theneonfairy-blog1 · 6 years
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Today I married the most amazing person I have ever known for the second time. Could I be any luckier? Our ceremony in Japan was a bit more formal and a way for us to celebrate with our friends and family that couldn't be with us in the US the first time. I cried a lot, kissed my husband even more and didn't quit smilin' for a single second. Now we're gonna dance and party until the sun comes up. Thank you to all the unbelievable people in our lives for being with us and showing so much love. To my husband, my heart and soul @kanisuru - you're my whole world. My inspiration, my best friend, my solid ground, my fire, my sun, my moon. You make my heart race and bring me happiness I never knew possible. I love you more than words. I love you, I love you.
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soldativre · 6 years
{ ⚜ x @kanisuru x}
Without a doubt, these were dark times. Of course, there had been wars before in the wizarding world, but most of them had had a purpose, or meaning. This one, however, was purely due to one man’s evil desires, and many others followed him and joined his ‘cause’. Some because they were just as evil, some because they thought the wizarding world had been tainted too much with muggle blood, others out of fear what would happen to them and their families if they didn’t. Either way, the death toll was high on both sides. A lot of his own friends and colleagues had died already, but that didn’t dissuade him. 
Working as an auror for the Ministry of Magic, it was Athos’ job to hunt down the Death Eaters and either capture them or kill them, if necessary. While there were some more efficient than him, Athos was still highly regarded as he was incredibly skilled in what he was doing. However, with so many of them being killed in their pursuit of the Death Eaters, they were growing desperate for new aurors. Which meant there wasn’t much time to train the new ones, before sending them out on the battlefield. The best they could do was pair one of the rookies with experienced aurors like him. 
Which was how he had ended up with Akira. Fresh out of Hogwarts, he had no actual experience other than what they had learned in school. Still feeling as though that was more of a burden than anything else, Athos remained rather cool towards the younger male. 
Sitting down on a log in the middle of the woods, Athos sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. They had tracked a Death Eater, but his trace suddenly seemed to vanish right here. Frustrated, he was sure it was because Akira was slowing him down. If it wasn’t for him, he surely wouldn’t have lost the Death Eater. “Guess we need to start all over again.”
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uruhasblackmoral · 6 years
@kanisuru replied to your post:
That’s true! Sometimes I think we probably romanticize the past a little.
That’s alright, too. We tend to remember the good times rather than the bad but I prefer it that way.
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k0zue · 7 years
Actually, there’s not much on my mind, it’s just I’m around and I guess want attention until the jet-lag well and truly kicks in! And I’d like warm hands. Paris was chilly, the plane was chilly... I missed a few individuals.
reply to: @kanisuru
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daviscre-archived · 7 years
                      kanisuru called for a starter !
☆ ┇”Are you sure you want to watch this?” David asked as they hadn’t met in a long time mostly because of being in different countries but this time they finally had some time to hang out. He had missed it. He wasn’t sure if his friend liked to watch horror or not, but for the sake of Halloween maybe his friend did, but he decided to be safe and ask either way.
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heyxliar-blog · 7 years
@kanisuru booped the ♥ for a starter!
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        — “ A man just assaulted me with milk, cream, and butter. “ Kinji, please don’t, we’re all suffering here. “ How dairy. “
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svbjetarch · 7 years
"Four or five moments. That's all it takes to become a hero."
            .• ♕ ┊       LET THE MUSIC PLAY.
          UNKNOWN SENTENCE STARTERS           Status   :   ✗           @kanisuru
            Akira ✗ Yuzi       "According to a popular saying, to stay on a good path is a lifelong doing," she mumbled, looking up from her notebook, words scribbled down, inbetween their conversation, whenever a thought hit her, a bad habit, not allowing her creativity to be interrupted, even while talking, there was still some part of her gone, busy with other matters. "People don't become heroes in four or five moments, they just get that name after they passed. Don't you think people who are called heroes are people who have done good deeds all life long with one decisive action to earn them the attention of the public? Otherwise everyone would just say it's an act or done for PR." Talking this much at once, with no proper break inbetween, it happened seldomly, happened now, for the topic was intriguing, the people she regarded as heroes, it were people willing to risk it all, to put their life on the line, to save people, to save their country. Having grown up around such folk, it was no wonder she thought like that, bit by bit, she had taken such a mindset, she didn't need superheroes, glorious men, the simple humans, doing just their best to be good, she favored those way more, looked up to them, with a child-like heart.       "You think someone who never thought of doing good would posess the bravery to run into a house in flames to save someone? People who don't do good things won't ever be able to become such a good person we call hero," she added, dropping her pen on the papers, instead reaching for her coffee, ice cubes making a sound, hitting the cup, soon to be silenced, with her drinking, gnawing on her straw, just a little bit, waiting for his reply.
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{{ stranger at the bar
Every time Miki told herself to stop staying in the studio till ridiculous hours of the night, she ended up breaking her own rule. This time, she stepped out of the studio at half past 2am, her shoulders sore and tense from crouching over her drawing desk the whole evening. A chilly wind had picked up since she was last outdoors, and her attempts to light a smoke were rendered futile by the relentless gusts of wind. She cussed, a little more loudly than she would usually have liked, but there was hardly anyone on this street corner at this time despite it being in Ginza. Nearby, the door sign of a bar creaked in the wind, and Miki dragged her exhausted feet towards it, determined to get a nightcap to ease those muscles before finding a way to get home.
Upon entering, she saw that (thankfully) it was a relatively quiet night inside too. A few groups of patrons dotted the seats near the back, while the bar was unoccupied except for one other patron, a man with platinum hair. She slid into an open seat, several seats between herself and the other customer, and signalled the bartender over. 
“Negroni, barrel aged if you have it, please,” she ordered quickly but politely. The bartender raised an eyebrow, betraying his surprise at a young woman ordering such a manly drink, but he kept his comments to himself. Now inside, Miki reached for her cigarettes again, and managed to light one this time, taking a much deserved puff.
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theneonfairy-blog1 · 6 years
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Started out the day with another crazy good breakfast and got some insider info about a cool spot to check out that evening. Commence date night lookin' fancy at this gypsy paradise.
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Then a dinner treat..
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Whose the luckiest biatch on Earth? I could be anywhere with @kanisuru and be happy but this trip holds a special place.
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taka-oneokrock · 7 years
☆ + Tastuhisa: What do you think are your worst qualities? Are you trying to change them?
I think that I’m pretty short tempered and working as a personal trainer helps to turn anger in energy for workout.
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k0zue · 7 years
Koz! I need your help. Cheerios (your choice of flavor) or Fruit Loops? Go!
I’m going to say Original Cheerios because I’ve never tried Fruit Loops 🤔😅
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tttt117-blog · 7 years
🥇📽🌞 [[With muses like this, I always think it's important to go beyond what is seen in the media or in interviews. I can't stand it when it feels like a copy and paste job. The muse should be your own creation, and for as much as Tom is like the real person he is based on, you've done an amazing job of making him your own. I love seeing him on my dash and look forward to what you do with him in the future.
The Positivity Meme
🥇 - I think you’ve done a brilliant job with your muse.📽 - I can see your muse in your portrayal, your writing is so perfect. 🌞 - You are such a bright and lovely person OOC.
[ this might be... one of the most poignant compliments/critiques of how i play tomoya that i’ve ever received? i mean, damn, i’m trying to stick to what tom shows to others -- not just through like the media and stuff, but also his personal journal entries/social media things -- but there’s only so much you can do, you know?
so the idea that the way i’ve been filling in these gaps is something that anyone enjoys seeing is like -- such a big fucking deal!! and i’m really thankful, oh my goodness, like. thank you?? and thank you so much for your support, this really means so much to me ]
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daviscre-archived · 7 years
I have been watching your muse from afar for awhile now, and I've always admired just how much time and effort you put into him. Everything from his personality, his mannerisms and down to the types of videos he uploads (those posts are my favorite) all feel very authentic to who he is as a person. You have put a lot of thought behind him, and it is very refreshing to see.
☆ ┇ ooc: This is the first OC muse Ive ever roleplayed and I didnt think I would enjoy it this much and its a lot easier to rp a OC muse. It gives you more freedom. And it gives you a lot more chance to develop your muse more in so many different ways. I didn’t think that I would have him this long as I already have and its soon been a year, Im on 8 months already. It makes me happy to see that others enjoy the youtube posts he makes. Sadly he is currently on a small hiatus with those now while he is spending his time in New York in his hometown. I try search for a lot of background info to what I add in him such as the paranormal things he works with etc. I’ve heard a lot about your muse aswell from Amorys and Davids conversations and It always made me more interested in getting to know your muse aswell so I am glad they are interacting finally, slowly, but surely. I do hope for more interactions soon.
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hannyaman2611 · 7 years
“I don’t know what that guy’s problem was.”
They look at the drunk man going away, swearing and kicking things until he disappears turning into a street corner. Maru sighs relieved after the tense moment, it was unbelievable that a thing like this could happen during aweekday’s afternoon… 
After a long time without seeing his bassist kouhai, they went to a new popular restaurant to have lunch together. It was all going smoothly until they were back to the avenue and an enraged drunk man bumped into Akira, starting to yell at him without a reason. Maru was almost calling the police, but Akira remained calm and the aggressor just went away.  
Looking at his friend he says with a concerned expression “I don’t know either!! Are you ok?”.
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eesgk-blog · 8 years
”you smell nice..”
miscellaneous sentence starters | status : accepting ! !
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- As she felt a weird warmth on her shoulder, she quickly turned to see a male. Surprised, she moved back a bit so that her imaginary bubble wouldn’t get popped. “I do?” Sung Kyung chuckled at the male’s statement. “Thanks?” She turned to grab the perfume she had used that day, “Do you want to try some on? I bet all the girls will come r u n n i n g  to you.” She smiled,”They will come running to you asking what perfume you used, of course.” She winked jokingly.
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kanisuru · 6 years
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KANISURU: When you find out friends from home are in the area too. The gift that keeps on giving. 😉🥜🍆🌶🥕🥖
Special thanks to the wife @neonlucija for photo credit and “his balls need to be bigger” commentary
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