#kanata will just go “no” whenever mama even speaks
scolek · 1 year
thinkin bout how leo is somehow the voice of reason in madaleo
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the-starless-sky · 4 years
cozmez x Akan Yatsura / “FAMILY” voice drama track 2
Part 1 | Listen through Spotify.
Reo: And? You woke up this morning and he's gone? Aren't you overreacting~?
Hokusai: It's still only afternoon...
Satsuki: Ain't he just gone to the convenience store or something? And went to the game center when he's at itー
Kanata: Haah!?
Satsuki: Don't get riled up at that!
Kanata: Nayuta won't ever do something like that! He's never went out without saying anything to me... and I can't get a hold of him too...
Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai: ...
Iori: D'ya have... an idea as to why he disappeared?
Zen: Waka...!
Kanata: Last night, we had a fight...
Satsuki: What the heck, so it was a fight.
Reo: Aah, so maybe 'cause of that he felt it hard to see you face to face? I know that feel, you guys are siblings after all!
Hokusai: Really...?
Zen: What did you guys fought about? If it's alright with you, would you please tell us?
Kanata: He told me... to go out. He told me to go out more, and meet more people. He said that'd make me stronger.
Zen: I see.
Kanata: But I don't need that...! I only need Nayuta. Even so, he...
Iori: But it doesn't seem like s'all it was.
Kanata: ...!
Iori: To ask for my help 'til ya bow yer head, something ya've never done, means there's 'nother reason, right?
Kanata: Sometime ago, right at the time we got the Paradox Live invitation, I was attacked in town. There were three of them, punks targeting my phantometal.
AKYR: Oh...
Kanata: 'Cause they were trying to lay their hands on Nayuta, I beat them to a pulp.
Satsuki: Seriously!? You're kinda strong even though you're lanky, huh!
Reo: Monkey, you're noisy.
Hokusai: Kanata, what happened next?
Kanata: That time, they probably remembered my face. If they found Nayuta when he's alone...!
Reo: You guys have the same face, so if they misunderstood, it wont be pretty...
Hokusai: Dangerous...!
Zen: I see. So that's why you came to our place.
Kanata: This kind of thing... I know that I'm not in the place to rely on you, but...!
Iori: Aight! We should help each other in times of need. Got it, y'all?
Satsuki: Yeah!
Reo: Can't be helped~! I'll help you.
Hokusai: I'll find Nayuta. I'm good at finding lost cats.
Zen: Then, let's immediately divide the work. Waka and I will stand by here. We'll gather information. Everyone else go out to town, and search.
Iori: Ooh~! Ya look the part, don'tcha, Zen~! Ya look like those police detectives on TV dramas!
Zen: Please don't poke fun at me.
Iori: OK. Sorry.
Zen: Cough. Just in case, the search team is to move in groups of two. Decide the assignment of area and get in contact as appropriate.
Reo: OK~! Then, I'm grouping with Hokusai~
Hokusai: Understood.
Satsuki: Then, Kanata's with me.
Kanata: Y-yeah...
Satsuki: Be at ease! With this Gaia-sama, fearful enough to silence a crying child, we'll find one, even two little brothers in no time!
Kanata: Y-yeah...
Zen: If something happens, immediately get in touch and wait for reinforcement. Don't force yourselves.
Reo: Roger!
Iori: Aight, let's go all out!
Everyone: Yeah!!
(Sounds of train passing.)
Reo: Aah, I'm tired~~! Jeez~ We've been walking around all day, my legs feel like lead!
Satsuki: You've got no stamina at all.
Reo: I mean, to top it off, Hokusai tried to ask cats...
Hokusai: If only I can speak cat language...
Reo: Kanata, how's it on your end?
Kanata: We've got nothing. We couldn't trace his steps after he got out of the apartment...
(Hokusai picks up a call.)
Hokusai: Yeah... yeah... understood.
(Hokusai hangs up.)
Hokusai: From Zen... he said they didn't get any leads too.
Reo: Eeeeeh, seriousyl!? Zen-nii's an ex-police detective but he's no good at all!
Satsuki: Don't diss Zen-nii!
Hokusai: This area isn't Big Bro's territory, so...
Satsuki: But like, it's impossible to look around this much and get nothing at all.
Reo: Siiiiigh. Then, what do we do from now on?
Satsuki: We've got choice but to continue, don't we?
Hokusai: Yeah...
(Sounds of train passing.)
(Kanata stops walking.)
Kanata: Enough already.
Satsuki: Eh?
Kanata: Enough already. I'll search by myself from now.
Reo: Haa? What the heck are you saying?
Kanata: I said, I'll go search for him by myself. You guys don't have to do anything else. Sorry for getting you all mixed into this.
Satsuki: You...!!
(Satsuki grabs Kanata by the shirt.)
Satsuki: Don't look down on our chivalry!! [1] Nayuta is your family, ain't he!? Big Bro acknowledged that and agreed to help you. Just because we searched a little and couldn't find him, there's no way we'd just say 'yes, okay' and run with tails between our legs!
Reo: He's your one and only important little brother, isn't he!
Hokusai: We'll definitely... find him.
Kanata: Eh... but...
Satsuki: No fuckin' 'buts'!! You were searching desperately, lookin' like you're gonna die, didn't you? You got us in this far, don't pretend to be tough now!!
Reo: That's right, that's right! At times like this, you should just meekly depend on us! Right, Hokusai?
Hokusai: Yeah, that's right. It's okay to depend on us.
Kanata: ...
Reo: Hey... when you came to our place, you said you investigated the Suiseki group, right?
Kanata: Yeah...
Reo: Then, you knew about the raid, didn't you?
Kanata: Yeah, just the gist of it. I heard that in just one night, the group got utterly annihilated by something.
Reo: ...would've died.
Kanata: Eh?
Reo: Me... Satsuki, and Hokusai, too. That time, if our timing shifted even a second, all of us would've died.
Kanata: ...!
Reo: A deep red sea of blood... everyone died. I couldn't save anyone. Not the boss, not my comrades...
(Sound of crows cawing.)
Reo: That's why, at that time, I swore. That I wont lose my comrades, my family, ever again.
Satsuki: ...We're family.
Kanata: Family...
Satsuki: Yeah. For ordinary people, we might just be thugs, but for us, we're family. I was always like this since I was little. I get into fights quickly, and I can't study at all. Both my parents and my teachers all gave up on me - I didn't even go to elementary school properly.
Reo: Haha. Satsuki-chan's completely an elementary school graduate, after all.
Satsuki: Shut up. Everyday, everyday, I'm always pissed. If I hit others, they'd get scared. I feel refreshed, and thought I'd rise up with these fists. At that time, Big Bro took me in. Big Bro and my comrades taught me, who was abandoned by my parents because they thought I was uncontrollable - How to use chopsticks, how to eat fish, greetings, manners, and the right way to fight... patiently, they taught me, again and again, without ever giving up. Thats why I decided that they are my family. I don't care what others say. No matter how useless they are, I won't abandon them. That's what family is.
Reo: ...Me, too. I chose my own family. My blood related family has... how to say it? Broken up, and I haven't seen them for years. I don't want to see them, either. But it's not like I hate them or anything. Papa taught me hip hop, and Mama... see, she gave me this cute face, after all.
Satsuki: You gonna say that yourself?
Reo: But you see, my family... all thought that they're the most important. They make debts that Papa couldn't pay back, lots of things happened, and my family broke up. Aha, pathetic, right?
Hokusai: Reo...
Reo: Yeah.
Hokusai: There, there.
(Hokusai pats Reo's head.)
Reo: Haha, Hokusai's so nice... Unlike a certain shitty monkey.
Satsuki: Who the fuck would pat your head, disgusting!
Hokusai: Me, too. My father is in prison. We probably won't ever meet each other outside anymore, for life.
Kanata: Eh?
Hokusai: I'm the son of a criminal. When everyone knew of it, they all left me. Only animals don't look at me with rose-colored glasses. They always stay by my side. But, Big Bro and the others were different. They treat me as Masaki Hokusai, as a different person than my father. They told me to raise my head when we walk together. To them, I'm not a shameful person, because we're family.
Kanata: Family...
Satsuki: Yeah. We're not related by blood, though.
Reo: We didn't have any other choice but to choose our own family. But, Kanata, you have Nayuta, right?
Hokusai: You have to protect... your important family.
Satsuki: Yeah! Don't look down on elementary school graduate!
Reo: Waah~ how embarrasing!
Hokusai: Fufu...
Satsuki: Wh--, Hokusai, you too?
Nayuta: Kanata?
Kanata: ...! Nayuta!!
Nayuta: What are you doing in a place like that?
Kanata: What, you ask--
Satsuki: More importantly, where'd you appear from suddenly!?
Nayuta: Kanata... these guys are Akan Yatsura's...? What are you doing together?
Kanata: You idiot! We were looking for you!!
Nayuta: Eh? "Looking"?
Kanata: Where were you all this time!?
Nayuta: Where, you ask... um, I couldn't think of a good lyric, so I went out for a walk, and then I got lost, and I was tired so I took a nap somewhere, then... What did I do next?
Satsuki: Are you a stray cat!?
Hokusai: As I thought, I have to learn cat language...
Nayuta: Haha, what? What is it? Kanata, too, making such a scary face.
Kanata: Stop messing around! How worried did you think I was!!?
Nayuta: Eh?
Kanata: Saying "go by yourself", and disappearing...
Nayuta: Eh? What?
Reo: Kanata was worried that you got kidnapped by some punks.
Satsuki: He even bowed his head to us.
Hokusai: And searched for you desperately, you know?
Nayuta: Ooh... Seriously?
Kanata: Yeah...
Nayuta: No way... but...
Kanata: Quietly disappearing like that... I won't forgive you.
Nayuta: Kanata...
Kanata: I don't have anyone else but Nayuta. Nayuta's my only family. That's why, that's why... don't ever quietly disappear... don't ever...
Nayuta: Kanata... It's okay. I'm by your side. Always, whenever, I'm always by Kanata's side.
(Sounds of them walking.)
Kanata: ...Sorry. I got you all to walk around a full day and you guys even treated us to food.
Reo: It's okay, it's okay. We put the tab on Big Bro, after all!
Satsuki: Raimen-tei's soo yummy, right!? Honestly, I thought that cozmez's detestable bastards with cocky music and attitude, but we actually get along, don't we?
Hokusai: Haha. Then, we'll part here.
Reo: Starting from now on, we're rivals, okay?
Satsuki: Don't get into a fight, 'kay!?
Kanata: U-uhm!
Reo: Yeah?
Kanata: If, if you guys were lied to by Suise-- no, your family, what will you do?
Reo: Lie?
Kanata: Yeah. If kept an important thing secret.
Satsuki: Ha? That's no big deal, ain't it? Even though we're family, we'd still have one or two secrets we can't say.
Reo: Like the place where Satsuki-chan hides his favorite erotic magazines~
Satsuki: HAA!?
Reo: On the floor below the closet, it's obvious!
Satsuki: You bastard-
Kanata: Not something like that! For example, if it has something to do with your lives...
Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai: ...
Hokusai: Even so... no, if so, I'd believe them.
Kanata: Believe?
Hokusai: If so, it's kept a secret to protect us. A lie to protect your family. I won't doubt it.
Kanata: ...!
Satsuki: Yeah, that's right! I'm satisfied if I had to put my life on the line for Big Bro.
Reo: Me too, when I decided to follow Big Bro, I've prepared myself, after all.
Satsuki: Right? Don't look down on our chivalry!
Hokusai: Yeah.
Reo: Well, that's that, so...
Satsuki: See ya! The next time we meet, it'd be on the stage.
Hokusai: We won't lose.
Reo: Prepare yourselves, okay~?
(Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai walks away.)
Kanata: Ah.
Nayuta: What's wrong, Kanata?
Kanata: I missed the chance to say thank you to them.
Nayuta: Hahaha...
Kanata: What?
Nayuta: You made friends.
Kanata: Ha!?
Nayuta: It means, you have people other than me that you'd say 'thank you' to.
Kanata: That's...
Nayuta: Kanata. Kanata, you can change. You can get more, way stronger than you are now.
Kanata: That's why I said that's...
Nayuta: I'm with you. "If the two of us are together, we're the strongest", right?
Kanata: ...Yeah. If the two of us are together, we're the strongest.
Iori: That so? Good that y'all managed to find him. Yeah, good job.
(Iori hangs up.)
Zen: Did they find Nayuta-kun?
Iori: Yeah.
Zen: The only thing we can do is to watch over them. It feels kind of vexing, isn't it?
Iori: Yer right, but cozmez's a strong opponent. Can't let our guards down on the next live.
Zen: Of course, I will go all out! I have no intention to lose!
Iori: Yeah! Becoming of Akan Yatsura, let's go merrily an' flashily!
1] As in the spirit of helping the weak and fighting the strong, generosity, heroism - usually a term used by the yakuza.
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