thats my cue to stop staring at a screen and go to sleep but i dont wanna. but i will stop rambling now, if you read this i love you and get some help bc if youre reading an internet person’s sick ramblings, you spend too much time on tumblr and we all know thats not good for your metnal health, take a break, its ok, we’ll all be here when you get back. get some water, get some rest, i love you and we’ll het through this next bit together, yeah? yeah, we will <3
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