#just watched Queen of the damned which is why I’m thinking about jt
lordofthemushrooms · 4 months
Have I ever talked about Lestat on here?Probably not. Me and Lestat De Lioncourt have quite the relationship
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idorkish · 7 years
Little Munson - Chapter 7
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Now that Opie was back in Charming for good, it seemed that the SAMCRO siblings were whole once again. They hadn’t had a chance to really hang out together, but Angel was much happier knowing that both her brothers were in the same city and that she could see them daily.
As Angel sat in the clubhouse with Bambi, both girls attempting to do their homework but kept getting distracted by all the commotion around them. “What’s going on?” Bambi shrugged her shoulders at the question, “I don’t know. Something about Jax and Opie wanting to be Prospects.”
Angel kept glancing back to the guys yelling behind closed doors. Jax and Opie were sitting at the bar, talking in whispers. “Well as it was expected. Don’t get why they’re making a fuss about this. Isn’t this what they were being groomed for?”
The year seemed to have started out great for Angel Munson. Life finally seemed to be giving the Munsons and rest of SAMCRO a good break from the bleaker points of life. Jax and Opie had been accepted as Prospects on the condition that they get their GEDs before coming patched members.
The school year seemed to go by so fast. Angel remembered the first day of school and she felt that when she blinked, it was already over. Angel wasn’t ready for the end of the school year. She knew that David would be leaving for the Marines once school started up for her again. The Marines. Angel still couldn’t believe it. She had months to prepare and the closer it got to him leaving, the more she couldn’t handle it.
“So what did we need to talk about?” Angel sat on the blanket next to David. They had gone to the park for a small picnic and out of nowhere, David had said they needed to talk. Angel’s heart sped up and she began to fidget with her ring. It had become her habit anytime she was anxious. David picked at the grass blades surrounding the edge of the blanket and tossed them aside. He had stayed quiet for moments before letting out a sigh. “I’m joining the Marines. I’m going in a couple days to fill out paperwork and begin the process. I won’t be leaving right away to basic, it’ll be a month or two before I leave for that.”
Angel couldn’t look at him anymore. Suddenly the pattern on the blanket became more interesting as Angel traced the pattern with her finger. David was leaving her. After promising he wouldn’t, he was now leaving. David scooted closer to Angel and wrapped his arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “It won’t be for long. Basic is only a couple months long. Then I’ll be back for a week before going back. I’ll keep in touch as much as I can. You know I won’t stop writing to you. And any chance I can get to call - you better believe it’s you that I will be calling Angel.”
She bit her lip and nodded, afraid that if she spoke she would say the wrong things. Pulling her sleeves over her hands, Angel wiped at her face. David moved behind her so that she was between his legs and he pulled her back to rest against his chest. Angel sniffled and tried her best not to cry. Not in public, she thought to herself. “I love you, Angel. This is the beginning for us. This will help get us out of here like we talked about. Yes, we’ll be apart for a bit but I can get a good foundation built. Once I’m out and actually stationed, I can start saving up. Then as soon as you’re ready, we’ll work on getting you to wherever I am. I’ll take care of us, baby. We won’t have to rely on anyone anymore. No more people telling us that this won’t work. It’ll be us against the world.”
Angel closed her eyes and listened to the beating of David’s heart. His arms were wrapped around her and she felt so safe. She understood his thinking. They had heard it from both sides. His parents were nice to her but she knew they wanted him with someone from their circle - someone with class. Then there was her family. They liked David, they really did. But the Hale name still seemed to give them pause. “Us against the world,” Angel whispered as she clutched his arms. David squeezed her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. This would be hard for them both, but Angel was sure they could do this.
David had made it so they could spend this last summer together as much as possible. And they did. Angel had told Luanne she wouldn't be working the whole summer  but would work the month before school started. Luanne had kept her distance from the club since all but Otto had been released.  Angel and David had still made time to visit her so she wouldn't be lonely.
The day David left for basic, Angel locked herself in her room. Precious had tried to get her out the room but Bobby had told her to leave Angel be. Angel stayed in her room the rest of the night, clutching the sweater that David had left behind for her. It was Bobby who reached to Luanne and asked that she try to get Angel out of the house and to keep her mind occupied.
It would be another week before Luanne could finally get Angel out of the house. She had pleaded with Angel to go with her and visit Otto. Angel had perked up when Bobby said he was ok with her visiting Otto when she wanted. It had been so long since she had seen him. Angel had spent the whole night before going through pictures that she could take to him.
Angel cried when she saw her uncle, his face was bruised but he had a smile on his face when he greeted his girls.  “Don’t worry pumpkin, other guy looks much worse.” The trio had spent the whole visit telling jokes and catching Otto up on what was happening.  Angel brought pictures of little Tiki and Bambi; she refused to let Otto go without seeing his own niece and newest nephew. Angel’s heart broke when she saw Otto wipe a tear as he held tightly to the picture of Bambi. She was the biggest reminder of the family that he lost. Both Angel and Luanne promised to get Tig to agree to bring her so he could see her.
Otto held one of the pictures and chuckled. “How much of a heart attack did this give your old man?” Luanne and Angel moved to see what picture he was talking about.  It was a picture of Angel cradling and feeding Tiki while David sat beside her, his arm around Angel and holding her close while Bambi sat on his lap and leaned against his chest, obviously on the verge of falling asleep.  “You two will have cute babies, I can tell.” Angel blushed and hid her face in her hands.  Luanne laughed and playfully pushed Otto,  chiding him for embarrassing the girl.  “Can I keep a few of these?” Angel nodded, “Of course! Which ones do you want?”
By the end of the visit,  Otto kept the picture of Bambi, the one of Angel and David with the kids,  as well as one of Angel getting a piggy back ride from Jax while Bambi clutched Opie’s arm as he lifted her off the ground. “Damn you guys are growing too quick for me. Come back to visit me again, ok pumpkin?”
What no one expected was Tara leaving without more than “I’m moving to Chicago for school.” Angel and Jax had sat on the stoop in front of his house, watching Tara’s car pull away quickly and drive off into the distance. Neither had stopped her, far too stunned at her quick words. Angel knew her brother was breaking on the inside, just as she was. Tara was her best friend, they had talked about their hopes for the future and not once had Tara ever mentioned leaving. “Did you know?”
Angel continued to stare straight ahead but shook her head.  She wasn't sure words would form when she opened her mouth. Angel glanced up at her older brother and saw the tears streaming down his face. The last time he had cried this much was when little Tommy had passed away. Even at JT’s funeral, Jax hadn’t cried this much. Angel wished there was something she could do to take her brother’s pain away but she wasn’t even sure how to manage her own pain. Tara was her best friend. It hit Angel hard. This was a betrayal. Tara was her best friend. Tara was the love of her brother’s life and she tossed them both aside so easily. “I’m moving to Chicago.” Those words echoed in Angel’s mind. “I’m joining the Marines.” “I’m moving to Chicago”...the words repeated constantly. “Why? W-why wouldn’t she tell me? How could she just leave?” Angel snapped out of her thoughts and gave a shrug. “I don’t know Jax. She didn’t even tell me. We told each other everything…”
The two continued to sit there, staring at the ground in front of them. Neither knew what to say anymore so they say in silence, only the sound of sniffling came between them. It wasn’t until Gemma pulled into the driveway and slammed her truck door that the two looked up. Gemma stood in front of her two babies and stared. “What’s wrong? What happened?” She had dropped to her knees and grabbed both their faces. Jax sniffled again and pulled his face out of his mother’s hand. Gemma looked to Angel, worry clear in her eyes. Angel opened her mouth to speak but it was Jax who spoke first. “She left.” His voice dripped with venom and hurt as he quickly stood and walked over to his bike. Angel knew she should stop Jax and get him to talk but he was tearing down the street before she could even get to her feet. “Tara just stopped by. Told us she was leaving to Chicago. Her car was completely packed. She left. Never talked to us about it...she just fucking left.”
Angel stood and shoved her hands into her pockets and slowly started her way down the street, leaving a confused Gemma to watch her walk away.
The next few days were hard for Angel. All she kept thinking about was those closest to her telling her last minute they were leaving. Angel knew the reason for David leaving but that didn't mean the thoughts didn't sting. It had seemed so out of the blue. David and Angel had always been open about any thoughts and future plans. Not once bad the Marines ever been mentioned. They had talked of going away to college together or even just moving away and getting jobs to support themselves. All the plans they talked about David getting to school and then Angel following as soon as she turned 18.
When it came to Tara, Angel felt nothing but hurt and betrayal. Tara was supposed to be her best friend. She had known Tara wanted to be a doctor, even help her start looking at schools. But again, not once was there a plan for Tara to leave so quickly or so far away. Angel couldn't help but wonder what happened. It hurt more to know that her big brother was suffering and there was nothing Angel could do.
The summer seemed to drag on far too long for Angel's liking. There wasn't much to do at CaraCara, as the system Angel came up with ensured everything was organized. She cursed herself for doing such a good job that she pushed herself into fewer hours of work. Angel kept taking care of her baby brother as Precious had taken on more hours and Bobby was hardly around. The proposed trip for the two of them was just that, a proposal. Nothing had ever come from it and anytime Angel brought it up, Bobby just changed the subject. Eventually, Angel just stopped asking.
Instead, Angel turned to begging Tig and Happy to her babysit Bambi, “while she's still young enough to have a sitter!” This resulted in Angel spending a lot of time at the Trager household. Today was no different. As Bambi was sitting on the floor playing with little Tiki, Angel was in the kitchen. Bowls and ingredients spread across the counters and Angel had flour caked in parts of her hair. She stirred at the batter in front of her and let her thoughts play out as needed. She was still pissed anytime Tara came to mind. “Stupid. Bitch. Couldn’t say shit! Best friend my ass!” The more Angel thought of her, the harder she stirred at the batter. The only thing to calm her was the thought that she would soon have another letter from David. And then school would be starting soon. She would be able to concentrate on that. But at the moment, she couldn’t keep control of her breathing. Angel dropped the bowl onto the counter and squeezed her eyes shut.   
A small cough caught Angel’s attention. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen was Bambi, who was carrying a very sleepy little Tiki. “I think it’s nap time Angel. Figured you might want to come lay down with us.” Angel smiled and nodded. She would clean up once they awoke from a much-needed nap. For now, she was going to go curl with her baby brother and little sister, the two people who she knew would never leave her.
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