watermelonsloth · 7 months
I was digging through old texts and found propaganda I wrote for team taka being a polycule
This is my formal apology for not mentioning them in my “what I ship” post.
1. Sasuke was a sort of “awakening” for all of them. He was the first person to show Karin kindness, he was the first person to inspire Suigetsu into loyalty, and he was the first person to make Juugo feel safe/secure enough to freely interact with people
2. Sasuke chose each of them specifically, a sign that he respects all of them
3. Sasuke was willing to die for team taka and refused to leave any one of them behind against Killer Bee
4. Suigetsu risked his life to give team taka a chance at escape against Killer Bee
5. When Sasuke saw he accidentally hit Karin with Amaterasu, it was upsetting enough that he unlocked one of his mangekyou sharingan abilities
6. Suigetsu went through the trouble of freeing Juugo and finding Sasuke during the war
7. Team taka offers support to Sasuke without actively trying to force their beliefs into him or “fix” him like so many others do
8. Juugo helps out Suigetsu and Karin even when he doesn’t have to
9. Karin lets down her walls in front of team taka and no one else
10. After Shippuden, Karin, Suigetsu, and Juugo all decide to stick together
11. In the Boruto anime, there’s an entire arc of Karin and Suigetsu trying to help Juugo
12. Sasuke doesn’t drop them after completing his goal of killing Itachi despite only using them initially
13. All of them have an interesting dynamic with each other
14. All of them have similar traumas and have shown that they understand each other
15. They all knew Sasuke well enough to see how he was acting during the five kage summit and not only knew that something was up but were actively concerned (though my memory’s a little fuzzy here about Suigetsu and Juugo, I know for fact Karin falls under this)
16. They all knew Sasuke well enough to know he was back to normal when they met up with him during the war arc
17. All of team taka know how to and are capable of restraining and calming down Juugo
18. All of team taka can see through Karin’s act
19. All of team taka know how to reel in Suigetsu
20. Team taka knew that Sasuke was using them and still chose to follow him
21. Sasuke gave team taka seals that would inform them if he had been reversed summoned
22. Suigetsu thought Karin and Sasuke were close enough to have had a child
23. Both Karin and Juugo have nearly pushed themselves to chakra exhaustion induced death to save other members of team taka
24. Both Karin AND Suigetsu find Sasuke attractive
25. Suigetsu and Juugo were sparing partners while with Orochimaru
26. Suigetsu was right there to help Karin against Guruguru Zetsu
27. Both Suigetsu and Juugo have shown a fondness for animals
28. They were close enough that Sasuke abandoning/hurting team taka was used by Kishimoto to demonstrate him falling into darkness
29. Sasuke puts his life in taka's hands on multiple occasions (most notably after his fight with Deidara, during the fight against Killer Bee, and during the Five Kage Summit)
30. The entire team taka vs Killer Bee fight
31. Suigetsu is so invested in Sasuke and Karin’s love life that Juugo felt the need to ask him about it
32. Sasuke trusted team taka enough to ask them for help in completing his goal to kill Itachi, something he didn’t even trust team seven with
33. Karin is physically affectionate with Sasuke (something he was shown to be neutral towards up until her personality switch in the war arc) but stops whenever he tells her to
34. Sasuke took a detour in his goal to help Suigetsu get the executioner’s blade
35. Juugo and Karin worry about Sasuke during the war
36. Both Sasuke and Karin are from dying clans
37. Karin goes to Juugo for help to get the Konoha ninja off their trail
38. Juugo, Suigetsu, and Karin all have the shared trauma of being used as experiments by Orochimaru
39. Juugo has sworn himself to protect Sasuke
40. Karin unlocks the chain jutsu in her panic to save Sasuke
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
Sasuke is the type to be the first to bring team taka together but be the last to realize they’re in a polyamorous relationship
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