#katrina blanchet (oc)
awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Why Katrina Blanchet Despises Marinette and Chloe (final decision)
Katrina Blanchet is a bully character in my Stammering Adrien AU. She strives to maintain an image of perfection. She gets good grades, keeps in shape, wears the latest, most fashionable clothes, and throws the most spectacular parties. She is perfect, or so she would have you believe, and she wants to make sure everybody knows it. Of course, being as accomplished as she is, she is quite popular, save for with her parents, who, being social-climbers, are always seeking the approval and validation of Andre and Audrey Bourgeois. 
Because of this, Katrina sought to become fiends with Chloe Bourgeois to get her parents’ approval and get the mayor’s daughter as a bosom-friend to boot. But Chloe, being the person she was back then, gave a hard pass. Katrina wasn’t good enough for Chloe’s old tastes. Katrina took it rather hard. But she took solace in two things. One, she was smarter than Chloe, and two, she was more popular than Chloe. However, there was someone else who was popular.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a cute, sweet, kind, polite, yet delightfully clumsy girl. She loved designing outfits and baking for her friends. This, of course, makes Marinette popular among her peers... And it makes Katrina absolutely nauseous. In Katrina’s mind, girls like Marinette are a plague. Marinette is one of those sickeningly sweet and effortlessly cute “wholesome girls”, never having to try to hard to be popular, just smile and hand out a few cookies. It makes Katrina gag. No one could possibly be that sweet and loveable all the time. What’s worse is that, from what Katrina has observed, Marinette’s goody-goody nature has rubbed off on Chloe Bourgeois, Sabrina Raincomprix, and later down the line, Lila Rossi. Katrina also noticed that after Chloe’s reform, Chloe’s friend-circle grew and her grades improved. The two things Katrina had over Chloe, popularity and brains, were slowly being taken away from her, all the more reason to hate Chloe and Marinette.
TLDR: Katrina has a certain view of Chloe and Marinette.
Katrina sees Chloe as an airheaded, bullying brat who refused to be friends with her because she wasn’t good enough, and suddenly decided to be all “Oh boo-hoo! I want to change!” and become “nice.”
Katrina sees Marinette as an obnoxious, cutesy-wutesy, “wholesome” goody-goody who turns everyone around her into goody-goodies.
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Grape Pie: A Stammering Adrien AU Moment
Based on this AU.
Convinced that people can change if given a nudge in the right direction, Marinette decides to try and see if she can make piece with Katrina Blanchet, the new mean girl. She offers an olive branch in the form of a grape pie.
Chloé: Marinette, your heart’s in the right place, but trust me, it’s not gonna work.
Sabrina: Yeah, Katrina doesn’t like anyone who doesn’t make her look good by comparison.
Marinette: *carrying a pie* Oh, don’t be silly. People can change, You two are proof of that. *knocks on Katrina’s door* All we need to do is show Katrina we’re willing to give her a second chance. And one of the best ways to do that is with a gift.
*Katrina answers the door*
Katrina: *sarcastic* Oh joy! My three least favorite people! *serious* What do you want, Dupain-Cheng? *sticks her nose in the air*
Marinette: Bonjour, Katrina. I’ve been thinking. There’s no real reason for any of us to keep hating each other. I think if we tried, we can all be friends.
Katrina: *sneers*
Marinette: So, to show that we’re willing to give you a chance, I baked you this grape pie. I heard it was your favorite.
Katrina: A grape pie? For me? *takes the pie* How thoughtful. Thank you, Marinette. There’s just one, itsy bitsy problem.
Marinette: Oh? What’s that?
Katrina: *pies Marinette in the face* YOU made it. *spits on her than slams the door*
Chloé: *rushes over* Marinette, are you okay?
Sabrina: *takes the pie tin off Marinette’s face* Are you hurt?
Marinette: *wiping pie off her face* I... I can’t believe she would do that. I was trying to be friendly...
Chloé: I’m sorry, Marikins, but I tried to warn you. Katrina is almost as bad as I used to be.
Sabrina: Look, it’s great that you want to help her change, but I don’t think pie will do it
Marinette: *takes out a hankie and tries to wash up* I know, I know. But it was worth a shot, right? *sigh* Come on, let’s go. I could use a smoothie.
Chloé: No problem. My treat.
*Katrina watches them leave from her bedroom window, scowling*
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awholelotofladybug · 5 months
Does Katrina loves (like a normal father) her butler, Augustine?
I'm afraid Katrina and Augustine's relationship is strictly professional. Katrina still has some learning to do when it comes to treating others the way she wants to be treated. Don't worry though, she'll get there eventually.
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
I have already started redeeming Bale Boucher, and Katrina Blanchet will get there too, but what about Corbin Coste and Georgette Barbier?
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Katrina Blanchet’s father, Antoine Blanchet, is an OC of mine, and is meant to be one of the richest, most successful men in Paris. But I am having a hard time deciding what he does for a living. So what sould this man do that has made him so successful?
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awholelotofladybug · 7 months
Yvette Curie is my latest OC mean girl for my Stammering Adrien AU. She’s a brown-noser, a manipulator, and loves playing mind games, all while sucking up to Katrina Blanchet. Her father, Pierre Curie, is a wealthy man, but what should that be?
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Don't worry, regardless of the outcome, she'll stop and help take him down one way or another. Anton Moreau will get what's coming to him.
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awholelotofladybug · 3 years
Bad Girls 2: A Stammering Adrien Agreste AU Moment
Based on This AU
Katrina has invited Lila and Georgette to the mall. Innocent enough until they catch a glimpse of some their least favorite people, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Sabrina Raincomprix, and Chloe Bourgeois, in the food court. With a sour taste in their mouths, they spy on them.
Katrina: *watching Chloe* Ugh, look at her, pretending to like them. What a waste of time.
Lila: *looks at Marinette and Adrien* And look at those two. So lovey-dovey, and touchy-feely. *gag*
Georgette: *looking at Sabrina* She thinks she's so cute with that dumb little bow-tie and sweater vest. Ugh! She's so basic.
Katrina: Yeah, well... *spots Prince Ali* Hold the phone. Is that Prince Ali?
Georgette: Prince Ali of Achu?
Lila: *sarcasm* No, the other Prince Ali with the genie and the elephant. Yes, Prince Ali of Achu!
Katrina: *dusts herself off* Look sharp, girls. This is our chance. If we do this right, we'll have a bigger connection than even "the mayor's daughter" could ever hope to get.
Lila: Does my hair look okay?
Georgette: Does my breath smell?
Katrina: Focus! *leads them to the prince, then bows* Your highness.
Prince Ali: Oh, um, hello.
Katrina: Katrina Blanchet, star-tennis player and captain of the debate team at College Francoise Dupont, and heir to the Blanchet family fortune. You've, no doubt, heard of my father's golf course. And these are my friends, Lila and Georgette.
Lila: So, what's a hunk, uh, I mean, prince like you doing in a mall like this?
Georgette: Signing autographs? Running a charity? Buying out the whole building to give to the less fortunate?
Prince Ali: Oh, no. Nothing like that, at least not today. No, I'm here to see my friends, and my girlfriend.
*Katrina and the girls maintain their smiles while their hopes shatter*
Katrina: *eye twitching* Oh... A girlfriend, you say...
Lila: *behind clenched teeth* How... Lovely...
Georgette: *clenching her fists until her knuckles are white* What's the darling girl's name?
Prince Ali: *longing sigh* Sabrina. Sabrina Raincomprix. She should be here with my friends, Chloe and Adrien, and his girlfriend, Marinette.
Georgette: Sabrina?
Katrina: Chloe?
Lila: Adrien? Marinette?!
Sabrina: *rushing to Ali* Ali!
Prince Ali: Sabrina, my diamond! *spin hugs her, then carries her* Come! Let us away, and let the shopping spree begin! *joins Chloe, Marinette, and Adrien*
*Katrina and the girls watch them leave*
Katrina: *eye still twitching* I think I need a latte, or three. Anyone else?
Georgette: With pumpkin spice!
Lila: And cinnamon sprinkles!
*the girls leave to drown their misery in expensive coffee*
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awholelotofladybug · 3 years
(Stammering Adrien) Verity Queen: My daughter is an innocence girl! She didn’t do anything wrong!
Verity Queen: My daughter is innocent! She didn’t do anything wrong! And you and your trouble making friends framed her!
Lila: You can't prove anything!
Verity Queen: SILENCE! I know the truth is in you! And it will be revealed. *pulls out a sword* Even if I must cut you open to find it!
Katrina: Run?
Georgette: Run.
Lila: Definitely run!
*All three run from Verity Queen*
Chloe: *hiding under a desk* Looking back, I'm really glad I'm not a bully anymore.
Sabrina: *right next to her* Let's get out of here while we can.
Chloe: Hope Ladybug is on the case.
*Chloe and Sabrina crawl away*
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awholelotofladybug · 3 years
(Stammering Adrien AU) Katrina: Mister Agreste, is it true that Chloe is your first childhood friend? Adrien: *nervous laughs*
Katrina: Mister Agreste, is it true that Chloe is your first childhood friend?
Adrien: *nervous laughs* Yeah. Wait a minute, K-K-Katrina? Katrina Blanchet?
Katrina: You know me?
Adrien: You d-d-don't remember? Back when we were t-t-twelve? That party?
Katrina: Wait, that stammering little wimp that asked me to dance... That was you?!
Adrien: *face sours at the insult* Yeah... That was me.
Katrina: *realizes she insulted the biggest teen model in Paris* Adrien, I am so sorry. I never should have said those things. I...
Adrien: I-It' okay, Katrina. I'm over it. I've b-b-been over it.
Katrina: Well, um, if you're still interested...
Adrien: *rubs the back of head uncomfortably* I have a girlfriend now.
Katrina: Ugh! Please tell me it's not Bourgeois, Raincomprix, or any of those wannabes from Bustier's class.
Marinette: *pops up from behind Adrien* Morning, muffin. *takes out a muffin* Here's your morning muffin.
Adrien: *smiles* Merci, cupcake. *takes the muffin and kisses her*
Katrina: Dupain-Cheng?!
Marinette: Oh, hey, Katrina. *leaves with Adrien*
Katrina: But he... And she's just... And I...
Chloe: *passing by* It's not rocket science, Blanchet. Adrien's not into rich girls. Plain and simple.
Katrina: *gets angry* That just means he wouldn't date you either, Bourgeois!
Chloe: And?
Katrina: UGH!
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awholelotofladybug · 3 years
(Stammering AU) Katrina (see Marinette and Sabrina): *giving a fake smile* It's nice to see you again, Miss Dupain-Cheng and Miss Raincomprix. Chloe: Grrrrr. Katrina: *gulps* And you too, Chloe.
Katrina: *sees Marinette and Sabrina, and gives a fake smile* It's nice to see you again, Miss Dupain-Cheng and Miss Raincomprix.
Chloe: Grrrrr.
Katrina: *gulps* And you too, Chloe. Um, you're not still mad about that whole "turning into a giant and trying to crush you" thing, are you?
Chloe: *face starts turning red*
Marinette: *puts a hand on Chloe's shoulder and looks at her*
Chloe: *takes a deep breath and calms down* Katrina.
Katrina: Yeah?
Chloe: *looks her straight in the eye* Don't mess with my friends. Okay?
Katrina: *nervous* Uh, o-okay. *leaves*
Sabrina: Nice job, Chloe.
Marinette: Yeah. Way to be assertive.
Chloe: I know Katrina's game by now. I won't let her trick anyone into doing her bidding.
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awholelotofladybug · 2 years
(Stammering AU) Tomoe: You must be Blanchet-san right? Chloe-chan have told me about you alot.
Tomoe: So you are Katrina Blanchet. Chloe-chan has told me a lot about you.
Katrina: *suddenly very paranoid* What did she say?
Tomoe: Oh, just that you hide behind your achievements and a false sense of superiority in order to overcompensate for your deep insecurity rooted in a quest for perfectionism and a fear of disappointing those you've worked so hard to impress.
Katrina: *confused* She said all that? Like, specifically?
Tomoe: Well, what she really said was that you were "trying so hard to be "Little Ms. Perfect", but that is, more or less, what that means.
Katrina: *sits there, contemplating everything she just heard*
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awholelotofladybug · 3 years
(Stammering Adrien) Pet Day
After hearing about its success at his daughter's school, the mayor decides to throw a Pet Day at the hotel. The event also serves as a charity to help local animal shelters (Emilie's idea). There are pets of all kinds on display.
Enzo: *sitting on a picnic table, batting at a toy* *Meow*
Marinette: *dangling the toy in front of him* That's right, Enzo. Get the pretty feathers. *looks around* Wow, who knew so many people in Paris had pets.
Chloe: *playing Tug-o-War with Rex and his rope toy* Tell me about it. Rex here has been sniffing new dogs all day. *looks at Rex* But you're not too bothered, are you, boy?
Rex: *growling and tugging the rope*
Juleka: *holding up a treat* Okay, Lola. Roll over.
Lola: *rolls over*
Juleka: Speak.
Lola: *Bark*
Juleka: Good girl. *gives Lola the treat*
Mylene: *feeding Jojo his crickets* Wow, Juleka. Lola sure is smart.
Rose: *petting Lily Belle* Yeah. I sure wish rabbits could do tricks like that. *cuddles her bunny* Not that I care, sweetums. I love you no matter what.
Katrina: *holding Peaches on a leash* Ugh! Look at them. All those cats, rodents, and lesser dogs. Georgette: *holding her black-eyed, white ferret* I don't know, the bunny is kind of cute. And the cats are pretty.
Katrina: Georgette, I cut you enough slack for owning a ferret. Don't make it worse.
Georgette: *gulp* Yes, Katrina *feels her ferret slip away* Ah! Daisy! No!
*Daisy runs off and makes her way towards Adrien, who is playing with Bucky*
Adrien: *petting his dog* Who's my buddy? Who's m-m-my buddy?
Georgette: *whispering* Daisy no! Daisy!
Adrien: *feels something crawl up his pant-leg* That's my good Buckyyyyeeeaaaauugh! F-F-FERRET! FERRET IN MY PANTS! *slams into a tree in a panic, and a squirrel falls, and ends up crawling down so it and Daisy are fighting and chasing each other* AUGH! OW! OW! HEY! OUCH! H-H-HELP! *feels Daisy bite his rear* YEEEEOOOUUCH!
Katrina: Ooh, this is going to hurt your rep.
Georgette: Excuse me, I need to grab Daisy so we can go home and die...
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awholelotofladybug · 3 years
Chloe (glares at Katrina): Watch your mouth, stupid tube-curls witch!. Katrina: Shut up, you fake blond brat.
Chloe: *glares at Katrina* Watch your mouth, stupid tube-curls witch!
Katrina: Shut up, you fake blond brat!
Chloe: *getting ready to throw a punch* You're one to talk about being fake, you little piece of...
Katrina: *flinches* EEP! Not in the face!
Marinette: *grabs Chloe's wrist* Chloe, stop!
Marc: *takes her shoulder* Don't do it, honey!
Juleka: *stands in the way* It won't solve anything!
Sabrina: *walks up to her* Just breathe, Chloe, remember? Breathe before you blow.
Chloe: *takes a deep breath* One, two, three, four...
Adrien: That's right, Chloe. J-J-Just count to ten.
Chloe: Five, six, seven, eight, nine... *exhale* Ten. Thanks, you guys. Let's get out of here. *leaves with the others*
Katrina: *scoffs* Nobodies.
Mr. Damocles: Those nobodies kept you from a black eye.
Katrina: *gasp* Mr. Damocles. *gets all dramatic* Oh, I'm so glad you're here! That THUG, Bourgeois nearly decked me! It was simply barbaric!
Mr. Damocles: I noticed, but I also noticed that her friends calmed her down, and I also saw that you were giving her friends a hard time.
Katrina: W-What?
Mr. Damocles: Don't play dumb, Katrina. Chloe might have nearly hit you, but you were teasing her friends, and quite frankly, I expect a lot better from you.
Katrina: *thinks for a bit, then tries to sound guilty* Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Damocles. Really, I am. I don't know what came over me.
Mr. Damocles: Well, alright then. Don't let me catch it happening again. You're one of my best students, Ms. Blanchet. Try to act like.
Katrina: Oh, yes sir. Absolutely, sir. I promise.
Mr. Damocles: *leaves*
Katrina: *waits until he's gone* Don't let you catch me, huh? Well, you're the principal, Mr. Damocles. I promise I won't get caught. *giggles* I love semantics.
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