#kappachyun muses
the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Yūtagonist/Duotagonist Cinnamon Roll Meme
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll
Looks like a cinnamon roll, can actually kill you
Looks like they can kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll
Looks like they can kill you, can actually kill you
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
VRAINS: [in total chaos]
Ryōken: My job here is done.
Playmaker: You've made everything worse.
Ryōken: [leaves]
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the-kings-of-games · 3 years
I love Crow Hogan. 🥺 And I really would love to meet more people who like him. He's so cute, and I totally don't proejct a bit of myself on him, and I just want to pamper and take care of him and that's part of the reason why I ship Kizunashipping. I have never been involved with a polyship before.
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Crow & Jack: *squabble* *squabble*
Crow: Yūsei! Help us decide who's right!
Yūsei: o_o;
Yūsei: I don't want to get involved in this. You two figure it out.
Crow: But you're the tiebreaker here.
Yūsei: You two are grown adults.
Crow: And you're the big daddy of the house. So decide!
Yūsei: I’m the what?!
Jack: The big daddy! Now make your decision, Yūsei!
Crow: Yūsei!
Yūsei: . . .
Yūsei: I'm going to pretend this conversation never happened.
Three days later . . .
Yūsei: *making his way downtown, walking fast*
Street rando: Hey, it's big daddy Yūsei!
Yūsei: *walking faster*
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
I like Chaseshipping, so here's a college headcanon:
(Or: In which Tristan's friends are famous and he's famously dating)
While Téa goes to American and Yūgi and Joey continue to on their dueling careers, Tristan attends university two cities over to study business and accounting. He wants to help with the family business.
For convenience's sake, he rents a cheap apartment, but he comes home often, usually on weekends.
Due to living close to campus, he joins the gaming club (because it reminds him of his best friends) and makes friends. He's not the best at playing, but he's awfully insightful and knowledgeable about games, including Duel Monsters.
He's well liked by his classmates, and even professors can rely on his help. Tristan often agrees to go to drinking, but he doesn't go to "meet" people, though he's been offered a few times.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend. He's in California right now."
Girls find it endearing, but that's all Tristan mentions of his boyfriend. A few people in his circle think the boyfriend's made up because he's trying to be nice. They tease him about it.
"He's real. I wouldn't lie about that, that's embarrassing."
"Then show us a picture! Come on, Tristan!"
"I rather not. He always incites a riot when he's brought up, and I know people will bother me about him."
"You make it sound like he's famous."
". . . He's— Very good looking. I guess." (Technically, a lot of people I know are famous, but I'll never tell any of you that!)
Then, one night out at a bar with the game club, there's a surprise appearance from some old friends. The door to the club's private room is opened, and Tristan hears a familiar voice.
"I knew I saw you coming in here, Tristan! It's been a while."
The room is quiet, and everyone's eyes are as big as saucers because there's a world famous duelist and the CEO of the biggest Duel Monster company in the world just standing there.
"Mai! Kaiba!" Tristan greets, smiling. Everybody's been so busy, it's been a while since they had a get together. "What are you doing here?"
Mai smiles back, winking. "Working on some tournament deals, and we stopped here for the night. Are these all your friends?"
Seto scoffs. "I knew I felt geek the moment I stepped inside this establishment. Be ready to leave at 9 tomorrow, Valentine." He's already leaving.
"He's still an asshole." Tristan is rolling his eyes to the back of his head, but he's still laughing. "It was good seeing you, Kaiba! Mai, you wanna stay for a drink?"
"Sure! Let's catch up a bit. I could use better company than Mister Brick Wall. Scoot over, Tristan."
Tristan introduces his club to Mai. All the club members are silently thanking the brunette because God, that's Mai Valentine! (And they got to see Seto Kaiba in real life??)
Mai warms up to the club immediately, answering questions from excited nerds. (Don't worry, she's very used to this.) She agrees to autographs. At some point, someone asks offhandedly if she knows Tristan's "boyfriend."
"Yeah, why you ask?"
"So he is real? Tristan won't tell us anything about him. We thought the boyfriend's made up."
Tristan is groaning, hiding behind a beer. Nosy friends. Mai is intrigued by this.
"Well, I won't tell if Tristan won't, but I assure you, the boyfriend is very much real."
"Can you at least tell us one thing about him?"
"Mai," Tristan says, pleading for her to stay quiet.
"Don't worry, Tristan. It'll be vague: he's famous in the gaming world."
The club ponders on this for a second, looking back and forth between themselves and Mai who's laughing. Someone famous in the game world, and someone world famous duelist Mai Valentine knows, maybe someone close to her?
"Joey Wheeler???"
Tristan spits out his beer.
For weeks after, Tristan is badgered by big DM fans on campus because word got out about Mai and by his club friends because they really want to know about his famous, real boyfriend.
However, Tristan doesn't let up, tightening up even more. This is partly the reason why he didn't want to tell in the first place.
Then, another surprise appearances happens but only for other people. Tristan had been excited for a week, and when he's done with classes that afternoon, he rushes out of the building, throwing himself at one of the guys in sunglasses standing outside. The other guy has a hat on and is shorter.
There's shouting between Tristan and the hatless one (a blond), the former getting the latter in a headlock while the short one laughs. They look pretty close. Tristan takes them to the game club because the shorter one loves games.
The three of the them show up at the club meeting which is already five minutes in. Tristan's guests take off their disguises, and it's Joey Wheeler, another world famous duelist, and Yūgi Mutō, the King of Games????
Everyone's freaking out. Two people burst into tears, and another into flames(?). They're all too shocked to speak properly.
"Does this happen all the time?" Joey asks, joking. He gives someone a wink, and they faint.
"I half expected this to happen," Yūgi says, a little worried.
"Remember it was all your idea," Tristan says, shaking his head. "Everybody, calm down, or we're leaving!"
Self-control is brought back to the club. Everyone who's into DM challenged Yūgi and Joey to a duel, but the former refrains, wanting to play the other games available first. Joey's all, "I'll take all of you on for the both of us!"
Everyone's having a great time, and someone is smart enough to ask about Tristan's boyfriend.
"Pretty boy?" Joey asks, scoffing. "There's nothing special about him. So what if he's Pegasus's—" Tristan clasps a hand over his friend's mouth.
"He's still your boyfriend?" Yūgi asks, confused. "I thought he—" Tristan has two hands, guys, for silencing his two best friends.
"I have dirt on the both of you. I'm not afraid to use it."
Joey and Yūgi choke a bit before nodding. Everybody is even more intrigued (about the boyfriend and the dirt Tristan has).
The meeting continues on like before, and the three leave about two hours later, Tristan and Joey chanting, "Cheap beer! Take out! Cheap beer! Take out!" Yūgi is laughing, waving the club goodbye.
By now, Tristan is the gaming club's most favorite member. Word gets out about Joey and Yūgi, and even more people are asking about them. Everybody's just waiting for the next famous someone Tristan knows to show up. Maybe Pegasus? Dueling prodigy Rebecca Hopkins? Up and rising American pop idol Téa Gardner?? God???
But months pass and there's nobody new shows up. Everyone's a bit disappointed as the semester comes to a close, but Tristan doesn't think much about it. He's just trying to finish his classes and have a good time.
Finally, there's only one club meeting left before break. Some people will graduate, some will come back to finish their degree. Tristan's already packed to go back home for the time being, and he goes to attend the last meeting, lingering on his walk over.
He does not expect to see one famous dice lover, creator of the popular Dungeon Dice Monsters, young and successful entrepreneur and part time model, sitting and playing with members of the club who are literally vibrating with excitement and awe.
"Duke! What are you doing here?!"
"Oh, hey, babe! I came to surprise you and take you home. I miss your sister's cooking."
Duke doesn't hesitate as he gets up and kisses Tristan on the lips. His smile is 100 watts, Tristan is nervous.
All the pieces finally come together.
Duke's smile falls, Tristan is nervous™.
"Boyfriend? He's not my boyfriend."
Tristan is sweating, face red. Duke is glaring at him. The club is sweating. The tension can be cut with a knife.
"Tristan Taylor, what have you been telling everyone?! I'm not your boyfriend, I'm your freaking fiancé!"
". . . FIANCÉ?!”
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Yūrival Q&A #3: Imagine you'd been kidnapped and your kidnapper let you post one thing online to assure people everything is fine, what would you post to alert your friends?
Chazz: "I treat the Ojamas with nothing but love and respect." But the Ojamas would just go find Jaden anyway.
Kite: "I ran out of caramel." Yūma won't figure it out, but he'll come running over.
Shark: "Yūma is a trash duelist." I think Astral will try and fight me.
Jack: "I only had one cup of Blue Eyes coffee this week." Crow would cry probably.
Declan: "Would someone check in Riley for me?"
Seto: Ha.
Seto: RIP to you, but I'm different. I wouldn't have gotten kidnapped in the first place.
Seto: *smirks*
Everyone else: 💢💢💢💢💢
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Okay, anyway, this is pretty much what I wanted it to happen:
It's been a week since Ai and Roboppi came home, and life is pretty peaceful for once.
Yūsaku is just a teenager now? Ryōken comes by to the food cart still because they're friends now I guess. (And also to keep an eye on Ai, lmao.)
Yūsaku is learning peace of mind, and he finally has (other) people to call friends, like Aoi and Takeru. ^^
Anyway, school's out, and Yūsaku is heading home with Takeru and Aoi.
Then, there's a distinct call, a bit faint but coming closer. Yūsaku is already embarrassed, and he does that too Tok hand gesture.
You know the one, like you didn't see but you definitely did see.
"Yūsaku-chan! Yūsaku-chan, over here! Your beloved Ai-chan has come to pick you up!"
Also, walking fast, and walking faster.
No avail though.
Takeru and Aoi are trying not to laugh. Ai reaches them and hugs Yūsaku.
Everybody is staring™ because who's this good looking guy and how does he know the quiet kid in class? Yūsaku-chan?
"Ai," Yūsaku says, face red. Ai is ruining his street cred.
"Hi, Takeru, Aoi!" Ai greets, letting go, but now he's holding Yūsaku by the hand. There's no second thoughts, just do. "Yusaku-chan, let's go gorcery shopping! I want to try out a new recipe just for you!"
"How cute," Takeru teases. "Kinda like newlyweds."
Aoi bursts out laughing, and Yusaku's just speechless now.
"Let's go," Yūsaku finally says, pulling Ai with him (by hand). They have to leave, like, right now before people start asking questions.
Aoi and Takeru wave their goodbye as the two walk away. Ai waves back, happily humming.
Life is pretty peaceful for once.
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
In which Kusanagi has a birthday surprise and sends Ryōken (and Specter) to distract Yūsaku:
(Or: a extended, datastormshipping version of this)
Post-series, Yūsaku is now in his last year of high school. He's still the loner, quiet type, but he's not as friendless as he once was.
He and Takeru do video chats every other week. Akira and Emma send messages to check up on him occasionally, and Aoi comes by his class often to have lunch together (sometimes with Shima too). Yūsaku sees the Kusanagi brothers almost every other day, helping out at Café Nagi where he sees other people he'd met, including the Knights of Hanoi and Go.
Life has been pretty quiet but good.
One day, after school, Yūsaku is on his way to Café Nagi (as usual), walking with Aoi when she points out to the street with a small laugh.
Yūsaku sees a flashy red sport car. It's expensive. It's gorgeous. Everybody is staring.
Everyone is also staring at the guy leaning against the car, arms crossed like he owns it.
He does. Because it's Ryōken. He looks good, as usual. (U////U)
Yūsaku jumps, finding Specter standing behind him and Aoi. Spectre and Aoi smiling at Yūsaku's blush.
"Good afternoon, Specter," Aoi greets, and Specter offers her his arm like a gentleman. She takes it.
Yūsaku frowns. "What's going on?" he asks, confused. "What are you two doing here?"
"Oh, Kusanagi asked us to do him a favor," Specter answers, "so Revolver-sama agreed to take you on a date. I'm here to escort Zaizen-kun so she doesn't walk alone."
Yūsaku's blush deepens. "A date?" he repeats. "What did Kusanagi needed help with??"
"You'll find out later," Aoi assures, and she pushes Yūsaku gently towards Ryōken.
Unsure, Yūsaku goes but hesitantly, and in his confusion, he trips on his last step and falls on Ryōken against the car. His face is red now, an arm catching him by the waist.
"You're a bit clumsier in real life," says Ryōken in his smooth voice, a bit of amusement in his tone. "Are you ready to go?"
"Y— Yes?"
Yūsaku is now in the car, Ryōken getting into the driver's side. Specter and Aoi are waving to him, and Yūsaku feels like a princess being sent off for an arranged marriage.
(That was oddly specific, but that's how it is.)
The drive is silent, and Yūsaku is still confused.
Ryōken takes them to the movies. "I thought it'd be fun to watch other people in high stakes situations for once," he explains, paying for everything. Yūsaku literally has no words.
Settling into the seats, Ryōken slips his hand over Yūsaku's with a smile. There is more blushing, the teen's heart racing as he tries to pay attention to the movie.
Why am I feeling this way?
The movie ends, but apparently, dates don't end just like that.
No, next, Ryōken takes them to a nearby park for a walk. They're holding hands again. They get ice cream. They talk. It's nice.
"Revolver," Yūsaku finally says, "you didn't have to do all this. If Kusanagi wanted me to stay away, he could've just told me."
Ryōken smiles. "I wouldn't have done this if I didn't want to," he replies.
"If you didn't want to what?"
"Go on a date with you."
Yūsaku malfunctions, and they're back in Ryōken's car again, this time driving back to his place. The car is parked, but they're not going inside. They're heading down to Stardust Road, holding hands, of course.
It's their last stop, the sun's setting.
"So, Yūsaku," Ryōken says, "how did you enjoy our date?"
Yūsaku stutters. "It was . . . nice."
"Nice enough to join me on another?"
". . . Yes."
They don't speak the rest of the way down, and that's when Yūsaku discovers Kusanagi's plans.
It's a party. There's decorations, a few ballons, food. Kasunagi had invited everybody.
It turns out Yūsaku forgot about his own birthday, which Kusanagi expected so he planned a surprise party. Everyone he invited showed up, and they came bearing gifts.
Yūsaku was surprised, pleasantly surprised.
"Happy birthday, Yūsaku!"
"Thank you, everyone. I really mean it."
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Continuation of In which Joey makes a joke and Seto uses it to his advantage:
Yūgi, as embarrassed as he is, tolerates this arrangement. No lie, he likes it, and it does make Seto pretty happy.
They're so cute!!! Seto is working at his desk while Yūgi's playing some hand console or something.
Seto is just a human Lazyboy for chilling and de-stressing.
Yūgi is Seto's teddy bear, functioning like a weighted blanket. Yūgi is a relaxing weight.
It's a really good arrangement. Seto may or may not have sent Joey a gift basket, no explanation though.
However, they've only really done in private, and only a few people (Mokuba, Roland, Téa, etc.) even know about. Neither thought about how this might have become an actual habit.
BUT THEN they go to a social event for a duel monster tournament and there's PEOPLE and REPORTERS and CAMERAS and did I mention PUBLIC??
Also, Joey and Pegasus are there because it'll be funnier, I swear.
Anyway, everything starts as usual, Seto and Yūgi looking fine in their suits. (I'm sweating, guys.) Everything is good and dandy.
Then, they found out there's not enough seats to go around at their shared table. Actually, they're just missing one seat, and Yūgi was going to ask for one.
But no, Seto just grabs him and lifts the small king onto his lap, arm wrapped around his boyfriend's waist and his free hand reaching for a drink to pass to Yūgi.
Joey and Pegasus are STARING™. Everyone is STARING™. The entire thing is caught on cameras.
Seto and Yūgi don't even notice, going on like they're back in the office.
"Best seat in the house, Yūg," Joey whispers, trying not to break into laughter. "The King on his throne, isn't that great?"
Pegasus, on the other hand, is chuckling like mad, clapping lightly. "Oh, Yūgi-boy, you're so bold," he says. "I've been waiting for an opportunity to give this to you." He snaps his fingers.
Realization and embarrassment is finally settling into Yūgi, face red like a tomato. Seto just shrugs but watches carefully.
One of Pegasus's men come forward with a box and uncovers it.
It's a crown.
A full ass, custom made crown with velvet and gold and jewels.
Pegasus went all out, like he does everything. Everyone is impressed. Seto looks approving. Joey is live on their group chat, video shaky and message incomprehensible.
Yūgi is dying, guys. No, nevermind, he's dead now.
Pegasus continues on, placing the crown on Yūgi's head. It's fit perfectly. ("How did he get my measurements?!")
"A Pegasus crown and a Kaiba throne, the proper ensemble for the King of Games, no less!" the rich, eccentric billionaire proclaims. "I'm so glad I came today! We should do a coronation ceremony next! Who should we commission to do a cape?"
Joey just fucking loses it.
Cameras flash nonstop, King Yūgi is once again headlines and is now being addressed as His Majesty in articles and online forums. The world falls in love with Yūgi again.
Yūgi sulks on Seto's lap for the next three months.
Seto is pleased.
"This is all because Joey made that joke!"
Joey is still laughing as he wins another championship.
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
In which Mokuba and Roland are on a mission and it starts with Seto and Yūgi attending Sports Day
Seto doesn't know why Mokuba brothers with school, much less public school.
"Mokuba, we built up and run the most successful company in the world. Why would you bother going to school to deal with a bunch of geeks and scrubs?"
Anyway, one morning, Mokuba says, "Hey, big brother, my school's having a sports day this Saturday. Would you come?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course, I will."
"Great! Bring Yūgi along too! Alright, bye, Seto. I'll see you later!"
"But . . . why Yūgi?"
Saturday morning, no warnings, Yūgi's doorbell rings. He goes to answer it. Bam, Seto fucking Kaiba. And he's dressed in a simple dress shirt and jeans.
("Wow, he looks good.") "Good morning, Kaiba, what are—"
"Get dressed. We're going to school."
"Wait, what? We graduated five years ago. Gods, have I been a teacher this entire time?"
"What? No. Is this geek humor? Well, stop it. It's Sports Day. We're going for Mokuba. Now, get dress. I wanted to get there."
Yūgi comments how he wasn't made aware of these plans until just now, but he holds back. He's free today, and he'd love to go support a friend.
Half an hour later, at Domino High School, Seto and Yūgi are wearing sunglasses, the latter also with a hat because there's no mistaking that hair. They're famous, but Seto doesn't want to be disturbed. He's here for his brother, not a press conference.
Roland is there too on camera duty because he'd been looking forward to this. "Master Mokuba," he says, crying under his sunglasses, "you've grown up so much."
He continues to cry until Seto tells him to do his job, rolling his eyes. Yūgi laughs.
They get to the field where the event is being held, and there's of parents, friends, families, and students gathered. It's like a Duel Monsters tournament turnout but, like, way smaller.
"This is . . . mediocre."
"Kaiba, it's just a high school."
"Hmm. Just a high school, you say. What if . . . it wasn't?"
". . ."
Roland finds them a good spot with some shade because only the best for Master Seto. He also brought all the necessary items to survive a while day out.
"Big brother! Roland!" they hear, and there's Mokuba, waving at them a few yards away. He's dressed in gym shorts. "Hi, Yūgi!"
Yūgi and Roland wave back, Seto nodding in acknowledgement. Roland proceeds to take, like, a thousand pictures.
The event goes off without a hitch. Roland is taking even more pictures while cheering. Yūgi is also cheering, and Seto shouts encouragements when Mokuba is up.
"I think I see why Mokuba wanted to go to school," Seto says offhandedly.
Yūgi raises en eyebrow. "What do you mean?" he asks, amused.
"He's smiling. And laughing. School is fun for him."
The King of Games is very proud of the CEO, bumping up against Seto's side. They're sitting much closer now.
"You seem happy about it," Yūgi says, smiling. "You're a great older brother, Kaiba. I like that about you."
They're looking at each other, neither saying another word.
"What was that?"
"Master Seto, look, Master Mokuba is up again!"
Mission update: going as planned.
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Swearing Meme ft. Zexal
Regularly says fuck:
Has sworn off saying fuck, but said it at some point:
Has not said fuck before, but can if so desired:
Grandma Haru
Has not said fuck before, and refuses to say it:
Legally cannot say fuck:
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Yūrival Q&A #2: Nii-sama! How do you cheer up your younger sibling?
Seto: Mokuba is self-sufficient. He just comes to me and grabs a hug whenever he wants. For however long he wants. He does it when he really wants me to go to sleep.
Jack: First, a glass of milk. Then, his Stardust. Finally, tell Crow. It's as simple as that.
Shark: Rio cheers up herself. She's got her friends, but if she's really upset, I'll take her on a bike ride. An hour or two usually works.
Kite: A bit of caramel usually does the job, but if he truly upset, I ask the Tsukumos if we can come over for dinner. Hart loves eating with them.
Declan: I just bounce Riley on my knee. Or invite Yūya and his friends over. Riley likes company.
Chazz: . . .
Everyone else: . . .
Chazz: . . . *whispers* My big brothers were always too busy to spend time with me. I don't know what they'd do.
Chazz: Or if they'd do anything. :(
Everyone else: . . .
Jack: QQWQQ Call me Big Brother Jack!
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
In which Joey makes a joke and Seto uses it to his advantage
The moment Yūgi stepped into the office, he starts ranting, face pink and hand gestures wild.
"Can you believe he suggested that?" the King of Games asks, huffing. "He better not say something like that in front of Pegasus. I might be 'convinced' to wear a crown at the next tournament!"
Seto, who hasn't said a thing since Yūgi barged in, looks thoughtful for once.
"Even for a joke, it's a pretty ridiculous idea," Yūgi continues, pausing finally. "You agree, don't you, Kaiba?"
Seto is still thoughtful.
"K— Kaiba?"
The CEO folds his hands together like they're at a meeting.
"I think, for once," he said very, very slowly, "I agree with the puppy."
Yūgi is shooketh. "What?" he says in disbelief, not sure if he likes where this is going. He suddenly has a bad feeling.
"Just this once, but it won't be an easy win for him. Actually, I'm going to make him regret it."
"Kaiba, are you . . . are you okay?! Do I need to call Mokuba?!"
Yūgi is worried now, pulling out his phone. Mokuba has long since been on speed dial.
Seto rolls his eyes. "Put that away, Yūgi. I simply think that a throne would be appropriate for you. And I know of one that is just perfect."
"Be honored, Yūgi. I offer you my lap."
Yūgi's eyes grow as large as saucers, mouth falling open. His skin flushes red, struggling to give a reply.
He fails to come up with anything but "WHAT?!"
Yūgi is still flustered, hiding his face in his hands. He's sitting on his new "throne," grumbling.
Seto is smirking, one arm wrapped around the King's waist and his free hand typing away like always.
When he finds out, Joey does indeed regret ever making that joke.
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
I love it when Yūsei smiles because of his dragon??? It's pure love and affection for Stardust, no matter what form. They really went all out with Yūsei's character design. They were just like, "We gotta make him perfect," and they did. There's a whole ass movie dedicated to demonstrating his connection with Stardust, and literally, everyone can see it in the way he looks at it and hear it in the way he says its names. Stardust symbolizes Yūsei's soul, and it's uplifted and supported by the bonds he shares with his friends. I love them so much.
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Yūtagonist Q&A #3: Tell us about your ace monster! Don't be shy!
Yūgi: It's so hard to pick one, but I'll go with Dark Magician. I treasure this card very much. It's been a loyal friend through thick and then, and I know I can rely on it no matter what. I'm so thankful to have it, but I'm even more thankful that it was always there for Atem, both as Mahad and as Dark Magician. ^^
Jaden: Elemental HERO Neos is really strong! Not only does he fight alongside me, he also protects me and helps me when I need it. I know everything will be alright as long as he's by my side. That can be said about all my cards, actually, but I guess we're only allowed to talk about one. I mean I get it, but don't you want to hear all about my monsters?
Yūsei: Stardust Dragon? It's very dear to my heart, and it's the symbol of my bonds with my friends. My deck wouldn't be complete without it. It has helped me protect Neo Domino time and time again, it has never failed me. I love Turbo Dueling with Stardust. We take flight in our own ways, but we fly together.
Yūma: Utopia is the coolest!!! He's the first Xyz monster I've ever summon. He's like a guardian angel warrior. He protected me and Astral so many times. He's the best Number card out there! I'm so lucky that he picked me to stick with. :)
Yūya: Odd-Eyes is the best partner a dueltainer like me could ever ask for. (*spotlights on*) I trust it with my life, and it'll never not put on the best performance everytime. It's an eyecatcher, the center stage! (*dramatic music*) The only thing it needs is more friends like my Performapals to up the excitement. With Odd-eyes, we can soar to new heights and reach into the hearts of the crowd! We'll always put a smile on everybody's faces! (*confetti*)
Everyone else: Oooh! *clapping*
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
5D's Crow: cute, adorable, father, baby brother
Me: [press upgrade button]
Arc-V Crow: cute, cool, father, single chi—
Me: Go back, go back! QAQ
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