#just women and everyone else as well craveto see men as just human. so see behind the forced wail of social condition and into the humanity
multapohja966 · 1 year
boygroups are built on the “non-threatening and relatable to young women” -male concept, which caused me to be vigilant and untrusting of these celebrities maybe too much (though not completely unjustifyingly) bcs what they looked and seemed like was a performanse. these men don’t share your values etc.. so i only resently realised boy groups have given many women a safe way to view men just interacting and being human without the weight of romantic context. concidering how deeply we separate the genders it is actually quite rare. 
boy band culture is potrayed as only a deeply alienating experience between the binary genders. like the format of it would only deepen the lasck of understanding between. that there exists only charicatures on both sides. the hysteric female stan sexualises a hypothetical boyfriend concept sold to her and the naive yet sexist male idol sees the fans merely as means to an end not deserving of understanding. but in reality there’s a rare and unique form of platonic love, respect and understanding between these groups. a lot of it strengthetened by the somewhat social alienation of both. catering to a female audience and being in a boy band will keep a male idol separate from hegemonic masculinity and being a fan girl is notoriously looked down upon. so excistance of the micro culture requires separation from the mainstream and inner group reliance. radio regulars don’t need to culminate a dedicated fanbase but kpop groups get almost all of their revenue from fans.
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