#justice for Clu 1.0
fights4users · 1 year
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Everyone talks about 2.0 all the time but has anyone actually sat and thought about 1.0 lately? How he knew there was absolutely no remote chance of his survival and he tried anyway because “that was the sort of program he was”. And he got pretty far! To even move up a finger has to cause a insurmountable amount of pain and he nearly pulled his whole arm free.
I’m also thinking of this from a reflection standpoint, oh boy is he Flynn’s program. He tries anyway because it’s worth trying. Someone has to (to go back to my post on Alan and how he waits because someone has to see it’s bad and do something— Flynn’s the one who does something, beyond conventional methods) he’s snarky and a complete smart ass but when things get serious he’s right there ready to fight for what’s right. Complete ride or die, ready to lay down his life if it means protecting those he cares about. ( Clu for Flynn and Flynn for Tron and Yori)
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