dckkaso · 8 years
(I didn't get to yesterday) "I know you're allergic to chocolate, but it is Valentine's Day, so I thought I could at least give this to you." A light blush dusted her cheeks as she stubbornly handed him his gift. It may not be chocolate, but she had made him strawberry gelatin instead, and properly wrapped it up in a fitting box and bag. "Don't get the wrong idea. It's just because you've helped me a lot, so I wanted to show my thanks..."
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Oh! Well, he certainly didn’t see that coming when he thought of their usual, daily meet today. He was admittedly eager himself about it and looked forward to this scenario, but reversed. It was he who was suppose to spring the surprise gift on her for Valentine’s Day but she beat him to the punch, excuses and all. “...Thank you.” He accepts her exchange with a peaceful smile. No question or jests to poke fun at her for getting him something for a day for lovers when he aimed for the same. Unlike her, he went the store-bought route but was very meticulous in his selection. Nothing too...suggestive or “Touchy-feely”. A simple treat for a ‘friend’: an impressive sized personal white cake layered with strawberry filling and vanilla icing, donning large strawberries cut to look like a flower and an edible white chocolate “Happy Valentine’s Day” sign. It, too, boxed with care and wrapped in pink paper freckled with rose petal designs. 
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“Fortunately I have something for the occasion too, my mother insisted I bring it to you for your healing but I’m guess she chose to have it wrapped so it looks like it comes from a boyfriend or something. That woman... Anyways, we are even now. Here..” He offers his own tale with a shrug and an averted gaze as he lifts it toward her.
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