#kamurocho dreams
the-haunted-office · 2 years
( @kamurocho-dreams - Continued from here!)
Thursday smiles, says “Thank you!”, and moves to exit the closet.
And then the man is grabbing her wrist.
Well. This just got a whole lot more awkward.
Of course her natural instinct is to pull her wrist back to herself - although whether or not she succeeds in that depends on how tight Etsumi’s grip is, which turns out to be pretty tight indeed - and sternly say, “Eh, excuse me, I did not consent to you touching me, Mister- Whatever Your Name Is.”
When it becomes apparent that she’s not going to be able to get away from him (curse her and her lack of combat skills... not that she’d use them even if she knew any because when it comes down to it physical altercations are simply not her forte, not without a significant amount of advanced planning that usually involves buckets, filing cabinets, and placing herself at an advantage) she stops and lets her arm go slack.
“Ah, sorry, I think you must have me confused with- whoever ‘them’ is, or whoever Tsuki or Shinji are. Never even heard of them before now. Although you are right about me being a foreigner. Not sure about tourist, though - I didn’t exactly choose to come here,” she says, trying to think of how to rectify the situation or what could have even set him off the first place.
Was it the whole being crouched in his closet thing? Okay, that’s fair, she supposes - this is obviously a different world than her own, so of course people here aren’t going to be used to finding strangers crouched in their closets, whereas back in the office it’s pretty much an everyday occurrence. In fact, if ever a day goes by where she doesn’t find someone crouched in the closet in her office, she’ll start questioning her own reality.
“So- I apologize if my presence in your closet has confused you. It’s confused me too, to be honest! I don’t really have a good explanation for it other than I was in my office, I walked through a doorway, and I wound up in your closet instead of the stairwell. All things considered, not the worst place I’ve suddenly found myself as a result of walking through a confused doorway, but still - sorry that it’s causing an issue here. But, there is an easy fix to that!” she beams, as if she is just about to deliver the best good news anyone has ever heard. “All I have to do is wait around for about 5-6 hours and then I’ll be out of your hair. Poof. Like I was never here. Except I was. And you’ll remember I was here. Which, understandably, will be very confusing to you, however very convenient for me.”
“Anyway, since we’re going to be in each other’s company for that duration,” - here she tries to twist her wrist in a way so that she can shake his hand - “my name is Thursday! Nice to meet you!”
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undrcvrstar · 2 years
On the streets, people were dressed up in large overcoats and lovely knitted scarves. It was cold out there, only proven so by the gentle snow that had begun drifting down through the streets of Kamurocho.
Within Café Alps, located on one of Kamurocho's main stretches, Ryoma sat patiently awaiting. On the coffee table in front of him, rested a coffee cup filled to the brim with his beloved Blue Mountain coffee. It was brewed perfectly. There was a space free opposite him, waiting for Asher to accompany him.
His guard was still high in relation to the man he was meeting, but he could feel himself slipping a little bit. Despite their odd and rough initial meeting- where he ripped his rifle right out of his hands, there was a trust forming within Ryoma. Proven only with the the nicely healed scar across his chest. It had been handled well, thanks only to the treatment he had received from Asher.
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Ryoma Nishikiyama ]
The door opened, allowing the cold air to come in but not just that, also Asher. He does his entrance, looks around for a moment, and then heads toward Ryoma. He's clearly equipped for the weather, his usual trench coat replaced with a light blue one with fur along its upper and lower edges, closed with buttons and a zipper. Big black boots with a platform that made him taller than he needed to be, and matching black pants.
Taking a seat on the other side of the table from Ryoma, he took off his mask and glasses, it seems the wound on the side of his face had healed, the one over his eye still looked a bit nasty nonetheless. He took a moment, stretching and opening his coat shortly after to take it off, letting it rest on the back of the chair. His shirt underneath was his usual blue tshirt, the one from his other outfits. He actually doesn't seem really cold
After he is done settling into the chair, he finally greets Ryoma "Hey" His voice soft, it sounded partly tired. "It's a nice day today, I don't get to see snow snowing too often back at the agency." He smiles. It's true, while he and the other agents get to see snow when its settled and when they fight, they very rarely get to see it fall.
Asher wonders what to order, simply settling on nothing for the time being, it's not urgent to get something to drink.
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katsuko-rp-blog · 2 years
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Tsuki Sakuraba and Ryoma Nishikiyama ]
"Who knew that two dudes from opposin' families would hafta work together huh?" Tsuki spoke, his hands resting in the pockets of his trousers as he jauntily walks his way down Nakamichi Street. Behind him, was a towering brute. Ridiculously tall, and terrifyingly built- although, his strength was hidden so neatly under his white double breasted suit.
"Eh." He responded, following Tsuki. "I only have to build a friendly relationship with you because my Patriarch said so."
The pair were aimlessly wandering through Kamurocho, trying to build their own personal relationship so that they could work together. Tsuki had taken him to Club Sega, Don Quiote and even Earth Angel- but nothing really pleased Ryoma.
Perhaps- they'd encounter someone that'd spice up their exploration.
Katsuko is casually walking around Kamurocho
despite the occasional staring and slightly awkward encounters, it is mostly been pretty peaceful and fine
Katsuko then bumps into Tsuko and Ryoma by accident
"Oh...Hello, I'm sorry for bumping into you...Who are you two?"
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clusterrunes · 2 years
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Tsuki and Miyuna Sakuraba ]
The excited pair stepped out of the Karaoke-kan, a spring to their steps. They were humming the same song, Otomeiru My Life.
"Daddy! You sing so well!" The younger girl excited speaks as she takes his hand. He responds to her with a soft laugh, a large grin on his face. His hair is pulled out of it's silly bun, resting neatly on his shoulders. His terrible hair bleaching was now on full display, with odd patches showing up in the long parts of his hair.
"No! You're like a little idol." He excitedly replied, gently lifting her up off the ground to carry her proudly. She puts her arms around his neck as they walk down the streets of Kamurocho, the neon lights shining brighter. "Can I get your autograph Miss Sakuraba? My lovely little idol!" She can only giggle with joy as she rests her head onto the top of Tsuki's shoulders.
The pair were now heading to dinner at a cute Sushi Train, one of Miyuna's favourite places to eat.
In the middle of the streets, there are two people, namely, Doug and Forte, who look very confused about the place they're in. After all, to the outsiders, they could be cosplayers who dress up as their favorite character while to them they're the real deal.
30 minutes earlier, Doug was drinking Lipton tea as he wonders how long does it take for the Narrator to come back when Forte just cough to get his attention. "Doug, this Narrator person you speak of hasn't arrived yet. Are you positive you aren't making this up?"
"Look, I'm not even joking about this! The fact you came here before me and assume that the sech empire is back for Frey killing their leader is something I didn't expect, because I thought you were going to know what's a narrator."
"And yet, you'll never be going to tell me about Kiel. Unless...something has happened to Kiel...Doug?"
Doug kept quiet about that. He can't just tell her about the situation of Kiel being a corrupt employee nor the fact that Kokichi has corrupted him by accident, so Forte's reaction is 50/50 on either good or bad. "Nope, nothing has happened to Kiel." He lied.
"Then, how did you got separated from him?"
"We follow the line." He lied.
"Then why you two follow the line?"
"Cause the Narrator said so." He lied
At this point, Doug just drinking some tea when the wind came out of nowhere from door 427, which causes his drink to spill over the carpet. "Oh come on! I just got it out of the vending machine!"
Doug gets up and tries to close the door when Forte charges too hard that not only they got the door closed, but they also got out of the office and fall into the figurative rabbit hole.
Back to the present, Doug just groans. "Dammit, now we're in a place that is not an office building. Plus, why did you charge?! You know I can just walk towards the door and close it!"
"Well, what do you expect me to do? Just stand there while the wind keeps blowing at you?"
"Yes." He tells her, bluntly.
At this point, Forte just sighs grabs Doug's hand, and looks around for any sort of transport to get back to the office until she spotted a place. "Doug, look! There's the transport place called the sushi train!"
Doug looks at the place that Forte spotted and said "You sure this place you're looking at is a transport of sorts? It looks like a cutesy food place."
"Yes, I believe it's the way to get us back to this...office building you and Kiel were located in..."
With that being said, Forte runs towards the place while Doug has to keep up. "Hey, Forte! Can you slow down?! You're going to bump into someone if you keep running you knight nut!"
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rflcticns · 2 years
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Ryoma Nishikiyama ]
The rain drizzled down, the neon lights of Kamurocho shone so brightly in the freshly formed puddles. There were people everywhere despite the rain. A buzz of excitement rushing through them as they reached out to the skies. Money drifted down from the tall tower, smoke billowing from its' 60th floor.
On the rooftop of Serena, a man sat on the edge of the building, lighting a cigarette with his golden lighter that had a koi fish engraved onto it. He mindlessly watched the billowing smoke and moeny continue to flow freely from the building. The love of his life was in there, named as one of the victims of the explosion. So many questions rattled his mind, but all he could do was watch on in misery as the people below him on the bright, neon streets cheered with excitement as they attempted to grab as much cash as they could.
The icy air and constant drizzle had finally forced him to remove himself from this view. He stood so calmly, removing the cigarette from his mouth and tossing it to the side, before stepping on it to put it out. As he made his way down to the street level, his head was spinning, his heart broken. His place in the world seemed lost, like everything was a dream. All he could focus on was the sound of the sirens in the distance, knowing fully well that they were carrying his beloveds burnt and heavily damaged body. Being so distraught and lost in the endless haunting thoughts, Ryoma made his way down the metal stairs.
As he made his way down, a metal clanging following his footsteps. His heart dropped suddenly, sending a wave of fear shooting through his body as he missed a step. Without warning, he tumbled down the metal stairs, a loud clanging following his descent, landing into the puddle that awaited him at the bottom.
And then he fell.
And it went on. And on. And on. It never stopped. He could no longer see the streets of Kamurocho- the neon lights that dotted the place, the crowded streets... nothing. He couldn't hear the sirens anymore, or the cheering crowds. For a moment, he closed his eyes. Perhaps he had only knocked himself out-
When he opened them again, he found himself in a lavish hotel foyer. It was like nothing he had seen before, with original pieces of furniture from the 30's dotting the room. It felt as though he had stepped back in time. As he laid there, feeling the world continuing to spin and a dull ache in his head, he could hear the faint echoes of calming jazz music. His elegant white suit was now sodden- and now, freshly stained with blood that was dripping from his own face.
The place felt unsettling- and completely unnatural considering he was just on the streets of Kamurocho. Did he pass out and end up here? Did he just blank out after that fall and make his own way to this... place. Wherever this was. It certainly didn't feel like something you'd find anywhere close to Tokyo.
Ryoma sat up, feeling the blood drip from his nose as he looked around. There was an odd feeling, as though he was being watched- but there was no one present.
"Hello?" He spoke in his best English, in hopes that someone could hear him.
There was a faint sound of music almost as if from a record player playing somewhere nearby, what song it was was hard to tell. The halls seemed to bend and stretch endlessly, and the feeling that there was something wrong was not able to be helped.
A fluttering could be heard, a moth most probably, that's until it actually appeared. 6 limb like things came from its body, fuzz at their ends. It was massive, at least 4 feet. It was a Deathmoth. The deathmoth stared at Ryoma, before making a sound of having been aggravated
It spat something on the floor, and the floor began to melt, it was acid. It fluttered its wings and flew toward Ryoma, better start running as soon as possible if you know what's good for you.
Whether he'd chosen to run or not, a muffled bang would strike down the deathmoth, followed by the sound of a gentle exhale. The man put down his weapon and looked at Ryoma. There is now a man standing behind where the deathmoth was flying, and is now on the floor. He gazes up at Ryoma
The man had messy black hair with desaturated brown eyes, wearing a grey turtleneck, black pants, and just as dark combat boots. There was a bag slung over his shoulder, a handgun on his hip, and another gun on the side of the bag, this is ignoring the one currently held in his hand. There was a hint of exhaustion on his eyes.
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idcrxsxs · 2 years
"We'll be late for mahjong!"
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Etsumi and Eisuke ]
"Mahjong!? Oh come on, you guys know I don't know shit about mahjong! But as always.. I will try my best and probably end up failing miserably. "
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clickonmedotexe · 2 years
「 @kamurocho-dreams 」
Neon lights, rowdy crowds, bars, cabarets and the occasional "bath house" dotted the backstreets of Kamurochō. A set of stairs downwards, towards the basement of a building, exhibited one of Kamurochō's finest Hostess clubs.
The music was lively, the conversations seemed to be going well between the patrons and hostesses- for once, there was no drunken asshole overstepping the clubs boundaries.
Etsumi stood in the foyer alongside another one of his employees, watching the people come and go. He wore a black suit with a black tie, paired with a cordovan red vest, that matched the luxurious interiors of his club. His watchful gaze drifting across the room, watching each booth for a brief moment before moving onto the next. He felt a slight relief knowing that there has been no dramas on the club floor.
For now.
One of the guests didn't look like he belonged and judging from his expression, he didn't seem to understand how he even ended up here. 
He was tall, scrawny but carried himself with an air of confidence that said crossing him unprovoked wouldn't be smart. His hair was buzzed short and he wore an old yellow hoodie which has definitely seen better days, much like its owner.
His eyes shifted around like a caged animal as he took in the sudden crowd of people around him. Patrons, hostesses, loud music, people bustling about. It was such a stark contrast from the place he had come from that it took him a second to adjust. Even though he had grown up in these kinds of places, on the streets of NYC where it was always crowded and loud, it's been many, many years since he's been around this many people.
His hands stayed close to the hidden knife sheath under his hoodie and just as he was about to step forward, he looked up and his eyes locked on Etsumi.
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undercooked-spaghetti · 11 months
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If putting these dorks into Like a Dragon: Gaiden isn't a hint that they'll quietly release Judgment 3 late 2024 (each game has been set 3 years apart), I will eat my own feet.
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
I wish i could put my old posts under a cut this was so embarrassing but i want to reblog it because i was soooosoosoosoosooooo right i was soo right let me into the studio rgg studio im going to make y3 remastered remastered
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aftcrpast · 2 years
In the bright daylight of a warm, summers day, at opposite ends of Theatre Square. A tall gentleman and his temporary buddy sat, keeping an eye out for someone in particular. Both of them had sunglasses on, masking the direction of their eyesight. However, it wasn't long until someone came into their view- but it wasn't the person they were expecting.
A man had tripped on his own feet apparently, falling right into the middle of Theatre Square. Etsumi glanced over to the man, seeing him wreathe in pain as he laid there. People around him stared, watching him lay there. His gaze then drifted over to Ryoma, who was shaking his head, already knowing what Etsumi was going to do.
He did it anyway.
Etsumi stood from his place and hurried over, approaching the fallen giant. The man was probably drunk, but he hates seeing people hurt themselves like this. Ryoma sighed, ignoring the pair as he continued to watch for their target.
"Hey." Etsumi mumbles, kneeling next to this giant. "You alright there? Can I help you?"
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Ryoma N. and Etsumi Sugihara ]
He startled at the sound of voice, getting up slightly to take distance from Etsumi, his only visible eye a cold and terrified blue, covered by yellow tinted glasses. He struggled with his words before mumbling out "..yes." Which was a complete lie because he was so scared, so many sounds and so many people and so much, it all overwhelmed him.
This overwhelmed feeling had caused a slight change in appearancee from what we are used to, his hair was not normal, lacking any shading at all, no highlights, with the exception of a streak of lighter colored. It flowed at the edges, like it was made of something else, and bright dots seemed to appear inside the mass every so often, it was void.
Framtid struggled with his words, scared of the other man, how could he not be he did look scary to him, well, to be fair almost anything scares him. Pushing his glasses further into his face and moving some hair from his visible eye, he looked at Etsumi again. "..please get me out of here" Is what he managed to say, lowly, but clearly.
He struggled up again, simply a lack of balance on his end, but when he finished struggling he was clearly massive in height, even when hunched over. He's never seen a place like this, and it startles him, there's so much happening he feels like he can't even breathe, he just hopes this man will be able to help him
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reureuby · 2 years
5 Yakuza OC Headcanons :))))
Inspired by @majimemegoro!!
I have 3 lil Yakuza ocs- with one being a literal child™. I mostly write/talk about them on @kamurocho-dreams! They're very fresh so I haven't completely plotted their more serious stuff yet (besides that listed in their bios).
Etsumi Sugihara:
Knows literally two words in english- and it's "Fuck you". Taught to him by E.
Has the police in his pocket, pays them out if any of his staff or patrons end up in trouble.
UFO catcher King. Always wins the prizes, known for helping little kids win their ideal prizes.
Takes a gazillion selfies for his own enjoyment- but they always end up looking like some lost middle-aged man with no concept of making things look good.
Absolutely despises getting into anything with his yakuza family. Hates being dragged out to meetings, hates being caught up in fights, but can't leave since he's the "breadwinner".
Tsuki Sakuraba:
Fusses over his girls and sees them all like his daughter.
Loves a bit of a fight, gets into all kind of fights across Kamurochō. An active participant in the coliseum.
As "son" of the Sakuraba patriarch, he tries to hold himself up to a very formal manner despite also being the clumsiest man alive.
ADORES KAROKE. Get to the Top is his go to song, along with Judgement (which he does with Etsumi, if he manages to convince him to go)
Cuts his hair himself, he literally couldn't decide if he wanted to have longer or short hair, so went with whatever weird mix he concocted himself.
Miyuna Sakuraba:
Knows that Etsumi isn't her real dad, but really loves being with him and doing things with him.
Talks with the hostesses at Tsuki's club and they all look after her like she was their own daughter.
I dropped this in an unrelated discord, but Miyuna has little soft toys that relate to Etsumi/Tsuki's tattoos- like she has a soft toy Koi and clouds with lightning bolts
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
( @kamurocho-dreams​ - A response to your starter with Tsuki and Eisuke!)
Oh of course the second she gets back from dying her office is going to throw her into another weird place. So, like, what, she doesn’t even get one day to rest? One day to recuperate from everything that happened with all the destruction and death looming over her for an entire month, her body breaking down while she was still using it, being stuck in some weird dimension with a bunch of floating pieces of glass and shit? No? None?
Well, all righty then. So she’s on a train. She’s never been on a train before! May as well make the most of it.
A quick look around tells her nothing about where she is. All of her memories from being Christine are just starting to coalesce in her brain, starting to reconcile with her newer memories as Thursday. But even with all of that, she’s sure she’s never been to a place like this before. She sort of recognizes the language that’s being spoken and that’s printed everywhere, but she isn’t sure either.
Oh, man. Something has just dawned on her... She doesn’t have a ticket for this train ride. Or a pass. What if one of the train employee people comes wandering around asking to see people’s tickets, and she can’t produce one?!
Oh nooooooo!
She quickly scampers her way into a seat that is around some people, hoping that she isn’t sticking out too much and if any train people come walking by they’ll just pass her off as a tourist and not a troublemaker.
That’s when she hears a pair of voices that she recognizes.
And looks up.
You can practically see the lights come on.
Ha! She’s saved! No train people are gonna be asking to see her ticket with these two around!
She quickly switches seats over to their side.
“Tsuki! Eisuke! Oh man, I’m so glad to see you guys! I’m definitely not a stowaway or anything like that, hahaha, funny story, I just ended up here on accident, tends to happen. Anyway. How are you two?”
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undrcvrstar · 2 years
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Ryoma Nishikiyama ]
One could say Asher thinks the same about Ryoma.
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katsuko-rp-blog · 2 years
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Tsuki Sakuraba and Etsumi Sugihara ]
"My office? Filled with 'em." Speaks this guy with an obnoxious Kansai accent. "Ya seen 'em before E', ain't nothin new. Just sakura flower accents everywhere." He points to the pin on his coat, with the golden sakura flower silhouette in the middle. "It might be winter, but we make 'em work in my office." The men are walking through the streets of Kamurocho, heading to Tsuki's family office. Tsuki has a scarf wrapped around his neck along with this warm duffle coat- and Etsumi just has a warm, long puffer coat on.
Etsumi is too tired from listening to Tsuki ramble on about his stupid blossom's in his family's office- to notice that he's about to walk into someone.
Moriko accidently gets knocked down by Etsumi
she eeps as she stumbles to the ground
"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to bump into you two....I can try and make it up for you"
Moriko smiles gleefully at them
"Who are you two anyway, my name is Moriko."
"Nice to meet you two!"
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[ @kamurocho-dreams ]
Julia holds up a tiny toy camera towards Tsuki. When she presses a button, it makes a loud click and plays a little tune afterwards.
“I hope you don’t mind, Mister! I’m taking pictures of cool things!”
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morninggloryworm · 7 months
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Spending the evening with Kamurocho’s top hostesses
I started this a year and a half ago and only just managed to get around to finishing it. Don’t let your dreams be dreams 🌟
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