#just. why isnt it consistent. why does it come n go. what is the PATTERN
notquiteaghost · 5 months
knee still hurt yday after work when i bent it so today i foolishly opted not to wear the knee support thinking maybe it wasnt doing shit & haaa guess what has already started to hurt on my walk to work
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toutallyahoe · 5 years
Requested By Gifted To: My dearest, sweetest, precious angels: CN and Nyan
Pairing/s: Aziraphale x [Name] x Crowley
A/N: Hello, hello, hello~
This is the project I've been whining on about losing my sanity over and I'm still not finished on it but my angel CN liked to read a not so long ass one chapter thing, so I'm dividing it into parts.
Also, a very late anniversary gift for my darls~ Our anniversary was in July 20th, so I apologize for this being so, so late.
My Jove, what have I done to deserve such angels as friends? #blessed
The first time the angel and the demon had met him was... to say the least, interesting... and strange...
It was a normal day for the two beings, both were on their way to go to their meeting spot in London, St. James' Park, well, the demon running a little late than the angel who was already sitting patiently by the bench and watched the ducks on the lake swam merrily and on occasions, coming closer to some people who were throwing food for them to eat.
As the angel, Aziraphale was his name, was waiting for his more demonic companion, someone had taken a seat on the other side of the bench where he sat. Of course, the white haired being had noticed and had momentarily turn to look at the person who sat, it wasn't the demonic companion he was waiting, that was a fact.
The person who had sat in the exact bench where he was was a man. And not just any man, he was human but the angel had trouble with the scent of his. It was strange but the human didn't seem to mind as he was reading a book. Aziraphale decided to look at the human, he was curious to say the least. The angel had noticed the man's [Hair color] hair brushed back with some locks ruining its neatness. His clothes was rather a bit appropriate for the weather, it was consist of a dark gray (almost mistaken as a black) slim button up dress' shirt with the contrast of the collar is perfect for casual and formal setting from its plaid pattern fabric, its sleeves rolled up till the upper of his elbow. A plain black pants and as he was about to discreetly look and see what the other male's type of shoe was, the said man had spoke.
"Good morning," the [Hair color] haired man had said as he had not even looked up from his book. Like he knew the angel was looking at him. And as for Aziraphale, flustered that he might have been caught gazing at the human, he sputtered out his own greeting. "A-ah, yes-- u-um, g-good morning," the angel had softly and embarrassedly said as he turn to look at the lake to hide furthermore embarrassment.
The white haired being felt his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, how stupid was he to look at a random man far too long? His mind had already screaming at him that it was inappropriate and not to mention, most certainly creepy. Oh, the Almighty, may she strike him already from the embarrassment he had don--
"It is, isnt?" Aziraphale was snapped from his deprecating thoughts by none other than the man he had (creepily) stared at awhile ago. The angel took a moment as he turn to look at the [Hair color] haired male who was still reading his book, pushing his glasses (that the angel now had noticed) on the bridge of his nose to not fall as he continue to read.
Finally, the angel processed what the man had said as he sputtered out a confused, "pardon?"
The [Hair color] haired man merely continue to read with his lips twitched upward. He didn't answer the angel's question which made Aziraphale even doubted he talked again after the greeting but the white haired being was confused on what he meant. "Pardon me for asking but," Aziraphale started as he looked at the man, "what did you mean?" The angel finished as he watched the [Hair color] haired man had paused on his reading to turn and look at him briefly then looked at the lake with a smile on his lips.
"I have meant what I had said, but have I said what I meant?" The man cryptically said which brought confusion to the angel. The [Hair color] haired had narrowed his eyes to look at the white haired being beside him for a brief second as a chuckle then left his lips from the odd look of distress and confusion plastered on the angel's face.
"Ah, I meant to say was; it is a rather good morning," he cleared as he looked at the ducks that passed by his sight from the lake, a soft smile on his lips. "A lovely morning if I had to say so myself," he mused as he then turn to look at his book and read again.
Aziraphale was confused. Although the [Hair color] haired man had already answered his question, it was so cryptic that he can not understand. Wanting to know what the man really meant, the angel scooted a bit closer to where the other male sat as he watched the [Hair color] haired man read. "Can you elaborate on what you had said?" The angel softly asked, not wanting to be seen demanding or rude to the odd and cryptic man.
He merely gotten a hum from the [Hair color] haired male as he ignored what he had said and read his book.
"Don't you think, it is a good morning?" The [Hair color] haired man had asked out of the blue as he looked at the confused angel, not answering the other's query. Aziraphale just now noticed he had [Eye color] eyes gleaming with amusement behind the clear lenses of the black framed glasses. The angel, not wanting to be embarrassed or come off as rude, answered him. "Well, it is a rather pleasant day..." Aziraphale softly said as he look up to see the bright blue sky with the sun shining brightly, the clouds rolling by. It was a pleasant morning, he had to say as he then looked at [Hair color] haired man who nodded at his answer.
"Yes, it is rather a good morning," he had said as he slip the small bookmark that was held by his index and middle finger to the book as he then closed it shut and placed it on his lap. "That is what I have meant on what I had said," he had said as the other nodded on his answer, he then turn to look at the angel with a smile on his lips. "Good morning," he greeted as the angel sent him a greeting and a smile aswell. "Ah, yes, good morning," Aziraphale softly said as the strange man turn to look at the lake in front them. Following his lead, the angel looked at the lake aswell and watched how the ducks play and eat whatever people had to throw at them to fed.
A calm silence had captured the two as Aziraphale was back to waiting for his companion and off with his daydreams while the still unknown man (to him) watched everything that had passed by the lake. Occasionally, there were people that had passed by from where the two had sat but none seemed to pause and take a break. It was calm, the day was, like the [Hair color] haired man had cryptically said was lovely as the sun still shone its rays, blessing everyone below it with light.
It was quiet until the [Hair color] haired man decided to break the silence again.
"Are you waiting for someone?" He had asked, out of the blue which made the angel out of his thoughts. Snapping his head to turn and look at the man beside him, Aziraphale nodded. "Ah, yes," he answered. "I am waiting for a... friend of mine," he explained as he watch the [Hair color] haired nodded at his answer.
The angel thought the man would continue on to start a conversation but he was wrong. Silence came again but this time it was rather distressing to the angel as he tapped his feet to the ground as he turn to look at what was in front of him again. Furrowed his eyebrows as he pondered why the man had asked him but didn't continue on. It was... strange and the angel was rather curious of him. With a few seconds of pondering, the angel decided to ask a question.
"What about you?" Aziraphale asked as he briefly looked at the [Hair color] haired man then back to the lake. "Are you waiting for someone aswell?" He was rather nervous. Was it to straight forward? Bloody hell, now he takes back on asking the man. He was a stranger for goodness sake Aziraphale!
He was berating himself again when the man's voice had promptly had taken him out from his thoughts.
"No," the man had said which made the white haired being look at him. "I am not waiting for anyone really. I am merely here to enjoy the morning, perhaps also looking for an..." The man had trailed off as he turn to look at the angel beside him with a smile on his lips. "-- adventure, if you will," he had finished as he look at the book he held on his lap then back onto the lake.
His words made Aziraphale feel that feeling on confusion again. Adventure? What does he mean? The angel wondered what the man really meant but that still made him nod to not be rude. Again, silence came which honestly made the angel's anxiety raise. Oh bloody hell, my Jove was he not liking this one-sided awkward silence of his and the cryptic man he sat beside.
"So, um," Aziraphale started as he tried to think of anything to start a conversation with the [Hair color] haired man. "Um... what did you meant when you said you were looking for an adventure?" Aziraphale finally thought of a topic which made the man directing the question smiled as he continued to look at the lake.
"Nothing really," he had answered to the angel's question. "I merely am bored and want something exciting to happen," he had said as he momentarily looked at the white haired being who was still staring at him, his smile still intact on his lips as Aziraphale noticed that gleam in his [Eye color] eyes. "It would be lovely if something did happen to lead for an adventure, dont you think?" The [Hair color] haired had asked to the angel as Aziraphale nodded.
"An adventure would be... nice," Aziraphale had said as watch the man looked at what is in front of them again, the angel was curious about. A hum left the [Hair color] haired man's lips as he close his eyes. A thought had slipped on his mind as he opened his eyes back to see a child pass by with her mother, he assumed, trailing behind with a smile on her lips as she chased after the little girl.
"It would be interesting if the world would go into an... apocalypse," the man had abruptly said as Aziraphale almost choke on his own saliva. "Don't you agree?" He had asked as he tilted his head to look at the white haired being who was trying to breath normally and calm his "heart". There was a gleam of something behind those [Eye color] eyes of his but the white haired being didn't seem to catch them when he was too busy trying not to choke on the air he was breathing. The [Hair color] haired man's question made the angel have a slight panic attack, as he look at the man in the eye.
"N-no! I don't agree!" The angel had disagreed without hesitation. Those words coming out like nothing as the memories of a near death experience of Armageddon, failing to save and have it destroying life and war between heaven and hell flashed through his mind as he immediately shut his eyes tight and shake his head. God, he didn't want to experience that ever again.
Opening his eyes again and looking at the man beside him who had asked that ridiculous question, he saw the man had raise a brow at him, waiting for him to continue on his answer and also from his strange actions. "I-I mean... erm... uhh," the angel began to sputter as he raise his hands and rub his temple. God, he wish the Almighty would just strike him now.
"I-It would be catastrophic a-and... and absolutely cause devastation!" He explained as he look at the man who's eyes gleamed in amusement but had nodded on his explanation. As Aziraphale tried to find the correct words to have his disagreement on the topic explaining further, he heard the man beside him hum. "Well, you do have a point," he heard the man say as he nodded with no hesitation. The angel swore the [Hair color] haired had muttered something underneath his breathe but he didn't put it in mind as he agreeded.
"Of course!" Aziraphale had said. "I-I mean... having an apocalypse would just destroy everything and leave nothing but chaos and destruction," he softly muttered as he looked at his lap. His hands curling into a fist as he remembered he and his demonic friend almost failed to save the world from its impending doom, his actions had made the [Hair color] momentarily look at the angel curiously but didn't push further on the topic. He could see how uncomfortable the white haired being was to it. It was strange but who was he to be nosy in other people's business?
"Yes, it would," the man had agreed which made Aziraphale uncurled his hands as he snap his head to look at the [Hair color] haired man, the other merely sent him a small smile when he had noticed the white haired being had looked at him. "Good morning," the man had said again.
It made the angel tilt his head in confusion. This man greeted him again? But remembering the [Hair color] haired man's cryptic words awhile ago, maybe he was stating that the morning was good? Aziraphale was bloody pondering what did he mean again when the man continued.
"I realized that I have not introduced myself yet," he had said as he look at the angel while a soft smile on his lips. Raising his hand towards the white haired being, he finally said his name. "The name's [Name] [Last name]-Hewitt, and you are?" The man, [Name], introduced as Aziraphale took his hand had gave a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you Mr. Hewitt," he had said. If Aziraphale had to be honest, the man's last name, Hewitt, was oddly familiar to him. Somewhere deep inside his mind was saying that this man beside him, the one he was shaking his hand too was... familiar. It was strange but he pushed that thought back in the back of his mind as his words had made the said man shake his head.
"No, please, just call me [Name]," the [Hair color] haired man had said which Aziraphale nodded in understandin. "Ah, alright then. Pleasure to meet you, [Name]. You may call me Aziraphale," the angel introduced himself.
[Name] seemed to be taken back when Aziraphale had told him his name. Slowly taking his hand away from the handshake, a small smile formed on his lips. "Aziraphale you say?" He muttered which the white haired being look at him in wonder on his change of demeanor but nevertheless, he nodded, albeit a bit confused though.
"Um, yes, that is my name," the angel had said which made [Name] smile more, the angel had noticed the strange gleam in his eyes behind his glasses.
Aziraphale flushed when [Name], his new acquaintance had leaned closer towards him as he hesitantly raised both of his hand in front of his chest to make a small wall between him and the human. "Umm... can you move a bit?" Aziraphale softly had said as he saw [Name] look at him for a few seconds before he went back to his place. Still had that smile plastered on his lips.
"Sorry about that," the [Hair color] haired man apologize as his eyes soften at the white haired being who was trying to calm himself down. "I just... I was just... your name..." The angel heard him softly say.
"What about it?" Aziraphale asked. He regretted his decision really as what comes next that left the [Hair color] haired man's lips made him panic.
"It reminds me of an angel's," [Name] had said as he look at Aziraphale with amusement in his eyes. "Do you believe in... in angels, Aziraphale?" He asked.
"W-what's not to believe? T-they're beings that exist along with the Almighty," Aziraphale stuttered, berating himself from giving such a dumb answer. His mind was scrambled and he did not know what to do. He was panicking. The white haired being didn't eased when he noticed the [Hair color] haired man smiled at his answer.
"Yes," [Name] had said with a gleam in his eyes. "It is true but in other religion, they do not exist..." Aziraphale heard as his breathing was becoming more erratic. Where was that demon when you need him? The angel really does get into too much trouble and he is silently praying inside his mind on where the bloody hell was his demonic friend is. Stuck in traffic?!?
"Are you an angel, Aziraphale?" [Name] had abruptly asked after a few minutes of silence had passed when he was too busy connecting the dots while the white haired being was too busy trying not to cause a scene, which made the said male freeze and start to panic when the [Hair color] haired male's words registered to his head. Aziraphale didn't dare to look on [Name]'s [Eye color] eyes and instead looked at the ground as he felt the man moved a bit closer towards him again. This caused him to panic more.
"W-why do... why d-do you think I a-am one?" Aziraphale hesitantly said as he finally looked [Name] in the eye. "I-I could maybe have really religious... parents," he tried to save himself as he cursed himself for stuttering. He heard the [Hair color] haired man hum but Aziraphale saw he was not convinced. At all.
"Maybe... but it is not common to be named with an angel's name," [Name] had said as Aziraphale shake his head. "T-that is true," he agreed but he immediately tried to justify himself again when he noticed he almost outed himself. "B-but that does not mean I can't have... one?" The angel trailed off with uncertainty in his voice.
The angel was having trouble keeping calm as the [Hair color] haired man stared at him with those [Eye color] eyes of his. It was so stran--
"Uh, hi guys," a bored voice had said that made the two males turn to look to where they heard the voice was an to the angel's relief, it was Crowley, the friend he was waiting for because he was (very) late.
Crowley, looked at his angel distress friend and then to the [Hair color] haired human, raising a brow when he had smelt something... strange. Whatever it was, the demon had shrugged it off and instead had sat between the two males, the two scooting over to create space for him to not be awkwardly touching each other. As the demon had sat he turned to look at the white haired angel as he began, "Sorry about being late," had apologized. "You know how traffic is in Queen Anne's Gate," the red haired had said and then shrugged as he then remembered that there was another person beside him.
The demon turned to look at the [Hair color] haired human, confusion in his eyes but was hidden by his sunglasses.
"And hello to you...?" He had said and trailed off, a bit confused about a human really but the demon looked at him, head to toe and hummed. This one was... interesting.
"Good morning," [Name] had said with a smile on his lips and a gleam in his eyes. Aziraphale who was beside Crowley, despite rather still panicking from awhile ago, smiled at the demon's confusion. "Um... yes, good morning to you too... I guess," the demon muttered as he looked at the [Hair color] haired man who merely continued to smile at him. It made the demon a bit... peeved. That smile...
It's bloody fake...
"It is good, isn't it?" Crowley snapped out of his thoughts as he look at the human with a raised brow. Just like Aziraphale before him, he was confused. "What?" Came put of the red head's lips which honestly made the white heard angel bit his bottom lip to not let out any chuckles leaving.
Ah, he will definitely enjoy this. Especially how the demon in the middle of him and the cryptic man he acquainted for is too easy to rile up.
The [Hair color] haired man merely hummed as he momentarily looked at the lake then back to the confused red head. "I said, "it is good, isn't it?"" He said again as he then looked at the white haired angel who was cupping his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
"Don't you agree so, Aziraphale?" [Name] had asked the angel who let out a small laugh leaving his lips. His actions had resulted into Crowley snapping in his direction and the angel fully knows the demon was glaring at him through those black colored lenses of his sunglasses, which made him bit his bottom lip to contain his laughter again as he looked at [Name].
"Yes, I do," Aziraphale had breathlessly said as a small laugh left his lips again when he saw Crowley turn to look at the [Hair color] haired man, probably glaring at him aswell.
"Ugh, can you lots just tell me what?" The demon annoyedly asked as he saw the human's lips twitched.
"Good morning," [Name] merely said which made the demon roll his snake like eyes behind the darkened lenses of his sunglasses. Hell, he was so irritated and confused right now.
"Yes, yes, good morning," Crowley had said as he look at the [Hair color] haired man in the eye. Those [Eye color] eyes was honestly quite familiar... strange. Snapping out on whatever dazed state he was in, he continued. "Now can you tell me what you meant?" The demon asked. His questions brought a smile on the angel's lips as he remembered what would be [Name]'s next words.
"I have meant what I had said... but have I said what I meant?" There it is... and now for the confused and stupefied question...
And with that, Aziraphale laughed. Despite being confused and distressed when he had dealt it earlier, it was amusing to watch how the [Hair color] haired confused others, especially his demonic friend. The angel didn't mind the annoyed glare directed at him by the said demonic friend of his as he continued to laugh. "Honestly, just bloody tell me. It's getting really annoying," the demon grumbled when he had turn to direct his glare to the confusing and cryptic man beside him who merely smiled at him like he did nothing wrong. Which was really true, except annoying the demon.
"It is a lovely morning is what I have meant," [Name] finally cleared which made the demon beside him grumble incoherent words as he look at the lake. The [Hair color] haired turned back to look at the red head and was about to say something when he had realized...
"Ah, pardon my manners," [Name] had said as he smiled at the sunglasses wearing male. Raising his hand to the demon, he introduced himself like he did with Aziraphale who was now calm and not in the verge of a panic attack from that strange yet amusing conversation he had witnessed. "My name's [Name] [Last name]-Hewitt, but feel free to call me by my first name," the [Hair color] haired had said as Crowley looked at his hand and then grabbed it. Giving a shake as he nodded.
"Mine's Crowley, Anthony J Crowley actually but Crowley will do," he had said as he rose a brow when he saw the [Hair color] haired man's eyes gleamed.
"Interesting..." The demon heard him mutter as he then flash him another smile. The red heard hesitantly nodded his head as he felt the angel beside him freeze on what [Name] had said. Confusion, like the angel awhile ago, is what Crowley had felt as he didn't know what the man had meant. As he was about to ask, there was a ring heard among the three. The two beings looked around to find where the noise was only to see the man beside them had already fished out his phone from his pants pocket and had a small frown on his lips.
"Oh bugger, of all the times, they need me now?" [Name] softly muttered as he turn off his phone and stood up from his seat, he had then turn and sent the two beings a smile and nodded. The book still in his hand.
"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you both but I'm afraid I had to leave now," the [Hair color] haired had said as Crowley had raised a brow from what he had heard from the man ha said awhile ago but nevertheless, he nodded his head while Aziraphale, although had an... odd (and panicking) encounter with him, the angel had sent him a small smile.
"See you again, [Name]," the angel softly said. "It was a pleasure meeting you aswell," Aziraphale had added which made the demon shrug and nod. "What he said," the red head had said, getting a small chuckle from the [Hair color] haired who sent them a smile again.
"See you both soon aswell, have a good morning!" Came his good bye as he turn and started to walk away from the two beings.
Aziraphale and Crowley ahd watched that strange and cryptic man walked away until the two beings couldn't see him then. Quiet, the two were as Aziraphale turn to look at the lake while his demonic companion lingered and watched where the path the [Hair color] haired man walked away.
"He was... strange, wasn't he?" Aziraphale broke the silence as the red head demon turn to look at him and them look at the lake. A hum left his lips to show he agreeded. "Aye, he was," Crowley had said as they watched the lake where some ducks passed by from the waters.
"Do you think we will meet him again?" The angel asked as he turn to look at his demonic companion who turn and looked at him aswell. The red head shrugged as his lips formed into a tiny frown. "Who knows," Crowley had said as he recalled that cryptic man's face. "Maybe..."
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