just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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Team “Russia”!/ Команда “Россия”! :D ENG: I finished drawing this stuff 6 days ago, but decided to post it today. When I watched the first half of the alt-episode "Red" or the second, I started calling these three "Team “Russia”" just for fun (because their colors in a certain order coincide with the colors of the flag of Russia), but then I had a desire to draw this picture, and that's what came out of it. The colors don't quite match the colors of the original flag, because I used some of the colors of the crewmates from Among Us. RUS: Я закончил рисовать эту фигню 6 дней назад, но решил опубликовать его сегодня. Когда я смотрел первую половину альт-эпизода "Red" или вторую, я начал называть этих троих "Команда "Россия"" по приколу (потому что их цвета в определенном порядке совпадают с цветами флага России), но потом у меня появилось желание нарисовать эту картинку, и вот что из этого у меня вышло. Цвета не совсем соответствуют цветам оригинального флага, потому что я использовал некоторые цвета крюмейтов из Among Us.
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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ENG: Yes, I turned Indigo into a (not) beautiful 3d model from Paint 3D.
RUS: Да, я превратил Индиго в (не) красивую 3д-модель из Paint 3D.
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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A-mogus. ENG: I know it's a stupid joke, but I don't care about it. РУС: Я знаю, что это тупая шутка, но мне плевать на это.
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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ENG: I just drew something based on Rodamrix animations. I didn't have any other ideas :,) RUS: Просто нарисовал что-то по анимациям Родамрикса. У меня не было других идей :,)
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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ENG: Two years ago I was already familiar with the animations from Rodamrix, and I never knew that the "Gray" medic from the Polus was Tan. Yes, it is. I also didn't follow Rodamrix on social networks (Twitter and Instagram), because in my country, both Twitter and Instagram are blocked. And in TikTok, Russians were banned from posting videos and watching videos from foreign people (I didn't even decide to use a VPN for this). And I found out about Gray-Tan on Twitter through the Web Archive. RUS: Я два года назад уже был знаком с анимациями от Родамрикса, и так и не знал про то, что тот "Серый"-медик с Полюса - Загар. Да, это так. Я также не следил за Родамриксом в соцсетях(Твиттере и Инстаграме), ибо в моей стране и Твиттер и Инстаграм заблокированы, а в ТикТоке русским запретили и загружать видео, и смотреть видео у иностранных людей(я даже не решил использовать для этого VPN). А узнал про Серого-Загара в Твиттере через Веб-Архив. Perhaps I'm not the only person who didn't know about the "Gray-Tan". And don't hit me with a frying pan for that. Возможно, я не единственный человек, который не знал про "Серого-Загара". И не бейте меня сковородой за это. My brain is a potato Мой мозг - картофель
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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Just something I decided to draw.
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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ENG: Hello everyone. On my birthday in November, I was given a graphics tablet. I'm not quite used to drawing on it yet, but in short - more stupid drawings about Among Us (+ Rodamrix).
RUS: Всем привет. НА мой день рождение в ноябре, мне подарили графический планшет. Я ещё не так сильно привык на нём рисовать, но вкратце - держите больше тупых рисунков про Among Us(+ Rodamrix)
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just-a-anonym-rus · 1 year
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I don't know what it's for, who it's for, but just take it and look at this thing that I just started drawing yesterday, which I've just finished. Я не знаю, для чего это, для кого это, но просто берите и смотрите на фигню, которую я только вчера начал рисовать, которую я только-что закончил.
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just-a-anonym-rus · 2 years
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Just a Anonym’s Number Lore(or JAA/JAs Number Lore)
Yes, I made my Number Lore and don't ask why. (but that's only 25 out of 100 numbers)
The Characters:
1 - is a common number. He is the leader of 123 trio.
2 - is a common number, a member of 123 trio. Previously, he carried a magic stone with him (which can activate 0).
3 -  is a common number, a member of 123 trio.
4 - is a common number. The same character, in the likeness of N from the original Alphabet Lore (was originally cowardly and helpless). He is friends with the 7.
5 - is a robot created by 6.
6 - is a common number. Creates various robots and technologies (including 5). He will die in the plot, but then he will reborn in the ending.
7 - is a common number. Previously, he was under the control of 9, but then he became normal. The best friend of 4. It is unknown how and why, but he can explode(after the explosion he will recover).
8 - a monster that usually lives underground (digs whole labyrinths there). Can change their faces (eyes and mouths), and also split. He will die, perhaps rise again (and die again).
9 - is the main villain in this universe, so far it is unknown why he is evil.
10 (digit 1 is a character, 0 is an object) is a common number. Can fly and transport others on 0. Sometimes he can wear sunglasses.
11 - died, thanks to the 9.
12 - it is unknown why, but 1 is still dragging his dead friend 2 with him.
13 - is a number that can take the form of any character. Kills other numbers, and either works with the 9 in the team, or against him.
14 - just stands against the background of all the chaos happening in this universe.
15 - a virus that will one day take the 5 under its control.
16 - cowardly and timid, just prefers not to delve into various situations.
17(1 - character, 7 - object) is a simple guy living in a blue-purple forest. His weapon can strike with electricity.
18 - two funny dudes. One of them will be possessed by an 8.
19 - she can be strange, because she(9) talks to an inanimate digit(1).
20 - digit 2 is usually calm, but 0 is not(if not disturbed).
21 - is two ordinary digits. The number 1 (21) and the number 1 (41) will change partners.
22 - is the smallest number in the world.
23(2 - character, 3 - part of it) - a character with a claw like a crab. In the drawing, it is depicted as the size of many others, but in fact it is larger than them.
24 - digit 2 is the pet of the four. 2 has a venomous sting at the end of its tail. And yes, that's how 4 keeps him with him (because he doesn't have hands, it's logical).
25 - is a number made entirely of gold. Which is also thrown at other characters... don't worry, they're fine there.
0 is just a kind golem creating other golems. Can only live if a magic stone is installed next to him or on him.
Please don't use my characters in your Number Lore. If you want to draw a fanart with them, you can.
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