#just watching sappy russian musicals from the 80's
sunlightbi · 7 years
fic rec some of your fav b!h??
okay okay anon you asked the right person !! actually i read fics on russian but a lot of them are translated from english sooo here’s a list of my favourite b!h stories: 
honey, you've got me jumping off the wall 
louis' rich and (thinks) he's famous. harry's broke and wants to be famous. zayn's a gucci model who only plays xbox and somehow ends up working everything out.
when i saw your face i fell in love 
"Can I get a kids menu?""If you call me daddy."
or a stupid au where louis is a waiter and harry isnt and liam doesn't think you can fall in love in half an hour but louis insists he has
nonstop earthquake dreams of you 
And there's heat behind it, blazing, plasmatic, like stars crashing together, like an explosion in space, like a supernova, like a black hole--everything else sucked out of existence. There's no bed and there's no pillow and they're not lying down, just floating somewhere, somehow, and there's no room and there's no X Factor house and there's no Niall snuffling or Liam's deep, even breathing and there's no wind or traffic outside and there's no hum of the heating unit and it's all just Louis. All encompassingly Louis.
or, harry falls hard and finds louis already at the bottom
Two Halves of a Blue Sky 
Harry had tried to get used to the attention fame had brought him - had learned to at least pretend to deal with the rumours and speculation about every aspect of his life, had learned to pretend to be all right with the paparazzi shadowing his every move, had learned to pretend to cope with too-many-fans mobbing him whenever he went anywhere - but after being outed all too publicly, it all became too much. A break from it all on island in the middle of the Pacific, far away from everything and anything seemed to be just the sort of thing Harry needed.
A distraction was even better, especially when it came in the form of a gorgeous surfing instructor with a smile that could outshine the sun - even if a summer romance hadn't been on the original agenda. A heart-shaped island in the middle of the ocean was probably sort of place to fall in love. But Louis had his own reasons for being in Tavarua, and those might just mean that neither of them get the happy ending they're looking for.
Notting Hill-esque AU set in Fiji.
a million roses (bathed in rock n' roll) 
au. harry sings in smoky dive bars; louis misses his flight home. they go to coney island in the morning.
(aka - harry is lana del rey, and louis makes him a star.)
I Like the Way You Bend for Me, Baby (b!l in the sequel)
Uni AU, in which Harry is a part-time yoga instructor with rock hard nipples and skin-tight leggings, and Louis most definitely isn’t charmed.
Loving You Is Free 
Louis is a workaholic record label CEO who hasn't been on a date in nearly a year. Niall and Liam make an account for him on a sugar dating website as a joke. And then Louis meets Harry.
baby you've got me tied down 
Harry sort of has a thing for being tied up during sex.
You Don't Need Me To Show The Way 
But right there, on Harry's iPod, is a folder entitled Lou Sappy Sappy Long Indie Hipster 80's Love Songs Mixtape.
Louis expects a sappy mix tape. He might even expect his own shitty versions of Foo Fighter songs. What he doesn't expect is clicking on "AUD-20101223" and suddenly hearing loud moaning. He gasps and scrambles to pause it, so shocked the iPod drops right to Harry's stomach. Harry looks absolutely mortified, even more than he did when Louis played High School Musical. He's blushing so furiously his face bypassed rosy straight to flaming red, and his mouth is closing and opening like he can't think of a single thing to say.
Then Louis starts laughing uproariously. "Hiiii, I'm Harry from Cheshire, when I'm on the road I like listening to indie music and gay porn."
Or, 2011 fic where Harry rides dick for the first time and Louis appreciates technology.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? 
"You…" Harry touches his own mouth, teasing. "You ate her pussy?"
"Yeah." Louis stops playing with Harry's cock and gropes his arse again, pulling his cheeks apart and pushing them back together over the thong. "Want me to eat yours?"
Louis reenacts his first time, and Harry wants to be his good girl.
Keep on Dreaming, This is Hollywood 
Louis Tomlinson, a pop star manager, makes his way to LA with a pop star (and his new music demands) and a very busy schedule.
Harry Styles came to Los Angeles with a dream and ended up sharing a flat and an occupation with a male prostitute from Ireland.
What happens when Louis meets Harry, and makes him an offer he can't refuse?
AKA A Pretty Woman AU where Louis is the high-powered businessman and Harry is the hooker. No, there is no necklace scene, but there is definitely piano sex.
it's been awhile (since i've felt butterflies) 
In which Louis works in an ice cream parlor and Harry is Gemma's cute little brother who starts working there, as well.
Bring Your Body Baby (I Could Bring You Fame) 
Eighteen year old Harry Styles just graduated high school and landed a summer job as a waterboy for his favorite football team. His job description is simple: be ready to hand water and towels to players if needed. That didn’t seem to include Louis Tomlinson though, a twenty-three year old, recently transferred Paris Saint-German player, who seems to like making Harry’s job much more difficult than it has to be.
A self-indulgent AU that takes place over the summer of 2015. 18 year old Harry hates pining after people he can't have, and 23 year old footballer Louis loves flirting with people even though it never means anything.
"Where are we?""Um. A little while out of London?" Niall tries, seemingly the only one willing to not be mysterious and provide Harry with information, and. Oh. "London London? As in, the capital of England London?" he asks, just in case he'd misheard. "No, the other London," Louis laughs, low and biting. He comes closer finally, the moonlight just enough to reveal a sharp-cut jaw and pale skin. "Sorry, Pup."Nobody's ever called Harry a "pup". Frankly, he finds it quite insulting, but he lets it slide to try and comprehend his current crisis.
or the one where harry gets bitten by a werewolf. louis is the mysterious not-quite alpha, liam and zayn have Things going on, niall is their token human, and together, they watch a lot of TV.
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sulidaebae · 9 years
Что без тебя просторный этот свет? В нем только ты. Другого счастья нет. (For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all. )
Shakespeare, sonnet 109 (translation to Russian by Samuil Marshak)
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