#kafka honkai star hail
seonjupiter · 1 year
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Header Kafka
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vinnesco · 1 year
Honkai star hail
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xaracosmia · 7 months
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name / alias: kyuu age: 29 pronouns: any ooc contact: twitter/tumblr @ kyuu333 other characters in xc: ryuunosuke naruhodou (ace attorney), an shiraishi (project sekai), missile (ghost trick)
name: Kafka age: Unknown (25+) pronouns: he/she/they series: Honkai Star Rail canon point: version 2.0 (Penacony part 1) app triggers: manipulation, mind control, spider & insect motif
Kafka is very amicable on the surface. She always seems friendly, calm, and elegant, never really losing her cool or getting angry. She approaches everything with an air of curiosity and playfulness. However, there's always something unsettling about how she carries herself. She has a dangerous aura, and her honeyed words are difficult to trust…unless she forces you to trust them. She has many secrets and enjoys being mysterious, so it's hard to tell when she's being genuine.
While she's always lighthearted and smiling, she is capable of murder and manipulation without batting an eye, and is definitely not above petty larceny. She has a habit of not following rules. If people try to kill her, she’ll return the favor. She has a bit of a sadistic streak and likes to “play with her food” to be dramatic. Among the Stellaron Hunters, she’s the one who most resembles a deadly thespian. She has no problem with collapsing societies and dooming worlds if it's needed to complete her missions. Business is business, after all.
Outside of that commitment, however, she seems to hold no intense ill will towards anyone, especially not towards innocent or ignorant parties. She’s self aware about her reputation and doesn’t take any scorn or harsh words personally.
She enjoys violin, classical music, and very fancy coats.
something your muse struggles with: an inability to feel any fear at all.
your muse’s greatest strength: an uncanny ability to keep her cool at all times, which helps her play mind games.
history / background:
Kafka is an infamous outlaw known across the stars, yet much about her remains a mystery to the public. She is a human hailing from the planet Pteruges-V, “New Babylon,” a world contaminated by Stellaron. The people living there are unable to feel fear, and she is no exception. She was a Devil Hunter, hunting people who had become “devils” when their lack of fear drove them to be dominated by desire and pleasure.
One day, someone named Elio, “Destiny's Slave,” approached her and recruited her to join the Stellaron Hunters. Her lack of fear leaves a void in her heart and mind that she can't comprehend. Elio promised her that if she worked with him, he could help her change that part of her. Thus, she became his second in command and a menace across galaxies and beyond. She and another Stellaron Hunter named Sam were Elio’s earlier members – they worked together to recruit Blade and Silver Wolf, following Elio's instructions. All of the Hunters follow his “script,” as he has the ability to see future possibilities. They regularly go on missions to ensure that they are headed towards their desired destiny; oftentimes it involves stealing Stellaron. The heinous crimes that Kafka and the others commit across worlds are, presumably, all part of the script. It’s possible that some of it is just for fun, though.
At some point, Elio brought Stelle/Caelus – a vessel artificially created to house Stellaron – to Kafka, and told her that the two of them would change each other. They are each other's destiny. Kafka became their mentor and taught them everything – general knowledge, common sense, and how to fight. Afterwards when she dropped them off at Herta Space Station so that they’d be recruited to the Astral Express, she wiped their memory of her.
powers / abilities:
Spirit Whisper - with the right words, she can manipulate minds. This ability allows her to do a variety of things to someone's psyche, from temporarily taking control of their actions and thoughts to erasing entire memories. If she wants to be flashy about it, she can conjure strings of energy resembling spider silk, and whoever it touches falls under her control. The strings are also capable of physical damage.
Lightning Aspect - she's able to apply shock damage to her every attack, which can cause lingering DoT (damage over time). As she belongs to the path of Nihility, the DoT effect is quite potent. It’ll last, and it’ll hurt.
inherent abilities: 
-incredible agility, made more impressive that she can be this fast in heels
-impressive combat prowess, from her experience as a Devil Hunter
items / weapons:
-a katana with a red blade
-two sub machine guns
starting ability: Spirit Whisper starting item: katana
-She’s named after the Bohemian Jewish novelist Franz Kafka, and her design is specifically inspired by The Metamorphosis with all her insect motifs.
-Her bounty back home is 10.899 billion credits, which is the highest bounty between her, Silver Wolf, and Blade.
-She’s pan and fuck it I’m giving her all the gender.
-I’m gonna be REAL meta here and say that Elio foresaw the mfrp isekai incoming and warned Kafka about it. However, all he told her is to not be concerned, as it won’t alter the script. So she was like okay <3 yay <3. She knows absolutely nothing about the premise coming in and she prefers it this way. It’s more fun.
discord id: nessun.dorma. passcode: my criminal wife i like her
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