strwbheybabygirl · 9 months
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OMG Guys! 🙀
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kaewdesu · 7 months
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Raising children /old work
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1109: Rivalry Beach (King of Fighters)
12:19 p.m. Southtown's South Beach............
Krohnen: (Walks up to his Arch Nemesis, K' Dash) Well well well. If it isn't one of Ikari Warriors' Lapdogs, K'Dash.
K': Krohnen. You're looking more of a whiney shit-stain than usual I see.
Krohnen: ('Tch') This is rich coming from a lazy ass failure who's still second fiddle to that Kusanagi prick.
K': At least I know how to keep my flames in check. Unlike a blue haired punk in front of me who still don't know his own place.
Krohnen: (Already Fuming in Anger as He Turns his Arm into a Drill and Points it at K') I KNOW how to control my own powers just fine, shithead! And I'll be more than happy to give you full course test drive if you keep fucking with me!
K': (Grits his Teeth at Krohnen) Try landing a hit on me. (Balled his Gloved Fist as it Lit Up into Flames) And it'll be that mistake you do in your miserable life.
While the boys are busy glaring and threatening one another, their respective friends group begins to interact with one another as well.
Angel: ('Sigh') Ay dios mio.....Those two are never gonna get along, aren't that?
Kula: (Turns Away While Puffing her Own Cheeks) ('Hmph') No surprise there. You and pinhead are biggest jerks in the entire planet after all.
Angel: (Turns to Kula with a Pouty Look) Hey now. I'm way more nicer than my cookie is.
Kula: (Glares at Angel) Then why do keep making fun of me every time see each other!?
Angel: Cuz you're an easy target for me to mess with! (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) And besides, I can't think of any other way to spent ny time here than to put a whiney, snot-nosed ice brat like you in your place.
Kula: (Fuming With Anger of her Own) GO AHEAD AND TRY IT THEN, YOU HUSSY! See if I won't freeze you solid if you do!
Kula begins to blow raspberries at the silver haired young haired who in return, snickers at the childish threat.
Rock: (Causally Talking to the King of Dinosaurs) Hey, how's life been treating you?
K.O.D: Rawr!
Rock: Huh. You don't say? How's that been going for her?
K.O.D: Rawr Raaawr Rarawwwr!
Rock: (Happily Nodded) Good, good. I'm glad Jenet and her crew aren't getting themselves in trouble for once. You think it'll last?
K.O.D.: (Shrugs) Rawr rawr.
Rock: ('Sigh') Yeah, I don't think it will either.....
Shingo: (Bows to Antonov with his Girlfriend, Leona, Standing Next to Him) We are so sorry for disturbing your time here, Mr. Antonov sir.
Leona: Had we known Krohnen would try and antagonize K', we would've never agreed to come here.
Antonov: (Smiles Brightly) Oh it's quite alright, you two. I'm just happy to see my boy Krohnen rekindle his long awaited rivalry with that friend of yours.
Shingo: (Smiles Sheepishly) Yeah......rivalry.....
Leona: (Rolls her Eyes) If you could call it that......
Misha: (Rusjes Over to the Trio) MR. SHINGOOOO! Sorry for wasting your time for at the moment, but....(Shows Shingo an Opened Book of Some Kind) Would you and Ms. Leona sign my Book for Fighters please?
Shingo: You....(Eyes Begins to Sparkle in Awe) Want my autograph?
Leona: And mines as well?
Antonov: (Chuckles Lightly Places his Hand onto Misha's Shoulder) Yes, our little Misha here has been a fan of you two for quite sometime now.
Misha: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. You guys are the coolest! (Turns to Leona) You're use your hands pierce through anything in a stealthy, flashy fashion while looking pretty.
Leona: (Blushes a Little) P-Pretty?....
Misha: (Turns to Shingo) And you always give it your all out there despite not having fire powers like that Kyo guy. Plus, you're really strong too! Not as powerfully strong as Mr. Antonov, of course, but you're definitely getting there!
Leona: (Smiles a Bit) Well, I suppose it would be rude of us to turn down a fan's request, don't you think, Shingo? (Turns to Shingo as She Hears the Sound of Sniffing) Shingo-Kun?
Shingo: (Already Has Tears in his Eyes) I-I-I...('Sniff') I have fans.....('Sniff') (Turns to Leona) Leona, I have fans now.....
Leona: (Happily Gives her Boyfriend a Hug) I know you do, darling. I'm very happy for you. (Turns to Antonov and Misha Woth a Sheepish Smile) Apologies. The emotions are getting the better of my boyfriend at the moment, so it'll might take us a bit of a while before we sign anything.
Misha: It's okay! I don't mind waiting.
Antonov: ('Sigh') I remember the day I first started to gain fans of my own.....(Eyes Begins to Water as Well) It was the best moment of privilege life!~ (Covers his Face Up While Crying)
Misha: (Pats on his Idol's Back to Help Calm Him Down) There there.
Mary and Ramon watches their respective groups' interactions with one another (Or more specifically, K', Kula, Krohnen, Angel's interactions) in the mid distance.
Mary: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Honestly. It hasn't even pass thirty minutes yet, and they're already at each other's throat.....
Ramon: ('Sigh') Can't say I'm surprised by the outcome really. I don't think I've ever seen a history more messy than those four.
Mary: (Shrugs) Eh. I've seen messier. (Turns to Ramon) So how are you following enjoying the wrestling limelight so far?
Ramon: (Smiles Brightly)I'm enjoying it quite well so far. I've met a lot of new faces: some friendly, some non sp friendly, and most of which are all so gorgeous looking~ (Let's Out a Flirtatious Purr)
Mary: (Playfully Rolls her Eyes) Of course they are....You still thinking about a certain redhead?
Ramon: Who? Vanessa? No, i haven't thought much about her as of late to tell you the truth
Mary: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Wait, really? Not even a little bit.
Ramon: (Shrugs) Si, but not as much as i used to in the past. I have a sea of hermosos peces awaiting for my ferocious performance to worry about at the moment. And besides, isn't she still in cahoots with that King woman?
Mary: (Happily Nodded With an Excited Grin on her Face) Oh yeah, big time!~ Those two are a match made in heaven. (Searches For Something on her Phone) Vanessa been sending me pictures of her and Kingy as of late and look hella cute togethe-
Krohnen: (In the Distance) YOU BITCH!
Crowd: (Starts Chanting) Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mary: .................They're fighting right now, aren't they?
Ramon: (Turns to See K and Krohnen Beating Each Other Up) To the surprise of no one unfortunately.
K': (Choking the Day Lights Out of Krohnen In the Distance) I'll show you who's a bitch, you insufferable defect!
Angel: (Slapping Hands With Kula) Quit breathing the same air as me, loser!
Kula: You quit breathing my air, you big fat meanie! ('Smack') Ow! You hit too hard!
Angel: Says the walking crybaby! ('Smack') Oi!
Rock: Mary, could you and Mr Ramon come over here before K' kill this guy?
Krohnen: Hell no! I ain't going down with a fight!
K': Argh! Damnit! That was my favorite pair of shades you just broke!
Krohnen: Goodie for you, dumbass!
K': You piece of shit, COME HERE! (Went Back to Choking Krohnen)
Mary: ('Sighs Heavily') We're coming, Rock! (Pinches her Nose in Annoyance) I finally have the day to relax here and they go on and start doing THIS crap.....
Ramon: (Shrugs Sheepishly) At....least they're not using their powers.....
Mary: (Turns to Ramon) You were saying?
Ramon: My words are a blessing and a curse in disguise. Vamanos!
Ramon and Blue Nary quickly rushes over to the scene to stop the two former NESTS agents from fighting one another before everything escalates quickly.
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erika-mr · 3 years
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Sketch of K’Dash from King of Fighters / KOF
Art block is still beating me up
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artistotaku91 · 3 years
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My first fusion character!X3 I might make more fusion characters from other franchises.X3
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berrychanx · 2 years
Hi. Thank you for the translations of the PurinxTart comics in twitter. I always thought those two deserved more focus in the manga for how cute they are. By the way, while you did a good job, I had to advise you about a line. The post-party clean-up comic had Tart say "I won't let you give me hand-delivered candy". Meaning: He wants Purin to only give him candies with kisses! No wonder Purin dropped all the dishes XD
Thank you for the correction, I'm still learning and some kanji were hard to read
LOL... Referring to that Mia Ikumi short comic Mia Ikumi did for Kodansha k'dash
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hadobreeze-a · 5 years
qsnki replied to your post:                     I know I normally call her...
i realized it a while ago but confession time, the first time i heard you call her sock i was CONFUSED AS HELL… but one night i woke u[p in a cold sweat and put two and two together
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no-romo-yes-homo · 2 years
Oh did I ever tell you guys that a k'dash roleplayer DMed me out of the blue on Instagram once
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arlessonjones · 5 years
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K'dash Kula Diamond Chris Orochi. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5frWusFR05/?igshid=s0aafkrxfn17
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. . 県民達の夢を乗せて行くぜ . 「 FEVER OF SHIZUOKA 2019 」 . 【会場】ホテルテトラリゾート静岡やいづ . 【日時】2019.11.3 (SUN) OPEN / START 11:00 CLOSE 28:00 【チケット】前売り¥4,000- / 当日 ¥5,000- / 駐車券¥1,000 . チケットぴあ Pコード:158-922 URL:https://w.pia.jp/t/feverofshizuoka/ . ※20歳未満入場料無料 ※ホテル宿泊付きチケットも発売中!詳しくはHPを! . 【ACT】 サイプレス上野とロベルト吉野 / でぶコーネリアスEX / エンヤコーラーズ 五味岳久(LOSTAGE) / GORO GOLO / imai(group_inou) / JAPPERS KEISHI TANAKA / LEARNERS / マヒトゥ・ザ・ピーポー / miida / 西新宿パンティーズ OLEDICKFOGGY / 黄倉未来 / RED SNEAKERS / SMASH YOUR FACE / 曽我部恵一 . 【LOCAL】 and more / 荒井清弥 / camisole / DEE CHIKA / herpiano イカスタンジャケット / isagen / MaCWORRY HILLBILLIES TENDER ABUSE / THE WARPS . 【PARTY】 Deep-in-Side / 越境ダンスホール / FEELIN'FELLOWS DJs FLA / It’s A New Day / LOOSEN / M.P.C ノウマンジノヘン / p/am crew / ROYALITY . 【FOOD】 R食堂 炭焼き K'dash ラーメン専門店 にしかわ みろくさんぶ 夜明け前 and more… . 【SHOP】 CATALOG chubby×eight CORNER SHOP エクシード HEIGHTS KOUHEI BOY(似顔絵) SONE RECORDS SPINNS suminagashi(WORK SHOP) つちまる(WORK SHOP) and more… . 【OFFCIAL】http://feverofshizuoka.com 【INFO】[email protected] . . . #静岡 #古着 #レディース古着 #古着屋chubbyeight #chubbyeight #vintage #antique #usedclothing #used #jpn #Shizuoka #vintageboutique #euro #eurowork #euro古着 #feverofshizuoka2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4WIjrvAwqQ/?igshid=f4dxapjig5fx
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1103: Lunch Date With the Colonel (King of Fighters)
12:47 p.m. in the Streets of Southtown........
Shingo: (Takes a Deep Breath While Walking on the Sidewalk Next to K') Alright. (Pats on Both Sides of his Pants) I got my phone om my left pocket, my wallet on my right, house key.....(Turns to K') How do I look? Plain? Too causal?
K': You look decent to me.
Shingo: You sure? (Points Back) Cause I can go run back to my apartment and-
K': Kid, relax. You look fine and you and I both know your stamina is not good enough to run back and forth in long distance without tiring yourself out down the line.
Shingo: ('Sighs Heavily') I knoooow. I just want to make good enough impression on the colonial. I mean, you said yourself, right? That he's serious most of the time?
K': Yeah, in the battlefield. He seems like a chill guy to talk to whenever he's off duty.
Shingo: ('Sighs in Relief') Chill and calm. Okay.
K': Then again, I did seen him give that one guy the death glare for making eye contact at him for too long.
Shingo: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Fear) D-Death Glare?
K': And he doesn't seem like the type to have patience talking someone being nervous around him. Either that or he must've not been a fan of unprofessionalism.
Shingo: (Places his Hands on Both Sides of his Head) He is gonna crush me like a bug, I am SO screw!!
K': ('Sigh') Again, relax. Just stay clam, be yourself out there and everything will go smoothly from there....But just in case, tone down on your goofy side and try not to miss toss your drink on his face by mistake
Shingo: (Turns to K') Oh come on, I'm not that clumsy-
Shingo trips on a small rock and begins to fall forward until K' was ae to catch him in the neck of time by grabbing the back of his shirt collar at ease.
Shingo: ..........Point taken. (Stands Back Up on his Feet and Starts Tidying Up Himself) Thanks.
K': (Simply Nodded) Mmhm. (Takes a Look at the Café in Front of His Prospective) Is this the place you guys are supposed to be meeting at?
Shingo: (Nodded To K') Yep. Las Bistro. (Takes a Look at the Place as Well) Never been there before, I have heard that the food here is worth checking out.
????????: I recommend you try the Kidu-Kidu Karo meal. Sliced, cooked intestinal sausages that originated from Karo Land of North Sumatera.
The duo turns their attention to a man wearing a blue, turtle neck sweater and an eye patch, sitting on outdoor table before nodding at them.
??????: Gentlemen.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened at the Familiar Face) Coloniel Heidern!?
K': You got here as early as always
Heidern: Indeed I have. It would be rude of me not to meet my daughter's boyfriend on the appointed time. (Turns to Shingo) Shingo Yabuki isn't it? (Pulls Out his Hand to Shingo With a Soft Smile on his Face) It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person.
Shingo stares at Heidern's hand before he felt a gentle shoulder bump from K' Dash, silently telling him to accept the gesture.
Shingo: (Nervous Gives his Girlfriend's Father His Hand as He Shakes It With His) T-T-The pleasure is all mine, sir....
Heidern: (Frowns a Bit) You're shaking. Is everything okay?
Shingo: (Quickly Goves Heidern a Sheepish Smile Before Taking a Seat on his and Heidern's Table) I-I'm okay, sir. Just a tad bit nervous on meeting you is all.
Heidern: (Gives Shingo a Reassuring Smile) I understand how nerve-wracking first impressions can be at times, but I csn assure you that I won't bite. (Notices K' Trying to Sneak Off) Which reminds me.......K'Dash!
K': (Immediately Stops Walking by the Command as He Slowly Turns Back the Colonel) U-Uh...Yeah?
Heidern: (Glares at his White Haired Associate) What is this I hear about you using my name and profession as a fear tactic towards your friend here?
K': (Slouches his Arms Down in Defeat) Leona told you all about that, didn't she?
Heidern: Yes, she did. And let's just say I'm not too happy by your immature antics. We'll talk about this later. (Raises an Eyebrow) Unless you want to do so right now on our lunch meeting.
K': (Groans While Rolling his Eyes in Annoyance) No sir. I'd rather us talk later. (Finally Walks Away) Have fun on your lunch date or whatever.
Shingo: 'Kay! (Waves Goodbye to his Friend) See you later, K'!
Heidern: (Sighs While Slowly Shakes his Head) When will that boy ever learn? (Turns to Shingo) I apologize for my subordinate's rudeness and mistreatment towards you.
Shingo: It's okay, sir. He doesn't mean any real harm by it.
Heidern: Are you certain?
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm! I mean, sure, he can be a real pain in the neck sometimes, but he's still one of the coolest people I've ever had the pleasure of being friends with. He even went out of his way to walk with me here just help me calm my nerves.
Heidern: (Simply Nodded With a Small Smile on his Face) I see. That's good to hear. It's nice to see him putting the effort to open up amd make new friends rather than making potential enemies.
Shingo: Right? I always knew he's a big softie deep down, even when he tries hard not to be for some reason.
Heidern: You always tend to see the best in people, don't you Shingo?
Shingo: Mostly? (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) I mean, i wouldn't say I see best in literally EVERYONE I meet, but I try to give the select few that I know a benefit of doubt as best I can, you know
Heidern: And that's admirable in it of itself. I can see why Saisyu hold you in high regards.
Shingo: (Eyes Begins to Widened) Wait, you know Master Saisyu!?
Heidern: (Simply Nodded Once More) I do, yes. He would Invite me to his house to have tea with him and his wife, every time I visit Japan. As loud and prideful as he is, his company and wise-cracking jokes never fails to brighten up my day, especially the stressful ones.
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, that's master for ya. Always finding some way to make anyone laugh. I miss him. And everyone else back in Japan really.
Heidern: Do.you wish to visit them one of these days?
Shingo: Definitely! (Crosses his Arms While Brainstorming) Granted, I would need to save up more of my money for plane tickets as well as plan out a perfect schedule for the visit, but I would love to back there and bring everyone I know with me. Rock, K', Kula, Ms. Mary, Terry if isn't too busy doing whatever, and Leona. I-If that's.....perfectly okay with you of course, sir....
Heidern: It's fine with me. I know she's capable of taking care of herself.
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) Exactly! And I'll do everything I can to male sure she has the best time ever.
Heidern: I'm sure you will. I honestly can't think of anywhere else Leona would rather be that to be with the young man who she gradually falls in love with, the one she vows to protect at all cost.
Shingo: She told you guys about? Y-You know, besides us dating or....whatever.....
Heidern: (Chuckles Lightly) How could she not? You're the one person she talks about the most, even when you two started out as friends. You've always managed to put a smile on her face, even more so than we ever could surprisingly enough.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) I......really made that much of an impact on her?
Heidern: (Simply Nodded Yet Again) I believe you do. And I sincerely wish the best for the both of you going forward.
Shingo: (Eyes Starts to Lit Up as He Quickly Gets Up From his Seat and Bows Rapidly at Heidern in Graditude) T-Thank you so much for your approval, sir! I am truly grateful!~
Heidern: (Smiles Sheepishly) Easy now, Shingo. There's no need for that. If anything, I should be thanking you for making my little girl the happiest she has ever been.
Shingo: It's no problem at all! (Finally Stops Bowing) And listen, I may not be as special or as strong as you or any of other subordinates in your army, but that won't stop me from doing my damndest to love and be there for your daughter no matter what!
?????: I'll always love and be there for you too~
Shingo gets startled before turning around to see his girlfriend, Leona, standing beside him with her hair down wearing a light blue sundress.
Shingo: Leona-san? Is that really you?
Leona: (Smiles Sheepishly and a Tad Bit Brightly) In the flesh~ I apologize for not getting here sooner. Seirah insisted I find something more "formal" for our lunch date today. (Waves her Hair Back While Blushing and Looking Away a Bit) A-And I picked this dress, so......W-What do you think?~
Heidern: (Smiles Softly) It looks great on you, Leona.
Shingo: (Stares at Leona in Awe) Yeah......Amazing even~
Leona: (Slowly Starts Smiling Again) Thank you~ I think you look amazing too, Shingo-Kun~
Shingo: You think so? (Looks Down at the Dark Blue Buttoned Shirt and Black Pants He's Currently Wearing) It doesn't nearly look as noteworthy as you do.
Leona: Nonsense. Look wonderful. Handsome even~
Shingo: (Smiles Softly While Blushing and Gently Grab Hold of Both of Leona's Hands) And you're just as beautiful as you've always been~
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Oho you~
The couple begins to rub their noses on one another in an affectionate manner as Heidern begins to chuckle some more.
Heidern: Alright, you two. Save the romance after we order our meals. And be cautious with it as well. I'm afraid I'm far too young to have grandchildren.
Shingo/Leona: (Immediately Stop What They Were Doing and Turns to Heidern With Bright Red Blushes on Each of their Face) WHAAAAT!?
Leona: (Glares at Heidern) Father! We are NOT that careless!!
Heidern: (Smiles Sheepishly, Trying his Hardest Not to Let Out Yet Another Chuckle or Two) I know you're not, dear. Just wanted to make sure you two are responsible till the day you get married is all.
Leona: We are plenty responsible! And we're too young to think about our future wedding right now!!(Turns to her Flustered Boyfriend) Isn't that right, Shingo-kun?
Shingo: Careless.......Wedding......Grand.....chil.....de...rn....
Shingo begins to faint as he slouches himself down on his chair.
Leona: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock as She Let's out a Gasp) Oh no! Shingo-kun!!
Heidern: He fainted. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I think I might've went too far on the dad jokes there......
Leona: (Turns Back to Heidern) You think!? ('Sigh Heavily') Nevermind. Just go and ask a waiter for a glass of water for me to splash on Shingo's face while I keep him company. (Grabs One of her Unconscious' Boyfriend's Hand With One Hand While Using the Other to Fan his Face) Hurry!
Heidern: R-Right! (Quickly Gets Up From his Seat to Find the Nearest Waiter) U-Uh excuse me? Waiter? Waitress?
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berrychanx · 2 years
Hi, thank you for sharing all the info and art about TMM and Mia's work. Can you provide me info about when or where were published the mini comic /one-shot of Zakuro needing cat-Ichigo for her work and the one Pudding kiss Tart? I never knew about these until I check your instagram recently. I wonder if there are even more lost media of TMM
Hi, you're welcome 😁
To answer your question
Zakuro needing 😺 Ichigo is a one-shot in Mia Ikumi Manta called Only One Wish published in English, Italian.
Pudding and Tart kiss was published in a doujim comic by Kodansha called K'dash, it featured 20 artists - Mia Ikumi and CLAMP were one of them.
About TMM lost media - there's some exclusive autographs and illustrations we're still missing (that I've seen owned by people on twitter) and toys with her illustrations. I can share those on insta stories
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. . 県民達の夢を乗せて行くぜ . 「 FEVER OF SHIZUOKA 2019 」 . 【会場】ホテルテトラリゾート静岡やいづ . 【日時】2019.11.3 (SUN) OPEN / START 11:00 CLOSE 28:00 【チケット】前売り¥4,000- / 当日 ¥5,000- / 駐車券¥1,000 . チケットぴあ Pコード:158-922 URL:https://w.pia.jp/t/feverofshizuoka/ . ※20歳未満入場料無料 ※ホテル宿泊付きチケットも発売中!詳しくはHPを! . 【ACT】 サイプレス上野とロベルト吉野 / でぶコーネリアスEX / エンヤコーラーズ 五味岳久(LOSTAGE) / GORO GOLO / imai(group_inou) / JAPPERS KEISHI TANAKA / LEARNERS / マヒトゥ・ザ・ピーポー / miida / 西新宿パンティーズ OLEDICKFOGGY / 黄倉未来 / RED SNEAKERS / SMASH YOUR FACE / 曽我部恵一 . 【LOCAL】 and more / 荒井清弥 / camisole / DEE CHIKA / herpiano イカスタンジャケット / isagen / MaCWORRY HILLBILLIES TENDER ABUSE / THE WARPS . 【PARTY】 Deep-in-Side / 越境ダンスホール / FEELIN'FELLOWS DJs FLA / It’s A New Day / LOOSEN / M.P.C ノウマンジノヘン / p/am crew / ROYALITY . 【FOOD】 R食堂 炭焼き K'dash ラーメン専門店 にしかわ みろくさんぶ 夜明け前 and more… . 【SHOP】 CATALOG chubby×eight CORNER SHOP エクシード HEIGHTS KOUHEI BOY(似顔絵) SONE RECORDS SPINNS suminagashi(WORK SHOP) つちまる(WORK SHOP) and more… . 【OFFCIAL】http://feverofshizuoka.com 【INFO】[email protected] . . . #静岡 #古着 #レディース古着 #古着屋chubbyeight #chubbyeight #vintage #antique #usedclothing #used #jpn #Shizuoka #vintageboutique #euro #eurowork #euro古着 #feverofshizuoka2019 (古着屋chubby×eight) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4UEGOuA9Na/?igshid=lezd2je4auvo
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Shingo Yabuki's Protection Squad Headcanon
It's been a while since I did any of this, but I thought about foing this a few days ago and I give this sort of thing another go. So this is these are the members of the Protection Squad for the lovable KOF's biggest fanboy himself: Shingo Yabuki!
Chizuru Kagura (Founder/Leader/Senpai/Swan Mom)
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Chizuru, one of the founding members of the Three Sacred Treasures, first met Shingo before the eleventh tournament, where she assigned him to team up with Kyo and Iori in order to investigate Ash and Those From the Past's whereabouts. Unfortunately for the three of them, an unexpected turn of events has caused Iori to lose the Yasanki Jewel and Kyo and Shingo to be hospitalized. Feeling guilty for what happened, Chizuru made it up to him by paying his hospital bill no question asked. The selfless act alone has caused the young aspiring fighter to return a flavor by watching over her in the sidelines of the 13th tournament until Yata Mirror was finally returned to her.
Ever since then, the two has formed a very close bond overtime. So much so that Shingo has started looking up to her as a mentor and his own senapi. And it was thanks to his kindness and lighthearted nature that caused her to make a vow to not only to help guide him to being a confident fighter but also look out for him at all cost, like any mother figure would.
Saisyu Kusanagi (Co-Founder/Mentor/Pops)
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After the seventh tournament, Saisyu decided to take Shi no under his wing in order to show his son, Kyo, the humanity of fighting. It wasn't long for the old master of the Kusanagi Martial Arts to grow attached to the young thanks to his determination of being his role model's equal. So much so that overtime, he starts seeing Shingo as the second son never thought we would wanted until now.
So once Chizuru explain to him the protection squad she wants to start developing for Shingo in question, Saisyu was eager to tag along as the co-founding member.
Rock Howard (Best Bud/Partner in Crime)
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Rock and Shingo first met at Athena's Coffee Shop located in the city South Town where the latter works there with Malin and Hinako and the two immediately hit it off since then. While Shingo thinks he's is one of the coolest guys he has ever met, Rock, in return, admires his determination and free spirit from destiny weighing him down (Which he struggles with himself)
While he thinks Shingo's the strongest and the most passionate person he knows, Rock still couldn't help but worry about his safety sometimes, especially after he told him everything that happened to him after the eleventh tournament. Therefore, he decided to join the squad along with the others in order to keep a close eye on him.
Blue Mary (The Muscle/Second Mom)
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Blue Mary has been Rock's second mom ever since the day he was little. So naturally when he started making friends (Shingo, K', and Kula) in his recent teenage years, she would usually treat the gang like her own and Shingo was no exception.
In fact, she thinks he's a good, sweet kid despite his overthinking and occasional reckless actions. She'll always be happy to look out for him when the time calls.
Kula Diamond (Ice Princess/Little Sister)
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Kula always like spending time with Shingo. He's kind to her, he gives her sweets on some occasions, and he would always try and do everything he can to help her out with something (Cheers her up from a nightmare she'sexperiencing, help beat K' in various of video games, and etc.).
And as time keeps going forward, it wasn't long for the cheerful ice princess to see him as one of her big brother figures. So she promises her to do her very best to return the flavor and look out for him like any good little sisters should.
K'Dash (Mr. Cool Guy/The Enforecer)
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K' Dash was never a problem person. He easily gets annoyed with everyone and everything that comes near his pressences. But out of all of the people he met in his mundane lifetime and while he does annoy him in some capacity, Shingo Yabuki is still one of the few people he tolerates and (to some extent) generously cares for.
He also sees him as one of the most gullible out of bunch. So as such, he might as well make sure the dork in blue doesn't get himself into too much trouble. (No matter how tiring it'll get.)
Malin and Hinako (Co-Workers/Secret Admirers)
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Malin and Hinako are two co-workers Shingo works with at Athena's Coffee Shop from across the town. As the more days flew pass, their bond and cooperation has started to grown significantly ever since.
With Hinako Shijou, a young, up incoming sumo wrestler, touched by Shingo's passion and drive of being a fighter and Malin, a sneaky troublemaker who is the self proclaimed rival of Yuri Sakazaki, thinks that Shingo is the most funniest (and somewhat cutest) guy she ever have the pleasure of meeting.
There might be possibility that the two of them may have feelings for their goofball of a co-worker. But neither of them wants to dwell on it just yet.....
After Kula told them about the protection squad one of their recurring customers, Chizuru, is forming, the two took no time at all to accept the invitation, making sure their goofball is safe and happy.
Benimaru Nikadio (Electrifying Role Model)
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Both Beni and Shingo have their fair share of working with one another in the past and while he do think Shingo's chances of creating his own fire are slim to none, that doesn't really stop him from enjoying his company every once and while.
So it wouldn't be too surprising of the certified lady's man to teach the goofball the ways of being the hit with the ladies whenever they see each other again.
Kyo Kusanagi (Unofficial Memeber Who is On Thin Ice)
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Kyo Kusanagi, the well known champion of the King of Fighters Tournament, a high school drop out, and Shingo's......former role model.
When he asked to join the squad, most of the members were skeptical of his inclusion (most noticeably K', Kula, and even Chizuru herself) mainly because of his poor treatment to the young fighter in question, for multiple reasons (He made him get free food in order to keep training him, abandoned him at the end of the seventh tournament, beats him up a tournament after that just for being cocky and using a match, the list goes on from here, folks.)
It wasn't long for the hothead successor to the Kusanagi clan to finally admit to liking Shingo and sees him like the annoying little brother that he never had. As skeptical as they still are about the decision, the squad has reluctantly add Kyo as an unofficial member of their cause. Doesn't really change the fact that he's still on thin ice though.
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heliosketch · 9 years
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I remember that back in ‘96 or so, I was a huge SNK fan and the King Of Fighters ‘96 coin-op at the nearby arcade was sort of my piggy bank. I also remember that at that time I wanted to work for SNK as an illustrator or concept artist (tho I didn’t know about concept art at that time).
fast forward almost 20 years and I’m driving tuk-tuks to make ends meets while still trying to break in as a full fledged concept artist. Such is life...
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