#kai’s 800 sleepover
huckleberrykai · 1 year
happy to be here and share my thoughts with you berry 🤭🤗
sleepover ugh 💔 they would so keep count of how many times you slept facing each of them on their phones 🥺
wait berry how do you think d/s dynamics would work with tyunning??? thoughts? 👀
i think both would lean towards service tops or maybe even soft doms 🥺🥺 just because thats the nature of their relationship with you to begin with ! just soft sex all the time and putting their lovers pleasure above theirs <3 maybe d/s dynamics dont exist in this poly relationship at all
ooooo omg wait
okay i think it would depend on if ur with both of them or just one, but i feel like they'd be pretty open and take your needs/preferences into account
tyun gives me soft dom vibes all the way, if you're with both of them i def think he'd be the one in control - hyuka gives me switch vibes anyway so he's probs just vibing with whatever u guys wanna do unless he particularly wants something that day.. totally agree w the service top thing 100% !! you're their baby they just wanna make u feel good even if tyun does relentlessly tease u for 800 years before he lets u finish sometimes >.<
i can really picture anything happening like they're both so chill i think they'd truly be down for whatever and just change it up whenever :')
ALSO YES so so so so much soft lovemaking, they just wanna make u feel special whether ur all together or just with one of them. i can also see them being pretty rough on occasion, with consent ofc. mainly when they're stressed and just need to let everything go they'll def rough you up a little to let out the tension 🤭
taehyun DEFINITELY brings out the menace in kai. both of them a little stressed? need your help? good luck you are in for a LONGGG excellent night 🫡
extra lil mention,,, aftercare with them. it would be so soft. so loving. little kisses, helping you to the bath and whispering sweet things about how well you were for them and how good you made them feel. washing you gently, being careful around any sensitive/sore areas and the bruises forming from their kisses and bites all over.. carrying you to bed and cuddling the living shit out of u :(( ugh need
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helnjk · 4 years
🌻 - headcannon: ok so how do you think a best friends to lovers with harry would be? like youve been together through a lot, and in sixth year theres a cute fluffy moment where both of you realize your feelings for each other? CONGRATSSSS
🌻 - best friends to lovers with harry
there was always something about you and Harry that just clicked
you two always seemed to be in the same wavelength, knowing what the other was about to say and do even before they did 
you could make harry laugh like no one else, and he was the only one who could make you smile in a certain way
and one day in sixth year he just sees you and he has to literally pause whatever he’s doing because
when did you get so beautiful? had you always been this beautiful without him knowing it?
then suddenly all his memories of you are laced with some foreign emotion he can’t name
he sees you laughing at something that one of the twins said and his heart stutters
he sees you at the burrow with your hair whipping past you as you play a friendly game of quidditch and his stomach fills with butterflies
he sees you sleepy eyed and owlishly blinking up at him, having breakfast at the great hall, and his head spins
he can’t get you out of his head, and because he doesn’t know how to deal with /emotions/ very well, he ends up unconsciously ignoring you
and one day you’re absolutely sick of it, because who the hell does he think he is, tossing you aside like you hadn’t spent the last six years attached at the hip 
so you march right up to him after he’s just stepped through the portrait hole, fresh from quidditch practice, and you drag him up the stairs to the boys dormitory 
you might have heard someone whisper ‘ooh potter’s in trouble now’ behind you, but it’s irrelevant
harry, being the absolutely oblivious boy that he is, is so confused at why you’re practically fuming in front of him
so you’re there, going off on some tangent about ‘i thought we were supposed to be best friends?’ 
and he cuts you off with the most searing kiss you’ve ever had (not that you’ve had a lot of kisses to begin with) & suddenly you’re gripping onto the front of his quidditch jersey in surprise but also in awe that this is actually happening 
when the two of you break away, you’re slightly breathless but you’re both grinning from ear to ear and you shove his chest playfully because ‘godric potter, if you wanted to kiss me you could’ve just told me’ 
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tododorks · 5 years
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🎉  800 followers sleepover event!
date/time: march 26th from 11:59pm to 11:59pm on march 28th [pacific time/pst]
basically i will be up from those times and there will be a prompt list you can choose from and i’ll write a drabble/short scenario, just something simple and fun!
in the meantime, i’m still accepting requests as normal. my requests are always open!
also i hope this doesn’t completely flop haha that’d be sad
⤷ but honestly??? thank you so much for 800 followers like??? how?? i do not deserve this 🥺 but thank you and i wish you all the best life like,,y’all really deserve to be happy and i hope you are 🥺💞
normal rules apply!
⤷ just sfw
example: “iida tenya + prompt E5, fluff”
⤷ just as a note, there’s no specific category for each prompt
⤷ a character can only be paired with a prompt once
the characters you can request normally still applies to this, here’s the list:
"A fairytale with a happy ending always brings a smile to my face."
"Addiction isn't the way to go, ___ "
"All I want is you."
"And I thought you loved me.”
"And now you're going to leave me!"
"Are you doing this to get my attention?"
"Aren't you even going to cry?"
"Aren't you going to say something?"
"Are you afraid?"
"Are you just going to leave me?"
"Are you angry with me?"
"Because you're such an ass and I- I just hate you!"
"But I've changed."
"Buy yourself something nice. Because I don't want this ring."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Can't you just let me be happy for one?!"
"Coward. That's all you are. A coward."
"Cute, but still fucked up."
"Dammit! Everything was just starting to get better and then you do this!"
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"Do you want me to leave?"
"Don’t ever do that again."
"Don't give me that look."
"Don't lie to me."
"Don’t touch me."
"Everyone loves you, not me."
"Everything fell apart and I can't pick up the pieces anymore."
"Everything's going to be okay."
"Everything hurts."
"Everything is fucked up now- everything is fucked because of you!"
"For someone whose dying, you seem kind of happy."
"Friends forever, right? Isn't that what you said?
"Forever and ever. That's how long I said I loved you. But you never said it back."
"Fuck you!"
"Heaven doesn't exist."
"Help me find my shirt."
"Hold up. You're breaking up with me?"
"How long are you going to keep this up?"
"I can't believe you."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't look at you right now."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"I could never leave you, I love you too much!"
"I don’t ever want to live without you."
"I don't think anyone could ever be as lovely as you."
"I don't wanna get up-- you're comfy."
"I love you."
"I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner, you suck.”
"I love you and it scares the hell out of me!"
"I think I'm in love."
"I missed you."
"I needed you."
"I thought you knew."
"I want this to never end..."
"I want to go home."
"I will always be there protect you."
"I’d like it if you stayed.
"If we get caught, its your fault."
"I’ll sleep when I’m dead."
"I'm a monster."
"I'm cold. Come closer."
"I'm here for my daily fix of hugs and kisses."
"I’m here, I’m not gonna leave you."
"Is it possible to love too much?"
"Is this how you're going to treat me?"
"It hurts to see you cry."
"Its not like you gave me a choice."
"It’s three in the morning…"
"Kids? I don't want kids."
"Kind. That's the one thing you can never manage to be."
"Lay down. It'll all be over soon."
"Let's get to know each other over dinner."
"Life is not worth living."
"Lie. That’s all you do."
"Like I give a shit about you."
"Listen, it’s for science."
"May I have this dance?"
"My... everything hurts."
"Never look at me again."
"No. I won't do it."
"No. Stop crying, just stop it."
"No way in hell."
"Now, now, is there really any reason to cry?"
"Of course I’m right, I’m always right!"
"People are jerks, but not you."
"People like you sicken me."
"Perhaps you should just leave, then."
"Please don’t go.”
"Please never stop smiling."
"Quiet. I'm getting sick of hearing your voice."
"Quit looking at me, you’re making me nervous."
"Sleep is for the weak!"
"Shoot me."
"Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me."
"Sometimes people lie to me."
"Stories are just that. Stories."
"That wasn’t what I asked."
"Then why do you say you love me?!"
"They can’t hurt you anymore."
"This is the end. It's done."
"This isn't how it was supposed to end between us."
"Those things you said yesterday…Did you mean them?"
"To the night you’ll never remember."
"Try me."
"Utter it again and I swear I'll kill you!"
"We can’t keep doing this."
"We’ll get through this, I promise."
"Well, this is awkward."
"What did you break this time?"
"What happened to you?"
"Where do I know you from?"
"Why are we whispering?"
"Why are you awake right now?"
"Why can’t you care about me?"
"Why do I hate you?"
"You are a terrible liar."
"You deserve so much better."
"You know, it’s a really long story."
"You lied to me."
"You look incredible in that."
"You smell nice."
"You two make such a cute couple."
"You wanna build a blanket fort?"
"You’re amazing, did you know that?"
"You're really soft."
"You’re strangely nonchalant for someone who almost died a minute ago."
"You’re wrong."
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helnjk · 4 years
🌻 - headcannon: how do you think fred would react to you wearing his quidditch jumper? yes i know im gonna cry after reading this but im ready i love that man so much
oh baby i have so many thoughts
🌻 - fred reacting to you wearing his quidditch jersey
fred has to do a double take when he sees you in his jersey 
he’s still a bit bleary eyed from staying up way too late last night and waking up way too early, so the image of you in a pair of tiny denim shorts and his jersey feels like it could be a dream to him
but no, he’s awake and you’re real, because you see him sitting up on his elbows on the bed and you send him a wide grin that sends his heart racing 
you plant a quick kiss on his lips before slipping out of the room, telling him to go back to sleep over your shoulder
so he does, and he dreams of you and sunny afternoons, cool wind whipping past his face, and the warmth that your smile brings him
when he finally wakes up (a good two hours later, mind you), he’s smiling as he stretches out on the bed for a moment before he remembers you, his jersey, and you in his jersey
he finds you curled up in a corner, reading some book with a cup of tea in your hands 
there’s a plate of breakfast under a charm waiting for him, but before he can even think about eating hes tucked your face in between his hands and he’s pressing a deep kiss on your lips
even though you saw him come in (how could you not, the man’s a giant), he moved so quickly that the kiss caught you off guard 
you simply laugh it off as him being a needy golden-retriever-boyfriend, but you secretly love it 
for the rest of the day, you catch him staring at you in intervals 
you wouldn’t even be doing anything exciting, clearing the dishes or folding some laundry, but you’d glance over at him and he’d be staring at you with this funny look in his eyes
“alright, get out with it. what’s going on with you?” you ask
“never wear anything other than my jersey ever again.” he says, wrapping his arms around you
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helnjk · 4 years
🌻- what do you think going on a date with Fred would be like?
🌻 - going on a date with fred
the first few dates with fred are a little stilted and awkward, as most first dates are, the two of you trying to get a feel of each other
still, he’s the perfect gentleman; how can he not be, being raised by molly weasley of all people?
it’s kind of ingrained in him to make sure that he opens doors for you or pulls out chairs for you 
he shrugs off your attempts to pay for your meal, pressing the coins down with a proud smile and a wink 
when you become more comfortable around each other, he’ll take your hand as you walk to wherever you’re going, arms swinging in between the two of you
he also likes to do this thing where he’ll put his best golden-retriever-boyfriend-puppy-dog eyes and literally beg if he can order your food for you
he just likes to see if he knows you and what you like well enough to order something that you would enjoy 
and you do enjoy the things he picks out, maybe like 85% of the time 
but dates aren’t limited to going to restaurants, not with fred weasley 
he loves going to watch muggle films, especially the action ones
because even if you tell him that they’re just acting, and a lot of the time the background and the explosions and effects are fake, a little part of his brain still thinks it’s all real life
he’ll unconsciously grip on to your hand when things get exciting and he looks like he’s a kid at a candy store; eyes wide, glowing with awe and wonder
fred also loves going on picnics, and you think it’s because his family used to have weekly picnics out in the fields near the burrow 
he doesn’t let you prepare anything for it either, he loves picking and choosing the food to bring along, what kind of blanket you’ll bring, where you’ll be going 
if he’s feeling nice he’ll even teasingly allow you to bring a book you can read while he rests his head on your lap and you run your fingers through his hair 
secretly, he absolutely adores it when you do that, so the book thing is his plan to get what he wants all along 
you always roll your eyes, but your heart flutters at the attention to detail and the preparation he puts into your dates 
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helnjk · 4 years
Hey!! Congrats!! For 🌻, how do you think Oliver or George (whoever you prefer :)) would react to you missing their quidditch game? Is this how this work? I hope it is hehe, thank you ! Lots of love xx
🌻 - fred reacting to you missing his quidditch match
Fred’s not superstitious, but he considers you his lucky charm
It’s less about the fact that you being there means Gryffindor will win the game, and more about how he loves knowing that you’re somewhere in the crowd, cheering him on and supporting him from the stands
It makes him play better, knowing that he had someone he loved with all of his heart watching him and believing in him
And so when you tell him you can’t make it to his game on Saturday against Hufflepuff, because you’ve got a detention from Snape of all things, he tries not to let it get to him, but it does
When Fred feels any kind of emotion, especially a negative or sad one, he gets extremely clingy
And I mean extremely 
So on the days leading up to his game, he’s always making an excuse to be with you 
He’s always got his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you walk through the halls 
Or he’ll hold your hand during meals, which is a little inconvenient if you were honest about it, but you loved the feel of your hand in his 
Steady, strong, and slightly calloused from the extra practices Oliver has been requiring
If you had to do some studying or course work, he’d suck it up and sit with you in the library, trying his hardest to keep quiet and out of the steely gaze of Madame Pince
The two of you will spend hours, literal hours, cuddling on one of the couches in the common room
Because of this, George will complain to no end about how absolutely disgusting and cheesy the two of you are
But you can also see the fondness in his eyes as he says his piece
The morning of the match, right before you’re off to your detention, Fred will demand kisses, always asking for ‘just one more’ and keeping his grip on your waist secure 
When it’s finally time for the both of you to separate, you pepper his face with little pecks and whisper a ‘good luck, win for me today’ 
And sure enough, he does
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helnjk · 4 years
hi baby! congratulations on your ah-mazing milestone! cym as classic movies or BBW fragrances? i LOVE YOU
hi phia my wuv 🥰 thank you so much !!
i know like 0 abt bbw fragrances so we’re going with classic movies!
you as Clueless
@lumos-barnes as Breakfast at Tiffany’s
@lupinsclassroom as Back to the Future
@cruciostyles as Grease
@george-fabian-weasley as The Sound of Music
@anchoeritic as Home Alone
my mind is blanking that’s all i can think of rn ahsjsh thank u for sending this in 💞
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helnjk · 4 years
hello my dearest💛💛 congratulations on your milestone, you are so wonderful and deserve it all and so much more!! 💞 cym maybe as one direction songs?? or another option, as musicals! and also idk if i can submit 2 things so if not, ignore this! but 👑 with george weasley, light academia, pastel colors. your mood boards are always so spectacular. if you need more specifics i’ll dm you😊 ilysm
omg marissa i love you so much 😭💞
moots as musicals ??? babe you said JUST THE RIGHT THING
you are obviously Anastasia
@lupinsclassroom as Dear Evan Hansen
@harpyloon as Spring Awakening
@darthwheezely as Hadestown
@cruciostyles as Legally Blonde
@george-fabian-weasley as Mamma Mia
@choke-me-pansy as Rent
@writingsomewrongs as Waitress
i could go on & on SHSJSHJS but anyway ! here is your moodboard,,, i really tried to make it pastel but i got sidetracked & this is what happened ((spot the bridgerton reference, i couldn’t help it))
hope u like it 😚
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helnjk · 4 years
Kaiiiiiiiii congrats on 800 lovely!!!! You've organised such a cute event and I cant wait to celebrate this milestone and many more with you 🥺❤❤
I'm here to request a moodboard 👑 please!! Can I request a Draco moodboard with a royalty theme? I'd love a gold colour scheme but obviously silver and green would probably be easier to find so whichever you feel suits it best!! Thank you and congrats again ❤❤❤
zoeeeee my love !! thank you, I love u sm 🥺🥰
here’s your moodboard lovely 💞
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helnjk · 4 years
ok sorry I’ll stop I promise
💞- cym as characters from the simpsons and/or iconic vines
love u kai 😚💖
no may don’t be sorry !! SEND MORE !!! i love doing these things & i love YOU hihi 😚
you as marge
@anchoeritic as bart
@george-fabian-weasley as maggie
@darthwheezely as homer
@lupinsclassroom as lisa
i have like 0 explanation for this but 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s up to your interpretation agjdyskshskshk
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helnjk · 4 years
hello!!! Congrats!! For your event could I get a 💞 as Harry potter candies and also a 🌠 for my latest Fred fic called the adventures of fred and sir snuggles please? Thank you so much and congrats again!!
hi haley !!! thank you so much 🥰
moots as hp candies:
you as chocolate frogs !
@lupinsclassroom as acid pops
@gryffindors-weasley as sherbet lemon
@gryffindcrghost as pumpkin pasties
@cruciostyles as cauldron cakes
@lumos-barnes as sugar quills
@darthwheezely as fizzing whizzbees
join my sleepover! 
fic review under the cut heh
‘adventures of fred and sir snuggles’ by @wand3ringr0s3​
ok ok ok just by the title & the summary i can already tell it’s going to be so good !! and yes, i am that kind of person who still sleeps with a stuffed dog (at 21 years old, dont @ me) 
Fred’s on the other hand was a brown bear with black marble eyes. He was soft and felt so warm that Fred fell in love in an instant. He quickly dubbed his teddy Sir Snuggles and carried him everywhere with him. It became a way to tell the two apart as Fred would like to carry snuggles around constantly. 
please. PLEASE. this image will forever live in my brain rent free. i can just picture baby freddie clutching his teddy and i get so 🥺 absolutely adorable
Grasping onto his hair he buries his head into Sir Snuggles. His childhood friend does a good job of muffling his sobs as he tries to take control of his emotions again.
oh god i know this feeling too well. you can practically feel how helpless fred feels here & it makes my heart ache
She gives him no sign that she was the one responsible for Sir Snuggles and the food on the counter but he knows it’s her. Without a word Fred walks into the kitchen and wraps his mum in a hug. She freezes as Fred whispers a small thank you. She couldn’t remember the last time Fred willingly hugged her and she missed it. Letting the tears burst she turns and hugs Fred tightly.
god i love this. i absolutely, wholeheartedly love this. their relationship is so so so pure, i can practically feel it in my bones. 
Fred knows that he isn’t saying goodbye because he’ll always have Sir Snuggles above his bed but it was kind of a goodbye. Picking him up Fred hugs him tightly.
“Thanks for everything buddy.” He whispers.
oh my god this practically brought tears to my eyes !! i have 0 coherent thoughts other than it made me feel SO MUCH 
haley, i love love love loveeeed this sm !! it was so sweet and so wholesome, and i could relate to practically everything you wrote UGH so good
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helnjk · 4 years
okay so i wanna ask for a 🌠 for a fic of mine, (i had to think for a bit because you literally have read all of my works KHDJSJD), On the Rooftop of The Burrow, it's a fred fluff fic so you're gonna love it <3
(i actually haven't published it yet but ur in my taglist so you'll get the notifs soon!)
Also, I am so so proud of you, kai :> you've come a long way and you're still growing and I'm so happy for you, i love youuuu <3
HI SYAFIEEEE 🥰 i love how u had to tell me it was fluff for me to read it ahsjshsjhq you know me too well 😩
I love you so much baby!! Thank you for sending this in 💞
‘on the rooftop of the burrow’ by @george-fabian-weasley
And three, you could never go on a second without the Weasleys reminding you that you’re family.
stop it. stop!! i’m literally like 4 sentences in & this just made my heart SOAR !! please this is the dream
You sighed, “Very. He’s like my personal bodyguard at school, I should pay him next time,” You joked, and Arthur smiled, “Well, we Weasley boys sure are possessive of things we love.”
ARTHUR!! i love him please!! everyone likes to portray molly who knows everything about everyone, but i loooove how you made him the one who could just tell that fred loves the reader. 
You scoffed softly, a smile on your lips, “I don’t think you understand how much I want to kiss you right now, Fred Weasley.”
this is absolutely me. 
“Isn’t it wonderful? The stars?” You sighed out in content, feeling your chest warming up with endearment as you lingered your eyes on the lonely star. When you didn’t get any reply, you turned to look at Fred, he’s still looking at you.
“If you’re one of them, then yes,” Fred breathed out, and you felt your stomach shaking up the zoo inside. You gave him an impressed look, “Now that’s a good one,” You said with a teasing smile
sajkdhsajkdhaskhd best friends flirting with each other and being all playful is the absolute DREAM !! i love how you wrote them after the kiss, they weren’t awkward or anything bc they just knew each other so well please 🥺
oh god syaf. this was like a warm hug on a cold night. the way i absolutely smiled through the whole thing 🥺💘 i loved this, i love you!!! gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous 
join my sleepover! 
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helnjk · 4 years
firstly, congrats on 800 followers!!! you're a great writer and you deserve so SO much!!! secondly, 🍀🍀 i've always been kind of obsessed with the phrase "don't be a stranger" so i'm curious to see what you could write with it... and congrats again!!!
thank you so much lovely 🥺💞
🍀 ‘don’t be a stranger’
okaaaaaay. this is giving me sad angsty vibes im so sorry ahsjshjs
i was already planning an angsty Fred fic & i feel like this is the perfect title for it LMAO. anyway the premise is that reader & Fred have been dating for a long time. like, years long maybe. and first & foremost they’re best friends. they basically grew up together and then they fell in love. but sometimes love can’t be the only thing holding a relationship together, and after sometime they kind of just fizzle out. but, the two of them keep holding on & refuse to acknowledge that they don’t love each other in that way anymore. inevitably, they have to sit down & talk, & it ends with reader telling Fred, ‘don’t be a stranger’ with a sad smile.
Ok. Ok I’m sorry 🥺 but I wanna write this now.
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helnjk · 4 years
🌺 i'm always late to everything, and i take forever to get ready in the morning
omg bee !!! that is a big fat MOOD
🌺 fun fact: i could live on boba milktea. it got to a point that the staff of one of my fave boba places near my house knew me & my order bc i would go so often 😬
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helnjk · 4 years
AH hi so firstly i love your fics 💛 seriously they’re really well written and i can tell you really care about whatever it is you’re writing about! so thanks for being an inspiration for people like me who are just now getting started writing fics 🥲 aNYWAY im a sop but would you mind reviewing my fic Drivers License i’d really appreciate it 💛☺️
aaah thank you so much lovely, you’re too sweet!! 🥺💞
‘drivers license’ by @givemeweasley
ok but am i prepared for the angst that comes with this title? possibly not. 
He looked at you head on then. It was infinitely worse. Fred’s flame red hair was perfect, his brown eyes free from tears or any sign of distress. His face didn’t even hold the slightest flush. His stare was steely and resolute.
ouch. ouchie ouch ouch. the way you write the little things? absolutely heartbreaking. 
Time seemed to move slowly, but eventually a hand was placed on top of your parchments. You looked up to see Fred’s wide handsome smile. He raised his brow. You knew exactly what that look meant. You sat up and glanced around the common room, seeing that you two were indeed alone.
oh god. oh GOD. this had me blushing fml 
Kisses in the staircase. / Furtive glances across the table. / Squeezing hands on the couch. / Making a game of throwing gnomes in the garden. / Splashing each other in the lake. / Sneaking up to his room late at night to sleep tucked under his arm. / Taste testing new experiments.
Making promises never meant to last.
uhm yes, hello, this absolutely broke me. the last line?? this should be illegal please!! 
babes, this was the perfect amount of angst and fluff. you broke my heart and then you mended it again !! i loved reading your fic so much !! 
join my sleepover!
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helnjk · 4 years
Congrats on 800!!!! I love seeing you post 🥰 can I get 🌠 (not sure if that’s the right one) but the review of a work? It’s scrambled eggs under my Ron works ☺️
2/2 Also, since I can’t link because I’m on mobile and having trouble, my masterlist is pinned on page and scrambled eggs is linked there (sorry forgot to mention in the first ask)
thank you so much lovely !! it’s all good !! x 
‘scrambled eggs’ by @anxiousblanketqueen
you had me at tooth rotting fluff 😩
Ron watched from the counter, his head propped in his hands, he loved watching you in the morning. The way you quickly moved around the kitchen, the way you hummed and did a little dance while waiting, just about anything you did filled him with love. 
god. god. please if you’re out there, i would like one (1) of these thank you
“Fine, fine, fine. When we’re done though we have to snuggle for at least 30 minutes.”
I would not complain. I would not. 
While you washed the dishes, he dried, and if it took you longer to wash than it took him to dry, he presses kisses to your neck and shoulders. When the washing up was done, Ron swiftly picked you up.
when you said tooth rotting fluff, you were not joking !! PLEASE !! 
this was the sweetest domestic fic ever. i loved it. i was smiling the whooooole time aaaaah 😭
join my sleepover! 
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