#kai is basically simmons sister in law
funsizedcrow · 3 years
rvb relationship dynamics i want to see more of
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rubykgrant · 2 years
(Here is more Grimmons babies, in which Kai and Donut are introduced to them~)
“Holy shit, we have four babies,” Grif whispered, and Sarge let out a snort.
“We sure do,” Simmons agreed, trying his best not to laugh. “And they’re gonna turn into four toddlers, then four kids, then four teenagers, then four adults…”
“They grow up so fast…” Grif said wistfully, as if it had already happened.
From outside, the group heard a car pull up, followed by the engine going quiet, then doors opening and shutting.
“Well, the rest of the gang’s here,” Simmons smiled, turning to look at Grif again.
“The heck took them so long?” Grif wondered.
The door opened, and Donut peeked inside, an excited expression on his face. He gave a little wave, then opened the door wide. Behind him was Doc, and… somebody else. It took a moment for the others to see who, but as the visitors stepped in from the shadows and into the soft light of the house, they realized it was a familiar face.
“Hey guys~” Donut greeted them in a cheerful but hushed voice. “Sorry we’re late,”
“We had to go pick up somebody,” Doc explained.
Grif lit up when he saw his sister; he had meant to call her as soon as they got to the hospital… but then there had been so much to worry about, so much to do, and at one point he had been horrifically frightened that he might have to call her with BAD news instead of GOOD. So, he waited. Grif waited for hours, his gut twisted in an anxious knot, and by the time he was absolutely certain nothing was wrong, it was late in the day (the night, really). He and Simmons just wanted to get home. Now that she was here though, Grif was happy.
“Move, move, lemme see the babies~” Kai shooed Donut and Doc out of her way, walking directly toward Grif and Simmons. The two stood shoulder to shoulder, and proudly held their children up so she could see all four clearly. Kai leaned down slightly, looking at the tiny faces, her hand clasped over her mouth to hold in a scream of delight. After a moment, she took a deep breath and spoke softly.
“Hi babies. I’m your Auntie Kai. I’m gonna love you, and spoil you, and take you to PG-13 movies when you’re 10, and buy you all the junk-food you want to eat, and all the expensive birthday presents that make what your dads get you look lame, and I’ll always be ready whenever you need an alibi for anything…”
“Basically, you’re going to be a bad influence on our children,” Grif rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help smirking at his sister.
“Absolutely,” she agreed, then straightened up to look at the parents; her brother, and her brother-in-law. She could see that they had both been crying, and felt her own eyes start to tingle (the tears not far behind). “Guys, seriously, they’re beautiful. And you both… you really LOOK like DADS, you know?”
Kai reached up, placing one hand on her brother’s cheek, the other on Simmons’.
“I never thought Dex would actually settle down and have kids with somebody, especially after how messed-up our childhood was… but you two? Together? I’ve seen how much you love each other, and I can already tell how much you love your babies, so it’s just… it’s kind of perfect, but better than the fake-perfect you see when families TRY to look perfect, because this is REAL. It’s real love, and you’re real dads, and it’s perfect…”
“Thank you,” Simmons told her, almost too quiet to hear. Grif was still trying to get his words under control (they wanted to just spill out, like the crying and the laughing, but he needed to say the right thing).
“I love you, BOTH of you. And you’re lucky I do, otherwise I’d be kicking your bitch-asses for not calling me earlier when the kids were born,” she then squished their faces with her hands, pinching their cheeks lightly before letting go and giving them a few affectionate pats. Simmons had to bite his lip to keep his laughter down.
“Sis, I- I remember, when mom and dad brought you home for the first time…” Grif said, swallowing the stupid lump in his throat, trying and failing to keep his voice from shaking. “and I was still pretty little, so I had to sit down to hold you in my lap. You were the first REAL baby I’d ever seen up-close. I didn’t want to let mom or dad take you away, even when I got so tired I couldn’t keep my eyes open… because you were my baby sister, and I was your big brother, and I just- I loved you right away. Then I found out what a pain in the ass you could be when you got older,”
One of Kai’s hands went back to cover her mouth again, with her other hand she flipped-off her brother (which was as much of a symbol of endearment as a hug between them).
“And you’re right, our childhood WAS a disaster. I figured I’d never want to worry about anybody the same way I worried about you… but look at me now, I’m all grown-up, and I’m holding TWO babies,” Grif looked toward his husband, seeing the very open and tender expression on Simmons’ face. “and if I needed to, I’d hold all four of them on my own… but I’ve got Simmons. We’ve got each other. We also have you, and the rest of our friends. Our babies have a really big family that loves them,”
“And I suppose… that includes the BLUES…” Sarge added, trying to sound reluctant (as if he hadn’t gone camping with the Blues, or never had cook-outs with the Blues, or didn’t go to movie-nights with the Blues).
“Yes, sir. It does,” Simmons agreed, no false resentment from him. “Especially considering Kai is technically a Blue,”
“Enough color theory. My turn to fawn over the little darlings~” Donut walked up to peer over Kai’s shoulder, Doc stepping closer with him. “Oh my gosh…they’re the most adorable babies that have ever existed, and I say that as a fact, with absolutely no personal biases,”
The fathers stood up a little straighter; they agreed, they had the best babies. Ever. Of all time.
“So, tell me the names. Doc wouldn’t give it up in the car- I mean, he kept me in suspense until we got here. Shut up, I heard it…” Donut ignored the muffled snorts of amusement at his almost-innuendo.
“Well, this is Daisy…” Simmons nodded to the larger baby he held in his left arm. “and Darien,” he nodded to the twin nestled in his right arm.
“I’ve got Davis,” Grif turned his head down to the smallest baby that rested in his right arm. “and Delilah,” he turned toward the twin he carried in his left.
“You used one of the names I picked?” Kai asked happily. She had chosen Delilah when she found out they were using names that began with the letter “D”. Not because of the story about Samson and Delilah, which Kai was only vaguely aware of, but because of an old cartoon show she had watched with her brother and Simmons (“These Gargoyles are HOT!”).
“Aw, I love them all. It must have been hard picking out four names,” Donut remembered what it had been like early on, with Grif and Simmons making long lists of names they liked (mostly revolving around fictional characters and authors of science-fiction).
“Yeah, but once we settled on using the letter D, it helped narrow down the choices,” Simmons explained.
“Now we all kinda match, since he’s Dick and I’m Dexter,” Grif added.
“Oh, wait, I’m Donut, and we’ve also got Doc! We match too,” Donut threw and arm around Doc’s shoulder.
“Hmph, I still say we should have gone with MY ideas for baby names…” Sarge mumbled.
“NO, there was never any chance whatsoever that we would name our kids Crimson, Scarlet, Bloodstone, and Strawberry. Get over it,” Grif gave Sarge a sarcastic look, one eye squinted with the other brow raised high, as he shook his head. Simmons turned his face away, because if he kept looking at Sarge right now, he would finally lose control and fall into a giggle-fit.
“I think Bloodstone would have been perfectly as a suitable middle name…” a voice, so quiet and yet like gravel, spoke up.
“See, O’Malley gets it!” Sarge raised his hands triumphantly.
“That doesn’t help your cause,” Grif rolled his eyes.
“Alright, come on. We named them, and the only ones who’ll get to change the names will be the kids when they’re older, if that’s what any of them want…” Simmons said.
“Even if one of them wants to be named Bloodstone?” Grif looked horrified.
“Yes, Grif. We’ll just have to adjust and keep love our kids, no matter what,” Simmons sighed.
“See, you’re already wonderful parents!” Doc complimented them. “These four are so lucky to have you both as dads, and even though they were a little late arriving, they were born on a lucky day. They’ll get to have their birthday on the first of October, and then at the end of the month, they can enjoy Halloween. That’s like, every kid’s dream!”
Both Grif and Simmons had thought about that to themselves; it wasn’t fun if your birthday was TOO close to a holiday, because you’d get over-shadowed or forgotten… but October was a long month, with the first and thirty-first having enough distance between them. Also, yes, Halloween was a day they still enjoyed as adults, and knew it was a blast for kids (it combined candy AND spooky stuff, the best of both).
“This is gonna be a whole thing with him, isn’t it?” Grif sighed.
“Oh, come on, Grif. It’ll be fun,” Simmons replied. “And you know what? I didn’t have ANYBODY who cared about me actually enjoying my childhood… I like that we’ve got so many people who want to be part of out babies’ lives, and it’s great that they’re making plans for when the kids grow up…”
“How’s about we get these bundles of joy to bed, before we start talking about sending them off to college?” Sarge joked, grinning at the others.
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