#kaveh is a dickhead i love him
kiwismitten · 4 months
Jealousy | Al Haitham x GN!reader
Summary: Kaveh wonders how jealous Al Haitham can get. slight? kaveh x reader
Warnings: none
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The soft bustle of the academia library surrounds you as you copy down the diagrams from your architecture textbook in front of you. Fellow scholars stress and a few cry or nap at their desks. The bags underneath your eyes tell the same story of anxiety, stress, but a passion for what you’re learning.
As you complete the final diagram of the chapter, two figures loom over your study area before seating themselves.
“y/n how's the studying going,” The blonde senior leans on his hand, with his scholarly hat tilting off to the side slightly.
“Ah senior Kaveh, it’s going okay, do you think I’ll be fine with the next exam,” you fidget softly, eyes filled with exhaustion. Kaveh eyes your notes scanning each part thoroughly.
“These are probably a gajillion times more detailed than any of my notes were, you’re going to do amazing,” he hands your notebook back with a soft smile.
“There’s not really a way to quantify how detailed something is senior Kaveh.” Your tired eyes flicker to the taller gray haired male. Kaveh huffs in annoyance.
“Well Al Haitham maybe you could learn a bit from us, you know, banter?” Al Haitham barely looks up from his book. Brushing off what the older male said. “Anyways, y/n we were about to head over to Puspa to grab some lunch, did you want to join us?” a coffee does sound extremely appealing right now.
“Sure, let me gather my stuff.” you say putting everything into your small canvas tote.
On the way to Puspa cafe, you stumble lightly, nearly nodding off and following the wrong people a few times. Kaveh wraps his arm around your shoulder to keep you from wandering off, and he didn’t miss the way Al Haitham looked up from his book and furrowed his brows. A mischievous smile crept its way onto his face as the three of you piled into the cafe.
You all slip into one of the small booths on the side and Kaveh guides you in softly.
“What did you want to order y/n? Al Haitham can grab them for us,” The blonde looks over to his friend smirking softly.
“So now you’re volunteering for me to do things?” He cocks his eyebrow and shuts his book, setting it to the side of the table glaring lightly at Kaveh as he takes a seat next to you.
“I’ll just have a coffee please,” you lean on the wall next to you eyes fluttering. Al Haitham nods in confirmation before going to order everyone's food and drinks at the front.
Coming back to the table he clenches his jaw in annoyance at the scene in front of him. Kaveh had moved your head to lean on his shoulder saying how it’d be more comfortable that way. Al Haitham takes a seat across from you two before opening his book once again.
“Hm, difficult read Al Haitham,” Kaveh smiles at him, “You’d normally be finished with that page you’ve been on it for quite some time.” Al Haitham glares at him softly before shutting the book.
“Kaveh, our food should be ready by now, since I ordered, I believe that you should grab it for us,” He says boredly, pointing to the food and drinks in the window. Kaveh sighs in annoyance shaking you awake a bit so you can sit up. As he leaves Al Haitham walks around the side of the table and takes the seat that Kaveh was in. Seeing you still nodding off he wraps his arm around guiding your head to his shoulder. A rare content smile crosses his features turning his noise canceling off to hear your soft breaths. At Kaveh’s return the older of the two looks at him with a stupid smile before winking at him.
“so you do- get jealous!” Kaveh’s boisterous voice startles you awake. Confusion crosses your tired features looking around softly before laying your head back down on Al Haitham’s shoulder. He’s never going to live this down.
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