jyjaebum · 8 years
killing me softly.
Jaebum reclined back into the plush cushion of his old and comfortably worn couch. In his hands was an xbox controller, one he was pressing buttons on rather rapidly as game graphics flew by on the screen. A headset was wrapped around his neck and yells from the other players could be heard through the small earpiece. Jaebum himself was rather quiet as he swiftly navigated his character around the screen and swiftly eliminated any opponents. His focus was narrowed in on the game at hand that he didn’t hear the doorbell the first time it went off. Rather he assumed it was apart of audio from the game.
The sound of it going off for a second time made him jump, his character instantly dying on the screen. Making a face, he tossed the controller onto the cushion beside him. Flipping back the blanket off of his lap, he trudged his way over to the front door and opened it. A grin slid onto his face the moment he spied the visitor on the other side. “What brings you here on a fine Saturday afternoon?”
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jyminha-blog · 8 years
flaps in the wind
-- @jyjhuang​
The first time Minha leaves her team home is a tough one. Figaro is clingy, she expects this, and Mine sends her off with a stare that tells her he’d be worrying for her. Even PD follows her to the train, though she tries to hide it by literally turning invisible.
“Don’t worry!” she says to them moments before her ride gets to the station, kneeling by the youngest of them and patting his head. “I’ll be back before you know it.” She blows a kiss to the hidden ghost and nods to her Gogoat; she’d have given him a hug, but she’s afraid he would have sensed her nerves. A small gesture was all she could give him to quell his fears without exposing her own. Running onto one of the cars, she watches them through the glass until the train leaves the station completely. Only then does the weight of the situation sink in. She’s relieved the train was relatively empty at that time of day, so only the distracted businessman and the quiet traveler are witness to her curling up in her seat, hugging her knees to her chest.
A boyfriend wasn’t something she had in her long-term plans. Not that she had plans to begin with, but it was still a surprise. She always figured she’d grow old with her team, maybe a couple more from eggs and trading. Or a girl. But her team more so.
A fake boyfriend was even more unlikely. She had no one to impress or hide things from, and the concept didn’t even cross her mind until a friend had brought it up. Jackson seemed like a good boy though— the brief time they’ve gotten to know each other notwithstanding— and she didn’t mind doing favors for him.
Especially when he promises “anything” in return. She hasn’t figured out what exactly she wants yet, but a promise is a promise and she trusts him to keep it.
Minha allows herself most of the ride to sleep. His hometown was far enough. but she wanted to give herself enough time to collect herself and prepare for whatever was to come next. She started at the directions he had given her until she felt like she bore holes into the paper, but she was still nervous about missing it.
‘Which station do I get off again???’ she punches into her phone, sending the text while her eyes glue themselves to the window, hoping his face would magically appear and signify the right stop.
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