web-novel-polls · 11 months
Whoever submitted a link to a video of a sable with their submission to the Web Novel Animal Tournament, you are my hero. 100000/10, no notes. You have set the bar for future submissions /light-hearted
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saunafrogg · 2 years
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Turned my oc Kaebi into a pen holder/figure! he's available on my shop if you would like one :)
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redheadedwhat · 2 years
See How We Shine Chapter 7: Apologies and Revenge
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie x OFC (can be read as reader insert)
Warnings: Just some cursing for now.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
“Henderson! Just the man I wanted to see!”
Eddie smiled at the boy somewhat menacingly and grabbed him by the shoulder, forcing Dustin to walk along with him. He seemed more hyped up than usual and that did not bode well for the younger boy.
“Uh, what can I do for you?” Dustin asked.
Eddie gripped the boys shoulder tighter and leaned in to speak as if he was relaying a secret.
“I heard an interesting story the other day. Apparently you asked Mouse for help with a Sociology project?”
Oh shit.
“Yeah. She was very helpful and I didn’t bother her, I promise!” Dustin answered, hoping this wasn’t going where he thought it was.
Eddie stopped walking, at some point he’d ushered Dustin to an empty hallway. This was getting worse by the minute.
“Listen, Henderson. I’ve been in this school for longer than some of the teachers. Now, obviously some of the academics didn’t quite stick, but there is one thing that has.” Eddie looked down at the younger boy, the long pause putting him on edge.
“And what’s that?” Dustin asked against his better judgment.
“The course catalog.” Eddie answered, the menacing grin from before now replaced with a blank face. “There is no Sociology class, so do you mind telling me why you questioned Mouse over an entire lunch period for a project that doesn’t exist?”
“I-I…” Dustin was at a loss for words. He really should have expected this. He'd meant to ask Minnie not to mention anything to Eddie, but in his excitement he never actually got around to it.
“Listen,” Eddie sighed and ran a hand over his face. “I don’t want to think you had bad intentions, but from my point of view you questioned a slightly weird girl about an even weirder subject matter for unknown reasons. Doesn’t look good does it?”
“I wasn’t making fun of her!” Dustin replied earnestly, seeing where Eddie was going with this. “I wanted to ask her some questions about paranormal stuff, but I didn’t know how.”
Eddie looked him over silently for a few moments before slapping him on the shoulder. “I believe you.”
Dustin let out a breath he didn’t even realize he’d been holding. He didn’t want to piss off Eddie or upset Minnie, but his sense of curiosity had a habit of getting him into trouble.
“But,” Eddie continued, “You still lied to her, so right after school you’re coming with me to tell her the truth and apologize.”
“She doesn’t know?” Dustin asked. “I figured you told her already.”
“Hell no.” Eddie shook his head. “I’m not gonna be the one to tell her that one of her favorite freshmen lied to her. That’s all on you.”
Dustins shoulders slumped, but he didn’t argue. “I have AV club until 4.”
“Fine, I’ll wait. You’re not getting out of this, Henderson.”
And with that Eddie walked off.
Eddie and Dustin pulled up to a small park near Lover’s Lake a bit before 4:30 where they found Minnie sitting on a bench with a large dog next to her, looking surprised to see the two.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asked.
Eddie pushed Dustin out in front. “Henderson here has something to discuss with you,” he gave Minnie a friendly smile before leaning closer to Dustin. “I gotta go run an errand, you can walk back with her and I’ll see you at her place later. Unless she leaves you in the woods, then I’ll come find you…eventually.”
Without waiting for a reply he hopped back into his van, waving as he sped off.
Well, this was awkward. Dustin shuffled his feet nervously before blurting out;
“I thought you said you didn’t have a dog?”
“I don’t.” Minnie replied simply.
“But…” Dustin gestured to the dog that the girl was currently petting as if to say ‘But…dog.’.
Minnie rose from the bench, clipping the leash back onto the animal before moving towards him.
“This is Kaebi, he belongs to my neighbor. I just watch him on occasion.” She explained. “Now you have something to say?”
Dustin nodded. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t figure out what to say. Minnie could see his hesitation and decided to take pity on him.
“How about we start walking and you can speak whenever you’re ready?”
Dustin nodded thankfully and began walking, the large dog insinuating himself between the boy and Minnie.
“Do you know where Eddie went?” Dustin asked, relying on small talk until he could gather up the courage to admit that he’d lied to her.
“He probably went to pick up.” Minnie offered.
“Pick up what?” he asked, confused.
“Drugs.” She replied easily. “His supplier lives somewhere around here. Other side of the lake I think.”
“Why didn’t he just say that?” Dustin asked, slightly exasperated. “Does he think I don’t know? He carries around drugs in his lunch box for christs sake!”
“He probably just doesn’t want you involved.” Minnie explained. “He doesn’t even let me go with him. He won’t like me saying it, but he can be very protective of his friends.”
Dustin just nodded and continued walking, not letting it show on his face how pleased he was to hear that Eddie seemed to consider him a friend.
“I lied about the Sociology project.” He finally began. “When we played D&D at your house you seemed to know what my keychain meant and I’ve never explained it to anyone, so I was curious.”
“So you asked about myths and the paranormal because I knew about a keychain?” Minnie clarified.
“Well, it sounds weird when you put it like that.” He grumbled. “I’m really interested in paranormal stuff like ghosts and ESP, stuff like that.”
He knew that lying while he apologized for lying was not a good look, but he couldn’t exactly say ‘I know a girl with superpowers and wanted to see if there was something similar going on with you’.
“It’s a creepy subject so people don’t really like to talk about it. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I made something up.” He stopped walking to look directly at Minnie, trying not to slink back from the very large doberman standing between them that he could swear was staring at him with distrust in his eyes. “I’m really sorry for lying to you. I didn’t mean anything malicious by it, but it still wasn’t right. Please forgive me?”
Minnie looked back at him for a moment before giving him a nod. “I forgive you.” She stated before motioning for Kaebi to continue walking.
Dustin hung back for a second, confused that it was that easy.
“Really? Just like that?” He asked as he ran to catch up.
“Yup.” Minnie nodded. “That doesn’t mean I won’t get my revenge, but there’s no hard feelings.”
“If you forgive me then why do you need to get revenge?”
She shrugged. “Just for the principle of the thing.”
They walked in silence for a few minutes before Minnie stopped, picked up a fist-sized rock, and slipped it into her pocket. She caught Dustin glancing at her curiously.
“You can ask me questions whenever you want.” She told him. “I really don’t mind. This is one of those things I can’t really explain,” she gestured to the rock in her pocket. “Every time I take a walk recently I feel like I need to pick up a rock. Now there’s a pile of rocks on my front lawn and I’m still not sure why.”
“So, you don’t always know what you need things for right away?” Dustin asked, taking advantage of her offer and freely asking questions.
“Nope.” She shook her head. “Sometimes it takes awhile.”
“So, you're like, psychic?” Dustin questioned.
Minnie frowned at that. “I don’t think I would say that,” she replied slowly. “My mother just said I was intuitive. I don’t know what’s going to happen before it happens, I just know something’s gonna happen sometimes. That doesn’t sound very psychic to me.”
“But you know things without having to be told.” He pointed out.
“I just know stuff.” She shrugged, repeating her commonly used answer whenever anyone pointed out her strange knowledge.
He was going to continue his argument when the dog started barking. Minnie unclipped his leash and he went bounding off towards the house they were approaching. As they walked up the front steps, the door opened to reveal a small, older woman with a frown on her face. The dog stopped obediently in front her, his entire body vibrating as his tail wagged with joy.
“Who’s that?” The woman asked, nodding to Dustin. “He’s too young for you.”
“This is Dustin.” Minnie put her hand on Dustins back, “He’s in Eddie’s D&D club. Dustin this is Mrs. Kim, Kaebi is her dog.”
Mrs. Kim frowned even further at the mention of Eddie. She hadn’t liked the boy at first, but Kaebi had taken to him and Mrs. Kim trusted her dogs opinion on people more than she did Minnie’s. So now she tolerated Eddie, but wasn’t too happy about it.
Dustin stood there nervously as Mrs. Kim looked him over. Finally she shrugged and motioned for Kaebi to go inside. “Thank you for walking him. My hip’s bad today.”
“It’s no problem at all.” Minnie smiled at the woman kindly. “I met Dustin along the way, I was helping him with a Sociology project.” She turned to smile at Dustin, but he could tell that something sinister laid behind that smile.
“Actually,” Minnie continued, “He’s writing about myths across different cultures, do you think you could tell him some of the myths and folklore of Korea?”
Dustin went to open his mouth and refute her claim, but before he could speak Mrs. Kim grasped his wrist with a thin, but deceptively strong hand and began dragging him through the door.
“I would love to!” She said excitedly. “You came to the right place, young man.”
Dustin looked back at Minnie pleadingly. He would rather face a hoard of demodogs than deal with an old woman with a story to tell. Unfortunately, Minnie was not moved by his puppy eyes, she just grinned as Mrs. Kim waved her off, promising to send Dustin back to her house when they finished their talk.
Minnie made her way back home, proud of her expert revenge. She tossed the rock she picked up onto the pile with all the others she'd brought home the past few weeks. As she reached into her bag for her keys, Eddies van pulled into her driveway.
“Hey!” He smiled, hopping out of the van. “Did you really leave Henderson in the woods?”
“Worse.” She laughed, opening the door and entering the house, knowing Eddie would be right behind her.
“What’s worse than that?” He wondered. “Did you toss him in the lake?”
“Nope.” She shook her head and plopped down on the couch in the living room, pushing a half-finished sewing project to the ground so that Eddie could sit with her. “I told Mrs. Kim he was interested in hearing about Korean myths for his Sociology project.”
Eddie gasped dramatically before launching himself over the back of the couch, bouncing when he landed beside her. “Mouse, that’s just plain evil.”
“I forgave him, but when the opportunity presented itself it was just too good to pass up.” She explained.
“So, he told you everything?” Eddie asked, wiggling closer until their bodies were touching. If you were going to be friends with Eddie Munson it was important to understand that he had absolutely no concept of personal space.
“Yeah, I think so.” Minnie replied, allowing herself to relax into the warmth provided by his body heat. “He made up a fake report because he wanted to question me about the paranormal without seeming weird.”
“What I don’t get is why he wanted to ask you of all people.” Eddie questioned as he kicked his feet up on the coffee table, making himself comfortable. “Does he think you have ESP or something?”
“Seems like it.” Minnie shrugged.
“You?” Eddie laughed. “There’s no way you could be psychic!”
“How would you know!” Minnie argued. “I know stuff all the time. I could be totally psychic.”
“You just know stuff!” He hand-waved that away, using Minnie’s oft-repeated explanation. “Besides, if you were psychic we would have gone to Vegas as soon as you turned 18 and made a fortune.”
“Yeah, I would definitely help you cheat at casinos if I could.” She agreed. “Maybe I’m a mind reader instead.”
“Nope!” Eddie vehemently disagreed with that too. “If you could read minds you would never speak to me again.”
“Your mind isn’t that difficult to predict even without mind-reading powers.” Minnie laughed and turned to him, sticking her hand in his face to count on her fingers. “Your brain is divided up into ‘D&D’, ‘Metal’, ‘Food’, and ‘Boobs’. Mostly everything else branches off from those things.”
“That’s actually pretty accurate.” Eddie admitted, playfully slapping her hand out of his face. “Ok, you know me so well, tell me what I’m thinking now.”
“Easy.” Minnie sat up on her knees and dramatically rubbed her temples. “I sense that you are hungry. The ‘Food’ part of your brain is in control. You are going to go to the fridge and be disappointed in what you see. You will then…” she paused for dramatic effect and brought her hands down to rest on Eddies leg, leaning to bring her face level to his. “Beg to order a pizza.”
Eddie stared into her eyes, trying to control the dumb smile that was creeping onto his face. “What’s in the fridge?” he asked.
“Leftover soup Mrs. Kim brought me.”
“Ugh!” Eddie threw himself back onto the couch in faux anguish. “I don’t even need to get up, fine you’re a mind-reader, can we please, please, please order some pizza?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” She laughed and reached for the phone on the side table. “Think we should order some extra for Dustin?”
“Yeah, let’s be nice to the little shit.” Eddie agreed. “She probably made him some of that horrible tea.”
“I think she only gave that to you.” Minnie told him.
“What?” He yelped. “You didn’t get any of that bitter, evil tea?”
“She gave me a sip, but when I didn’t like it she didn’t make me finish.”
“That was an option?" He gasped. "She told me I had to drink the whole thing or it would shame her ancestors or some shit!” Eddies mouth hung open in shock, unable to believe that the old woman had duped him.
“Yeah, she likes to use that as a threat since most people don’t know any better.” Minnie admitted. “I think she was just trying to drive you away. She doesn’t really like that I’m friends with a boy.”
Mrs. Kim had taken it upon herself to become Minnies surrogate grandmother. Minnie had never asked her to do so, but it was very hard to say no to the woman. Being her closest neighbor and a self-admitted snoop Mrs. Kim had quickly noticed when Minnie had been left alone at sixteen. Ever since then Minnie did some chores and kept the woman company in exchange for her silence. It was highly unlikely that Mrs. Kim would have told anyone, but Minnie had been lonely and she could tell that Mrs. Kim was lonely too, so she went along with it even after she turned eighteen and was legally in the clear.
"She was really convincing with that shit!" Eddie marveled, he thought he was good at reading people, but the old woman next door was just on another level.
“I won’t let her scare you off that easy." Minnie patted his knee before turning to dial the number to their favorite pizza place. "I’ll protect you.”
“No need to worry, Mouse.” Eddie smiled at her fondly, allowing himself to let his guard down while she was busy placing their order. “You’re stuck with me.”
That's the last, sorry for spamming! Thanks for reading!
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kaebidraws · 2 years
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so I took a break from scara and made a new oc that would be me if I ever became a vtuber with like some agency, so if you ever see a vtuber that looks like this and is named Eefie in the future, it’s probably me
Edit: or if you ever see a vtuber that looks like my pfp and is named Kaebi then that’s me also
but anyways they’re a non-binary forest spirit that spends their time walking around talking to animals and climbing trees to stalk hikers and sometimes secretly helps them if they’re lost or something idk
I do wanna learn to rig with live2d sometime but that time is not now because I downloaded it for five minutes, couldn’t upload pngs, and deleted it. one day when I’m more spirited I’ll try again. but again, that day is not today
also this wip is already finished and posted on Twitter @ / Kaebi_Draws if you wanna go check that out rn mkay byee
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I know how late this is just deal okay??
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buggleboos · 6 years
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hes so cool.
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ladycyprus · 5 years
Sansan fan art galleries
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I’ve been kinda obsessive with my Sansan fan art tags, effectively creating artist galleries of reblogged art with links to the artists’ Tumblrs and DeviantArt pages if possible.  You know, carefully curated for fandom posterity.   Please shower these artist with lots of love!
(photo credits:  1 M. Luisa Giliberti, 2 Bubug, 3 ruebella-b, 4 mathiaarkoniel, 5 corseque) 
Sansan Gallery
Iconic Sansan Gallery 
Sansa Stark Portrait Gallery
Sandor Clegane Portrait Gallery
TheStrangersKiss Art Commissions
Mundongo || Tumblr
Masksandmirrors || Tumblr
Bubug || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
M. Luisa Giliberti || Tumblr || Artist’s Website ||
Heliotropa || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Ruebella-B || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Kallielef || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
SandorClegane || Tumblr ||
Mathia || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
TitaniumGinger || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Metalshell || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Vestergaard || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
ellebh || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
animeshen || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Luaprata91 || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Wulfsbane || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Irulana || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Martinacecilia || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Sarasalazar || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Catherine03 || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Sabotensan || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Kasiawoe || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Foxykinney || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
PadawanTano || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Pebbled || Tumblr || DeviantArt || Artist’s website ||
Alicha || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Annemone-art || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
Alcoholic Rattlesnake || Tumblr || DeviantArt ||
345-litres-of-blood || DeviantArt ||
Dok-Kaebi || Tumblr
Please send me a PM if you see something that needs updating.
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tinystarscapes · 5 years
Talk about a new friend you made this year
I was going to say that I hadn’t made any new friends this year, but then I remembered these wonderful people I met on discord a couple of months ago. They all kind of go hand in hand so I’ll talk a bit about all three of them.
I’m in a server called of heaven and earth, it’s a krp server, a guardian angels and demons kind of thing set in Victorian Era London. there were three people whom I immediately got along with really well, right away.
So, Jay, Ren, and Kaebi are the three people I got along with really really well. We have a little group chat and I talk to them daily. I really feel like I can talk to them about anything and everything, they’re all very sweet, and in the few months we’ve known each other, we’ve gotten really close.
end of year asks
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peppermoons · 5 years
I was just wondering if you could recommend me some active sansan blogs please .^_^. thank you♡
Omg a sansan fan in my inbox!!! This makes me so happy! 
Okay, so you said “active” and honestly I’m the first who’s not really active in the fandom and most of the ASOIAF fans I follow are currently into other fandoms and ships, or they haven’t been on tumblr in a while, so there are only a handful of active sansan blogs on my dash. BUT I went through my sansan tag to try to find some nice blogs for you, and here you go:
Blogs that focus specifically on Sansa and Sandor, both individually and as a ship:
ASOIAF blogs (general blogs but they’re friendly to all ships and post about all canon dynamics) :
People who either ship sansan or are sansan friendly, (some of them are multi-fandom, but there’s a lot of sansan content on their blogs):
Sorry this list isn’t longer, Sansan fandom is HUGE, there are so many talented and lovely people out there, it’s impossible to list them all here, but if you decide to follow some of these blogs I’m sure you’ll find more recs through them.
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darubam · 7 years
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[ Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege : Dokkaebi ]
Kaebi  Kaebi~
977 notes · View notes
limebitch · 7 years
pending homelessness
hey guys im about to be homeless. i have rent due this week by friday. im 22 and live in a town where finding employment is truly hell. in between school and my mental illness, searching has been brutal.
my rent is $500. any help would be so appreciated!
im a queer black woman, i recently moved across the country to a new state alone to escape an abusive situation and i dont have any options for living arrangements. its a small town and im so scared because my landlord is pretty disgusting and last time i was about three days late on rent and he immediately told me i was evicted, wasnt getting my deposit back for some reason, and when i did pay rent he charged me an $80 late fee. im fucking terrified tbh
u can donate to my cash app (bc theres so little time) cash.me/$kaeby
thank you so much!!!
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popularbioofficial1 · 4 years
0 notes
redheadedwhat · 2 years
See How We Shine Chapter 3
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC (can be reader insert)
No Rating (for now)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
The next morning Eddie awoke to something soft and warm pressed against his back. From the feel of the fluffy pillows under his head he was sure that he wasn’t in his own bed meaning he must have passed out in Minnie’s again. He always made a show of putting his things in the guest room, claiming that’s where he was going to spend the night only to fall asleep in Minnie’s bed every time.
He was about to fall back asleep, warm and content, when the light breathing next to him turned into a loud snore. Eddie turned over to investigate only to be greeted with a large paw hitting him in the face.
“Goddammit Kaebi.” he grumbled, forcing himself out of the warm bed. 
The dog, a large doberman named Kaebi, blinked up at him and then stretched out into the warm spot Eddie had just vacated and continued snoring. 
Eddie padded into the kitchen stretching his arms over his head as he let out a yawn. He headed straight to the fridge, lazily perusing through the breakfast options.
Minnie was seated at the kitchen table surrounded by books on various subjects and notebooks filled with hastily scrawled notes. The mess wasn’t much of a surprise, there were usually half-finished projects strewn about the house, sitting ready for whenever the inspiration hit and Minnie had the urge to finish them. What was surprising was finding her so busy at this hour. Usually weekend mornings were for relaxing, especially after sleepovers.
“It’s after 10,” Eddie snatched the orange juice out of the fridge and poured himself a glass before taking a seat at the table. “Shouldn’t you be painting along to Bob Ross?” 
“I’m taping it.” Minnie answered, not looking up from her book on Greek mythology. “Mrs. Kim dropped Kaebi off and I can’t really paint when I watch him. He always tries to drink the paint water.” 
“Yeah, I noticed he was here. Thanks for the heads up.” He grumbled. 
“You two were so cute.” Minnie grinned at the annoyance on his face. “I didn’t have the heart to wake you.” 
“Did you eat?” Eddie asked. He was starving and even though he had been in her house plenty of times it still made him a bit uncomfortable to cook himself food without permission. 
Minnie nodded and gestured to the blender on the kitchen island. “I had a smoothie.” She didn’t have to look up to know his face was probably set in a grimace. In Eddie's opinion breakfast was either for sweet things, or eggs and meat. Nothing healthy. “There’s some Eggo’s in the garage freezer if you want.” 
“Nice!” Eddie jumped from his seat and hurried down the stairs. The garage was attached to what used to be the basement. Her parents had remodeled years ago to make the basement into a suite of rooms so they could come in and out at all hours without disturbing their kids. It mostly sat empty now, but the extra fridge and freezer did come in handy. 
Eddie returned, Eggo’s in hand and a smile on his face. A few minutes later he rejoined Minnie at the table with a pile of fluffy waffles covered in butter and syrup on his plate. “So what’s with all the stuff?” he asked, gesturing to the books on the table and the cardboard boxes on the floor with his fork between bites. 
“Art project.” Minnie answered, closing one book and pulling a different one toward her. “We’re supposed to paint our interpretation of a Greek myth. I was going to do Medusa, obviously.” She turned the book to show Eddie a picture of the snake-haired woman. “She’s got snakes for hair and she can turn men into stone with a glance? That’s role model material right there.” 
“I would make a joke about making men rock hard, but I’m too hungry.” Eddie continued shoveling waffles into his mouth. 
“Your dick joke is noted and appreciated.” Minnie assured him. “But, I figure everyone is gonna want to paint Medusa so I decided on Cassandra. More of a challenge.” 
“Never heard of her.” He commented, mouth full of waffle. 
“Basically Apollo wanted to bang her so he gave her the gift of prophecy.” Minnie explained. “But, she didn’t want to bang him so he cursed her so that no one would ever believe her prophecies. I kinda relate to her. No one ever believes what I say either.” 
Eddie finished up his waffles and stood to make himself more. He always stuffed himself when he had the opportunity. “Mouse, brilliant, hilarious, beautiful Mouse. You know you’re my best friend, right?” 
Minnie looked at him skeptically and nodded.
“But,” he popped more Eggo’s into the toaster. “People don’t believe you because sometimes you talk like a crazy person.” 
She looked back down at her book as she took in his words. “That’s fair.” 
Eddie leaned against the kitchen island, fixing up the last of his waffles as he heard Kaebi coming down the hallway eventually settling in front of Minnie protectively. The doberman belonged to her neighbor, but Minnie had offered to look after him whenever the older woman needed her to, so Kaebi treated her like a second owner, always putting himself between her and anyone else. 
Minnie bent down to pat the dog absently. “Mrs. Kim will be gone most of the day, so Kaebi is hanging out for a while if you wanna stay.” 
Eddie finished his waffles and placed his plate in the sink. “What were your plans for the day?” he asked, “Gotta decide if it’s worth my while.” 
“Nothing definite.” Minnie shrugged. “Probably take him for a walk at some point.”
“The fun never ends with you, Mouse.” Eddie teased. 
“I also want to make a photo album,” she gestured to the cardboard box by the foot of the table. “It’s my brother Declan’s birthday next month.” 
“Now that I am sticking around for!” He dove for the box, pushing a few books about special effects make-up out of the way to spill some photos onto the table. “I’m not passing up a chance to look at embarrassing baby Mouse pictures.” 
Minnie shoved a bookmark into her current book and got up to sit next to Eddie, not wanting him to have full control of her family photos. 
“Look at this one!” He shoved a picture in her face excitedly. It showed a younger version of Minnie dressed in a leotard with a silver medal around her neck. Her parents were smiling proudly, but her brothers looked bored out of their minds. Tiny Minnie didn’t seem to notice, smiling widely. 
“That’s a keeper.” She grabbed the picture from him and put it aside, designating that to be the ‘keep’ pile. 
“I didn’t know you were a gymnast.” Eddie commented, sorting through a few more pictures from the same occasion. 
“I told you about it.” She protested. “Remember when we were forced to go to the pep rally last year?” 
“You did not!” He laughed. “They did some flips and shit and you said ‘That’s not hard, I can do that’. That does not count as telling me you did gymnastics.” 
“It doesn’t matter, anyway. I had to stop when puberty gave me these.” she gestured to her generous chest. “A leotard can only hold so much.” 
Eddie’s gaze lingered on her chest for a bit longer than he’d intended. It wasn’t his fault. She’d brought it up! What’s a guy supposed to do? He shook himself out of his stupor and grabbed another picture from the pile. 
“How come you’re not in this one?” 
She glanced at the photo in question. It was more recent, from after they’d moved to Hawkins. It looked like some family event from her parents' place of work. They’d hated things like that. Her mother especially refused to talk about work when she was home. She said the two were separate and should remain separate. Minnie wondered what had convinced her mother to actually attend one of those events.
“Looks like a family picnic thing at the Lab.” She shrugged. “I must have been sick.” 
“Well, that’s boring.” Eddie declared, placing the photo on the ‘discard’ pile. “I’m trying to find blackmail-worthy pictures.”
“You act as if I’ve never seen your baby pictures.” Minnie countered.
He looked up from the pictures in front of him warily, “You can’t have possibly seen any baby pictures of me.” 
Minnie smiled, enjoying his discomfort. “You really think Wayne doesn’t have any pictures of you?” 
Eddies’ eyes searched her face, unsure if she was playing with him or not. 
“I have three favorites, actually.” She continued, getting up to put some distance between the two of them. “The picture of baby Eddie opening his Christmas presents, the one of you crying at a petting zoo, and-” 
Eddie shot up out of his seat, chasing after the girl who then began running around the kitchen island. “Mouse,” he said warningly. 
“There’s the one of you playing in the sprinkler.” Minnie ducked under his arm as he cornered her, “Big bad metalhead Eddie Munson running through the water-” 
He caught her around the middle, tickling her ribs to distract her from finishing what she was about to say. “Ok, I get it!” 
“Totally naked!” She forced out between laughs. “Your uncle told me that once it got too hot you refused to wear clothes as a kid!” 
Eddie groaned and rested his head against her shoulder in defeat. “He told you that?” 
“Oh yeah.” Minnie giggled. “In fact, he said you’re still like that. Told me to be sure to knock in the summer, in case I walk in on something I don’t want to see.” 
“Fucking Wayne.” Eddie groaned, pulling away from her and collapsing into his seat at the table. “Fine, I won’t share your blackmail and you don’t share mine. Deal?” 
“Deal.” She shook on it. 
“I’m surprised Kaebi didn’t pounce on me.” Eddie changed the subject. “He doesn’t usually like it when people get too close.” 
“He’s used to you.” She shrugged. “He won’t cuddle with just anyone, you know.” 
Eddie smiled at that. It might be silly, but it was kind of nice to get the dogs seal of approval. 
“There’s a long weekend next month.” He said after a few moments of going through pictures in silence. “Do you think we can have Hellfire here like we did last year?” 
“The freshman too?” She asked.
Eddie nodded the affirmative. 
“I thought I made them nervous?” 
“You do.” He grinned, “But I’ll give them the house rules and they won’t be weird. I promise.” 
“Sure.” she shrugged.
“Don’t you have to see if your dad will be home or not?” 
Oh yeah. She’d forgotten about that. This would be the perfect opportunity to tell him, but for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to say it. She didn’t want him to be upset that she’d kept such a big secret from him for so long. Even if he wasn’t upset, she didn’t want to see the look in his eyes when he realized that she’d been left alone for two years. The look of pity and understanding. Eddie was no stranger to being left behind. 
“He won’t care either way.” She assured him, pushing those thoughts to the back of her head. “The one you have to worry about is Mrs. Kim. If she sees a bunch of boys at the house she’ll bring Kaebi over to scare everyone away.” 
Eddie laughed as he imagined the huge doberman that was currently laying on his back begging for belly rubs scaring the shit out of the newest Hellfire members. “I’m looking forward to it.” 
I've been trying to keep descriptions of the OC vague so it could also be read as a reader insert, but I might just scrap that. This is gonna be a bit of a slow burn since I love unresolved sexual tension. This is un-beta'd so please let me know if there are any issues!
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Hossein Kaebi of Iran during The 2006 Fifa World Cup Asian Qualifiers match betw...
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Hossein Kaebi of Iran during The 2006 Fifa World Cup Asian Qualifiers match betw...
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