#justin amler
eretzyisrael · 3 years
From a Justin Amler Facebook Post
It seems everyone is an expert on Jews these days...except Jews!
We have a 75 year old organisation called UNESCO continuously telling us about our history, even though we're 4000 years older than they are.
We have the majority of countries around the world telling us that our 3000 year old capital of Jerusalem isn't actually in Israel, even though none of their countries even existed for another few thousand years after we proclaimed ours.
We have a plethora of organisations who pretend they stand up for indigenous people, telling us - the indigenous people of Israel - that living in our own land is unacceptable.
We have the United Nations telling us what we need to do to achieve peace, even though they've never actually solved any conflicts themselves.We have the European Union telling us how labelling tomatoes is the road to peace, even as their own members tear each other apart.
We have the Arab world...oy the Arab world... telling us about human rights, while their streets are filled with blood and conflict.
So, at the risk of being controversial, let me, a Jew, tell you about the Jews... this ancient group of people that somehow have been hanging on to the knife-edge of history, as the pages of time turn.
We can be frustrating and full of it! We really can. Just ask John Kerry. Or Obama. Or Biden. Or the UN. Or the British. Or the French. Or the Arabs. Or the waiter at that restaurant, who had to move three tables across the floor, add six chairs and change the ingredients of the dish you just ordered.
We eat weird stuff, like gefilte fish, which is a mixture of all kinds of fish, along with road tar, goblin’s eyes and fairy dust. It’s a bonafide crime against humanity! 
We are argumentative. No, really we are. We argue day and night – and that’s when we agree. When we don’t agree… well...you might want to clear your calendar for the next month. You see, we’ve been arguing since pretty much the beginning of time.Abraham argued with God. The Israelites argued with Moses. The prophets argued with the kings. The students argued with the rabbis and the rabbis argued with each other. And have you ever seen the Knesset??
We can be an insecure bunch, often at odds with the world and even with each other. We try a certain path – and if that fails, we try another path. And if that fails, we go back to the first path. We’re still trying to find the right path – sometimes driven more by hope than conviction.
To our mothers, we are geniuses – destined for ultimate greatness – a definite catch! We can do no wrong. Imagine the disappointment when we do!
We are fitness freaks – and you’ll always find us at the gym – or more likely at the coffee shop next door, having a slice of cheesecake and a cup of coffee – ready to hit that workout...after one more bite...In married life, the husband is number one. And whatever the husband says goes...straight out the window. Sometimes our wives ask our opinions, even though those opinions have already been decided.
We can be a people of contrasts and uncertainty. We’re both left and right, and sometimes even extreme left and extreme right. We can be our own best friends and our own worst enemies. At times we’re a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Maybe that’s why we call ourselves Jew…ish.
Every Jew in history has the answers to everything – according to himself. And I doubt there’s a single one among us who isn’t convinced they can do a better job than the Prime Minister of Israel, whoever it is this week.
We get criticised a lot, but despite what is said about us, the truth is that we’re our own strongest critics. Why do we get singled out among all the nations of the world, and denied the same rights as them – I don’t know… Perhaps that’s more for our critics to answer than ourselves. Because every nation that achieves victory on the battlefield get to dictate the terms for peace, except us. When we are victorious, we have to beg our enemies to accept peace. And yet we are the ones called warmongers, even though there is no people in history who have sacrificed more to achieve peace.
Peoples have come and gone throughout history, yet we’re still here. Because unlike some others we value life too much, and we cling to it with everything we have. As long as there is the smallest breath in us, the faintest light, and the tiniest slimmer of hope, we will not succumb to the darkness of the night.
It's true that in many ways, we are divided - just look at the latest Israeli government! And even among us, there are many Jews and many who profess to be Jews who sow division and distrust of one another, trying to divide us among artificial and superficial things like colour and ethnicity and geography.
But in other ways, we have never been stronger, because as different as we are to each other, we are also the same. And despite our many flaws, our sense of community is strong. When two-year-old Moshe Holtzberg was left an orphan in the Mumbai terrorist attacks, we wept together. When Sergeant Ronen Lubarsky died from wounds sustained in a terror attack, Jewish hearts from around the world grieved together. When little eight year old Leiby Kletzky was killed by one of our own in New York, we looked up to the heavens together, asking why?
And when the State of Israel rescued over 14000 Ethiopian Jews in just 36 hours and brought them home to Israel, our hearts swelled with a pride that could barely be contained in our ever expanding chests. Because each tragedy is a tragedy that we all feel together and each joy is a joy we all celebrate together. And each crisis we will face, as individuals and collectively, with the United Nations, with the Arabs, with the world itself – we will overcome. Together.
Others will always try to define us, using terms such as creed, or race, or colour, or ethnicity, or religion. But what they can't understand and will never be able to understand is that we have an invisible bond that connects us from every corner of the world and across the entire expanse of time, from Abraham until today. It is a bond that cannot be broken, try as our enemies might - and they have. Because every Jew today is my brother and my sister and it doesn't matter if I'm in Tulsa or Toronto, in Melbourne or Mumbai, or in Jorhat, India or Jerusalem, Israel. 
So let me tell you about the Jews. 
We may not be your average nation, but average was never in our destiny. 
We may not be a perfect nation, but perfection was never sought.What 
we are is a people, the Jewish people, and there is nothing on this earth that will ever change that......
Adapted from an earlier article of mine
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salixj · 6 years
by Justin Amler
July 8, 2018It's only fair to share...
There’s a cloud that hangs over the Jewish world.
It’s not the cloud of ever increasing anti-Semitism found throughout the world. It’s not the cloud of terrorism our Arab neighbours insist on continuing to pursue. It’s not the cloud of those international bodies in their desperate attempts to deny our legitimacy.
It’s a different kind of cloud, a cloud which does not release rain, but tears instead. And it’s one brought on by ourselves.
For when we hear of Jews in London saying kaddish for terrorists who want to rip our hearts out – there’s a problem. When we see videos of American Jews abandoning the Birthright program to join forces with an Israeli group who demonize Israel from within – there’s an issue. When we see summer Jewish camps in America – whose sole purpose appears to be to present a hostile and negative image of Israel – something has broken. When we hear of synagogues who actually establish themselves as ‘anti-Zionist,’ it’s hard to know what to think. And when we see Jews leading movements such as the BDS or Jewish Voice for Peace – something has gone wrong.
Very wrong. Horribly wrong.
Something has happened and there exists today a disconnect between many Jews and their Jewish identity. They are detached from their heritage, their history, their purpose. Many unfortunately, have abandoned their people to join a dark and evil nefarious force – a force hell-bent on destroying the Jewish people.
This is not about politics and it’s not about how religious or observant you are. It’s about maintaining and strengthening a Jewish identity in a world where identities are being slowly ripped away.
This lack of identity has led to a generation of lost Jews out there and as much as we need to fight against the self-destructive ideas some of them have – we also need to fight for them – those who cannot find their way home.
We did not survive thousands of years of persecution to simply disappear today. We did not survive murderous rampages and pogroms to surrender so meekly in the face of adversity. Our parents and their parents and their parents before did not hold onto ancient customs and beliefs, against all odds and against intolerable pressure,  for them to so easily be dismissed today. Our ancestors did not write the most influential books in history for us to discard like flyers on the windscreen of a car.
The Jewish people are under attack – not just against our physical bodies, but our spiritual ones too. And while our enemies can certainly hurt us and cause us great pain, our continuity will never depend on them, but on us.
Because WE are responsible for one another. We – and no one else. While too many of us look outside for some kind of validation as to who we are and what we are allowed to do, true validation comes only from inside.
That’s why Israel needs to become our home – either physically or spiritually, for it is the place in which we truly belong. It’s where our future lies and our past. Where the link is strong between what has gone before and what will come ahead. It’s our shining light on the hill – the one that warms us, invites us and makes us feel comfortable.
For too many of us, that message has been lost, distorted, or forgotten in the noisy din of the modern lifestyle where social media buzz words seem to hold more weight than a 4000 year old tradition.
That’s why we need to teach our children what being part of the people of Israel really means – but at the same time we also need to teach ourselves about who we are. Remind us of our pride. Our history. Our culture. Our customs. Our religion. Our stories.
And oh what a wonderful history we have. What a beautiful culture. What stories, so rich in meaning and messages that teach us so much about today, but also serve as a guide for tomorrow.
Now, it’s true that there are many self-destructing elements within our own community, false rabbis who preach against Israel, Jews who consort with those who want to wipe out Jews, community members who feel the best way forward is to assimilate entirely. There are also those politicians who place their petty political goals above that of their own people.
And if this makes you uncomfortable and angry, it should. We need to be uncomfortable, because that discomfort will drive you to change, drive you to want to make things better, drive you to improve the world.
This cloud above us is thick and it’s dark and it’s ominous, but within that dark exterior are cracks where rays of sunshine always find a way to penetrate through, delivering a beacon of hope that shines and glows and shimmers with a radiance that does not dim with time, but shines ever brighter with it.
For we are a people of hope.
And this hope allows me to see an awakening in the community. It allows me to see a renewed sense of pride too.
All around us are individuals and groups rising up to fight against this malevolent force among us, individuals and people filled with so much passion and so much pride and so much energy. They are not shirking their responsibility, but facing it and standing up for their people and for their country and for their honour.
In London, this energy was evident when Jews stood together and forced a British Reform movement, who were prepared to send to Israel a summer tour, led by someone who said Kaddish for terrorists, to drop that person.
This commitment shows in the continuing rise of the numbers of lone soldiers – Jews who live in the diaspora but volunteer to serve in the IDF to defend their people.
And then there are those who make Aliyah – the ultimate expression of love and commitment to the Nation of Israel.
While there are many wonderful people who support Israel, for Jews it’s not about a cause or a campaign. It’s something far more personal. It’s a feeling that lives in our hearts and in our souls and binds us across all time and all space. It’s a spiritual connection between who we are in the world of today and who we are in the world of yesterday and in the world of tomorrow.
It is our ancient and our modern birthright – one that cannot be ripped away by anyone.
There comes a time when each generation is called upon to stand up and be counted. To stand up and fight the good fight – the fight that must be fought to safeguard the future for those ahead. This is the fight of our generation and it’s our responsibility – to safeguard our nation, safeguard our identity, to protect it and to maintain that link that has kept us together for almost 4000 years.
And if we cannot find a way – there will be no way.
No matter how isolated we sometimes might feel. No matter how dark and threatening that cloud that hangs above us seems. No matter how daunting and how far the road ahead stretches and no matter how alone we sometimes each might feel individually, there is something we must never forget.
Jews are never alone. We are part of something so much more than ourselves. We belong to each other, bound by ancient ties that do not sever with time, do not wither in the storm, do not erode in the rain, and do not decay in the heat.
We are the Jews – a people scattered throughout every time in history and every place on earth – yet always destined to find our way home.
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massispost · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://massispost.com/2017/03/pro-turkish-journalist-stephen-kinzers-assault-armenian-genocide-armenians/
Pro-Turkish Journalist Stephen Kinzer’s Assault on the Armenian Genocide and Armenians
David Boyajian By David Boyajian  Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of writers who blatantly favor Turkey and/or Azerbaijan and are hostile to Armenians. Some enlistees in this pro-Turkic brigade include Justin Amler, Richard Falk, Alexander Murinson, and Brenda Schaffer. Another ...
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heplev · 5 years
Ich bin Israel und Israel ist ich
Ich bin Israel und Israel ist ich
Justin Amler, Israel Blogger, 20. August 2019
Wissen Sie, warum ich immer in Unterstützung von Israel und den Juden schreibe?
Nicht einfach, weil Israel ein perfektes Land ist – ist es nicht. Nicht, weil ich jede Entscheidung befürworte, die dort getroffen wird – mache ich nicht. Nicht, weil jeder Jude wunderbar ist – sind wir nicht. Nicht, weil alles bei uns perfekt ist – das ist es definitiv…
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
A leading Palestinian Authority official, Mohammad Shtayyeh, said on Friday that there was no relation between Israel and Jews. He also said that Jews, Israelites and Hebrew are different entities. He said the Jews today are Khazar Jews who joined Judaism in the sixth century.
Now just a reminder of who the Palestinian Authority are... They are the group that the world wants Israel to negotiate with. They are the ones whose leader, Mahmoud Abbas, was elected in January 2005 for a four year term and is STILL serving as president... 11 years after his term expired. By the way...just for the record... that makes him a dictator. And they are also the group who teaches their children hatred and is steeped in antisemitic rhetoric such as the Khazar Jews story, which is what many Jew haters use to try deligitmize the Jewish people. And by the way - they also pay their people to murder Jews, rewarding them with lifetime pensions and a great honour among their people.
But it doesn't stop here. They claim Jesus, who would never have even known the term 'palestine' was a palestinian.
They claim the palestinians have a 5000 year history on the Land of Israel - with no evidence of course.
They claim the Bible says the palestinians existed before Abraham - even though the word palestine doesn't appear even once in it. And no, the Philistines are not the palestinians...
Every Jewish city that exists, they claim. Every Jewish story, they try to make it their own.
It's called cultural and historical appropriation of the highest order.
And the reason the palestinians try to claim Hebron as their own, just as they try to claim Jerusalem as their own, or the Temple Mount as their own is really quite simple.
They have nothing of their own to claim. They have no ancient history in the Land of Israel. They have no tombs of ancient palestinian forefathers. They have no archaelogical evidence of palestinian cities or temples. They have no books or songs or literature. They have no documented referance of anything. Even Jerusalem is not mentioned ONCE in the Koran.
It's true there are a people now who have come to be known as the palestinians, but this is a recent event of just a few decades. Prior to 1948, the only reference to palestinians was when talking about the Jews, who were known as palestinians then. There is even a recorded soccer match between Australia and Palestine in 1939, where all the team members of the palestinian soccer side were Jews! The Arabs who were living in the palestinian mandated area, were simply known as the Arabs.
All these efforts in the UN and UNESCO to claim Jewish holy sites is for two reasons alone:
1) To deligitimize the history of the Jews to the Land of Israel and sever their ancient connection.
2) To supplant that well documented history and replace it with a fictitious fairy tale giving some kind of historical legitimacy to a people who didn't exist in a country that never was.The support they receive in these world bodies has got nothing to do with historical accuracy and everything to do with attitudes towards Jews.
There is a reason that the palestinian museum sits atop a lonely hill, quiet and empty, where the only sound that can be heard is the whistling of the wind as it dances around the empty spaces and empty hallways.There is nothing to show, because... well... there is NOTHING to show.
by Justin Amler
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
They try to ‘educate’ us by saying Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism – that somehow Zionism isn’t a Jewish movement at all, so you can therefore be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic. Of course Israel can be criticised and there are no bigger critics than Israelis themselves, but these people are not against any policy at all – they are against the very existence of the country.
They want to confuse you into thinking it’s some kind of evil movement by throwing in emotive and inflammatory terms such as colonialism, white supremacism, ethnic cleansing and apartheid.
So let me unconfuse you by setting the record straight:
Zionism has EVERYTHING to do with Judaism.
Before there were any Jewish laws at all, there was the Land of Israel. It is absolutely a Jewish movement, and one that is as old as the Jewish people themselves. It began almost 4000 years ago when Abraham, the first Jew, started his journey to the Land of Israel, a place in which he made his home. And from that moment the Land of Israel and Jews have been intertwined with each other, so much so that the love and commitment to the Land of Israel is a core value of what being a Jew is all about.
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heplev · 7 years
Der Kampf, den sie führen müssten
Justin Amler, Israellycool, 15. Dezember 2017 Es ist Ironie, dass das einzige Mal, zu dem ein Dringlichkeitsgipfel der Islamischen Welt einberufen wird, das mit Israel zu tun hat. Wenn Hunderttausende Syrier ermordet werden, gibt es bestenfalls nur eine verhaltene Antwort. Wenn im Jemen die Gewalt sprunghaft ansteigt, liegt nur Stille in der Luft. Als letzten Monat in Myanmar ungefähr 6.700…
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