#kakashi lets him 'break in' & hang out with all the dogs haha
ragingbullmode · 5 months
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playing around w/ the symmetry tool... trying to flesh out my naruto oc lol
his name is kamu (to bite) but he prefers his nickname daidai (a japanese bitter orange he enjoys eating that isnt meant to be eaten whole) ! hes very proud of his long eyelashes + androgynous appearance & dyes his hair to keep a very cool & brash appearance to cover up how shy + socially anxious he actually is. his favorite food is masago (fish roe) & daidai fruit. he cant stand the taste of ginger. his ninken is some sort of mastiff he named pillow ^_^ obvs hes from the inuzuka ichizoku 👍
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raendown · 7 years
@purple-possibilities​ Your idea of Kakashi/Hana was so adorable I had to write it straight away for the Soulmate Collection. It was just going to be a quick couple hundred words. Apparently Hana wasn’t having any of that? I hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Kakashi/Hana Soulmate AU: the one where you have a tattoo somewhere on your body representing what your soulmate is passionate about
Hana loved her work more than absolutely everything. Working with animals was her true calling and she could not imagine a more fulfilling vocation. Every day she brought joy and health to the lives of dogs, cats, rabbits, and any number of other small animals. Her specialty, however, was in dogs and she felt no guilt about having a soft spot for them. She was an Inuzuka after all.
She was, however, slightly embarrassed to have a favorite client. She would allow her bonded companion to bite whoever pointed it out but Hana might have dressed a little nicer than usual today after seeing who her last appointment was. Hatake Kakashi was half the reason her clinic stayed in business. With eight dogs to take care of it was rare for a full month to pass by without him booking an appointment for one thing or another.  Hana adored every single one of his dogs. She also happened to adore him as well. It was hard not to considering the older man was nothing more than an oversized puppy.  
Getting through the day was hard when the one appointment she was excited about getting to was scheduled for the very end of her shift. The hours seemed to drag until her lunch break and then continued to drag afterward. Finally, as she was finishing up some paperwork about the operation from last week, Hana’s nose twitched. She smiled as a familiar scent wafted in from the waiting room. It seemed that Kakashi had arrived with Bull.
Not wanting to seem overeager, Hana waited until her assistant came to let her know that they were here before standing and making her way out of her tiny office. Kakashi was sitting on the floor with his legs splayed out. Bull sat in between his knees, attempting to bath his owners face with sloppy kisses from a slobbery wet tongue while Kakashi guarded his face with his hands and laughed. Hana took a moment to enjoy the sight in silence, allowing the man a moment to enjoy himself. Not many people were aware of her friendship with Kakashi as the two of them generally ran in different social circles. He seemed to like it that way, though, as it made her clinic one of the few places that he could let go of things and just be himself.
When Bull lifted one paw and started to push against Kakashi’s shoulder, almost toppling the poor man, Hana finally alerted them to her presence. Not that they hadn’t known she was there before. Kakashi’s sense of smell was on par with her own.
“Is that my favorite bulldog? Who’s a good boy, Bull? Who’s a good boy?” The gigantic canine immediately abandoned his owner in favor of turning to her with a deep booming woof, tongue lolling out as he grinned happily. Hana smiled and rubbed at his floppy ears. On the floor, Kakashi lowered his hands at last to peek up at her. He was wearing a grin of his own.
“Thank you,” he said meekly, obviously holding in a laugh. She shook her head in mock disapproval.
“You’re supposed to be the boss, Hatake. How can you let him corner you like that?” She tutted as she turned and walked away, Bull following at her heels and Kakashi scrambling to do the same.
His footfalls made no noise but she could hear him right behind her as he said, “Hmm, and I suppose you never let Natsuki boss you around.” Hana chose not to answer him, ignoring the way her wolfhound companion huffed amusedly as they entered the room. Instead she gathered her implements and got straight to Bull’s checkup while Kakashi collapsed in to his favorite chair in the corner. Out of the corner of her eye, she noted the way he seemed to curl slightly inward like a dog might if it were injured. She made a note not to let him get away without his own checkup.
Bull was in today to get treated for an irregularity in his breathing. She had to commend her friend for noticing something that most people might not and for being concerned enough to bring the dog in. After a few tests she determined it to be an allergic reaction to a certain kind of plant, found only in the Land of Rivers. Seeing as the Copy Ninja and his summons had just spent two weeks in that area for a mission it was easy to see where he might have come in contact with it. She prescribed him a special shampoo to wash out his fur with and an easy-to-swallow diet until the swelling in his airways went down.
Then she turned to her friend.
“Alright, your turn,” she announced in the same tone she used to make her younger brother sit up straight and do as he was told. Kakashi blinked up at her with as innocent an expression as he could manage with his face mostly covered. It was surprisingly effective. She still knew better.
“My turn? I can’t imagine what you’re –”
“Kakashi I can smell blood and it isn’t Bull’s,” she interrupted him. “Not to mention the way you’re favoring your right side. You’re injured and avoiding the hospital. As usual.”
His eyes drifted slightly off to the side, a sure sign he was hiding something, as he murmured, “It isn’t a big deal Hana, it’ll heal on its own.” When she continued to stare him down silently he widened his eye. “I promise if it gets infected I’ll get it looked at?” Hana snorted in time with Natsuki.
“No you won’t,” she disagreed. “Now get on the table.” Kakashi avoided hospitals like the plague because he had trust issues. But he trusted her and he had let her fix him up on her exam table numerous times before. Her medical jutsu were aimed towards animal anatomy so there was only so much she could do but she would do it in a heartbeat if it meant he would accept some kind of treatment.
“Really, I think I’ll be okay,” Kakashi hedged again. She eyed him suspiciously.
“You’re being cagey,” she pointed out. “What is it about the wound that you don’t want me to see?”
Hana was absolutely fascinated to watch a blush spread out across the top of Kakashi’s mask. They had been friends for a number of years now and she could only remember seeing him blush maybe once before. He raised a hand to rub at the nape of his neck uncomfortably.
“It’s – haha – why would you – no I – it’s not – uhm!” He stammered through a few more disconnected words while Hana looked on, more and more intrigued by the second, until finally he drooped his head like a puppy and mumbled something very quietly. His entire face was so red she was worried he might overheat.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” she said without mercy.
“I said it’s on my ass! I got a kunai in my ass!” His hands both clamped down on his mouth and horror filled his eyes as he registered that he had just shouted that, probably loud enough for the receptionist girls to hear. Hana bit down on both of her lips and tried – really she did – not to laugh.
It didn’t work. Kakashi’s pouting only made her laugh even harder until tears streamed down her cheeks. Bull and Natsuki, curled up together on the dog bed in the corner, had their heads buried in the soft material. Muffled canine chuckles could still be heard though.
By the time Hana finally managed to pull herself together her belly had started to hurt from the laughter. A few chuckles continued to escape as she used the collar of her white medical jacket to wipe the tears from her face. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed like that. She didn’t even feel bad. Kakashi had been sitting on the floor earlier so obviously it wasn’t too bad, although she had seen the man walk home on a leg broken in two places. Still. A kunai in the ass. That was funny! She patted the exam table with one hand and tried for an apologetic face.
“Okay, I’m sorry Kakashi. But you should still get that looked at.” She gave him a mischievous look. “I promise I won’t tell anyone that I saw your tushy.”
Kakashi did rise from his chair, blush not entirely gone, but he still looked hesitant. His hand tugged at the hem of his vest in an adorable display of bashfulness. She knew better than a lot of people that Kakashi didn’t cover up to look mysterious or cool. He covered as much of himself as possible because he was shy.
“It’s…not just that,” her friend mumbled even as he allowed her to lead him to the exam table by the arm. She raised an eyebrow. “It’s right next to my soul mark. That’s really private, you know?”
Comprehension dawned on her and Hana gave him arm a sympathetic squeeze. She did know. Most people kept their soul marks private until they thought they had found the person it was meant for. Hana was one of those people herself, although hers presented a common problem: it was too generalized. The vague outline of what appeared to be a litter of pups on her ribs could be absolutely anyone in her clan. For her to see Kakashi’s mark was an extremely intimate thing but Hana was of the opinion that health came before comfort zones.
“It is private,” she agreed, “but the wound needs to be cared for. You know that. I’ll try not to look too closely. I could get you something to hold over it?”
Kakashi mumbled under his breath that he was still going to have to show her his ass but he did reach slowly for the button of his pants. Hana smiled and fetched him a towel. How many girls in this village would give their right lung just to be able to see Hatake Kakashi bent over her medical table with his ass hanging out? Probably a good three quarters of them.
She tried not to smile as Kakashi faced away and slowly pulled the waist of his pants down, bringing his underwear down at the same time to reveal the palest bottom she had ever seen. His skin was almost as white as his hair and the hard-earned muscles in his butt had her wiping away a tiny bit of drool. Fighting to remain professional, she turned her eyes towards the ceiling until Kakashi had placed the towel over himself and then forced her gaze towards the wounded area.
It looked as though he had barely dodged a flying kunai instead of being stabbed with it as she had assumed. The cut was about an inch long and it wasn’t so deep that had to worry about hidden debris inside. However, it was obviously a couple days old and had not been properly cared for. Kakashi held still as she cleaned out the wound and stitched the two edges together. She knew only one basic healing jutsu that was safe to use on humans and it did little more than lower the inflammation around the area but she could see his muscles relaxing as her chakra seeped away the pain.
When she had done all that she could Hana taped a bandage over the cut. If she spent a little bit more time than necessary making sure that the adhesive tape was properly applied, that was her own business. Kakashi had a fine ass and she had no qualms with taking her opportunities as they came. When she could draw it out no longer Hana couldn’t resist a little teasing.
“All done, Kakashi. Shame. I was having fun.” She accompanied her bold words with a friendly pat on the cloth covered side of his ass, not quite prepared for the severity of his reaction.
Kakashi yelped and jumped almost a foot off the ground, half turning around to look at her in shock. Then he realized that turning around would expose certain other parts of him and he yelped again, both hands going forward to shield himself and snapping back around to face the table. The back of his neck was almost the exact shade of the clan markings on Hana’s face.
“Hana!” he protested, voice cracking in embarrassment. Hana was not paying attention. She was staring at the soul mark suddenly revealed to her, the towel having dropped in his haste to cover himself. The muscles in his lower back jumped under her touch when she pressed a hand in to him to stop him from moving. “What are you doing!?”
“Kakashi, how closely have you looked at your soul mark?” she asked in a faint voice.
“It’s on my butt, I can’t really see it. I know it’s a dog.” He was refusing to look at her but his voice carried faint traces of curiosity. “Why?”
“Because that’s my dog!”
“I – what?” That got his attention, encouraging him to actually turn his head and peer over his own shoulder as if he could see what she was talking about. “What do you mean?”
Hana found it difficult to breathe as she answered, “I mean that your soul mark is a very detailed picture of Natsuki! With a bow on her head and everything!” His eyes met hers over his shoulder and they blinked at each other for a few seconds.
“Can I put my pants back on?” he asked plaintively. One quick giggle escaped against her will but she nodded. Kakashi pulled his garments back in to place and turned around fully only when he was comfortably covered up. He shifted his weight from side to side, rubbing the back of his head, before at last asking shyly, “Can I ask what yours is?”
Hana didn’t even hesitate to pull open her coat and lift her shirt just far enough to reveal the vague mark that had frustrated her since she was old enough to know what it was for. Kakashi studied it in silence for a long time. She could see his eyes slowly rotating to look at each of the almost shapeless blobs, all of them a slightly different color and size.
“Those are my ninken.”
“What?” Hana struggled to see over the folds of her shirt without exposing the entirety of her chest. “Show me.”
Kakashi pointed to each of the shapes, naming his ninken one by one. By the time he was done, she wondered how she could have missed it. The colors and size matched each of his dogs and some of them were even identifiable by breed if you looked hard enough. Hana lifted her eyes and stared at Kakashi, who stared back. She couldn’t seem to find the words to say anything. Kakashi had been one of her closest friends for years, so how could she never have given the idea any thought? How many years had she had a crush on him without even considering that he might be her soulmate? It was all too common for people to marry within their clan; she’d thought she was going to be one of them.
Hana almost swallowed her tongue in surprise when Kakashi suddenly stepped forward and kissed her. He wasn’t a man normally comfortable with physical contact, preferring to stay covered and safely inside his personal bubble. She was therefore doubly surprise when she discovered that he was a good kisser, even through the barrier of a mask. When they parted she barely held in a protest.
“Sorry I was just, uh, happy?” Kakashi mumbled, his eyes falling to the floor while he rubbed his head. He was just so shy. Hana wondered how everyone always got the impression that he was just being cool and suave. He was the most adorably awkward person she had ever met.
And he was her soulmate. She wanted to squeal.
Instead of responding to his unnecessary apology, Hana reeled him in for a second kiss. He made a delicious noise in the back of his throat and she felt one of his gloved hands winding in to her hair to cradle the back of her head. She was suddenly glad that his appointment had been the last of the day because surely she wouldn’t have been able to get anything else done after this discovery.
“Oi! Break it up you two!” a growling voice complained from the corner of the room. “We don’t want to see that!”
Hana and Kakashi both looked over to see Bull and Natsuki staring at them with suffering expressions. Before her companion could say anything Hana scoffed and said, “Then don’t look.” Then she kissed him again, ignoring the howling from across the room. They would have to get used to it, after all.
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