#kabul airport today
simply-ivanka · 29 days
Kamala Harris on the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Three years later, she calls Biden’s decision ‘courageous and right.’
By The Editorial Board Wall Street Journal
Kamala Harris is working hard to hide her policy views from the public, but now and then she opens a window on her worldview, and it isn’t reassuring. One example came Monday on the third anniversary of the terrorist bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 Americans trying to defend the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
The Vice President praised the dead servicemen and women. “Today and everyday, I mourn and honor them,” she said in a statement.
But if she has any regrets about President Biden’s policy, she isn’t sharing them. “As I have said,” Ms. Harris noted, “President Biden made the courageous and right decision to end America’s longest war.”
It’s good to know what she thinks, but it doesn’t reflect well on her judgment as a potential Commander in Chief. The withdrawal decision was arguably the worst of Mr. Biden’s Presidency, as he ignored the advice of nearly all of his advisers that a date-certain, total retreat would likely result in the collapse of the Afghan government and a Taliban takeover. Keeping a few thousand troops in support of the Afghan forces could have prevented the catastrophe and its consequences.
Listen to retired Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, who was in charge of Central Command at the time of the Afghan fiasco, speaking recently on the School of War podcast:
Host Aaron MacLean: “What do you think the consequences are broadly of the collapse and us not being there?”
Gen. McKenzie: “Well, I think on several levels, I think [Vladimir] Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was directly driven by this. I think the Chinese were emboldened as a result of it. I think that more operationally, I think ISIS-K flourishes now in Afghanistan. The attack in Moscow just a few months ago is only a sign of things to come.
“Our ability to actually look into Afghanistan, understand what goes on in Afghanistan, is such a small percentage of what it used to be that it is effectively zero. So we predicted these things will happen, these things are happening. Our ability to, again, apply leverage here is quite limited.”
Mr. Biden was indeed warned about all of this—and so was Ms. Harris if she was in the White House Situation Room as she likes to say she has been for all of this Administration’s major security decisions. The needless deaths of those 13 Americans were the worst result, but the withdrawal also marked the end of Mr. Biden’s ability to deter adversaries around the world.
That Ms. Harris now embraces this failure suggests more of the same ahead if she wins in November.
Appeared in the August 27, 2024, print edition as 'Kamala on the Afghan Withdrawal'.
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darkmaga-retard · 29 days
The families of U.S. service members killed at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan said they have never been contacted by President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris, three years after the administration’s rushed withdrawal left 13 Americans dead and hundreds stranded.
"There's never even been condolences [from Biden or Harris]. They just want to pretend it didn't happen," said Cheryl Juels, the aunt of fallen 23-year-old Marine Sergeant Nicole M. Gee. "They want to take credit for ending the war, but they don't want to take any responsibility for the way it all went down."
Juels said Biden has "never once reached out to any of our family. Kamala Harris has never reached out."
Alicia Lopez, the Gold Star mother of Marine Corporal Hunter Lopez, 22, criticized what she saw as a "lack of responsibility taken by the administration of both Harris and Biden," and a failure to investigate the mistakes behind the withdrawal.
"For them to think that it's okay, and to treat it as another page in the book that they're just flipping over for the next chapter, it saddens me and frightens me, all at the same time," she said.
The families were speaking at a press phone conference organized by the Trump campaign to mark the third anniversary of the terrorist bombing at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul airport. The attack, which took place while the United States was rushing to evacuate the city to meet Biden’s withdrawal deadline, killed 13 U.S. service members and injured 18. Over 100 Afghan civilians were also killed in the bombing.
On Monday, former president Donald Trump visited the Arlington National Cemetery to help place wreaths on the graves of the soldiers killed in the attack.
Harris, who did not have any memorial-related events on the schedule, released a statement honoring the fallen soldiers who "made the ultimate sacrifice three years ago." She also defended her administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal as the "courageous and right decision."
Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance, a Marine veteran, slammed Harris as "incompetent" during the call with the Gold Star families.
"It is incompetent not to get to the bottom of why this disaster happened in the first place, and what breakdown in authority led to this disaster," said Vance.
The Gold Star families on the call also criticized Biden and Harris for not attending memorial ceremonies for the soldiers on Monday. Biden is reportedly vacationing at his family’s beach house in Delaware.
Mark Schmitz, the Gold Star father of Marine Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, said Biden and Harris have "treated the withdrawal from Afghanistan like the plague."
"They have stayed as far away from us as they possibly can," he said. "Seeing that today was the wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington, I’m not surprised in the least that neither one of them would show up."
While Harris hasn’t highlighted the Afghanistan withdrawal on the campaign trail, she told CNN’s Dana Bash three years ago that she was the "last person in the room" when Biden made the decision to pull out.
House Republicans have been investigating the Biden administration’s mistakes during the operation. The Pentagon recently confirmed that the Abbey Gate suicide bomber was an ISIS-K terrorist who had been freed from a prison discarded by the U.S. military during the withdrawal.
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dertaglichedan · 29 days
Trump Honors Afghanistan Troops as ABC, CBS, NBC Morning Shows Ignore Anniversary
President Donald Trump paid his respects to the 13 U.S. troops who were killed three years ago during President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan — while the morning shows on the major networks ignored the anniversary.
Monday, August 26, 2024, marked three years since the day a suicide bomber affiliated with the local branch of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) killed 13 American service members and wounded dozens more at Kabul’s airport — while also murdering roughly 170 local civilians who were trying to flee the country.
Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery, laying a wreath alongside Marine Corporal Kelsee Lainhart, who was partially paralyzed by the blast.
NewsBusters.com noted that ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the three-year anniversary on their Monday morning shows:
Monday marked three years since the deadly Islamic terror attack in Kabul, Afghanistan at Hamid Karzai International Airport that murdered 13 American soldiers, 170 Afghans, and left over 150 people wounded. Instead of even briefly acknowledging this painful day for American families in what became the symbol of the Biden-Harris’s administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, ABC, CBS, and NBC completely ignored it on their flagship morning news shows. To repeat: not a word from ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS Mornings, and NBC’s Today about the sacrifice of the brave Americans standing guard at Abbey Gate. The networks shamefully adopted the mold of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in being radio silent (aside from paper statements released from their handlers). In contrast, cable news shows that aired during that same block — Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria, Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends, Newsmax’s Wake Up America, NewsNation’s Morning in America, and even CNN News Central — all mentioned it multiple times.
Neither President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris visited Arlington, though both issued statements.
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bighermie · 1 year
NEVER FORGET: On the 2-Year Anniversary of the Kabul Airport Bombing that Killed 13 American Servicemen and Women - MILITARY BRASS KNEW OF THE ATTACK 24 HOURS PRIOR TO BOMBING - Would Not Let Snipers Take Out Bomber | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
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april-is · 1 year
April 30, 2023: Oral History of Insatiability, Jason Myers
Oral History of Insatiability Jason Myers
I woke in the wreck of history
still drowsy, a dryness in my
bed, my bones. Would you
like fingers, the Lord asked,
& gave me plenty. There was
no music, no garden in them.
I wanted to be touched the way
I had touched, delicately, but
with great passion. If you want
another kind of lover, Leonard
Cohen crooned. Not my will,
Martin Luther King intoned,
but God's. I wanted a word
for every surface, for the belly
& the underbelly, the line between
the lines. There was a secret
name inside every living thing,
a song underneath every song.
What happened then, I asked,
meaning both before & next.
The Lord said Kabul. Said
manifest destiny. Said Rembrandt
said Bordeaux said Dakota
said Chelsea Hotel said Egyptian
cotton said Homer. The Greek
poet, I asked. No. Homer Plessy.
Oh, I said. I see. But I did not.
Lulls, curtains, continuations.
You want company, the Lord asked,
& made New Orleans, oceans,
rye bread, Cointreau. There
were some companions sent
by another party. There were
days smothered in solitude,
nights when I thought, if only
I could sleep, if only...but I
could not complete the sentence.
Are you hungry, the Lord asked.
Oh my. Oh yes. Oh my yes.
Also by Jason Myers: Hotel Orpheus
Jason is an excellent poet and human being. His first book was just published, and it’s gorgeous: Maker of Heaven &.
Today in: 
2022: Try to Praise the Mutilated World, Adam Zagajewski 2021: In Defense of a Long Engagement, Mairead Small Staid 2020: Lines Written in the Days of Growing Darkness, Mary Oliver 2019: Starlings in Winter, Mary Oliver 2018: Born Yesterday, Philip Larkin 2017: Thus, He Spoke His Quietus, Thomas Lux 2016: Trees, W.S. Merwin 2015: Today and Two Thousand Years from Now, Philip Levine 2014: from For a Long Time I Have Wanted to Write a Happy Poem, Richard Jackson 2013: Tear It Down, Jack Gilbert 2012: from An Atlas of the Difficult World, Adrienne Rich 2011: Wandering Around an Albuquerque Airport Terminal, Naomi Shihab Nye 2010: from Pioneers! O Pioneers!, Walt Whitman 2009: from The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot 2008: from Five-Finger Exercises, T.S. Eliot 2007: Journey of the Magi, T.S. Eliot 2006: Preludes, T.S. Eliot 2005: A Song for Simeon, T.S. Eliot
I don’t know where this month went! As always, thanks for letting me spam you, and for your kind notes.
More to come in 11 short months. In the meantime, check it out, you can:
- Visit a random poem sent in the past at april-is.tumblr.com/random - Browse poems by topic - Or skim them chronologically
Until next time, mes amours.
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morgan5451 · 30 days
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Federal air marshals are outraged as the Biden administration continues to send them to the southern border despite a renewed terror threat from al Qaeda. 
Air Marshal National Council Executive Director Sonya Labosco joined "Fox & Friends First" Tuesday to discuss why the diversion has put Americans at risk and why they are going to "suffer" as a result of the move. 
"It looks absolutely insane," Labosco told co-host Todd Piro. "We don't understand why these decisions are being made. The intel is clear. Al Qaeda is watching for our weak areas. Our aviation is a high-risk area. We're not protecting our aviation domain, and we're going to the border. It is absolutely madness."
High-level Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources told Judicial Review that "al Qaeda says upcoming attacks on US possibly involving planes, will use new techniques and tactics."
Despite the looming terror threat, the Biden administration announced mandatory deployments to the border as the migrant surge continues to strain already-worsening conditions amid staffing shortages. 
Many agents pushed back on the Biden administration over the move, expressing willingness to refuse the deployment and face possible termination.
Labosco suggested the mandatory diversions may not have sufficient legal grounds.
"We do believe it's a violation," Labosco said. "We do believe that DHS has overstepped their bounds. We are waiting for Congress to get sworn in, hopefully today, and we can get some movement here. We need someone to step in, in Congress, and stop the deployment of federal air marshals."
"This statute, when it was originally a tent and set by Congress, was not to deploy air marshals to the border, and to be clear, there is no national emergency," she continued. "There's been no national emergency declared at this point. So we're still saying that it is we need an injunction from Congress that they cannot send us to the border."
The Air Marshal National Council sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the weekend, calling out the administration for the policy since the border crisis has garnered little attention. 
"How can you justify sending FAMs to the border in huge numbers, when the border is in your words secure, and there is no emergency yet?" the letter read. "Yet we have major security incidents happening right now affecting our aviation security."
Even amid the diversion, Labosco noted the American people have not forgotten the critical lessons learned following the devastating 9/11 attacks, more than two decades after thousands lost their lives. 
"I can tell you who hasn't forgotten, we haven't forgotten," Labosco said. "The American people, the family and friends of those that died on 911, they haven't forgotten."
"We're not we're not going to catch al Qaeda trying to grab an airplane down in El Paso," she continued. "It's going to happen right here in a commercial airport, in a commercial aircraft."
In a statement to Fox News Digital, a DHS spokesperson pushed back on the claim that flights are being left vulnerable.
"Federal Air Marshals have long supported various Departmental operations on a regular basis across Democratic and Republican administrations alike. There is nothing new or unique about this. They have been deployed to support the U.N. General Assembly, Operation Allies Welcome, hurricane recovery efforts, and CBP at the Southwest border. The last Administration in 2019 temporarily deployed some Federal Air Marshals to support CBP at the Southwest border. 
"The suggestion that flights are being left unprotected is completely false. TSA takes its responsibility to secure the skies for the traveling public very seriously. We will continue to protect commercial flights through our multi-layered security processes, including through the Federal Air Marshal Service which supports this critical mission on the ground and onboard aircrafts," the statement read.
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planetarybound · 2 years
Hurt (Johnny Cash) but you're evacuating Kabul Airport
HistoryFeels 146K subscribers 375,631 views Mar 24, 2022 I hurt myself, today. To see if I still 𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵
The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 20-year long war in Afghanistan. On 15 August 2021, the Taliban seized the capital city of Kabul as the Afghan government under President Ashraf Ghani dissolved, the speed of which surprised the US government. With Taliban fighters surrounding the city, the US embassy evacuated and retreated to Hamid Karzai International Airport. On 26 August, there was a suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport, killing 11 Marines, one Navy Corpsman and upwards of 70 Afghan citizens. A 13th US service member succumbed to his wounds the next day. Following the last US flight, Taliban soldiers entered the airport and declared victory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Withdra…
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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USAF Special Operations Command receives the latest AC-130J Ghostrider
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/04/2022 - 14:00 in Military
An AC-130J Ghostrider taxis on the flight line after the delivery and dedication ceremony of the AC-130J Ghostrider, on November 2, 2022, at Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview, Florida. (Photo: US Air Force)
The U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) received its 31st and final AC-130J Ghostrider, completing the transition of the command of the AC-130W, AC-130U and AC-130H fleets.
After a celebration ceremony at the Lockheed Martin Gunship Modification Facility in Crestview on November 2, the final AC-130J was delivered to the 27th Special Operations Wing at Cannon Air Base, New Mexico.
During the delivery and dedication ceremony of AC-130J Ghostrider, Lieutenant Colonel Joe Allen, Gunship program manager and narrator of the event, briefly discussed the history of nose art and how it became a common way of representing the name of an airplane. He also explained how pilots would write names or call signals on their aircraft, providing a sense of connection and a feeling of pride for themselves and the crew that kept the plane flying.
"The aircraft No. 31 is no different [of the previous aircraft of World War II] and is being named after Mr. Stan 'Sluggo' Siefke, who was instrumental in the development of the precision attack package before cutting the first metal in the MC-130W," Allan said. "The Sluggo impacts on Whisky and Ghostrider were none other than excellent and we are honored to have it present today."
The AC-130J is the fifth-generation attack aircraft that replaces the fleet of AC-130U Spooky and AC-130W Stinger II aircraft. The AC-130 'gunships' have an extensive history of combat dating back to Vietnam, where the fighters destroyed more than 10,000 trucks and were credited with many missions of approximate air support and lifeguards.
USSOCOM is developing the AC-130J through the integration of modular components in existing MC-130J aircraft. Modular components include a dual console mission operator (MOP) pallet in the cargo compartment that controls all subsystems with remote displays and control panels in the control cabin; 30 mm side-shot chain rotary cannon mounted on a pallet and 105 mm cannon; GBU-39/B GPS-guided small-B GPS-mounted pumps and AGM-176 Griffin laser-guided missiles. The command also plans to equip the Ghostriders with targeted energy weapons systems or lasers, as they are most commonly known.
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Lieutenant General Jim Slife, commander of the AFSOC, represented the command at the ceremony and talked about his experience with the acquisition and receipt of the AC-130J, remembering that it was only a few years ago when he was then colonel, working at the Pentagon for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, began the message and the formative language that started the program he is seeing closing
“In the fall of 2009, the secretary of defense decided to recapitalize [the AC-130] with C-130Js to build the platforms we see behind us today,” Slife said.
He also talked about seeing the first J model go into combat in the summer of 2019 while serving as AFSOC commander.
“The plane and its predecessors exceeded all our expectations and kept more Americans alive than any other plane on the battlefield,” Slife said.
"The future will be different from what we have experienced in the last 20 years, but one thing I'm sure is that this plane will be relevant to whatever the future operational environment will bring, so thank you all for delivering such a magnificent aircraft with capacity for today's fighters," he said.
Captain Katie Tiedemann, weapons systems officer of the 73rd Special Operations Squadron, shared AC-130J operational vignettes during the event. She specifically shared her own experience in Afghanistan when she supported Operation Allies Refuge.
"For two weeks, my own crew and two others continued to employ our aircraft for countless ?? hours, reopening the airport [of Kabul] and evacuating 123,000 refugees," Tiedemann said. "Most of the rest of the story you have seen and heard, but our two crews who flew during the evacuation will be recognized this fall with the MacKay trophy for making the most meritorious flight of the year."
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After the presentation of Captain Tiedemann, William Innes, deputy director of acquisition, United States Special Operations Command, spoke about the part of USSOCOM in navigating the acquisition process to take the industry's weapons systems to the fighter.
"When we can see firsthand that [the acquisition process] works, it delivers the best weapon system that the nation can get, it's really inspiring," he said.
Vic Torla, vice president of the Global Logistics Support Services of the Special Operations Forces at Lockheed Martin, expressed his gratitude for the partnership between Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Air Force.
“A great example of a partnership between government and industry to maintain this facility,” Torla said. "A ten-year journey to deliver what are now 30 aircraft with combat capability to the Special Operations Command".
At the conclusion of the ceremony, Slife, along with the crew, stepped on the new AC-130J and took off to Cannon Air Base, where the final AC-130J will be part of the 27th Special Operations Wing.
The AFSOC received its final Ghostrider the same week that the U.S. Marine Corps received its final attack helicopter AH-1Z Viper, completing the registration H-1 program.
Tags: Military AviationLockheed Martin AC-130J GhostriderSOCOM - Special Operations CommandUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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garythingsworld · 29 days
Trump Campaign Releases Heart-Wrenching Video Reminding Americans of Biden-Harris Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal and the Heroes Left Behind | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
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bllsbailey · 29 days
CNN's Jim Acosta Inadvertently Exposes Biden-Harris Incompetence on Abbey Gate Anniversary
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It looked bad for Democrats, so, of course, the liberal media pounced on former President Donald Trump for honoring the 13 service members who were killed in the suicide bombing at Abbey Gate in Kabul three years ago. It was during Joe Biden’s shambolic and ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan which led to total chaos and hordes of US military equipment falling into the hands of the Taliban. These service members were forgotten by the Biden administration, which is in keeping with how Democrats, especially Biden, view the military.
Biden may say “God bless our troops” at the end of every slurred speech he delivers nowadays, but he’s always hated the brass. Don’t get me started about how he drags dead Beau around to score points or use him as a human political shield from criticism over his disastrous foreign policy. Biden is the undefeated champion of egregious international endeavors. Whatever happened to that pier in Gaza?
CNN's Jim Acosta
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suggests Trump is "politicizing" the deaths of the thirteen service members by visiting Arlington National Cemetery. Biden is currently on vacation. pic.twitter.com/DV2QNg4ubv— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 26, 2024
As Trump laid a wreath at Arlington Cemetery yesterday, Biden and Harris were AWOL. Again, Biden is on vacation because that’s what old, slow, and unpatriotic presidents do. CNN’s Jim Acosta seemed to have no problem that the president was on vacation, absent from this ceremony, whereas he lambasted Trump for exploiting this tragedy. Jim, as I said, Biden exploits his dead son whenever possible (via Associated Press):
Former President Donald Trump on Monday tied Vice President Kamala Harris to the chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal on the third anniversary of the suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members, calling the attack a “humiliation.”  Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, laid wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery in honor of Sgt. Nicole Gee, Staff Sgt. Darin Hoover and Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, who were killed alongside more than 100 Afghans in the Aug. 26, 2021, suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport. He then traveled to Michigan to address the National Guard Association of the United States conference.  “Caused by Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, the humiliation in Afghanistan set off the collapse of American credibility and respect all around the world,” Trump told an audience of about 4,000, including National Guard members and their families in Detroit.  […]  In his speech to the National Guard in Detroit, Trump said that leaving Afghanistan was the right thing to do but that the execution was poor. “We were going to do it with dignity and strength,” he said. He called the attack “the most embarrassing day in the history of our country.” 
Biden, weak and frail as ever, needed a boost by the Secret Service to enter an SUV yesterday. The country is on auto-pilot. 
"God bless our troops," Joe? Where were you today?
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 months
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,608/∞) 13 May 2021 | King Felipe VI presides over the act of recognition to the personnel participating in missions in Afghanistan, at the Torrejon de Ardoz Air Base, in Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain. The King receives today the last Spanish military troops deployed in Afghanistan, who are returning to Spain today, ending a mission of almost 20 years. The contingent is completed by an officer, a lieutenant colonel at NATO headquarters; 14 Special Operations instructors who train, advise and assist their Afghan counterparts; and the eight members of the National Support Element (NSI). The Green Berets were stationed at Camp Morehead outside Kabul, but all have now assembled at the Afghan capital's airport to prepare for their repatriation. (Photo By Ricardo Rubio/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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indiatourtrip · 9 months
Chennai Tourism
Earlier known as Madras, Chennai is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu and the fourth largest metropolitan city of India. It is located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal. The city knows no borders when it comes to the popularity of its temples, silk sarees, coconut fringes, and its cultural heritage. Chennai was once the community of the fishers which was later taken over by the British and was transformed into the capital of the British Presidency. Today the city has become the third largest commercial and Industrial centre in India.
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Suggested Tour: Chennai Sightseeing Tour
Major Attractions
Chennai offers several sites for tourists to see and appreciate. Have a glance:
Parthasarathy Temple
Pallava Kings of South India were the founders of the Parthasarathy Temple. This temple was renovated by the great Kings of the Vijayanagar Empire in the 16th century. The temple is very popular and is revered for its magnificent architecture.
Kapaleeshwarar Temple
The Dravidians were great architects and their architectural skills can be witnessed in Kapaleeshwarar Temple. This temple was built by the Dravidians in the 13th century and is located in the Mylapore area of Chennai. The Puranic legends are sculpted on the sanctum sanctorum.
Fort St. George
This fort is a true symbol of the powerful days of the British Empire in India. Sir Day was the founder of this Fort. He chose the picturesque location of Chennai to construct this majestic fort. The fort has a beautiful grey granite structure which is very different from the architectural styles of the Mughals who went after lavish ornamentation and luxury. Still one can find barracks for the British army, a parade ground one of the oldest churches of Chennai- St. Mary's Church.
Marina Beach
This is one of the most popular beaches of Chennai that turns the tourists crazy. The beach looks spectacular at dawn. The beach area is surrounded by peddlers who sell everything from ice creams to peanuts to balloons. The beach area also serves the purpose of those who have a keen interest in finding what their future has in store for them can avail of the services of the fortune tellers and palm readers. And swimmers there is no looking back for you all.
National Art Gallery
The National Art Gallery was earlier famous as 'Victoria Memorial Hall'. It was built in 1906 and was designed by Henry Irwin. The gallery boasts of a good collection of old paintings and sculptures including Tanjore paintings on glass, Rajput and Mughal miniature paintings, Deccan paintings, and handcrafts. One can also check out the metalware and ivory carvings from the 11th and 12th centuries.
All the food lovers are welcomed by the quality restaurants of Chennai:
Woodlands Mathura Restaurant
Kabul Restaurant
Ivy League
Bikes and Bakeries
Wangs Kitchen
5 Star Deluxe Hotels
Taj Coromandel
The Park
Park Sheraton & Towers
Le Royal Meridien
5 Star Hotels
Chola Sheraton
Trident Hilton
Radisson GRT
4 Star Hotels
Benz Park Tulip
Hotel President
3 Star Hotels
Radha Park Inn
Chennai in the truest sense is a shopper's hub. One can check out the arts and crafts, contemporary and traditional artwork, antiques, and jewelry when in Chennai. Many traditional items can also be bought from the various shops in Chennai like Pattamadai Mats, Palmyra-Fibre Handicrafts, bronze and brass castings, and traditional jewelry. Kanchipuram Silk is famous worldwide and occupies the top position in the shopping list of an individual.
How to Reach
By Air: Two International Airports Kamaraj National and Anna are located at Tirusulam, which is about 20 kms from the city. However, the city has both domestic and International airports connecting to major cities and countries of the world.
By Rail: The city of Chennai is well connected by rail with all the major towns and cities of India.
By Road: The city of Chennai is well connected by a network of good roads with all other parts of India as well as major places of Tamil Nadu.
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wausaupilot · 1 year
Today in History: August 30, Thurgood Marshall confirmed as first Black Supreme Court justice
On this date: In 1967, the Senate confirmed the appointment of Thurgood Marshall as the first Black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
By The Associated Press Today in History Today is Wednesday, Aug. 30, the 242nd day of 2023. There are 123 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Aug. 30, 2021, the United States completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan, ending America’s longest war with the Taliban back in power, as Air Force transport planes carried a remaining contingent of troops from Kabul airport.…
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NEVER FORGET: On the 2-Year Anniversary of the Kabul Airport Bombing that Killed 13 American Servicemen and Women - MILITARY BRASS KNEW OF THE ATTACK 24 HOURS PRIOR TO BOMBING - Would Not Let Snipers Take Out Bomber
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alltumbledout · 1 year
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Kabul airport attack. August 21, 2021. Two years ago today. Never forget. Never forgive.
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