tiredsoundsofagnes · 3 months
insanely good, fast as fuck raw punk. timeless split that dropped last week!
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linksvorne · 2 years
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62. SCARECROW. 2022-08-03 @ Pankahyttn (w/ Golpe)
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dustedmagazine · 2 months
Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz — Débil (Sentient Ruin Laboratories)
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Débil collects records originally released between 2017 and 2022 by Brazilian blackened punk outfit Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz. The reliably sharp-eared freaks at Sentient Ruin Laboratories have made the decision to sequence the compilation in reverse-chronological order: songs from the recent Senil EP (2022) appear first, and listeners track back to tunes from the band’s first self-titled and untitled digital releases. The music is hair-raisingly exciting, and that sequencing decision makes Débil a stylistically engaging record.
The compilation is also an indispensable crash course in Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz’s vigorous musical virtues — if “virtues” is the right word. “Good” also feels like the wrong modifier, especially for the music from Senil, which will pleasure you in direct proportion to the degree to which you feel pummeled senseless (a combo that will make sense to some — you know who you are…). Check out “Vértebra (A Revolta da Carne)”: its top-speed flirtations with D-beat’s rhythmic chaos; its käng-punk snarl; its saturation in so much reverb that the resulting sonic smear might precipitate an attack of vertigo. That’s all in the blackened punk playbook, for sure, but Clan Dos Mortos Cicatriz perform with conviction and impressive venom. It’s lively, and it’s nasty.
This reviewer finds the record increasingly enjoyable the deeper into it you get, and the older the tunes become. The early songs buzz and hum with trebly energy, and hints of Void, early Government Issue and Agnostic Front c. Victim in Pain sharpen up the already keen edges. “Palma Lisa” moves along with a demented hardcore strut that will have you flashing on John Stabb at his most chaotic. Yikes—scar tissue, indeed. For anyone who’s been sleeping on this band (hello), Débil is a wake-up call. A bracing, battering scream, with guitars.
Jonathan Shaw
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felopunk · 9 months
Verdict - The Rat Race LP 2023.
Second Recording Of New Swedish Käng Punk/ D-Beat Band With Old Faces. Expect Nothing Than Raw And Fast Mangel! Members Of 3-Way Cum, Warcollapse, Dischange, No Security, Exploatör.
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speed-metal-punk · 1 year
Who needs antidepressants when Scandinavian Jawbreaker, the 1993 album by Swedish Käng legends ANTI CIMEX exists?
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Did you know Marvel's Kang the Conquor is based on the San People's creator, God Kaang? Kaang (aka Cagn or Kaggen) is the Creator of All Things in African folklore and San spiritualality. The story says that Kaang is a very important deity in African folklore. Marvel in comics took this God, made him White and the master of time. In the MCU, he is portrayed by Johnathan Majors.
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African Bushmen Creation Myth
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People did not always live on the surface of the earth. At one time, people and animals lived underneath the earth with Kaang (Käng), the Great Master and Lord of All Life. In this place, people and animals lived together peacefully. They understood each other. No one ever wanted for anything, and it was always light even though there wasn't any sun. During this time of bliss, Kaang began to plan the wonders he would put in the world above.
First, Kaang created a wondrous tree, with branches stretching over the entire country. At the base of the tree, he dug a hole that reached all the way down into the world where the people and animals lived. After he had finished furnishing the world as he pleased, he led the first man up the hole. He sat down on the edge of the hole, and soon, the first woman came up out of it. Soon, all the people were gathered at the foot of the tree, awed by the world they had just entered. Next, Kaang began helping the animals climb out of the hole. In their eagerness, some of the animals found a way to climb up through the tree's roots and come out of the branches. They continued racing out of the world beneath until all of the animals were out.
Kaang gathered all the people and animals about him. He instructed them to live together peacefully. Then he turned to the men and women and warned them not to build any fires or a great evil would befall them. They gave their word, and Kaang left to where he could watch his world secretly.
As evening approached the sun began to sink beneath the horizon. The people and animals stood watching this phenomenon, but when the sun disappeared fear entered the hearts of the people. They could no longer see each other as they lacked the eyes of the animals which were capable of seeing in the dark. They lacked the warm fur of the animals also and soon grew cold. In desperation one man suggested that they build a fire to keep warm. Forgetting Kaang's warning they disobeyed him. They soon grew warm and were once again able to see each other.
However the fire frightened the animals. They fled to the caves and mountains and ever since the people broke Kaang's command people have not been able to communicate with animals. Now fear has replaced the seat friendship once held between the two groups.
The Bushmen of Africa believe that not only are plants and animals alive, but also rain, thunder, the wind, spring, etc. They claim:
What we see is only the outside form or body. Inside is a living spirit that we cannot see. These spirits can fly out of one body into another. For example, a woman's spirit might sometime fly into a leopard; or a man's spirit fly into a lion's body. (Fahs and Spoerl 6)
This may be part of the reason that animals play such an important role in their myth.
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viet-hessian · 4 years
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EXPLOATÖR - Avgrundens Brant 12”
(2020, Sweden, Bye Bye Productions/Phobia)
Basically a new TOTALITÄR record, sounds great, makes me want to headbutt my best friends in the face.
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thebutterflyboy · 5 years
Skitsystem tomorrow. <3 
Haven’t been to a crust gig in ages. 
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xeroxincantation · 5 years
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pontuspma · 7 years
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woodybumblebee · 5 years
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Made some patches tonight and fixed up my boots with some studs
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venja-marras · 3 years
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mukuaruuze · 4 years
African Myths and Creation stories
According to many African myths, the creation of heaven precedes the creation of earth and man was created before the animals. The sun and the moon are given high status, even seen as gods in some cultures and because all African societies depend on rain, it is also held in high regard.
The earth is a very important element in the many myths. It is regarded by many as a mother goddess who rules all people and gives birth to new generations of all beings. It is believed that earth conceals life, protecting it from drought and reviving it when the rains come.
All creatures are earth and none can live without her. Even the elements come from the earth, yet the earth itself is seldom worshipped. She is regarded as a powerful spirit, ruling over life and death, moving mountains, forests and all when angered. It is said that animals understand and obey the earth but that man does not.
Some African peoples believe that the spirits live in the sky and control the rain, while others believe in water spirits that control the rivers, lakes and oceans. There also exist African myths of spirits that inhabit rocks, mountains and trees, such places are considered sacred.
It can be good or evil....
In African mythology, Jok is the concept of the divine; it can be good or evil, one or many. Unlike Europeans, who believe spiritual beings must be separated, African mythology believes Jok is the unified spirit of all supernatural beings: God and the spirits, the gods, the holy ghost and beings from the otherworld.
African Religion believes in the existence of good and evil spirits and rituals play a very important part in African culture. Bad spirits are believed to cause misfortune and illness and many societies have spiritual professionals who communicate with ancestral spirits to protect against evil. Mediums enter into trance-like states, allowing a spirit to possess their body and use them to communicate or prophesy.
African religious practitioners undergo intense training and there are different roles of spiritual professionals including priests, rainmakers and healers, also known as diviners or herbalists.
Some African Religions even distinguish more than one spiritual essence residing within a person. In Nigeria, the Yoruba people believe that a person has at least three spiritual beings. Emi (meaning "breath"), is a vital force that keeps man alive. It resides in the heart and lungs and is fed by the wind. Ojiji is a shadow that follows its owner and awaits his return in heaven when he dies. The third being is Eleda, or spirit, which must be fed by sacrifices. These spiritual beings flee the body at the time of death and all await his return in heaven.
African Myths on Destiny
The Yoruba people also believe that a man's success or failure in life depends on the choices he made in heaven before his birth. Ori is the Yoruba god in heaven who supervises people's choices. Ori means "head" or "mind".
Even the gods themselves depend on Ori to direct their personal lives. Gods and men alike consult their sacred divination palm nuts daily in order to receive direction from Ori.
African Creation Stories
These stories are adapted from The Origin of Life and Death: African Creation Myths. London: Heinemann, 1966.
A Fulani story (Mali)
At the beginning there was a huge drop of milk
Then Doondari (God) came and he created the stone.
Then the stone created iron;
And iron created fire;
And fire created water;
And water created air.
The Doondari descended a second time. And he took the five elements
And he shaped them into man.
But man was proud.
Then Doondari created blindness and blindness defeated man.
But when blindness became too proud,
Doondari created sleep, and sleep defeated blindness;
But when sleep became too proud,
Doondari created worry, and worry defeated sleep;
But when worry became too proud,
Doondari created death, and death defeated worry.
But when death became too proud,
Doondari descended for the third time,
And he came as Gueno, the eternal one
And Gueno defeated death.
A Nupe story (Nigeria)
God created the tortoise (turtle), men and stones. Of each he created male and female. God gave life to the tortoises and men, but not to the stones. Noen could have children, and when they became old they did not die but became young again!
The tortoise, however, wished to have children, and went to God. But God said: “I have given you life, but I have not given you permTortoiseission to have children.”
But the tortoise came to God again to make the request, and finally God said:
“You always come to ask for children. Do you realize that when the living have had several children they must die?”
But the tortoise said: “Let me see my children and then die.” Then God granted the wish.
When man saw that the tortoise had children, he too wanted children. God warned man, as he had the tortoise, that he must die. But man also said: “Let me see my children and then die.”
That is how death and children came into the world.
Only the stones didn’t want to have children, so they never die!
An Efe story (D.R. Congo) :The Forbidden Fruit
God created the first human being with the help of the moon. God kneaded the body out of clay. Then God covered it with skin and the end God poured blood into it. God called the first human Baatsi.
Then God whispered into his ear telling him to beget many children, but to impress upon the children the following rule: from all trees you may eat, but not from the Tahu tree.
Baatsi had many children and he made them obey the rule. When he became old he retired to heaven. His children obeyed the rule and when they grew old they too retired to heaven.
But one day a pregnant woman was seized with an irresistible desire to eat the fruit of the Tahu tree. She asked her husband to break some for her, but he refused. But when she persisted, the husband gave in. He crept into the forest at night, picked the Tahu fruit, peeled it, and hid the peel in the bush. But moon had seen him, and she told God what she had seen.
God was so angry with humans that he sent death as a punishment to men.
A Nyamwezi story (Tanzania) :The Plant of Life
Shida Matunda created all things. After making the earth and water and plants and animals, he created two women and took them as his wives.
His favorite wife, however, died. Then Shida Matunda buried her in her house and remained at her grave watering it every day. After some time, a little plant began to grow from the grave. Then he was glad, because he knew that the dead woman would rise again. He did not allow his other wife to come near the grave.
But one day when Shida Matunda had gone out, the wife was overcome with curiosity and she stole into the house. When she saw the plant, she was jealous and cut it down with a hoe. The blood of the dead woman poured out of the grave and filled the house.
When Shida Matunda returned and saw the blood, he was much afraid and said: “You have killed your co-wife and thereby caused all men, animals, and plants to die.”
From Shida Matunda and the surviving woman descended all other humans.
An African-Cuban Creation Story:How Truth and Falsehood Got So Confused.
Olofi created the Earth and all things in it. He created beautiful things and ugly things. He created Truth and he created Falsehood. He made Truth big and powerful, but he made Falsehood skinny and weak. And God made them enemies. He gave Falsehood a cutlass [large knife], unbeknownst to Truth. One day, the two met and started fighting. Truth, being so big and powerful felt confident, and also very complacent since he didn’t know that Falsehood had a cutlass. So Falsehood cunningly cut off Truth’s head. This jolted and enraged Truth, and he started scrambling around on the ground for his head. In his scrambling, Truth stumbled unto Falsehood, and knocking him down Truth, felt the head of Falsehood, which he took to be his own head. His strength being truly awesome, a mere pull from Truth yanked off the head of Falsehood. Truth then put the head on his own neck. And from that day what we have had is a horrible mismatch: the body of Truth and the head of Falsehood.
African Bushmen Creation Myth
People did not always live on the surface of the earth. At one time people and animals lived underneath the earth with Kaang (Käng), the Great Master and Lord of All Life. In this place people and animals lived together peacefully. They understood each other. No one ever wanted for anything and it was always light even though there wasn't any sun. During this time of bliss Kaang began to plan the wonders he would put in the world above.
First Kaang created a wondrous tree, with branches stretching over the entire country. At the base of the tree he dug a hole that reached all the way down into the world where the people and animals lived. After he had finished furnishing the world as he pleased he led the first man up the hole. He sat down on the edge of the hole and soon the first woman came up out of it. Soon all the people were gathered at the foot of the tree, awed by the world they had just entered. Next, Kaang began helping the animals climb out of the hole. In their eagerness some of the animals found a way to climb up through the tree's roots and come out of the branches. They continued racing out of the world beneath until all of the animals were out.
Kaang gathered all the people and animals about him. He instructed them to live together peacefully. Then he turned to the men and women and warned them not to build any fires or a great evil would befall them. They gave their word and Kaang left to where he could watch his world secretly.
As evening approached the sun began to sink beneath the horizon. The people and animals stood watching this phenomenon, but when the sun disappeared fear entered the hearts of the people. They could no longer see each other as they lacked the eyes of the animals which were capable of seeing in the dark. They lacked the warm fur of the animals also and soon grew cold. In desperation one man suggested that they build a fire to keep warm. Forgetting Kaang's warning they disobeyed him. They soon grew warm and were once again able to see each other.
However the fire frightened the animals. They fled to the caves and mountains and ever since the people broke Kaang's command people have not been able to communicate with animals. Now fear has replaced the seat friendship once held between the two groups.
The Bushmen of Africa believe that not only are plants and animals alive, but also rain, thunder, the wind, spring, etc. They claim:
What we see is only the outside form or body. Inside is a living spirit that we cannot see. These spirits can fly out of one body into another. For example, a woman's spirit might sometime fly into a leopard; or a man's spirit fly into a lion's body. (Fahs and Spoerl 6)
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felopunk · 4 years
Nightfall / Dronez - Philly Käng Bang EP
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speed-metal-punk · 1 year
Dödsögonblick from Svaveldioxid
If you don't know SVAVELDIOXID, fucking figure it out. Heros of Käng
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Did you know Marvel's Kang the Conquor is based on the San People's creator, God Kaang? Kaang (aka Cagn or Kaggen) is the Creator of All Things in African folklore and San spiritualality. The story says that Kaang is a very important deity in African folklore. Marvel in comics took this God, made him White and the master of time. In the MCU, he is portrayed by Johnathan Majors.
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African Bushmen Creation Myth
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People did not always live on the surface of the earth. At one time, people and animals lived underneath the earth with Kaang (Käng), the Great Master and Lord of All Life. In this place, people and animals lived together peacefully. They understood each other. No one ever wanted for anything, and it was always light even though there wasn't any sun. During this time of bliss, Kaang began to plan the wonders he would put in the world above.
First, Kaang created a wondrous tree, with branches stretching over the entire country. At the base of the tree, he dug a hole that reached all the way down into the world where the people and animals lived. After he had finished furnishing the world as he pleased, he led the first man up the hole. He sat down on the edge of the hole, and soon, the first woman came up out of it. Soon, all the people were gathered at the foot of the tree, awed by the world they had just entered. Next, Kaang began helping the animals climb out of the hole. In their eagerness, some of the animals found a way to climb up through the tree's roots and come out of the branches. They continued racing out of the world beneath until all of the animals were out.
Kaang gathered all the people and animals about him. He instructed them to live together peacefully. Then he turned to the men and women and warned them not to build any fires or a great evil would befall them. They gave their word, and Kaang left to where he could watch his world secretly.
As evening approached the sun began to sink beneath the horizon. The people and animals stood watching this phenomenon, but when the sun disappeared fear entered the hearts of the people. They could no longer see each other as they lacked the eyes of the animals which were capable of seeing in the dark. They lacked the warm fur of the animals also and soon grew cold. In desperation one man suggested that they build a fire to keep warm. Forgetting Kaang's warning they disobeyed him. They soon grew warm and were once again able to see each other.
However the fire frightened the animals. They fled to the caves and mountains and ever since the people broke Kaang's command people have not been able to communicate with animals. Now fear has replaced the seat friendship once held between the two groups.
The Bushmen of Africa believe that not only are plants and animals alive, but also rain, thunder, the wind, spring, etc. They claim:
What we see is only the outside form or body. Inside is a living spirit that we cannot see. These spirits can fly out of one body into another. For example, a woman's spirit might sometime fly into a leopard; or a man's spirit fly into a lion's body. (Fahs and Spoerl 6)
This may be part of the reason that animals play such an important role in their myth.
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