#karlie going to the eras tour probably felt like that scene in Prometheus. you know the one.
9w1ft · 8 months
Do you ever have doubts about all this? Like maybe we've gaslit each other and lsk isn't actually a thing? Like maybe Taylor never corrected the narrative she put out through songs and other stuff that Karlie betrayed her is because that's what she actually thought? Cause lately it's been creeping in for me. I mean what if they were vaguely in contact and Karlie going to Eras was a goodbye sort of to her and Taylor? Or what if it was actually an olive branch from her and Taylor didn't take it or was enthusiastic about it at first buy was convinced to not contact her afterwards by Tree or people like that?
hey anon. over the years i’ve had my off days, sure! but absolutely nothing from this year has shaken me. quite the contrary this year has made me feel more confident in my understanding than ever and dare i say it has probably been one of the easiest years in some aspects. which is wild to me! but it’s my truth. and i understand how that sounds and i’m not saying that i have the answer or that i cannot be wrong. anything’s possible. it’s just that there has been such a strong and growing understanding of what i believe that it just can’t be toppled so easily.
as for the eras tour… i say versions of this every other day at this point but at the risk of TMI let me be more specific, as someone who has also experienced being postpartum, i just do not see karlie wanting to physically and mentally go through going to such an event as some sort of sentimental farewell or hail mary, or on a whim, or out of spite. like i think about back when i was 2 weeks postpartum and both times i was literally sleeping most of the day, only waking to tend to the baby, wearing the same clothes i had been all week, probably hadn’t brushed my teeth or washed my hair either, wrapped up in bandages and pads because my body was still emptying itself of the extra lining and liquid called lochia that doesn’t all come out during childbirth, taking pain meds, emotional and weeping uncontrollably over tv commercials.
it’s just… no amount of money or greed would have been able to compel me to get up off my butt, put on nice clothes and to put on a face of makeup, and fly across the country with my kids to go to a stadium of seventy thousand people where half or more of them blindly hate me, where maybe even a hundred or so of them or more have personally threatened me in dm’s or on social media, and to be able to be open enough to smile for people around and enjoy a concert for someone who i wasn’t sure cared about me. not a chance in hell. so, i just do not see the situation like that, and it’s just another thing that builds upon my interpretation of the situation in general.
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