Trans Clone Week effort
I was so happy to get any out as I was so in love with the prompts for this event but was so sure I wouldn’t have the juice to write anything.
the prompt post is here, and I detail which prompts were addressed in the author’s notes of each fic :3
day 1
as Easy as Climbing Out of the Water
rated T, 147 words, gen.
Summary: Sonia catches sight of the first visible change in the mirror.
day 2
All Wrapped Up
rated E, 1,411 words, Commander Bly/Aayla Secura
Summary: Commander Bly never thought she’d get everything she wanted. And well, she hasn’t…but the gift she’s been given makes her think that maybe, just maybe, the other stuff will come along eventually, too…
day 3
rated g, gen, 1, 283 words
summary: Tup has some questions he’s been wrestling with after one too many offhanded comments from his vod’e. Thankfully the 501’s Goran is willing to help him figure some things out.
I have a doc appt tomorrow so I don’t know whether I’ll have the spoons to write anymore for this event, so I decided to post what I have so far, if I do write more, I’ll make a second post :3
thank you @clonefandomevents for organising such a wonderful event with such beautiful prompts!
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here is a post about my gorane, the lore keepers and spiritual leaders of the Fett Clones who collectively call themselves the Vod’e
so at the crux of it is that I have a goran vod in every batallion who is basically the lore keeper. I feel like for clones their soul is less in their armour and more in their paint and their collective ‘we are here’ presence, and each other’s memories.
So the lore keepers collect stories, and they collect experiences, and they collect the paint patterns and haircuts and piercings and tattoos of the vod’e under their purview. some of them, like Besbe on Coruscant and Tihaar in the 212th are Quartermasters, while others, like Katini in the 501st are tattooists, though she’s also an engineer. and others like Ahurewa in the 104th is in charge of cleaning and maintenance, whose mentor was 99.
They collect memories of the soul, evidence of the clones’ existence, and look after it.
The first goran was Alpha 79 | Buir, who began the whole thing by documenting the story of Dar, the first trans clone in the Alpha batch. But Buir was also the person Cody first told about his name, which led to his batch all going to kaysh when they decided on theirs too, and it developed from there. 1
Because the battalions are constantly moving, and their ship homes may blow up at any time, it feels like the only thing they can change and carve into their own shape is their skin and hair and paint. So that gets changed to be their face, and for some vode, like fives, they tell a story. The Goran’e record that story.
For the Corries and the other vod’e posted on Coruscant, they cannot afford to express individuality due to Morut’pru otherwise called ‘Fordo’s Rules’, but they are living in one place; they have the chance to live lives. The first is eyayah’ad is born to a Corrie pretty early on, and many of them manage to have partners and friends, and l some even manage to have *jobs* outside of their roles for the guard.
All of this means the Corries store their stories in secret places they’ve found on Coruscant, and then when Fordo and Besbe and then Fox start committing decom fraud in a big way, they store people in there too, and the secret places start to look like a secret city.2
1 This is detailed in the fic An Alpha Called Buir
2 This is detailed in the series Clone Lore from the drabble called Slight of Hand
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delifurkan · 2 years
gunaydin emekci dostlar, bugun gelecekteki karimi "sabah ise gitme maasin ne kadarsa iki katini vereyim yeter ki gun boyu opuselim" diye darlayip sahiden maasinin iki katini verebilmek icin calisiyorum
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steakout-05 · 1 year
thinking about concept art for some unused Fruit Ninja characters that never made a single appearance in any official media and never got a chance to shine.....
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oh Katini and Munch... maybe one day you will make your mark on the world......
(art by Shaun Campbell on his Behance page)
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I thought people liked the third book of the hunger games and apparently that's an unpopular opinion
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617622 · 1 month
herkesten her seyi bekliyorum o oyle yapmaz falan degil on katini yapar sifir guven devam
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Kocamı çok seviyorum
Bi dönem maddi olarak çok sıkıntılar cekiyorduk , tabiki bu durum bütün evlilik hayatimizi etkiliyordu , eve destek için evlere temizliğe gitmeye baslamistim , az da olsa eve katki sagliyordum fakat borclar okadar cogalmisti ki bir türlü düze cikamiyorduk , gençten zengin bekar birinin evine gitmeye baslamistim , haftada 3 gün gider oldum , hem temizligini yapiyor hem yemegini hazirliyordum , cok zeki akilli vede yakisikli bir çocuk tu yalniz biraz sikintilari vardi kolay kolay kimseye guvenmiyor ve evden de disari çok çok mecbur kalmadigi surece cikmiyordu , eskiden dahada kötü haldeymis , piskolojik destek alarak biraz toparlamis , artik biraz biraz birbirimize alismistik içini döker olmuştu bana hatta derdi ki çok garip piskologuma bile onca zaman sonra icimi doker olmustum gerci piskologum olmasa seni eve işe alamazdim orasida ayri derdi , her nekadar efendi düzgün de olsa genç olusu kendini eve kapatisi cinselligi yasayamayisi olsa gerek , ben temizlik yaprken vs arada beni gizliden seyretme isteği oldugunu farkettim , bu durum benimde hoşuma gider olmustu , arzulandigimi hissetmek çok güzel di, bi gun sohbet ederken sordum , sevgili iliski durumlarini nasil yapiyorsun dedim , sanal sevgili sanal sohbet dedi , ama olmazki öyle gençsin, öpüp koklasman gezip dolasman lazim dedim , evden cikamiyorum ki kim ne ypsin beni dedi , aaa niye öyle diyorsun sen evden cikamiyorsan eve gelen olur dedim , yok guvenemem ben kolay kolay oda olmaz dedi , ee ozaman hazirda güvendiğin, evine gelen seninle sohbet eden birini dusunmezmisin dedim , nasil yani dedi , senin evine surekli gelip giden kaç tane kadin var dedim , sen varsin dedi , ee ozaman dedim , istermisin dedi , evliyim sevgili olamayiz tabiki ama beraber güzel zaman gecirebiliriz istersen , o gün bi güzel seviştik, sonra iki gün sonra tekrar eve gittim bu bana yanasmak istedi dur konusalim seninle dedim öyle her seferinde olmaz , biz sevgili degiliz , beni eve gelen özel misafir olarak düşün, ben seni mutlu ederim sende beni maddi olarak mutlu edersin , bu arada ben kocami da seviyorum, bunu bi süre yapariz, ben maddi ihtiyacimi sende cinsel ihtiyacini karsilarsin dedim , bu arada onunla sevismek banada iyi gelmisti aslinda , artik haftada bir gün ona gittigimde normal ucretim haricinde birde sevisme ucreti aliyordum , haftada 1 den fazlasini isterse 2 katini aliyordum , kocamada zam yapti avans verdi borcumuzdan bahsettim al bu parayi sonr calismalarindan keserim dedi gibi soyluyor parayi kocama veriyordum borclarimizi kapatiyordu , artik borclar bitmis biraz daha rhata ermistik , kocamlada yatak iliskimiz duzelmeye baslamisti , artık işi birkma zamani gelmisti , ama farkli yarrak yemegede alismistim ve sex i benden ogrenmisti ben egitmistim adeta , dedim ben ayriliyorum artik , dedi gelmicekmisin peki haftad birde olsa , dedim yok ama şöyle yapalim , bunu kocamda kabul eder, artik ayda 1 gelirim sana, sözde genel bir temizlik için gelmiş olurum, kocam itiraz etmez bu duruma , gelirim rahat rahat sevisiriz , giderkende para istemem sadece günlük temizlik yomyemi verirsin ki kocam para olayindn takilmasin duruma , artık ayda bir gidiyorum , kocamida seviyorum , kaçamak yapmayida ...
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deviliciouscouture · 2 months
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Katini Website | Instagram | Facebook
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twokinds-es · 1 year
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Mug of Windstraw
Relacionados Katini, Tall Glass of Kat y Two Kinds of Drinks, ahora tenemos a la versión de trago con Windstraw, y combina perfectamente con esta pequeña bebedora, boceto sugerido por Neon Mitsumi.
Publicar original "Patreon"
(Salu2 de Spark)
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Reading, interrupted. 🌱🍵🌱 A splitting headache kept me moaning on the sofa all of Saturday while the temperature shrouded the whole village in silence. I got some respite in the evening and then the morning brought some heavy cloud and a few drops of rain. Sunday was pure bliss. I’m learning that it’s me who has to give *me* the permission to rest. I read a lot. I played with kettle bells. I drank lemonade. I read some more. So simple, so obvious. And somehow still I can forget that I need that, that rest is not optional but essential to functioning. I’m not sad anymore that to realise this I have to support myself with medication that curbs my obsessive tendencies and allows me to find headspace. Last night the sky was heavy with cloud, backlit pink and orange with lightning, rumbling. We watched it while walking the dogs. Then came the rain. Lulu ran out into the garden and Andy had to rescue her, shivering and wet, and she dove into our bedding to find some comfort. Stefan hid under an armchair. Katini and Gaja chilled, enjoying the lowering temps. We chilled also, drank beer, talked. Went to bed rested and full, and I want to say that we rose today fresh and enthusiastic, but Monday slapped us in the face and we’re just chipping away at work, drinking tea, yawning. I’m making the Festival’s new website. Andy’s copywriting for a client. Magda’s doing some mysterious coding. Only the animals seem not to know it’s Monday. They’re chilling. Waiting for more food. Chilling some more. They’ve got it all right. How was your weekend? [photos by @kiellgram]
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siyasetsevenbratz · 3 months
Neyse allah belalarini versin yasadigim acinin 10000 katini yasasinlar
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yuregindenyarali · 3 months
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iki katini geri attirdim ama olsun canim arkadasima yarasin
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mormezarlik · 11 months
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tesekkurller · 1 year
annem para istedi ben 3 katini verdim anneme bagirmistim moralim bozulmustu ohh
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maksibetvip · 5 days
📅 21 Eylül Cumartesi ⏰ 20:00
⚽ #Fenerbahçe vs #Galatasaray
😍 Derbi skorunu doğru tahmin et, 300X KATINI kap!
💥 Futbol coşkusu dorukta, kazancın zirvede!
7️⃣ Kazandıran Link: bit.ly/maksisosyal
#süperoran #etkinlik #Altcoins Mauro Icardi
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hongjoong, seonghwa, yunho, san, wooyoung, mingi, jongho, they all had dating rumors: ONLY YEOSANG DIDNT LMAO the rumors usually stay in the korean community, katinys are good at hiding them, only international fans blowing them out. so that’s probably why you didn’t see most of them. according to rumor, wooyoung recently broke up with his gf, san is not dating currently. hongjoong, seonghwa and mingi are inna relationships (tho he’s might have issues) and yunho broke up with his 3 years of girl friend a few months ago. kfans even knew about non-celebrity girlfriends, they are just chill about it
I saw something about mingi though (Not naming him specifically but it’s VERY OBVIOUSLY) mingi
But I dunno, genuinely surprising to me
Are these genuinely confirmed things or kfans just making stuff up
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