#kat is literally so done after the council blows her off lmfao
akuzeisms · 10 months
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   ⬐ @lastsurvivor ⬎
“i don’t like that look, what happened?” -Ripley
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Her only answer was a roll of her eyes, huffing as she practically stomped her way through the ship. Leave it to the god-damned Citadel Council to stick their heads up their asses and forget the rest of the galaxy exists. She knew she should have expected this, but a part of her had hoped they’d have things figured out by now. Saving their lives had to count for something. Or, at least, she’d thought it would. Apparently, she was wrong.
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“What happened,” she replied gruffly, “Is that as usual, the Council is ignorant and unhelpful. Despite the fact that I have saved all of their lives, stopped an invasion not once, but twice, of the galaxy—no, let me rephrase that, let’s make it three times, because we might as well count the god-damned suicide mission through the Omega-4 Relay as one of those. Now, let’s add the fact that I told them three years ago what was coming, and we have a whole slew of political bullshit that didn’t need to happen.” Jerking her head in the direction of the elevator, Kat gestured for Ellen to follow, the irritation clear in her posture, though none of it was directed at the woman.
“I fucking hate politicians.” And now she had to deal with Udina; the two of them had never seen eye to eye, and while Udina was doing his damnedest to make a difference right now… she wasn’t sure how far that was going to go, or how effective he was going to be. Not that Anderson had been able to do much; but at least Anderson had believed her at first. Udina had tried to throw her to the wolves, and she’d never forgiven him for that. She wasn’t about to now, not until he made some progress on getting them aid.
The elevator opened at the mess, and Kat gestured to the cook; he knew exactly what the gesture meant, and as he busied himself making something to eat, Kat dropped into a chair at one of the tables. “The Council threw us to the wolves. Doesn’t mean humanity’s completely fucked, but it’s damn well close. And in an ironic twist, Sparatus was actually helpful afterward instead of an ass like he usually is.” That had been an unexpected twist; him coming to her after the meeting with the Council was more than surprising.
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“You know it’s ironic when the turians are the first lead you’ve got for humanity to get some kind of relief aid.” After the First Contact War, relations were amicable at best; turians and humans just… didn’t mix, a lot of the time. Different cultural values played a large role in that.
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