thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Sahkil Tormentor, Kasadeya
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“Empress Wasp” © deviantArt user MissJaimeBrown, accessed at her gallery here
[Commissioned by @echo-of-carcosa​. Not going to lie, this one involved a lot of growing pains, but I’m happy how she turned out.]
Sahkil Tormentor, Kasadeya This lean woman is immaculately dressed and decorated, a vision of exquisite beauty. She would be perfect if not for the halo of wasps surrounding her body and the writhing and tunneling visible beneath her skin. The skin rents along her back, extending in four buzzing tendrils composed of vermin bodies held in a coherent shape.
Kasadeya The Queen Sangreal, The Royal Parasite Concerns industry, parasitism, seduction Domains Artifice, Charm, Evil, Nobility Subdomains Fear, Hubris, Lust, Toil Worshipers inheritors, moochers, vampires, vermin lords Minions fiendish spider eaters, hellwasps, sahkils Unholy Symbol a wasp whose body is an hourglass Favored Weapon light mace Obedience steal a small item or body part, such as a coin or a fingernail clipping, from someone without their knowledge or permission. Eat this item while meditating on how to extract more resources from this person. Gain a +4 profane bonus on Bluff, Disguise and Sleight of Hand checks
Kasadeya, the Royal Parasite, is the physical embodiment of exploitation. Her favorite order of the world is the privileged few feeding on the oppressed masses, both metaphorically and actually. Intensely vain, she can conceal her horrific appearance with illusions in an instant, and always tailors her apparent form as that of someone beautiful and powerful. She is a seducer and panderer of the first order, and directs her worshipers to be the same.
Kasadeya’s appearance may often seem frail and delicate, but she is a powerhouse in combat. She never travels anywhere without her scepter, which is in fact a rod of lordly might, and she favors the battleaxe setting in combat. The wasps that comprise her body can extrude into venomous tentacles, and create a cloud that drains the life from her enemies and transfers it to her. Despite their horrific appearance, her wasp appendages can trigger the nerves that cause pleasure, and those that survive her embrace claim that it is an intensely ecstatic experience.
Kasadeya rarely travels alone, and her retinue is comprised of dominated humanoids and monsters, allied sahkils, and vampires that covet her power. Vermin lords hold a special affinity to her, and she may have been their original creator. Those that succumb to Kasadeya’s charms may find themselves incubating a fiendish vermin lord in their body until it tears itself lethally free. Her worshipers include anyone that relies on charm and deception to make a living, or those that have come into vast stores of wealth without having done anything to earn it. Her cult helps to keep the huddled masses in their place at the bottom of the pecking order. Unsurprisingly, Kasadeya and Caracalla are allies due to their similarly toxic worldviews, and their churches often cooperate.
Kasadeya             CR 24 XP 1,230,000 NE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, sahkil) Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +44, true seeing Aura ravenous wasps (10 ft., Ref DC 36, 5d6 damage) Defense AC 42, touch 31, flat-footed 32 (+10 Dex, +11 deflection, +11 natural) hp 496 (30d10+330); fast healing 10 Fort +21, Ref +27, Will +28 DR 15/good and epic; Immune charm and compulsion effects, critical hits, death effects, fear effects, disease, poison, single target abilities, sneak attacks; Resist cold 30, electricity 30, sonic 30; SR 36 (41 vs. divinations) Defensive Abilities freedom of movement, nondetection, untouchable grace; Weakness swarm-like Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Melee +4 battleaxe +41/+36/+31/+26 (1d8+13/19-20x3), 4 tentacles +34 (1d6+3 plus poison plus grab) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tentacles) Special Attacks ecstatic embrace, implant, look of fear (30 ft., Will DC 38) Spell-like Abilities CL 24th, concentration +35 Constant—freedom of movement, nondetection, true seeing At will—charm monster (DC 27), greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs objects only), reckless infatuation (DC 26), unnatural lust (DC 25), vampiric touch, veil (self only, DC 27) 3/day—creeping doom (DC 28), displacement, quickened dominate person (DC 28), mass suggestion (DC 29), mental barrier III, empowered mind thrust VI) (DC 27) 1/day—dominate monster (DC 32), overwhelming presence (DC 32), summon (9th level, 1 sahkil of CR 20 or lower, 100%), waves of ecstasy (DC 30) Statistics Str 25, Dex 31, Con 33, Int 30, Wis 32, Cha 32 Base Atk +30; CMB +39 (+43 disarm, grapple and steal); CMD 67 (69 vs. disarm and steal) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Empower SLA (mind thrust VI), Flyby Attack, Greater Disarm, Greater Steal, Improved Critical (battleaxe), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Steal, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (dominate person), Stand Still Skills Acrobatics +40, Bluff +44, Diplomacy +41, Disguise +44, Fly +47, Intimidate +44, Knowledge (arcana) +40, Knowledge (engineering) +40, Knowledge (nobility) +40, Knowledge (planes) +43, Perception +44, Sense Motive +44, Sleight of Hand +43, Spellcraft +40, Stealth +43, Use Magic Device +41 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal, telepathy 300 ft. SQ easy to call, expanded emotional focus, sahkil tormentor traits, skip between Ecology Environment any land or underground (Ethereal Plane) Organization unique Treasure double standard (rod of lordly might, other treasure) Special Abilities Aura of Ravenous Wasps (Su) As a swift action at will, Kasadeya can exude a cloud of wasps emanating 10 feet around herself. Any creature in the area takes 5d6 points of damage and heals Kasadeya the same amount. Excess hit points are gained as temporary hit points. This damage can be halved with a successful DC 36 Reflex save. Sahkils are immune to this damage. Kasadeya can use this aura a number of rounds per day equal to her Hit Dice (30 rounds), but does not need to expend actions to maintain the aura. The save DC is Constitution based. Ecstatic Embrace (Ex) A creature grappled by Kasadeya must succeed a DC 36 Fortitude save or be stunned with pleasure for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution based. Expanded Emotional Focus (Ex) Kasadeya includes charm and compulsion effects in the types of effects that benefit from her emotional focus ability. Implant (Su) As a full round action, Kasadeya can implant an egg inside a willing or helpless host. This host suffers no initial harm, but every 24 hours afterwards, takes 2d4 negative levels (Fort DC 36 halves). Once the number of negative levels reaches or exceeds the host’s Hit Dice, they are immediately slain, and a half-fiend vermin lord emerges from the corpse. A creature slain in this fashion cannot be returned to life except with a true resurrection, miracle or wish. This effect can be neutralized with a remove curse or break enchantment with a caster level check against the save DC, or with a miracle or wish spell without the caster level check. The save DC is Charisma based. Look of Fear (Su) 30 ft., Will DC 36, staggered and shaken 1 minute. The save DC is Charisma based and includes the +2 racial bonus from her expanded emotional focus. Poison (Ex) Injury—tentacle; save Fort DC 36; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex drain; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution based. Sahkil Tormentor Traits (Ex/Su) Kasadeya is a powerful unique sahkil. She gains access to the following abilities
Immunity to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, fear effects and poison
Resist cold 30, electricity 30 and sonic 30
Telepathy 300 ft.
Kasadeya’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons she wields, are treated as epic and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction
Once per day, Kasadeya can summon any sahkil of CR 20 or lower with 100% chance of success
Kasadeya can grant spells, as listed in her divine information
Swarm-like (Ex) Kasadeya’s body is a collection of thousands of buzzing wasps. She is immune to critical hits, sneak attacks and spells and effects that target a single creature. On the other hand, she takes 150% damage from area of effect spells and abilities. Untouchable Grace (Su) Kasadeya gains a deflection bonus to her Armor Class and Combat Maneuver Defense equal to her Charisma modifier.
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ladyzerodark · 3 years
Do you know how long it's been since I drew my own characters? A HOT MINUTE
I wanna draw my werewolf boy Reese and his computer S/O, I wanna draw my Demon of the Sun, I wanna draw my dork Genofall, I want to draw that dipshit Orion and have Dark punch him in the fricking throat
I wanna draw my new guys like Emmeranne and Finist! Oldies people likely never saw like Kasadeya or Luca!
I just want to have the energy to draw PLEASE.
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lolinether · 4 years
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The vamp, Kasadeya Prosperine from my unpubilished story 'Ruby's Efebium'
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formal-cruelty · 7 years
*Kas clasps her hands together with a smirk.*
Hello! I'm Kasadeya and indeed I am.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Great Old One, Haspergrin
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“Fiddlesticks sketch” © “TheFearMaster”, accessed at his deviantArt page here
[Commissioned by @echo-of-carcosa​ for their gaslight fantasy game. In their game, Haspergrin here is the arch-enemy of Kasadeya, whom they also commissioned. The commission info mentioned plagues and destroying cities--current events led me to take the flavor text in the direction of ecofascism.]
Great Old One, Haspergrin CR 28 CE Outsider (native) This towering humanoid appears as a scarecrow made by a madman. Its head is vaguely beak-like, a cape of shredded leather and feathers hangs off of its back, and its legs appear to be composed of yokes and horse collars. It clutches a massive scythe in one hand, and its other arm is oversized and tipped with blade-like claws.
Haspergrin, the Rotting Reave, Autumnjack Concerns night, plague, technophobia Domains Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Subdomains Entropy, Fear, Night, Rage Worshipers ecofascists, evil druids, Luddites Minions blights, sahkils, wererats Unholy Symbol a broken cog worn as a collar or bracelet Favored Weapon scythe
Haspergrin, the Rotting Reave, is the Great Old One associated with the destruction of cities and the collapse of industrial societies. His cult is obscure in worlds without access to technology, but to advanced civilizations he is a bogeyman first class. His ultimate goal is to see all settlements wiped away, and for humanoids to live once more in small, scattered and terrified groups, no longer able to impose their will on the world. As such, his dogma appeals to many druids, who find themselves growing more corrupted and hateful even if they began with good intentions. His cult often recruits from the ranks of the oppressed underclasses in cities, encouraging them to tear down the foundations of lives without proposing any alternative but violence and chaos. He delights in deaths intended to “save the planet”, and his followers spread disease as a form of “population control”.
Haspergrin’s very presence snuffs out all artificial light sources, and as such he prefers to make himself known at night or underground. Before making his grand entrance, he will often use mythic contagion to spread a disease for miles around, weakening resistance and shattering morale before he even strikes. Those that see him find their higher brain functions stripped away, collapsing into a primal, animal state. His battle tactics involve destroying weapons and armor with his mighty scythe, and spreading diseases as widely as possible with his great claw. He will often allow some of his foes to survive his onslaughts, to serve as a reminder of his wrath and to die slowly of contagion.
Haspergrin has stalked humanity for millennia. He was originally a sahkil tormentor, devoted to the fear of the dark. But as humans built cities, developed artificial lighting, and banished night from their lives, Haspergrin grew ever more hateful. How exactly he transcended the ranks of the sahkils is somewhat mysterious, but his faithful hold that his current form emerged from the body of his old one as an imago emerges from its cocoon. Sages suspect that this transformation was permitted under the aegis of one of the Elder Gods, such as Sheol Nugganoth or Nyarlathotep. The current sahkil tormentors see him as an enemy, especially Kasadeya, whose concerns often focus on high society. Haspergrin can still summon sahkils, who obey him out of respect for his former status and fear of the fate that awaits them if they disobey.
Haspergrin            CR 28 XP 4,915,200 CE Huge outsider (evil, Great Old One, native) Init +21; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, Perception +47, see in darkness, true seeing Aura neverlight (1 mile), unspeakable presence (Will DC 36, 300 ft.) Defense AC 46, touch 25, flat-footed 39 (-2 size, +7 Dex, +10 insight, +21 natural) hp 676 (33d10+495); fast healing 25 Fort +26, Ref +27, Will +29 DR 20/epic and lawful; Immune ability damage, ability drain, aging, cold, construct traits, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification; Resist acid 30, electricity 30, fire 30, sonic 30; SR 39 Defensive Abilities constructed body, freedom of movement, immortality, insanity (DC 36) Offense Speed 60 ft., air walk Melee +4 unholy adamantine scythe +52/+47/+42/+37 (2d8+17/19-20x4 plus 2d6 against non-evil opponents), great claw +48 (4d6+25 plus plague), bite +43 (2d6+8) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks dreams of darkness, mythic power (10/day, +1d12) Spell-like Abilities CL 28th, concentration +38 Constant—air walk, freedom of movement, true seeing At will—contagionM (DC 24), darknessM, enervationM, fear (DC 24), insanity (DC 27), nightmareM (DC 25), rusting grasp, stone shape 3/day—greater dispel magic, empowered greater shadow evocation (DC 28), greater teleport, finger of deathM (DC 27), quickened plague storm (DC 26), power word blindM, repel metal or stone 1/day—gate (DC 29), shades (DC 29),  storm of vengeanceM (DC 29), summon sahkils, wail of the banshee (DC 29) M = Haspergrin can use the mythic version of this spell-like ability Statistics Str 44, Dex 25, Con 40, Int 29, Wis 32, Cha 31 Base Atk +33; CMB +52 (+56 sunder); CMD 73 Feats Blinding Critical, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Deafening Critical, Empower SLA (greater shadow evocation), Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (scythe), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (plague storm), Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +43, Bluff +46, Disable Device +45, Intimidate +46, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, local, religion) +42, Knowledge (nature, planes) +45, Perception +47, Sense Motive +47, Spellcraft +42, Stealth +35 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Druidic, Infernal, Sylvan, telepathy 300 ft. SQ otherworldly insight Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary (unique) Treasure double standard (+4 unholy adamantine scythe, other treasure) Special Abilities Constructed Body (Ex) Haspergrin has all of the immunities of the construct type. He is immune to bleed, necromancy effects, poison, sleep effects, stunning, exhaustion and fatigue, and nonlethal damage. He is immune to any spell or effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also affects constructs. Dreams of Darkness (Su) Haspergrin can use his nightmare spell-like ability on any creature that has ever taken 10 or more points of ability damage or drain from a disease, or anyone who has ever been injured while in total darkness. In addition to the effect of the nightmare, creatures so affected must succeed a DC 36 Will save or be plagued by shadowy hallucinations. Such creatures are permanently shaken, and suffer a 20% miss chance when making all attack rolls. Creatures that cannot see are immune to this effect. This is a mind-influencing curse effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Great Claw (Ex) Haspergrin’s great claw is always treated as a primary natural attack, even when he makes weapon attacks. It deals 1.5x Haspergrin’s Strength modifier as bonus damage. Haspergrin can also wield a scythe in one hand without penalty. Immortality (Ex) When Haspergrin is slain, his body disappears, leaving behind only his scythe. The first creature that picks up his scythe must succeed a DC 36 Will save or be compelled to build Haspergrin a new body, which takes 1 week of work before it animates and Haspergrin lives again. If this save is succeeded, or nobody touches the scythe, it fades away after 1 day. In this case, Haspergrin cannot manifest a physical body until one is built for him by a cultist or dupe. Neverlight Aura (Su) All artificial light sources cast no illumination within 1 mile of Haspergrin. Any spell with the light descriptor cast in this aura must overcome Haspergrin’s spell resistance to function. Plague (Su) A creature struck by Haspergrin’s great claw must succeed a DC 41 Fortitude save or succumb to one of the diseases that can be afflicted by the contagion spell. There is no onset for this disease, and the save DC for this disease becomes DC 41. Any creature that touches a creature affected by Haspergrin’s plague must save or be infected with the same disease, although the onset time and save DC are as normal for that disease. The save DC is Constitution based. Summon Sahkils (Sp) Once per day as a swift action, Haspergrin may summon one or more sahkils equal to a CR 20 encounter. They serve him faithfully for 1 hour or until slain. This is the equivalent of a 9th level spell. Unspeakable Aura (Su) Creatures that succumb to Haspergrin’s unspeakable aura are feebleminded, as per the spell. The save DC is Charisma based.
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formal-cruelty · 7 years
*As they get to the entrance of the castle a male voice calls behind them causing Kas to stop mid step.*
*She then turns around with a polite smile that seemed forced.*
Hello Father, Mother.
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ntfwgossip-blog · 8 years
Israfel x Kasdeya
@formerangelisrafel && @kasdeyaxdemon
💕 has to sleep in the bathtub when the other had a dream about them doing something stupid (i.e. cheating on them).
💕 is the one to throw things when angry.
💕 is getting the loudest during arguments.
💕 loses temper the easiest.
💕 is more prone to using violence.
💕 uses insults in an argument.
💕 cries first.
💕 will pack their things and leave for a while.
💕 will run out in the middle of a fight.
💕 will sulk the longest.
💕 is the one to suggest going to couple therapy.
💕 is the first one to apologise after a fight.
💕 will most likely break up first.
💕 will still cry over pictures of them together even after months have passed.
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