#juvia's ended up being a bit ominous lol
happilychee · 6 months
fairy tail characters and light pt. 1
♡ gray is the pink-blue light of dawn, creeping into the room. the promise of a new day, filled with sunlight and laughter. you shift in bed, burrowing into him with the reassurance that you still have time to rest.
♡ ultear is the twinkle of the stars, high in the midnight sky. the existence of a universe so vast, you can never hope to understand it with the time given to you. the comfort of knowing you are infinitely small, but still here, achieving great things. a blanket wraps around your shoulders, bringing you back to earthland with its comforting weight and familiar scent.
♡ mirajane is the crackle of the fireplace light in the guild hall. warming hot drinks, roasting food and sweets, illuminating the room with dances. ever so often, you add more kindling to the fire and shift the logs around so it doesn't dim. you almost imagine the flame reaching higher, as if trying to caress your cheek.
♡ cana is the pillar of bonfire light breaking through the night. wild, unrestrained, inviting everyone to dance around the flame. burning brightly and uncontrollably, it's easy to start and hard to put out. you don't think about the safety hazards, though, as you're twirling in her arms.
♡ erza is the stream of sun breaking through the rain. a rainbow of color, a reminder that all is not bleak. you jump into a puddle, watching the droplets scatter color across the air. just for a little bit, you embrace your inner child and splash away.
♡ juvia is the dancing light under the water. hidden beneath the surface, playful and teasing. even in the dark, you can catch light reflecting off the water, inviting you into the deep.
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