kirbyofthestars · 4 years
For the character number and headcannon, Meta Knight and/or Dedede 3?
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sleeping headcanon:
🌸 dedede has the most intensive evening routine an alien penguin creature could potentially have. brush teeth. shower. conditioner. dry brush. spend hours  carefully preening and rearrange feathers. face masque. moisturizer. perfume. etc. 
🌸 meanwhile mk’s is just “drape something opaque over the mirror, shower, brush incisors, resist the urge to succumb to biological clock. don’t let it set it. d”
🌸 meta is a very light sleeper and also kind of allergic to sleep. he probably had no idea the star rod was stolen in the first place until dedede entrusted him to look after a piece. some manner of intervention likely followed, not that mk actually listened.
🌸 meta is a little spoon. he doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter considering he is literally eight fucking inches tall. but he does enjoy being warm and safe and swaddled in soft fluffy feathers.
🌸 “he’s mad because i held him like a burger don’t be burger shaped then idiot”
🌸 sometimes they take turns preening and massaging each other before bed. to strengthen their warrior’s bond, obviously.
🌸 dedede’s snoring may be loud but really it’s the least of anyone’s concerns because meta kicks and twitches and practically YELLS in his sleep. combat reflexes enabled 24/7 mans is spending his precious rem hours speedrunning fucking guest star in his headspace
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
Meta Knight?
sorry this is kinda late on my part akhdfkjk but here!
🗡️ a he/they. the jp wiki officially lists his gender is “unknown/ambiguous”. although noned binanry, he doesn’t mind being referred to as a man or otherwise in masculine terms, though.
🗡️ like any other puffball, he’s got a massive (and in his opinion, absolutely mortifying) appetite. he’s just more discreet about it and tends to go for extremely high-calorie foods (esp those with exorbitant amounts of sugar) to sate it rather than simply consuming large quantities. even with that in mind he still needs to eat quite a bit, though.
🗡️ he’s typically very prim and proper but he also cusses like a sailor on a regular basis (which. technically speaking, he Is.) meta never intends to teach children how to swear on purpose, it just sort of Happens if they hang around him long enough. i’d also like to think he’s the reason kirby knows the f word in the first place.
🗡️ absolutely loves (oversweetened) coffee. usually has 1-2 cups in the morning and one in the evening, with plenty of condensed milk, chocolate and whipped cream abound. he also has a bunch of different flavours of sugary creamers, which he swaps out like every other day.
🗡️ can’t cook or bake to save his life without some kind of incidental arson occurring but he IS very good at candymaking. the invincibility candies he makes taste kind of like a mix of vanilla cream, raspberries and tropical fruit, with a weird fizzy feeling reminiscent of pop rocks (except it doesn’t gradually subside over time)
🗡️ going off the fact that he’s a bit of a glass cannon in the games (both as a playable character and just in general) he gets sick kind of easily. not that anyone would really notice considering how he’s inclined to see not pushing through that as a sign of weakness or laziness. he could cough up blood and insist he’s perfectly fine what are you talking about
🗡️ because bats are very finicky about grooming themselves (and others) very intensively + the fact that he's said to have a 'vain streak' and generally cares a lot about his image i feel like mk would keep himself very well-kept. he absolutely detests using mirrors, though.
🗡️ i think he wears cologne. i dunno why. i just get that Vibe.
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
■ ☮ ♦ for kirby?
[send me a symbol + a character for a headcanon!]
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon 
🌸 they display mirroring behaviour like a cat does - which is a fairly common habit among creatures possessing the copy ability (so void, gooey etc. might be inclined to do it too!) nago tucks his paws under his body in a loaf and kirby sees him and does the same with their lil pseudopod nubs. susie’s sitting at her laptop working and they take a nap on her keyboard to feel included.
🌸  they love cosplay and dressing up! they’re also very good at mimicking voices and sounds they hear, like a parrot. there’s literally no reason for them to yell shit like FALCON PUNCH and HADOUKEN in smash other than they just think it’s fun. they’re getting into character :]
🌸 has a surprising fondness for metal, esp bubblegum + death metal. both listening to it and singing it. also because honestly literally every bubblegum metal song i’ve ever heard has had Kirby Vibes in some way. also, they’re a hundred percent AWARE they’re a tone deaf singer. they simply do not care. they’re having fun.
☮ - friendship headcanon
🌸 kirby absolutely HATES the very concept of having a ‘best friend’. they love ALL their friends so much!!! and you’re forcing them to just pick one??? just one??? pick favourites??? how could they do such a thing?? that’s horrible!!! all of their friends are valid and wonderful and lovely company in their own ways!!!! how dare you!!!
■ -  bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon 
🌸 canonically their house was built by the people of Dream Land as thanks for retrieving the stolen food and the Sparkling Stars. it’s also in a foresty field in the middle of nowhere. no one can hear you binge ten grocery store cakes in the middle of nowhere (That Also Happens To Be In Space)
🌸 they really like those wallflowers and scented candles with food fragrances. like vanilla cupcake, cinnamon pumpkin pie, maple butter pancakes, toasted marshmallow, etc. that you see at BBW and the like. they probably had to be talked out of buying a bacon scented candle at some point.
🌸 they DEFINITELY have those little brightly coloured glow-in-the-dark plastic star stickers plastered all over their walls and ceiling. you know the ones.
🌸 their house is very cosy and maximalistic! they love bright neon pastels and jewel tones and there are lots of cushions, comfy chairs, plushies, toys/figurines and glittery decals everywhere. they’ve also got a handful of video game consoles and a karaoke machine (once again thank god they live in the middle of nowhere)
🌸 it’s also messy. it is extremely messy. they prefer it that way because everything is in plain sight and they can find it easily. there are clothes all over the floor even though they don’t even wear clothes all that often on a regular basis. how come you’re supposed to make your bed if you’re just going to go to sleep again?? Damn Bitch You Live Like This
🌸 in addition to the regular bed that came with the house, they have one of the lil hanging basket beds that puffballs traditionally have. kirb’s has a pretty canopy patterned with stars and filled with many, MANY soft fluffy pillows, blankets and stuffed toys, plus the magic sock. the crystal pendant hangs from the top of the canopy
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
tumblr ate the ask but for the kind fellow who asked for headcanons regarding puffball hands/arms:
puff limbs/nubs/paws/whatever you’d like to call them can move more or less freely all over their body, akin to the pseudopods of an amoeba
they do not grow thumbs as they age, you animals
their paws have selectively permeable membranes, meaning stuff can pass through them.
this allows them to grab onto things without proper hands
“but rena that’s nasty”
still better than drawing a ball with fucking thumbs
or (god forbid) fingers. articulated fucking digits
if you draw meta knight with fingers i am breaking into your house to kill you
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
☆▼★ for meta knight!
[send me a symbol + a character for a headcanon!]
☆ - happy headcanon
in addition to a not-so-secret sweet tooth, they have a pretty impressive (or rather, in their opinion, mortifying) appetite but also prefer to keep that on the down low. sometimes kirby, dedede and/or some of his crewmates will leave boxes of chocolates, candy, pastries, cocoa mix and other sweets in his quarters as gifts that usually end up being devoured within a record amount of time.
kirby: can i have some?
mk, holding a triple chocolate milkshake: it’s spicy, i don’t think you’ll like it.
▼ - childhood headcanon
mk was absolutely a Weird Kid TM. rough and tumble scrappy child who - in spite of being very tiny and leaving much to be desired in the physical fortitude department - probably got into physical fights For Fun far more often than he should’ve. he was also utterly fascinated by tales of heroics and chivalry and in particular the legends of the Four Ancient Heroes, folkloric warriors of legend and masters of the art of combat who were said to have successfully vanquished gods. he was also probably addicted to pixie stix.
★ - sad headcanon
uhhhh fuck that was the only one i had off the top of my head. um. sometimes borb knock over cup of hot chocolate. F
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
★ Meta Knight?
[send me a symbol + a character for a headcanon!]
★ - sad headcanon
meta knight absolutely loathes mirrors, and to a lesser extent anything highly reflective. all the mirrors on the halberd are to be covered at nearly all times when they’re not in use.
he wasn’t much fond of them before katam for probably obvious reasons but also uhhh maybe don’t trap the guy with a major appearance-related complex inside one of those for an extended period of time, DMK
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
☮☯️ for magolor?
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☮ - friendship headcanon
mags considers marx and kirby his closest friends (marx from when they met in Another Dimension + them being commonly depicted as buds in canon / “I even know somebody who knows you quite well!”, kirb self-explanatory), plus taranza and susie to a lesser extent.
according to wayfarer etiquette though magolor’s very friendly and hospitable,  even to people he hates, good luck figuring out whether he’s being genuine or not :^)
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
likes: hoods, reading, tech, wayfaring, gemapples, cash, juggling, bad jokes, playing games, shiny things, ear scritches
dislikes: cynics, sore losers, itchy fabric, folks who don’t trust easily, getting volcanic dust in his clothes or in his fur, WYVERNS
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
ribbon and 2? or 3? or 1 or---
i’ll give ya all three!!
cooking headcanon
🌸 ribbon is a terrible cook but she is excellent at baking. her sweets and baked goods are mildly addictive for reasons largely unknown to mostly everyone else. she also likes putting sprinkles and luster dust into nearly everything she bakes. if you’re mad at her for whatever reason she’ll bake for you as recompense :)))
🌸 although she initially comes from a relatively humble upbringing serving under the queen means a lot of her needs are taken care of, and that includes meals. she’s used to eating very well and can be kind of picky
🌸 fairies are omnivorous with the meat portion of their diet being mostly comprised of wild game. ribbon is particularly partial to honey-glazed grizzo steaks, which taste kind of like a mix between black bear meat and beef but with a much sweeter, slightly more mild flavour than either. the ones on ripple star feed on a lot of berries, fruit, flowers and bees meaning their meat is positively delicious
🌸 her favourite desserts are small bite-sized cakes, candy jewels and chocolate rocks. she hates anything with caraway seeds in it though. keep that shit FAR away from her thanks 
🌸 she drinks a lot of herbal / floral tea, no milk, often heavily sweetened. she also likes drinking sugar water, flower sap and straight cream
🌸 her ideal breakfast is sugared fruit, buttered brioche topped with sprinkles and a bowl of fresh cream with honey. during one of the 64 picnics she just pours the cream intended for coffee into a mug and drinks it straight, much to bandee’s utter horror.
sleeping headcanon:
🌸 has boundless energy and can go without sleep with a frighteningly long time
🌸 is basically immune to caffeine though. you can give her a pep brew and she’ll be able to pass the fuck out afterwards if she wants to. it’s all through biology and sheer force of will and little else
🌸 sleeps on her side all curled up. she’s such an incredibly quiet sleeper that someone might mistake her for dead at a first glance. queen ripple being the bundle of nerves that she is, has made this mistake plenty of times before
🌸 has a tendency to hug things in her sleep. usually pillows, but anything soft and available is game ;3c
holiday headcanon
🌸 her favourite holiday is "any of them in which she gets to receive gifts”. Give Baby Girl The Shiny. christmas is a big one (+ she shares the enthusiasm for it with fluff wholeheartedly). other than sating her desire for hoarding fun objects she also likes playing in snow and fun colorful glittery lights and decorating things.
🌸 she may be a tad greedy but she’s also incredibly generous to people she really vibes with, as the etiquette of the fair folk demands. perhaps a tiny bit too much. here take this $50 bill, cute handmade pastel decoden phone case, eight litre tub of tomato ice cream, extended life debt and a strawberry shortcake five inches taller than you are. for uhhh holding the door open for me yesterday. yes.
🌸 halloween is also great because candy, pranks AND pretty sparkly outfits. what a knockout combo. time to bully the local spear-wielding undead nun by TPing all her stuff. c'mon don’t be a poor sport zan your sisters thought it was fucking hilarious
🌸 she also really likes tanabata / the star festival. she's a bit of a hopeless romantic so she adores the myth behind it, plus all the street vendors selling shaved ice and other tasty sweets.
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kirbyofthestars · 4 years
16 foooor... Galacta Knight or Ribbon!
[send me a number for a hc]
16. anger headcanon
galacta has a tendency to puff out their feathers + spread out their wingspan if they’re pissed off - which is fairly often, considering they’ve got an incredibly short fuse. they also have a bad habit of lashing out and breaking shit under said circumstances.
i.e. in essence, gala is just a tubby hot pink space cassowary
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