#kaiju tourney stats
virovac · 4 years
Probably the last Hana-Barbera monster writeup
The Cyclops Creature
Neutral Mystical Bipedal Crustacean-like Monster
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Television Appearances: Godzilla Ep. 8: "The Horror of Forgotten Island"
Height: 58 m
Weight: 31,000 metric tons
Television Appearances: Godzilla Ep. 8: "The Horror of Forgotten Island"
Eye: The Cyclops can rotate its eyestalk like a periscope
Eye-Beam: The Cyclops can fire a silver-colored beam that makes objects jump into the air or airborne objects lose all acceleration and drop straight down. On kaiju it can temporarily disrupt their balance, making them stumble. 
Claws: The Cyclops has two pincers which it can use with great dexterity or for combat.
Invisibility: The Cyclops can turn invisible
Intelligence: The Cyclops is intelligent enough to create rock walls to cut off means of escape, trick foes into thinking it's retreating, and set up ambushes using its invisibility and creating misleading footprint trails. 
Swimming: The Cyclops is capable of swimming at speeds fast enough to ambush Godzilla. 
Weakness: Paint and similar substances can thwart the Cyclop's invisibility.
Personal Primal Number and Special Rule
Personal Primal Number- 09- Silvery beams- The cyclops draws upon its power and intelligence to use its eye-beams creatively, deflecting attacks and making foes stumble. Its foe loses its next attack roll, and loses its cover bonuses the next turn. The cyclops is also also allowed to re-roll its next failed defense roll. 
Special Rule:-Invisibilty- After three rounds or sustaining two wounds, the cyclops turns invisible. From that point on in the fight it will be treated as having an Extreme (+20) cover bonus no matter the cover. It will trick its foe into thinking its retreating, then make a FREE Attack Roll for which there is no defense roll.
If HIT by a kaiju with silk, ink, glue or a similar substance: roll a d6. If 1-3,  the Cyclop's cover bonus from invisibility is reduced by -5. This d6 check can continue repeatedly with each time Cyclops's is hit by such a foe, until the Cyclops is reduced to having the normal cover bonus of the battlefield. 
(This rule has no effect on opponents with echolocation, without eyes or some other senses of thwarting the invisibility. The Cyclops does not get the Extreme cover bonus against them. The free attack by the Cyclops will instead be allowed a defense roll, and the opponents allowed to counterattack.
The cyclops is intelligent enough to not try invisibility sneak attacks against foes that clearly lack eyes such as Eleking)
I still need to figure out how to rework the Energy Beast’s energy draining powers into their rules, but this is the last of any new monsters  not in previous tourney years that drew my eye as having enough to work with.
(Except maybe the Megavolt monster, but my inspiration dried up halfway while attempting that one.)
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virovac · 4 years
New Kaiju stats: Anguirus (Monster King Godzilla)
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Anguirus (Monster King Godzilla)
Evil Mutated Reanimated Dinosaur
Travel Method: Land
Height: 47 meters (while quadrupedal and limbs directly under body)
Length: 104 meters 
Weight: 31,250 metric tons
Spiked Carapace - Anguirus is encased in a tough, spiny shell that serves as a form of armor and with which to pierce enemies.
Jaws - Anguirus possesses rows of extremely sharp teeth 
Claw - Anguirus has sharp claws with which to scratch his foes
Prehensile tail- Anguirus has full control over his long spiked tail,and can grapple and even attempt to choke opponents with it.
Rotating Disc maneuver- Anguirus can retract into his shell and leap into the air wih his powerful legs to quickly zip around in the air while rotating at extremely high speed, condensing his body into the shape of an ultra-sharp disc. He can also use this to set up reverse flying body slams. Anguirus counts as an AERIAL kaiju (treating NONE as EXTREME, for example) and may take the OPPOSITE Bonus for the Cover offered by a battlefield. AERIAL kaiju do not get their special cover bonus against Anguirus. 
Weaknesses: None.
Personal Primal Number: 97- Disc Attack - Anguirus curls into a disc and rotates fast enough to turn into a living flying saw! Roll a D3, That is the number of attacks Anguirus makes, defense rolls are allowed, but cover bonuses are ignored.
Special Rules: Devolution Ray- 
If Anguirus is fighting an opponent that is a MUTATION, roll a d10. Upon a roll of "1" his creators hit them with a combination of time rays and energy extractors to turn them into a less powerful form reducing their Power Number to d3 multiplied by 5. 
However the transformation is unstable. Every time his foe suffers a HIT, roll a d6. If a 1-2, they revert back to their original form. The transformation is also reversed if they roll Double (i.e 11, or 99) or their Personal Primal Number. Note: This prevents kaiju with multiple forms from advancing until they break the mad-science form thrusted upon them. Kaiju that change into a new form by rolling double will not do so the FIRST time they roll double, but can the second time.
thanks to @lsdjellyfishu​ for translation of manga
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virovac · 4 years
New Kaiju Stats: Komodithrax
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Neutral Radioactive Mutant Reptile
Methods of Travel: Land
Length: 100 meters;  Height when upright: 55 meters
Weight: 24,000 metric tons
Appearances: Appearances: GODZILLA THE SERIES: "End of the Line"
Strength: Komodithrax is strong enough to easily shove and push foes around greater in mass than herself.
Semi-bipedal: Komodithrax , while normally quadruped, can rear up on two legs. 
Thermonuclear breath: Like Godzilla (G:TS), Komodithrax possesses thermonuclear breath,(though her eyes do not heat and glow when using it.)
Arctic experience:  From time of living in a tropical paradise surrounded by a border of ice and snow, Komodithrax has learned to use the slippery and brittleness of ice to her advantage. For ATTACK rolls against enemies in ICY environments, Komodithax's is INCREASED  +10 (after accounting for penalties from COLD weather). Any other use of her Power Number will still face Penalties from COLD environments,e.g.  this Bonus DOES NOT not work for ESCAPE ATTEMPTS such as attack rolls to escape constriction.
Possible Asexual reproduction: Komodithrax is capable of laying an egg, the viability of which is unknown
While far from physically frail, Komodithax can more easily go into shock from pain than most monsters. After sustaining Two Wounds, roll a D6. If the result is a 1-2, she falls unconscious, FORFEITING the match.
Personal primal number: -[27]-Meet my Husband.
Godzilla (G:TS) comes to Komodithax's aid! He enters with a Power Number equal to Komodithrax's, and fights as he normally does, being allowed primal numbers and taking 3 Wounds to defeat. Due to his aggressive protection of his mate causing him to shun humanity Godzilla's alignment is NEUTRAL when summoned, rather than good. The foe only needs to defeat Komodithax to win the battle. If Godzilla is competing in the tournament and Komodithax wins this match, he will enter his next fight starting with ONE WOUND
Note: If this is rolled while fighting Godzilla (G:TS), Komodithrax wins the fight (or Godzilla defects to her side for the rest of the match if the battle has three or more contestants. If a defection, Godzilla does not need to be defeated for Komodithax's team to advance, but he does not follow her into the next round as a teammate and instead leaves the tournament until summoned again).
Special rule: The In-Laws
The H.E.A.T Chopper is on the case to protect Godzilla's beau if she needs it. FOR EACH ROUND THE Chopper is  PRESENT: ALL HUMAN military or terrorist attacks against Komodithax (or Godzilla (G:TS) if he is present)  have their power number REDUCED BY HALF due to Randy's hacking and the team's  various gadgets. Alien attacks on Komodithrax or Godzilla will have their Power Number Reduced merely  by -10. The Chopper can be destroyed with 1 HIT.  Human Military  and Good Human Mecha/robots will not attack the chopper. Neither will Godzilla (G:TS) unless under mind control.
If no possibility of such attacks exists for the battle, the chopper will not show up.
It was surprisingly easy to make her stand out.
Also monitor lizards tend to be heavier than Iguanas of the same size, which is why she weighs more than her mate’s (adjusted) weight
Gonna work on the egg-snatching turtle eventually. I got its primal number and special rule set up
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virovac · 4 years
Kaiju Stats Rewrite: Barugon
Neutral Mutated Mystical Reptile
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Length: 130 meters (half of length is tail)
Tongue length: 26 meters
Mass: 22,000 metric tons
Film Appearances: Gamera vs Barugon
Long Range Danger Sense - Barugon can sometimes detect enemies from miles away, even awakening from a sound sleep if he senses suspicious activity.
Projectile Tongue - Barugon's tongue is like that of a chameleon,, able to shoot forward to a distance roughly that of his own length to batter his enemy. 
Freezing Mist - The tip of Barugon's tongue emits a fast-acting ice mist that can quick-freeze just about anything. So intense is this cold that solid objects can crumble to powder after being blasted by it.
Rainbow Beam - The spines along Barugon's back can generate a powerful mystical HEAT beam, so intense that even steel is vaporized by it. This beam can be projected at targets miles away. It does have a weakness in being unable to penetrate reflective surfaces. It can also be reflected back into Barugon himself who is not immune to his own beam
Weaknesses: Barugon cannot stand WATER. In rain or mist, he becomes sluggish. Large bodies of water are hostile to him, making him clumsy and disoriented.
Hostile Terrain- Lakes, oceans, rivers. Barugon's reaction water is extreme. If in a battle that takes place near any large body of water, roll a d4 BEFORE THE BATTLE BEGINS. Barugon will suffer a PENALTY to his POWER NUMBER that is the result of the roll multiplied by 5. (For Example, if the d4 rolls a 1, Barugon suffers a -5 penalty to OPN and DPN, down to a possible minimum of 15, and not counting Cover Bonuses). AN EXCEPTION is if Barugon is fighting an AQUATIC or AMPHIBIOUS or one with noted SWIMMING ability on a battlefield with Water in which case he AUTOMATICALLY gets the full -20 penalty. 
Shiny Rocks- Barugon is attracted to irradiated gemstones, and his unmutated kin were known to pursue normal gems thrown deep water despite the risk of drowning.
Personal Primal Number: - 66 - Freeze Attack - If Barugon rolls 66, he successfully freezes his opponent. This does not deal any damage but his enemy is frozen in ice and CAN NOT attack until after rolling a successful attack to break free of the ice. WHILE FROZEN, all foes gains a BONUS +20 to his OPN.
Special Rule: Long Range Attack - Barugon has a sort of danger sense, being able to instinctually notice. Even before an enemy lays eyes on him, he knows they are coming and will attack
BEFORE ANY PRE-BATTLE ATTACK on Barugon (military, wildlife, alien or an ambush by his opponent):
Roll for Barugon's Rainbow Beam which has a Power Number of 40. If the Beam hits, Barugon's enemy will take 1 wound OR ,if not normally targetable (such as a rocket base), will be destroyed and harm neither Barugon or his foe. There is no Defense Roll for this attack UNLESS the target has capability to REFLECT beams (though they are so far away they will be unable to reflect it back towards Barugon, they can still negate the attack) This does not affect kaiju that ABSORB heat such as Gamera (Showa), Guilala, and Mechagodzilla (Heisei).
Notable Stomping Grounds Veteran of: Osaka, Tokyo, 
Notes: There is a strange discrepancy with Barugons Rainbow. Strangely, it does not appear to affect plants, perhaps a mystical feature meant to prevent Barugon from burning down his native jungle habitat.
Barugon’s mutations are only known to have affected his growth rate, causing him to reach an adult size in hours rather than years, and made him uninterested in normal gems
Unsure whether or not Barugon should have cold resistance. While they have freezing powers, they are also a tropical creature and his freezing everything may be a mechanism of feeding on heat around him like Gamera.
Redid the weaknesses so not always a flat -20 penalty (reflecting his luck and drive at doing everything he can to stay out of the water), and changed the special rule to reflect the relevant scenes that inspired it.
Special Rule: Long Range Attack - Barugon is the sniper of the kaiju world. Even before an enemy lays eyes on him, he knows they are coming and will attack. BEFORE THE BATTLE BEGINS, roll for Barugon's Rainbow Beam which has a Power Number of 40. If the Beam hits, Barugon's enemy will start the fight with 1 wound. There is no Defense Roll for this attack.
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virovac · 4 years
New kaiju stats: Agon the Atomic Dragon
Neutral Radioactive Amphibious Mutant Dinosaur/Dragon
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Height: 50 meters
Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Travel Methods: Water, Land
TV Appearances:
Giant Phantom Monster Agon/Agon: Atomic Dragon (1968)
Amphibious: Agon possesses webbed feet and can breathe underwater. Agon is an AMPHIBIOUS kaiju. . AQUATIC KAIJU do not gain their AQUATIC Cover Bonuses against AGON!, and must take the "SUBMERGED" cover bonus.  If fighting an AQUATIC FOE, he may take the SUBMERGED cover bonus instead of the normal cover bonus.
Jaws: Agon possesses jaws with sharp teeth capable of carrying objects gently without damaging them.
Paws: The long arms of Agon give him good reach
Earthquake Stomp: Agon can stomp the ground so hard he opens fissures.
Fire breath: Agon can release puffs, clouds or streams of fire, burning a city block with a turn of his head.
Radiation Eater: Agon can sense and consume radioactive material.
Durable hide: Agon can sustain repeated bombardment from heavy artillery, registering only surprise until he got used to the attacks
Poison-After ingesting narcotics, Agon's durability seemed to lessen, with the beast catching partially on fire as it rampaged, as if reality itself was reminded this horrifying monstrosity was still flesh and blood. If hit by a foe with a POISON or VENOM attack that is NOT RADIOACTIVE in nature, roll a d6. If a 1, Agon's DPN (not counting Cover Bonus) is HALVED, to the possible minimum of 15 DPN.
Personal Primal Number: 72- Phantom Monster -The cold, death-like eyes of Agon bore into his opponent's soul.  Agon’s foe forfeits their next attack roll. For the rest of the battle, for every round then they do not score a HIT on Agon, their conviction lowers and they lose -10 from their OPN, down to the minimum of 15.
Special Rules: Casual Destroyer- Agon has a knack for causing destructive chains of events that threaten bystanders. Fissures spontaneously open from his footsteps;trees knock over eachother like dominoes with a single twitch of his tail. Whenever there is a Non-Contestant on the battlefield that can take damage (such as a baby kaiju, military forces, The Godzilla Tower etc…), roll a d10. If a 1-3, they are attacked by misfortune set off by Agon's actions, represented by an attack roll at Agon's Power Number (not OPN) PLUS the normal COVER BONUS.
This applies EVEN TO ALLIES of Agon, who may be caught underfoot or flying too close to him.
This does not count as an Attack roll by Agon himself, and thus does not invite counterattacks or other special rules that could cause immediate retaliation. (I.e. Agon is not considered to have touched them or be responsible for their deaths as far as special rules concerned. So if they are an enemy that self-destructs with a chance of harming only their  attacker, Agon would not be in the blast radius. )
Possibly the only kaiju to have a TV show miniseries where they don’t fight a superhero, that was sadly cut short by legal action by Toho. They withdrew their complaints after finding out the Shinichi Sekizawa (writer of several of Toho's kaiju films) and Fuminori Ohashi (apprentice of Eiji Tsuburaya, Toho's head of special effects) were involved with the project
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virovac · 4 years
Kaiju Stats Rewrite: Mecha-King Ghidorah
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Good Radioactive Bio-engineered Cyborg Mutant
Height: 93.7 meters
Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Travel Methods:  Flight, Time Travel (see special rules)
Film Appearances: Godzilla vs King Ghidorah
Aerial - Mecha-King Ghidorah is able to fly at incredible speeds. As an aerial monster, Mecha-King Ghidorah is able to manoeuvre better without tall buildings or other obstructions getting in his way. He will always take the reverse of any cover modifier for use in Defense Rolls (ie, 'none' is treated as 'extreme').
Heavy Body: Mecha-King Ghidorah can attempt to use its great weight to knock foes over with flying kicks or body slams.
Gravity Bolts – Mecha-King Ghidorah can spit bolts of sizzling electrified gravitic energy from his mouths.
Energy Bite: Mecha-King Ghidorah's organic heads can give a HEATed bite attack with their strong jaws, burning flesh.
Body Armour – Parts of Mecha-King Ghidorah’s body are titanium alloy, providing him with incredible protection.
Laser – Mecha-King Ghidorah is able to produce a trio-of entwined "gravity" LASER beams from the cannon in the mechanical head's mouth
Capture Claw – Mecha-King Ghidorah is able to fire a huge mechanical arm from his chest to grapple his foe, delivering a massive amount of ELECTRICAL shock in the process.
Shock Cables – Mecha-King Ghidorah can also fire smaller cables to entangle a foe’s limbs, likewise conducting tremendous amounts of ELECTRICAL into the enemy’s body.
- Beam Sensitivity- Damage by beams to anywhere on the body can temporarily negate Mecha King Ghidorah's anti-gravity flight. If HIT by a kaiju with a BEAM or similar attack (like energy burst barrage), roll a d10. If a 1-2, Mecha King Ghidorah FORFEITS their NEXT DEFENSE ROLL.
 –Mecha-King Ghidorah is very large and slow-moving, with some delay experienced between commands given by the pilot and the cyborg's actions
–The pilot’s harness can come loose unpredictably,endangering them
PPN & Special Rules:
Personal Primal Number: 91 – Capture Claw – Mecha-King Ghidorah successfully grips his foe with his immense machine hand, holding it tight in a shocking embrace. Mecha-King Ghidorah does not need to make another attack roll until he is dislodged by his foe, but may still make attack rolls against other targets at half his OPN (due to divided attention). Until his foe can successfully strike and deal a WOUND to Mecha-King Ghidorah, he will automatically deal a wound to his adversary in each successive round.
Special Rules: 
Greater Good: While piloted, Mecha-King Ghidorah has been known to use its beams to cause buildings to fall on their foe. When fighting a  Non-Good Kaiju add +5 to Mecha King Ghidorah's OPN for every Normal Terrain Cover Bonus Category above "Light", up to the maximum of 90 . For example , if fighting a foe in a battlefield with MODERATE cover, Mecha-King Ghidorah gets a +5 bonus to his OPN.
Time Skip- Mecha-King Ghidorah can arrive using time-travel. Depending on intelligence from the future history books, they may try to avoid pre-battle events to try conserve their strength.Roll a D100 BEFORE ANY Other SPECIAL RULES that involve Mecha-King Ghidorah. If 1-45, Mecha-King Ghidorah does not arrive until the FIRST Battle COMBAT ROUND skipping Possible Pre-Battle Events and Special rules that required his presence beforehand. (Such as shapeshifters assuming his form, or an ally being sent to aid him.)This also applies to pre-battle special rules that could BENEFIT Mecha-King Ghidorah, such as stat buffs due to mystical forces, arriving too late to benefit from such surges in energy. 
Note: On team years, this can leave teammates vulnerable to attacks by wildlife (normally in team years, if two teammates have the same alignment, then the united front they put up will keep native kaiju from attacking them.)
Changed Time After Time, rule originally had it so Mecha King Ghidora dissapeared. But that contradicts them being used to create Mechagodzilla,.. 
edit HAVE changed again, thinking fits better. 
Added Energy Bite attack: Not a listed power, but seen in the film. I compared it to Godzilla’s bite on Battra, and decided it probably wasn’t just an overruse of sparks when monsters contacted eachother. King Ghidorah did not use this attack, and when he bit Godzilla such an effect did not occur.
Removed attacks involving wings copied and pasted from Heisei King Ghidorah’s profile.The cyborg does not use them as weapons, nor does he officially have hurricane winds.
Added the Greater Good special rule. edit: Have made it so won’t be used against GOOD kaiju
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virovac · 4 years
New Kaiju Stats: The Deep Dweller
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Neutral Deep-Sea Giant Frogfish
Height: 27 meters
Length: 63 meters
Aquatic- The Deep Dweller is an AQUATIC KAIJU, much more at home in the water than on dry land. They are  able to breathe underwater and swim at great speed. On any battlefield with a large body of water, the Deep Dweller wil  use the AQUATIC cover bonus, or the  WATER-Based Cover Bonuses.  Meanwhile; due to its awkwardness on dry land, any battlefield WITHOUT MUCH WATER provides Cover TWO CATEGORIES (-10) less than normal.
Jaws- The mouth of the Deep Dweller is 40 feet wide, It can devour a boat its own length in seconds.
Stealth- The deep dweller excels at using steam clouds. If fighting a kaiju with a HEAT or FIRE attack in a battlefield with a BODY OF WATER  add +5 to the  Deep Dweller's DPN. The Deep Dwell will also be able to make use of the DPN bonuses of INK clouds, from cephalopod kaiju such as Gezora, against combatants other than the creator of ink clouds. These RULE DO NOT APPLY if in a Battlefield without DEEP WATER 
Armored Nest- When at rest, the Deep Dweller constructs an armored shelter out of all the ships it has attacked, adhering pieces to its skin by mucus. It can cause the armor to instantly release at will. Add +5 to its DPN for its FIRST Defense Roll. This RULE DOES NOT APPLY if in a Battlefield without water.
The Deep Dweller is angered by bright lights and targets sources of such irritation recklessly.
Due to being a fish, after 3 rounds of FIGHTING ON LAND, the Deep Dweller will take a WOUND each turn, starting with the beginning of the 4th round.
The Deep Dweller will not leave bodies of water because of pollution. If a body of water is POLLUTED in a way that would normally cause AQUATIC kaiju to flee to land (such as Hedorah's Acid Rain rule), it will need to roll a D6 each turn. If the result is ODD, it takes 1 WOUND.
Personal Primal Number: 59 - "UP TO THE ARM!"
The Deep Dweller keeps swallowing the limbs of its foe with its gigantic mouth. The OPN of the foe is REDUCED by HALF until any opponent deals 1 HIT to the Deep Dweller to stop its frenetic assault. The Deep Dweller cannot attack any other foes until it is HIT.
Special Rules
Lurker - Due to being an AQUATIC KAIJU, it is far more likely that foes will need to seek out the Deep Dweller than it is to search for them. IF THE BATTLEFIELD DOES NOT CONTAIN A LARGE BODY OF WATER (i.e. EXTREME Aquatic cover), it is re-rolled. The second location will be used, even if there is still no place for the Deep Dweller to lurk.​
Light Attraction-Roll a D6 before the battle begins. On a 3-6, the battle takes place at Night and the Deep Dweller's sensitivity to light is in full force. If a kaiju has a BEAM, blinding LIGHTS, or BIOLUMINESCENCE as part of its powers (such as Mothra (MVerse), Jet Jaguar, and Mechani Kong, or Baragon (showa)), the Deep Dweller will make attack rolls on them and ignore other foes in focus rolls until it receives 1 HIT from an attacker other than what has caused its ire / attracted attention as possible food.
For a big fish this guy has a lot of charm. Was oddly fun to write up.
This episode never aired on TV thanks to the Digimon/Pokemon war competing for timeslots.
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virovac · 4 years
Rampage Monster height and weight  attempts
Doubled the height and lengths. 
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Height: 33 meters
Weight: 16,000 metric tons
Height: 33 meters
Length: 75 meters
Weight: 14,000 metric tons
Height: 40 meters
Length; 170 meters
Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Any suggestions?
I know officially Ralph is meant to be taller, but he sure doesn’t look like it. And its hard to believe he’s as heavy as George.
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virovac · 4 years
Kaiju Tourney Stats: El Gusano Gigante!
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El Gusano Gigante
Neutral Omnivorous Giant Mutated Worm
Length: 100 meters
Weight: 40,000 metric tons 
Appearances: GODZILLA THE SERIES: "D.O.A", THE MONSTER WARS (Parts 1, 2 & 3)
Tail Mace- The end of the Gusano Gigante's tail is a spiked club.
Burrowing- Gusano is a powerful and speedy burrower. It always counts the amount of Cover on a battlefield as ONE CATEGORY HIGHER (+5 BONUS to his DPN), up to the maximum of EXTREME (+20 BONUS)
Agility- El Gusano Gigante is quite quick for its size. Add +5 to its base DPN .
Fire- Fire and can rapidly dehydrate El Gusano Gigante, to the point of shrinking. Every time El Gusano Gigante is HIT by a monster with HEAT, Atomic Ray, or FLAME powers, roll a d10. On a 1-2, its Base Power Number is halved (rounded down). This can happen repeatedly until being reduced down to a possible minimum of 5 (not counting cover bonuses to DPN)  If this weakness is triggered again after having reduced the PN to 5.El Gusano Gigante's PN is reduced to  ZERO (0) and it is defeated. 
Personal Primal Number: Food!- [30]-  El Gusano Gigante breaks away from the battle to feast on anything and everything edible, healing ONE WOUND.  In the Process, El Gusano Gigante may bowls over its opponent. El Gusano Gigante makes an Attack Roll against its foe at HALF the worm's normal OPN, for which a defense roll is allowed. Additionally roll a D6. On a 1-2, El Gusano Gigante's feeding frenzy has reduced the battlefield cover by one category.
Special Rule:
Flower Child- When El Gusano Gigante receives its FIRST HIT by a foe with a Poison ,Venom, Disease, or Biological Weapon attack (including Jiger's parasitic young or tranquilizers from mecha), roll a d6. On a 1-3,  Gusano Gigante does not take damage but instead becomes bigger and stronger, increasing its base OPN and DPN (neglecting Cover bonuses) by 1/3, up to a maximum of 90. This increase in PN may only happen once per battle, also makes El Gusano Gigante immune to any additional rule applying to the poison, venom, or disease from that opponent's special rules or PPN. If an other opponent with a Poison, Venom, Disease or Biological weapon HITS El Gusano Gigante for the first time, this rule may activate but merely gives immunity to extra effects from such PPN or special rules involving that opponent.
Grow or shrink is the name of El Gusano’s game.
Can’t believe he wasn’t in kaijuphile’s tounreys. He has one of the most iconic designs in the show in my opinion
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virovac · 4 years
Kaiju stats redo: The PEMC or Nanotech Creature
The Nanotech Creature (aka PEMC - Petroleum Eating Microbe Colony) (G: The Series) ​
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Neutral Artificial Amorphous Nanotech/Bacteria symbiotic Colony 
Height: 50 meters (default)
Weight: 35,000 metric tons (default)
Appearances: Godzilla: The Series, Episode #103: Talkin' Trash
Mass - The PEMC is a singularly massive creature whose sheer size allows it to withstand a great deal of punishment without being significantly harmed.
Shape-shifting - The colony possesses no definite form as its body is incredibly malleable and able to morph and contort into almost any conceivable shape needed. It also forms morphic pseudopods for grappling and melee fighting. It will always count the cover bonus as One Category Higher due to its physical adaptability.
Swimming- While unable to easily dive due to its low density, the PEMC can form itself into a shape that can swim rapidly on the surface, using fins to rapidly propel itself like an olympic rowing team. Kaiju taking an AQUATIC cover bonus have it reduced ONE CATEGORY against the Nanotech Creature
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Amorphous nature: The PEMC has no vital organs or permanent anatomical features. Instants K.O attacks by decapitation or hitting a vital organ have no effect on the PEMC, instead merely dealing ONE WOUND.
Division and recombination: : Torn off pieces of the PEMC are self sufficient and can move and grow on their own, and merge back with the original mass.
Consumption - The Nanotech Creature is capable of consuming anything and everything it encounters in its environment so long as it has access to petroleum (or petroleum products such as plastics) to fuel the process, breaking matter down, absorbing it and adding it to its own body mass. As a result, it can enter into  a constant state of continuing growth in size and mass.
Intelligence: The PEMC is capable of rapid learning and using its pseudopods to remove threats.
-The PEMC, made utilizing nano-technology which allows it to move and coordinate, is vulnerable to technology-harming attacks such as computer viruses. EMPs are assumed to affect the Nanotech creature
-Requires access to petroleum and petroleum products to rapidly grow and break down non-petroleum based material. Without access to petroleums products, it can be trapped by barriers it does not have enough mass to break
Personal Primal Number: - 03 - Total Assimilation - The Nanotech Creature's malleable form is so vast and expansive that the bacterial colony attempts to completely smother and absorb the enemy kaiju into itself! Roll for the OPPONENT'S Defense Roll. If it is successful, the kaiju has managed to AVOID such a hideous fate. Otherwise, it has been successfully captured. However, the process of digestion is so slow it takes TWO ROUNDS to defeat its victim. During this time, the enemy kaiju CAN make Defense Roll and if successful, free itself. However, if both rolls fail, the Nanotech Creature has successfully consumed (or at least asphyxiated) its opponent and won the match.
Special Rule:
 - Size Does Matter - The Nanotech Creature is a ravenous beast, continually consuming its surrounding environment and increasing its mass.If in a DEVELOPED AREA, each Round, ADD +5 points to the Creature's POWER NUMBER and +10 to its DPN. If in Non-developed d area, the process is slower and the increases happen every THREE Rounds.
The colony's consumption of the battlefield itself reduces the Cover Bonus -5 FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TOURNAMENT.
The PEMC is kinda overhyped as gray-goo scenario by people , while it can feed on many things, it needs oil or plastic to power that digestion. In a place that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels or plastic its growth could be much slower.
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virovac · 4 years
Nessie (GTS) stats
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Neutral Legendary Highly-derived Mosasaur 
Length: 220 meters
Weight: 45,000 metric tons
AQUATIC: Nessie is much more at home in the water than on dry land. Nessie will always take the water-based COVER Bonuses of a battlefield unless forced onto land by Personal Primal Numbers or special rules. Due to her awkwardness on dry land, any battlefield WITHOUT MUCH WATER provides Cover ONE CATEGORY LESS (-5)
Stealth :Nessie Is incredibly stealthy, being able to swim behind foes without them noticing until it is too late. 
Sonar Invisibility: Nessie strangely is invisible to sonar. Penalties to attack rolls against Nessie due to POOR VISIBILITY/BLINDness cannot be overcome by SONAR. Sonar will still be effective for overcoming penalties and attacking any other targets on the field without the penalty.
Strength: Nessie is able to constrict herself around her foes and drag them with her as she swims. She is able to even still pull off complex swimming maneuvers while wrapped around a foe, such as piledriving them into the lakebed.
Whirlpool: Nessie is able create  whirlpools by swimming in circles
Jaws: Nessie has relatively weak jaws, but can still use them to grab at foes and attempt to pull them into the water
Intelligence:Nessie uses tactics to try to intentionally orient her attacks for the purpose of giving  her foes concussions. She also appears capable of surprising cross-species communciation, apparently communicating with Godzilla and even seemingly understanding a human gesturing "that way" with their finger.
Cold resistance: Nessie lives year round in the cold Loch Ness.
Personal Primal Number: -34: Drag-along - Nessie Wraps her foe in her coils and slams them against the terrain, dealing ONE WOUND. Until Nessie's opponent makes a HIT against Nessie, they lose their cover bonus against attacks by Nessie and Nessie can make an EXTRA ATTACK ROLL each turn against them.
Special Rule: Eternal Monster- It is unknown how many "Nessies" may exist at the bottom of Loch Ness, coming up close to the surface only to breed and raise their young. Roll a D6 upon Nessie's defeat. If a "1" is rolled, another Loch Ness monster appears and a new match is fought with both monster's fresh. Roll another d6.  If 1-5, the new Loch Ness Monster has HALF of the original's Power Numbers (to the possible minimum of 15); If a 6 is rolled, it is stronger than the first Nessie and fights with +10 to the Power Number of the original.
Can you tell I've been getting tired of making special rules with kaiju babies? So I focused more on the “Legacy” part than “baby being captured part” of the episode.
Anyway, Nessie really, really impressed me in her ep. She gave Godzilla multiple concussions in a row leaving him helpless in her coils.
And of course I need to make Loch Ness a battlefield now...
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virovac · 4 years
New kaiju stats: Godzilla Dark Horse
Godzilla (Dark Horse)
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Neutral Ancient Radioactive Reptile
Modes of Locomotion: AMPHIBIOUS, BURROWING
Height: 50 meters
Weight: 30,000 metric tons
Atomic Breath: Godzilla's ray strikes with great kinetic force, able to bowl over foes or shatter objects. 
Tri-shot Atomic Breath: In the rare case where Godzilla is unable to figure out the location of a threat he senses, he can fire a spread-shot version of his ray,
Heated spines: When charging and firing his ray, Godzilla's spines can give off tremendous heat and light.
Jaws: Godzilla has very sharp fangs able to bite into heavily armored monsters.
Strength: Godzilla's upper body strength is incredibly strong. Lifting only with his back Godzilla was able to push the Titanic above him and split it in two.
Tremor-Sense: Godzilla can sense underground movement and locate things underground.. Burrowing kaiju take subtract 5 from their OPN for their attack rolls against Godzilla.
Burrowing:Godzilla is capable of digging through rock at a quick pace.  He always counts the amount of Cover on a battlefield as ONE CATEGORY HIGHER (+5 BONUS to his DPN), up to the maximum of EXTREME (+20 BONUS).
Swimming:  Godzilla is an AMPHIBIOUS KAIJU, as much at home in the water as on land. He is also a very fast swimmer. AQUATIC KAIJU do not gain the full EXTREME Cover Bonuses against Godzilla.
Reaction time/ strike speed: Godzilla is fast enough with his arms strikes to create turbulence, or quickly chain attacks together. He is capable of even using his atomic breath to intercept incoming blows.
Regeneration: Godzilla can recover quickly; even from widespread internal damage such as bioweapons once a cure is administered, and quickly heal wounds.
Tool use: Godzilla frequently has been known to use vehicles as improvised weapons, even forcing them down another monsters throat.
Disease amplification: When he does get sick, Godzilla becomes a very effective disease vector. If Godzilla obtains a status condition from a virulent illness, ALL ON THE FIELD not immune to it WILL contract it.
Prescience: Godzilla seems able to not only sense other monsters, but predict where they will appear. (KotM #15)
Parasites: Skin parasites act as an additional security measure against small attackers climbing on him. (KotM #14)
Radioactive blood: Godzilla's blood is highly radioactive.
Sonic resistance: Sonic weapons and powers have repeatedly failed against Godzilla without causing any noticeable effect. 
Nuclear pulse: Godzilla gives off a nuclear pulse across his skin when he awakens from unconsciousness, hurting whatever is touching him at the time.
-When recovering from sickness loss of energy,Godzilla's ability to use his atomic breath takes longer to recover than his other physical capabilities. Draining Godzilla of energy can thus deprive him of his beam.
-Cadmium missiles can also deprive Godzilla of use of his beam.
 Personal Primal Number: 87 – Signal Lost - Godzilla stops sensing whatever it was that drew him to this battlefield. Enraged, Godzilla gets TWO Attack Rolls each round.
Special Rule:  -Delayed Reaction- Any status effect on Godzilla that does not involve physical contact (i.e. constriction or entanglement) such as being stunned (i.e. made to miss attack and defense rolls by something other than his own rolls), poisoned or frozen is delayed one Round before taking effect.
Bless the trend “respect” threads and their well sourced lists of feats.
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virovac · 4 years
New Kaiju Tourney stats :Rodan(MVerse)
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Neutral Legendary Radioactive Bio-Volcanic Titan
Travel Method: Air
Film Appearances: Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019 film)
Height: 23.5 meters
Wingspan: 133 meters
Weight: 15,500 metric tons
Beak; Rodan possesses a sharp, serrated beak.
Talons: Rodan possesses talons similar to birds of prey which he uses to slash foes
Flight -Rodan can fly at supersonic speeds sufficient to outpace F-35 Lightning II and F/A-18  Hornet fighter jets, Rodan counts as an AERIAL kaiju, and ALWAYS takes the opposite bonus for the cover offered by a Battlefield (treating NONE as EXTREME, for example). Such is his agility that Rodan may RE-ROLL his FIRST 3 FAILED Defense Rolls in any match.
Hurricane winds- Rodan produces destructive shockwaves, described by Monarch as "cyclonic drift streams,"while flying at top speeds which can flatten buildings he passes over and launch debris such as vehicles and people into the air
Volcano dweller: Rodan rests inside volcanoes to hibernate and is covered in volcanic rock armor. He will not take WOUNDS caused by Volcanic eruptions or Magma. However, he can still be defeated by being buried alive in Magma when such special rules account for it.
Durability-Rodan has an extreme tolerance to heat and magma. A layer of volcanic rock acts as armor plating for Rodan's wings. This volcanic rock also covers many parts of his body, giving him extra protection in combat
Magma System- Rodan has an internal combustion system of magma that flows throughout his body, with  magma even leaking through the ends of his wings.  Rodan counts as having Flame/Heat Attacks.
Personal Primal Number: [91]- Destroyer Classification- The earth shakes as geological activity mysteriously increases as Rodan flies above simultaneously throwing down destructive streams of wind. The assault is represented as making one Attack Roll against each foe using the Cover Bonus of the battlefield for the Power Number,for which there are no defense rolls. The cover of the Battlefield is reduced TWO CATEGORIES FOR THE REST OF THE TOURNAMENT by the combination of shockwaves in the earth and air. Any volcanoes on the battlefield begin ERUPTING the next turn.
Special Rule: Wildcard- After Rodan sustains TWO WOUNDs, roll a D6. If Even, Rodan keeps fighting. If Odd, Rodan submits to his foe and has a 50% chance of coming to their aid for each of their following matches for the rest of the Tournament. For each match of Rodan's new master onwards. Roll a D6 . If Odd, Rodan is present as part of the match with half the power number of his "alpha" and taking 2 Wounds to be Defeated.
 Rodan does not need to be defeated to win a match against the participant he has pledged loyalty to.
Rodan will not accept a new master after their boss is defeated, and if not defeated himself in the match their master falls in, will instead opt to leave the tournament and assist his fellow  titans not fighting in the tourney in restoring battlefields damaged by radiation or pollution, increasing the odds of successful cleanup by 1. 
Notes: If Rodan pledges his loyalty to co-participants entered together, he will replace one of them on their team if they are removed from the tourney (such as by time-travel shenanigans). 
If the Wildcard goes into effect in a battle with 3 or more contestnts, Rodan gives his loyalty to the winner.
In Team Tourney’s this may only go into effect if Rodan’s teammate has already been defeated before Rodan sustains TWO wounds.
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virovac · 4 years
New Kajiu stats: Orochimaru
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Evil Mystical Human/Dragon
Method of travel: In Human form.
Height: 55 meters 
Length: 130 meters
Weight : 37,500 metric tons
Appearances:  The Magic Serpent (1966)
Water Spray: Orochimaru can spray forth streams of water. Kaiju with  WEAKNESS to WATER exposure,  or FEAR of water will have the rules apply even if the battlefield lacks a body of  water.
Claws: Orochimaru has very sharp claws with which he will scratch at foes
Tail: Orochimaru has a long tail he can sweep and swing behind him
Speech. Orochimaru is still able to speak in dragon form.
Amphibious: Orochimaru is a water dragon. He may take the available Water-based cover bonus (AQUATIC, or UNDERWATER against a foe that's amphibious or aquatic) of a battlefield if it is superior to land.
Weakness: Wounded EGO- When the proud warrior dragon is wounded, Orochimaru has been known to flail about  in panicked outrage. WHENEVER he is  WOUNDED by an ATTACK, roll a d6, if a 1,  he forfeits his next attack and defense rolls..
Personal Primal Number- Tsunade-65- Orochimaru's daughter Tsunadesummons a giant spider to join the fight with its SILK spit.
The flying spider has a power number TWICE that of Orochimaru, can make defense rolls, and can use the AERIAL COVER bonus if superior to the normal cover bonus.
For the FIRST BATTLE THIS NUMBER IS ROLLED: If Orochimaru is fighting an EVIL or NEUTRAL kaiju, the spider will fight by his side. If Orochimaru is fighting a GOOD opponent, the spider will side against him. The Spider takes 2 Wounds to Defeat
However, for EVERY FOLLOWING BATTLE this number is rolled by Orochimaru, the Spider will make a focus roll between anyone or anything that can be HIT, and a chance of skipping its normal attack roll that turn to search the battlefield for the one who abused their boon by summoning them again.
The spider takes its turn after Orochimaru.
Special Rule-Deluge-The powerful magical blasts of water  Orochimaru can spit powerful streams of water which can snuff out fire and has a chance of making a foe with a FLAME Attack forfeit their normal attack roll each turn. Roll a D6 at the start of each round if facing such a foe. If a 1-2, the foe FORFEITS their normal Attack Roll that turn.
A fantasy monster. Not many of those in films suitable for these tourneys.
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virovac · 4 years
Kaiju stat rewrites: M.O.G.U.E.R.A
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 Good Anti-kaiju Crewed Mecha
Methods of Travel: Air, Space
Power source:Laser [Inertial] Fusion reactor
Height: 75 meters
Weight: 100,000 metric tons
Film Appearances: Godzilla vs Space Godzilla
Flight – MOGUERA is able to fly by means of propulsion units in its legs. MOGUERA counts as an AERIAL KAIJU and may take the OPPOSITE Bonus for the Cover offered by a battlefield, treating NONE as EXTREME, for example. However, it is equally able to function on the ground and will use either the normal Cover Bouns or that for being an AERIAL KAIJU.
Auto-Tracking Laser Cannons – When closed, MOGUERA's arm cones can fire powerful lasers. (MOGUERA only has only used these when flying)
Plasma Laser – MOGUERA’s eyes can generate rapid, continuous bursts of plasma energy.
Plasma Maser Cannon –MOGUERA’s chest.can open to reveal a deadly Maser cannon is housed within 
Drill – MOGUERA’s nose is actually a powerful drill.
Transformer – MOGUERA can separate into two separate machines, the aerial Star Falcon and the tank-like Land Moguera.
Spiral Missiles – MOGUERA’s arm-cones can open to fire massive and extremely powerful spiral missiles at its foes.
MECM Jamming system – The Magnetic & Electronic Counter Measure jamming system, installed in  the provides protection against EM radiation caused system failures . This was installed following the first fight with Spacegodzilla in space.
Complex Sensor System: MOGUERA has seven complementary types of sensors: Ultra-High Sensitivity Camera Infrared Radar, Active Sonar, Thermo-Searcher, Moving Body Scanner, Gravity Measuring Instrument , and Laser Aiming Tracking System. The most resilient and protected of these are within a slit in the robot's  forehead.
Ramming: MOGUERA when damaged and accidentally reactivated was able to deliver a powerful ram unintentionally knocking Spacegodzilla over.
Weaknesses: None
Personal Primal Number: - 90 – Divide and Conquer – MOGUERA splits into its two component machines. Each can withstand 2 WOUNDS and have a Power Number equal to ½ that of MOGUERA and can make defense rolls. If MOGUERA has suffered only one wound in the battle, its component machines can suffer 2 wounds each. If the combined MOGUERA has suffered 2 or more wounds, each machine will have only one remaining (barring the need tie-breaking). The enemy kaiju must make a Focus Roll to determine which machine it attacks and must destroy BOTH in order to win the match.
If both vehicles are still functional (including cases of taking their max damage earlier in the round) and the PPN is rolled AGAIN by either, they will RECOMBINE, adding their remaining wounds together and dividing by 2 to determine the number remaining. MOGUERA can actually repair itself by transforming. The recombined MOGUERA will be restored to its full Power Number as well.
The Star Falcon counts as an AERIAL kaiju and always takes the OPPOSITE Bonus for the Cover offered by a battlefield, treating NONE as EXTREME, for example, and like its combined form NEGATES the Aerial bonuses of other kaiju.
Land Moguera is a BURROWING machine capable of attacking foes on the surface and flight. It always counts the amount of Cover on a battlefield as ONE CATEGORY HIGHER (+5 BONUS to his DPN), up to the maximum of EXTREME (+20 BONUS). Land MOGUERA's arsenal and sensors NEGATES other kaiju's BURROWING BONUSes
Special Rules:
Universal Expert- MOGUERA is built for fighting in various extreme conditions. MOGUERA is immune to any TEMPERATURE or RADIATION based environmental debuffs and damage (including Volcanoes, Deserts, and Nuclear Slag Heaps), UNTIL it sustains 3 WOUNDS. The same applies to its separated components until they sustain 2 WOUNDS.
Special Alignment Rule: Weapon of Earth Forces – MOGUERA is designed and built by the United Nations to defend Japan and the world from the ravages of kaiju. Minus noted exceptions: Human Military attacks are never directed against MOGUERA, and are REDIRECTED against its foe, possibly resulting in double attacks in cases where human military attacks are directed against both combatants. EXCEPTIONS: does not apply to terrorist attacks or EVENT military reinforcements, or to non-military human interference such as Monster Island facilities.
For debate reference
Land Moguera
Length: 53.125 meters
Width: 25 meters 
Weight: 56,250 metric tons
Burrowing: Land Moguera's "buster drill" allows it to travel at 60 kilometers per hour underground.
Speed: Aboveground, Land Moguera can clock at speeds of 120 kilometers per hour.
Auto-Tracking Laser Cannons: The Land Moguera component inherits these from MOGUERA when  and can use them when burrowing and blast through earth to strike enemies above or targets beneath the surface.
Ground-to-Air Laser Cannon- Land Moguera is able fire a powerful laser  mounted on its top antenna
Hovering: Land Moguera is capable of going airborne, primarily for the purpose of rejoining with the Star Falcon to reform MOGUERA
Combination: Land Moguera is able to join back up with Land Moguera to form MOGUERA again, becoming the upper part of the giant mech.
Star Falcon
Length: 50 meters
Wingspan: 41.875 meters 
Weight: 43,750 metric tons
Flight: The Star Falcon can fly at a disputed flight speed of either Mach .24 (306 kilometers per hour) or Mach 3 (according to statistics displayed in film).
Space Flight: The Star Falcon can fly in space. Its speed dramatically increases in reduced atmosphere and gravity.
Dual Vulan Masers: The Star Falcon is armed with two rapid-fire, energy efficient cannons.
Combination: Star Falcon is able to join back up with Land Moguera to form MOGUERA again, becoming the lower part of the mech.
New Special rule. and I wrote up stats for the the two component vehicles
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virovac · 4 years
New Kaiju Contestant stats; Megapede/Cicada
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No one working on this apparently knew the difference between a centipede and a caterpillar.
Or that centipedes and cicadas can’t breed together.
It was a big biology fail of an episode all around.
Pretty straightfoward statblock
Neutral Mutated Hybrid Arthropod Larva
Travel Method: Burrowing
Height: 60 meters
Length: 80 meters
Weight: 20,000 metric tons
Durability: Megapede is resistant to both tranquilizer darts and laser fire.
Claws: Megapede has two clawed limbs for grabbing and smashing smaller objects.
Poison foam: Megapede can spit a froth of slippery, blinding foamy, that's a mix of digestive fluids and various biotoxins.
Venom Darts: The Megapede may shoot an array of an venomous darts from its neck in close combat. The venom has temporary disorienting effects.
Burrowing: Megapede is a quick burrower. It always counts the amount of Cover on a battlefield as ONE CATEGORY HIGHER (+5 BONUS to his DPN), up to the maximum of EXTREME (+20 BONUS
Personal Primal Number:  Poison Barrage -[27]-Megapede brings all of its venomous and poisonous abilities to bear against its enemy. A barrage of venomous darts are fired, dealing 1 WOUND and causing its foe to FORFEIT its NEXT Attack and Defense rolls if an Organic lifeform. A second barrage follows with a NON-DAMAGING (unless foe has a weakness to poisons, that would make it otherwise) Attack Roll for Megapede's slippery poisonous foam,  which if successful causes the opponent to FORFEIT their next Attack Roll if they haven't already and if an ORGANIC OPPONENT WITH EYES loses another -15 from its OPN for the rest of the match.
Electricity -The Megapedde is weak against electricity. Megapede is extremely vulnerable to ELECTRICAL ATTACKS. If he is fighting a kaiju with an ELECTRICAL ATTACK (such as Gyaos), roll the d6 die after a successful HIT. If the result is 1, Megapede is dealt an EXTRA WOUND.
Special rules:
Transformation- The Megapede is merely the larval stage of the organism. Roll a d100 at the start of the 6th round, and every ROUND onwards. On the roll of 1-10 The Megapede retreats to enter its adult stage the Cicada FOR THE REST OF THE TOURNAMENT. A NEW battle begins with both contestants counting as fresh.At the beginning of the FOLLOWING ROUNDS, again roll, with 1-20 bringing instigating the transformation. ADD +10 to the chances of metamorphosis each round after.
If a Team Tourney Year, Megapede's ally must make a focus roll between staying and trying to defeat one or both of their foes on their own, or fleeing with Megapede and joining the new match. Any kaiju defeated in the prior match will not be restored to fighting condition in the new match against Cicada.
Mutant Cicada
Neutral Hybrid Insect Mutant
Travel Method: Flight 
Height: 25 meters
Length: 15 meters
Weight: 15,000 metric tons
Flight – The Cicada is able to fly by using its wings. Cicaa counts as an AERIAL kaiju, and may take the opposite bonus for the cover offered by a Battlefield. However, Cicada is equally able to function on the ground, and so will use either the normal cover bonus or the bonus for being an AERIAL kaiju
Claws- Cicada still has the two clawed limbs for grabbing smaller objects that its larval stage possessed.
Signal Interference -The wingbeats of the Cicada as it attempts to attract a mate somehow interfere with EM transmissions and Radar. These wingbeats can also cause minor pain from the noise to the unprepared.
Poison foam -The Cicada can spit a froth of slippery, blinding foamy, that's a mix of digestive fluids and various biotoxins, shooting it with enough accuracy to blind flying targets
Agile Climbing - Cicada is extremely agile on the ground, quickly scurrying around and jumping using even the slightest cover with its climbing ability, being able to even quickly outrun most climbers across rooftops. Add +5 to the Cicada's DPN when fighting is an area with Moderate or above cover. If the Cover is Heavy or Extreme, the Climbing bonus IS NOT CANCELLED by Flying or Climbing kaiju.
Durability: The Cida is able to shrug off direct hits from stinger missiles and a collapsing skyscraper.
Drowning: The Cicada is very vulnerable to drowning if dragged into water. Subtract -10 from its Power Number when facing an Amphibious or Aquatic Foe in a battlefield with a notable BODY OF WATER.
Personal Primal Number -[28]- Poison Foam -The Cicada attacks with slippery, poisonous foam,  causing  the opponent to FORFEIT their next Attack roll and if an ORGANIC OPPONENT WITH EYES, permanently lose -15 from their OPN for the rest of the match. Not only that, the foe will now include allies in its focus rolls, with Half the chance it does for other targets, risking accidentally attacking them. 
Special Rule:Interference- BEFORE any PRE-COMBAT EVENTS BEGIN ,the Cicada will unleash its mating call causing interference with wireless transmissions.  In the following Pre-battle events, All MILITARY, ALIEN or TERRORIST attacks on ANY TARGET have their Power Number HALVED and rounded up to the nearest whole number. For Pre-Battle events, Mind Controlled and Remote Controlled kaiju/robots or those with Sonic Weaknesses will have their PN temporarily reduced by -10 until combat begins
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