purrloiins · 7 years
garbage child is bac in this binch w another one !!
hella gay
super gay
loves cats just as much as girls
plus the colors pink & purple
science nerd but really zoology so like animals / pokémon y’know
she’s a lil mischievous tbh 
definitely the bitch to put soap in fountains bc she’s childish smh
but also just trouble in general tends to go in whatever direction they are
i’d say actual opposite to avery but also dark pokémon ?? i’m sensing a thEME(TM)
from unova originally and usually liked to run off to alola cause honestly LIVIN HER LIFE !!! and that was how they actually got some other pokémon on the team grl
well that & one of her dads (my bab got two dads, fight me) is from alola soo visited fam there 
fuxxed w/ team skull whenever she went to alola cause said dad from there is OOPS LOWKEY A MEMBER :-) 
probably would become a villain if given the chance
that’s her most likely to & i can’t even be mad bc same rt
best is being said villain honestly JUST to stir up trouble like BYE
“““it’s a jOKE Ok”“““
“aRaCeLi dOn’T dO tHaT!!11!!!1!” 
they fux heavy w/ cherry & choc ANYTHING
purrloin COULD evolve at any time to a liepard but nah on that #everstone life
is she a good roommate ?? nope !! does she care ?? also nope !!
literally sloppy organized aka it’s chaotic for everyone but them
a fuckin softy for people they close to tho it’s GROSS blUH
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houndoomcd · 7 years
hey hi hello, i’m vinnie & this is my dumb art son, avery!! i’m The Worst™ …at most things espec intros….so my bad lmao but really best way to describe me is a dumpster on fire tbqh like burning 24/7 i need to chill,, ANYWAYs under the cut is more abt this idiot
SO A BASIC STATS PAGE IS RIGHT HERE CAUSE I WASN’T LAZY FOR ONCE [ click anywhere in that sentence fam ]
avery is literally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ personified abt 90-95% of the time
unless he’s grumpy
and grumpy time is mostly in the morning
his companion is houndoom and he got the hell doge orig as a lil houndour like they been through some shit together ok listen avery would Die if anything bad happened to his precious boy!!
speaking of his companion, avery’s had him for YEARS now like #truefriend
his companion [ who’s named cerberus cause i’m mythology trash yikes ] is closer to him than he’d consider most actual humans to be?? it’s horrible ik but he just never was one to have a ton of close friends
probably like two close friends/a best friend etc and that’s it bc more people = more drama, in his excuse but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t force him to befriend others even if he does it unknowingly bc BOY that happens!
“you’re ruining my rep as an unemotional mess” – avery, prob
honestly played with matches/fire more than he should’ve as a kid smh
memes memes memes
no biting unless you’re into that
i think it goes w/out saying he’s more of a dog person than a cat person huh
once when he was 16 he dyed a part of his hair red to be edgy…..he doesn’t like talking abt it
also pretty obvious his fave color is red
into both painting/drawing and photography tbh
was almost gonna take film studies but decided against it in like 0.5 seconds
literally wouldn’t be surprised if he’s that person who downloaded tinder/grinder for like 10 minutes and then ended up deleting the app lmfaojfhjskdj
nahh he probably still has them, he just doesn’t advertise it
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rangermika-blog · 7 years
 Hey y’all I’m finally online so here’s a lil info on my bby Mika under the cut!!
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Have you seen MIKA SHARPE around here with their SHINX ?? i’ve heard they’re from ALOLA and they’re majoring in PHILOSOPHY and minoring in RANGER STUDIES. i met them briefly at orientation, they seem pretty FRIENDLY but also STUBBORN. well, they must be skilled if they made it here, but we’ll see !!
This is my boi Mika and he’s from Alola (specifically Iki Town in Melemele Island) and is the oldest child with two younger twin sisters (as in they’re younger sisters who are twins he’s not a triplet lol)
He did the Island Challenge when he was younger and like it was nice to finish and everything but overall while it was rewarding he didn’t really feel fulfilled from it??
So like for a little bit of time he went through a lowkey angsty phase cause he was all like “ugh idk what i want to do with my life what is my purpose”
and he felt that way until his family spent a summer in Almia (which is a region in one of the Pokemon Ranger games just in case anyone didn’t know)
While he was there, he learned and interacted with Pokemon Rangers, and the idea of using Pokemon as companions in the way that Rangers do really spoke to him, so he decided that he was going to study to become a Ranger 
also while he was there, he ran into a Shinx that was injured after tripping over a rock and getting it’s leg caught in a branch from the landing. he decided to take it home to nurse it back to health. once it was all healed up, it got really attached to Mika, so Mika decided to catch him and named him Hani and they’ve been inseparable ever since
that’s all i’ve got for him atm???? this lowkey sucks and i’m v sorry lol but if you want some connections i’m open to literally anything so just message me!!
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sageplease-blog · 7 years
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late to the party, as usual. hi there! i’m sammie, i’m 23 years old and i’m i the EST tz. i’ve been rping for far to long because i’m ancient. this is my little demon, sage. she’s twenty one, and i’ll tell you guys more about her under the cut!
alright okay hi again! i totally suck at intros but i’m gonna do my best no to jump arounds too much.
okay so the only way i can really describe sage is that she is a complete and total feminist/activist/party girl. she’s an activist for both human and pokemon, and is very passionate about abuse. she grew up in a home where she was abused by her mother (physically and emotionally) so when she was accepted to kanto she packed her bags as quickly as she could and left.
it was a split decision to major in nursing. all sage has ever wanted to do was help people (and pokemon alike). her dream is to open her own pokemon health center. she is often involved in breaking and entering, freeing pokemon that are kept in cages and used for testing. she’s very passionate about it, and she’s never been caught so she’s been getting cocky lately.
her companion is sirena, a dragonair. sage has always been drawn to water type pokemon, because the ocean has always been a safe spot for sage. sirena can be very mischievous and jealous of anyone that takes up sage’s time. 
after growing up in such a screwed up home, she had no freedom. when she got to kanto, she began partying. and sage can party hard. it’s not uncommon for her to pass out in places she’s never been. it’s been getting out of hand, but sage refuses to acknowledge it.
sage can be very kind or very snappy. she’s stubborn and pig-headed and it’s easy to get in an argument about things, because she is so stubborn. she will never admit that she’s wrong, it’s just in her blood (something she learned from her mother).
as for connections... sage needs the following
ride or die
childhood friends
flirty- friends
maybe a half sibling? sage has never met her father
ex gf or bf
old protective friend
also i have a list right here! theres a whole bunch so fee free to look them over!
if you wanna plot pleeeeeeease send me a message or like this post and we’ll do the thing!
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apolloffs · 7 years
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aaaand again, it’s lauren with my third and final character for now, apollo klein !!
╰ ° 「 GRANT GUSTIN / TWENTY-TWO / CISMALE / HE/HIM 」have you seen APOLLO KLEIN around here with their VIVILLON ?? i’ve heard they’re from UNOVA and they’re majoring in MUSICAL THEATRE (DANCE CONCENTRATION) and minoring in POKEMON BREEDING. i met them briefly at orientation, they seem pretty SWEET but also NAIVE.
apollo was born in virbank city of unova with two mother figures in his life
got bullied A LOT like A LOT. honestly, he probably still does
actually the sweetest human you’ll ever meet ??? like i’m 98% he’s too sweet for this earth
bb’s always smiling, like always. even if someone is super hateful to him, he only approaches every interaction with love and kindness only
‘kill em with kindness’ is his life motto, he has it written on his mirror
he’s a total globetrotter. he lived in alola for a year, and kalos for a year (which is where he met his vivillon, moon). he loves learning about different cultures around the world, as well as seeing and befriending different pokemon
DOWNSIDE is he’s a pushover to the extreme, like i’m sure anyone could convince him to do anything with the correct wording
HE LOVES DANCING. he does ballet & tap and has been dancing since age 12 uwu
he’s bi but leans towards men.. also wears his heart on his sleeve oops
that’s all i have on him right now too because he’s very new !! but u know the drill ! let’s plot !!
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hassanup · 7 years
alright ya’ll we back!! under the cut is some info about hassan and his homecow buttercup.
hassan grew up in johto on a dairy farm. there were a lot of miltank and tauros and ponyta tbh
most of his time was spent workin on said farm and listen he didn’t really have a problem with it,,,,until he turned 14 and decided he must REBEL.
his parents were super against this whole rebel phase, like any parent would be. they were like listen child’o’mine you are gonna bottle this milk drink and be happy you go a roof over your head. 
oh yeah he named his miltank buttercup. cause she was cute and he was young and so was she and he still likes the name tbh he’s like yeah if i could do it all over her name would still be buttercup fight me it’s a cute ass name.
anyway, because that’s a thing and all, his parents realized he was gonna do it whether they liked it or not. so they finally let him go, figuring it was better than him running away without any support. 
so hassan left the farm and went to #traveltheworld. he has a pretty significant string of badges under his belt but he never really made it to the top rings, mostly because he’s not sure he wants to. he figured if he went there and lost, it would be like training for the olympics and then slippin on the dive board. 
buttercup thinks they can win but buttercup also thinks she’s the baddest cow around so
anyway, travel he did!! he became this total “bad boy” and was wild and free and got all the tattoos and did all the drinking and partying put together a pretty badass team. but listen...that lifestyle has limits
pretty soon he was like this is...not what i thought it would be. he started to miss home. he missed his parents, and all the miltank and even that real grumpy old tauros that was always the worst. he missed the herdier and his house and he even kinda missed the work.
so...he went back home. it was a bit of a shock to his parents because they hadn’t seen him in a while and figured he wouldn’t be coming back to stay—they also weren’t expecting the tattoos and piercings but like, that’s alright they don’t care, it’s cool, hassan is back.
he decided to try to go to kanto u to major in agricultural sciences because he wants to expand the dairy farm and maybe even expand into other areas who knows!! 
but he’s minoring in training because deep down he still wants to beat the elite 4 and all variants thereof.
hassan comes off as a jerk because he’s extremely blunt and for the most part will not cater to anyone’s sensitivity. if they have a problem with him then oh well, you can’t control everyone. part of this comes from him being so jaded, and so over everything he’s tired he’s like an old man who’s seen the world and just wants to sleep. 
but he’s also a really stable guy. he’s not a good shoulder to cry on, but he’s good for advice and he’s good for secrets (he won’t tell if he agrees not to). he’s good for chill nights and hanging out. he’s really not much of a partier anymore, but he’ll go if someone asks him too
....mostly because buttercup wants to keep up her image smh 
typical conversation: no buttercup you cant have a tattoo. 
go ahead and throw your fit you still can’t have a tattoo. 
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phoenixgritley-blog · 7 years
Alright fam here’s character #2 aka Phoenix aka my precious cupcake. I love her with all of my heart here we go
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Have you seen PHOENIX GRITLEY around here with their MANAPHY ?? i’ve heard they’re from SINNOH and they’re majoring in MUSICAL THEATRE and minoring in POKEMON COORDINATING AND BREEDING. i met them briefly at orientation, they seem pretty BUBBLY but also INSECURE. well, they must be skilled if they made it here, but we’ll see !
Okay well first of all was born in Johto but for a reason she was too young to remember (aka it’s 2 AM and I can’t think of anything atm) she was moved to Sinnoh and now lives with her grandparents in Solaceon Town
Her grandparents run the daycare there so she pretty much grew up learning how to take care of and breed Pokemon
Since they lived so close to Hearthome, Phoenix’s grandparents would take her there and they would all go see the Contests there
and like from then on Phoenix fell IN LOVE with performing and decided then and there that she wanted to be a coordinator
she would learn how to make poffins and feed them to the pokemon in the daycare it’s cute 
She was somewhere between 10-12 when her grandparents let her try to take care of her very first egg!!!
little did anybody know that it would hatch into a fucking MANAPHY - which Phoenix named Opal because of the red gem on her chest (which she would later learn is not an opal lol)
Phoenix and Opal bonded immediately, and Phoenix would take Opal pretty much everywhere she could (but her grandparents set boundaries because they knew if someone important found out they would try to take Opal away)
Sometimes, Phoenix would hide Opal in her bag and take her to see Pokemon contests, and Opal was just as fascinated by them as Phoenix was when she saw her first contest
now a few years later, she’s at Kanto U studying Musical Theatre with Coordinating and Breeding in hopes she’ll learn how to take care of pokemon and make them beautiful in performances
okay personality wise, she’s really sweet and bubbly and caring, but also really insecure - but she tries not to let it show in case people think she’s weak
she’s also just really...gentle i guess???? if that’s the right word for it
honestly she’s like a female version of Apollo lol
also shes a lil bi-curious sooooooo that could be fun 
that’s all i got atm cause it’s almost 3 am but i’m seriously down for any and every plot just like Mika lol
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benwtvr · 7 years
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Hi loves !! This is my new bby Benjamin. I had a hard time picking a gif for this post cause there are so many cute gifs of my baby Louis like damn !!  Please LIKE this post and I will try to send you an IM so we can plot !!
———╰ ° 「LOUIS TOMLINSON ] / 24 / MALE / HE/HIM」have you seen BEN MEYER around here with their SQUIRTLE ?? i’ve heard they’re from HOENN and they’re majoring in MUSIC and minoring in POKÉMON COORDINATING.. i met them briefly at orientation, they seem pretty EVEN-TEMPERED but also RECKLESS. well, they must be skilled if they made it here, but we’ll see !! // ally, 24, pst, she/her.
I am in the middle of writing his bio but here is what I have so far….
Music nerd AF
He is the older child. He has two younger sisters and one younger brother.
DEATH TW** Benjamin lost his mother to cancer at age 5.
SUICIDE MENTION TW** He has attempted but failed more than once.
you can learn more HERE
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