#kagerou daze II - a headphone actor
yuukei-yikes · 1 year
kagerou daze II headphone actor, takane pov:
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kagerou daze VI over the dimension, haruka pov:
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saeru saying the same line, meaning haruka and takane are conscious at the same time without knowing it. they realize at the same time that they're outside of their own bodies
and after seeing themselves, they see the other
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anyways. i just wanted to remind u haruka and takane mourn each other at the very same time. while also mourning themselves. just always thought that was so funny.
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The Story
The story (except the final chapter) is about a young girl in a high school who is trying to keep her gaming life a secret.
The story does not feel like a Kagerou Daze novel, it felt like a generic slice-of-life light novel, except they throw in a stupid twist at the end which comes out of nowhere and it is one of the most dumbest twists I have ever seen in my life!
The final chapter of this novel is basically what happened at the amusement park. That's it. We are never told about the cliff hanger in the previous volume, we are given the most boring chapter I have ever read!
The Characters
The characters are all very generic, forgettable and not very interesting. In fact, they are so dull that I don't have any other words to explain how bland these characters are!
The Illustrations
The illustrations are pretty bland and generic. They look rushed and look like doodles that were drawn by a bored high school student in the middle of class!
Final Thoughts
Overall, this light novel was terrible! In fact, it is worse than the first volume! It isn't as bad as Attack on Titan: Before the Fall, but it is very close to being the worst light novel released in English! Take my advice and skip this one, even if you enjoy this series, this is nothing but a filler novel!
The Story 1.5/5 The Characters 1/5 The Illustrations 2/5
Overall 1.5/5
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fuckyeahkagepro · 6 years
Kagerou Project References ~ Novel II Timeline Notes (credit to: here / translator / summarizer: zkmn) from “- a headphone actor -”, Yuukei Yesterday III, Japanese version*: (timeline notes by a much older 2k12 era translator): (emphasises / bolding / italics / etc. mine) (*please understand they were using the Japanese edition as a reference + translating / summarizing from it) (friendly reminder re: official Routes order:) [ Music (+”extra editions”) -> Manga -> Novels -> ??? MCA [Anime] ??? is the “closest to the latter” - Jin -> any ??? etc.? -> ] (*please note MCA does not have an official timeline listed in the Kagerou Project 2016 guide unlike the others linked) (*Children Record is also the “opening theme” of the project as a whole**) (*Summertime Record is also the “ending theme” of the project as a whole**) [**...thus far]
It’s the middle of summer. [present day]
After (!!!) the school festival, Takane and Haruka became second year students.
At the moment, they’re in school for a summer course (extra lessons)
Which is more like working through a gigantic pile of practice questions
After the festival ended, Takane and Haruka cleaned up the classroom. (Some various exchanges occured between them and Kenjirou here) (see the linked summary for further notes but please remember) (this was 2k12 era and many later plot things weren’t revealed yet)
Unlike Takane, academics-wise, Haruka’s good enough to not need to come for summer classes, but because his attendance record is dismal, he has to come anyway.
She remembers that last Christmas* [*timeframe], Haruka came up with a plan for a Christmas party and got her and Kenjirou to join in. Since it was his birthday* as well, [*December 24th, Christmas Eve] she thought to give him a surprise by buying him a nice present… but on the day itself, he had an attack and collapsed. [*basically, Haruka’s birthday had passed here.]
Since he was rushed to hospital soon after, he turned out fine, and got discharged after a week*… [*so he is discharged by Dec. 31st or January 1st or so?] but then one month later* it happened again. [*February?] This time it didn’t get better as quickly, and he couldn’t leave hospital for a month* or so. [*March?...]
They both managed to move on to the next year of school (becoming 2nd year high school students)*, [*April 1st is when the Japanese school year begins] but Haruka’s condition seemed to become worse and his attacks happened more frequently.
Back to present day*. [*”middle of summer”] Haruka has another attack etc.
She heads back to the classroom, and someone calls out to her. It’s Ayano… seems like she came for summer classes too.
Even though [Ayano*]’s only in the first year*, [*of JAPANESE HIGH SCHOOL] her results are terrible
Deciding that this is not a good topic, Takane asks about Shintarou because she doesn’t see him nearby. According to Ayano, his results are good so he doesn’t need summer classes.
this is also the part where Ayano implies [convey your feelings] to Takane
Takane reaches the classroom again after parting with Ayano. Gets the flash of inspiration to tell her feelings to Haruka. But, right after, she has her attack.
She can barely move now. In her fading vision she sees someone standing at the end of the corridor, someone who shouldn’t be here… and she thinks, it took too long for her to realize. It took too long for her to say—”—Haruka, I love you.”
Headphone Actor IV, a next chapter + commences.
“Takane” is waking up and taking note of her surroundings, yells out etc.
"Takane” hears [KENJIROU’S VOICE] talking-
“……1 is a success. Haha……to think that I’d succeed on the first try. It did take a year to prepare.”
“Takane” can see from the other side of the “screen” her body as well as
Haruka’s avatar, Konoha...
Once again she hears “Kenjirou’s voice” talking.
“Anyway, I have the “key” now. With this, I can reopen the next “Kagerou Daze”. Konoha……you’re still……”
Timeline Notes (briefly, not counting the official Routes): takane & haruka are 1st year high school students during the year of the school festival -> (shintaro & ayano are a year below, so, they’re still junior high school 9th graders, “14-going-on-15″ IF we didn’t have the conflicting ages issue going on. the conflicting ages issue means during this timeframe point they might be 15 here using the conflicting ages - but they’re conflicting ages for a reason. because they conflict with the real-world based timeline.) (kido, kano, & seto are all in the same grade, and a year below shintaro & ayano. meaning junior high school 8th graders during this particular timeframe, i.e. the year of Takane & Haruka’s school festival. the japanese school year begins in april and ends in march. birthday order is kano (may) -> kido (next january) -> seto (next march). thus, kano is the oldest of the trio and closest in age to shintaro & ayano, while seto’s the youngest, and kido is some months younger than kano.) (MOMO particularly is a year below Kido, Kano & Seto. during the timeframe of August 15ths, Momo can only be 15 chronologically if going by the real-world timeline, thus, her age particularly conflicts.) [*please see: Japanese school year reference for typical real-world ages. ] [*please see my FAQ for more on the conflicting ages issue!!] the school festival happens -> before this years’ christmas, haruka got the idea for the christmas party -> on the day of his birthday itself, has an attack and collapses -> rushed to the hospital “soon after”, discharged “after a week” so a week post-haruka’s birthday -> one month later it happens again -> haruka can’t leave the hospital for another month or so -> in spring, / April 1st, takane & haruka become 2nd year high school students -> taking summer courses / extra lessons during the middle of summer -> ayano meanwhile is still in the 1st year + with shintaro also as a 1st year, but shintaro isn’t taking the summer classes -> ayano tells takane to tell her feelings before it’s too late [convey our feelings while we’re still alive] -> right after this encounter takane is inspired to confess to haruka takane runs off to do so -> has an attack and passes out -> wakes up wherever “kenjirou’s voice” is / his lab -> “kenjirou’s voice” talking -> kenjirou mentions he “prepared for a year” -> takane sees konoha -> “Anyway, I have the “key” now. With this, I can reopen the next “Kagerou Daze”. Konoha……you’re still……” -> takane encounters [her snake] -> haruka: does not reach his next birthday [december 24th] [”the middle of summer” -> cue all the rest + August 15ths ] -> takane’s birthday: still “ ??? ” (non-existent) + in Yuukei Yesterday I as an aside note, Takane slept for “11 hours”. (this occurs during the time period where the school is still preparing for the school festival / the novels’ start.) - Takane told her grandmother “yesterday” (this occuring before the sleeping for 11 hours bit, that is, she wakes up and refers to “yesterday”) that she wanted tamagoyaki for lunch. - Headphone Actor I chapter is placed before Yuukei Yesterday chapters in chapter order. - The voice [”her own”, coming from Takane’s headphones] asks her - isn’t there a place you need to go? Isn’t there something you need to tell someone?
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