#justice for MR.?NIDO and MRS.?NIDO and PKMN.PKMN. and BULBA and SHELLSHOCK
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after ~23 years, my baby Blastoise and first ever partner from my old Blue cartridge is safe and sound in Bank!! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
spent the past two days after work painstakingly cloning my cartridge battery saves with a Joey Jr. device, recreating all of my Blue and Yellow pokemon in a gen3 Emerald rom, and then swapping back and forth between ROMs and official cartridges and DSes to transfer them up into Bank-- it was honestly much easier than I thought it would be and really scratched that kinda brain-itch for a solvable but systematic project, like "if X doesn't work then I'll do Y, and if not then I'll do Z, and if none of that works then we'll start again and try Xa or Xb" hahaha
unfortunately my Gold cartridges' battery died years ago and my copy of Crystal vanished one day long ago so I can't recover any of my gen2 team, but this was a resounding success for a first attempt! in the end I only have 5 pokemon left over that didn't pass through the legality check (three had obsolete characters in their name that I did change in PKXDelta, but I guess there's still something wiggy about them-- the other two were those in-game starter trades from Yellow that I tried something different with, weirdly it let the Charmeleon through fine though?? who knows)... but as ohana means family, I'm gonna spend the rest of today sorting out their issues so they don't get left behind :'D
aaaaand then to shuffle them all down into my living dex on SUMO and make a backup of the cartridge saves, so I have an offline backup in-case Bank magically shuts down before I can bite the bullet and shift them to Home...
UPDATE 1hr later lmao -- they're through!! the gang's all here :)
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