#kayla blasdeill
marchmaiden · 6 years
Quel che sarà sarà
We had been sitting in the dining room for almost 35 minutes, still stuck on the same topic of where we should go for our annual three week vacation. There’s about twenty of us sitting here trying to debate whether or not we should go to back to Bali this year, or if we should go somewhere new. It was split down the middle. “Guys seriously we need to get this thing squared away like tonight,” Crystal said, silencing everyone. “Ok but like we actually need to decide where we’re going otherwise this is never going to happen,” Kayla added.
We sat in silence for about 10 more minutes, everyone trying to come up with an idea, when all of a sudden Brian shot up in his seat and pointed at me. “Y/N” he said excitedly, “ what if w-,” “NO NO and NO Brian Dales, I know exactly what you are about to suggest, and it’s not happening,” I said affirmatively. “Oh c’monnnnn,” he whined. “Guys, please fill us in, no clue what you’re talking about,” Luke said, sitting confused alongside the others. I sighed and sat up preparing to out myself. “My family owns a massive lakeside home on Lake Cuomo in Italy. It’s right on the lake and has private grounds, a staff and all that fun stuff,” I explained.
Everyone stared at me, wide eyed and mouths dropped. “Dude,” Mitchy started, “we’ve all been friends for four fucking years, how are you JUST now telling us this?” He asks incredulously. “Well it’s not like it was a secret,” I said, “but at the sametime I didn’t exactly want to flaunt my family’s wealth.” “Girl whatchu mean wealth?” Lindsey asks, but Brian beats me to the answer. “How do you guys not know this, her grandparents are the Magedino’s, one of Italy’s most prominent families. Her granddad is one of the most beloved politicians and her grandmother was the first muse for the house of Versace,” he told everyone. Even I had to admit, this was a bit creepy.
“Brian how the fuck did you know all that, I’ve never told you shit about my family?” I asked, stunned. “Uhh I googled you?” he said, shrugging as if it was obvious. “Y/N this is perfect!” Ashton said, a grin on his face. “We should all go to Italy!” “Noooooo,” I detested, “My grandparents are VERY anal about guests who aren’t invited staying in the house,” I told them. “You won’t even try to persuade them?” Mariah asked. Everyone was staring, pleading looks on their faces. I sat for a moment before I finally caved. “Ugh fine,” I proclaimed.”
Everyone cheered excitedly. “It wasn’t a yes guys, I said I’d ASK.” I extenuated. “Oh let us be happy for once, Miss Priss,” Roy teased. I rolled my eyes and leaned back once more, listening to everyone talk about the wonders of Italy.
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A week later, I walked through the backdoor of Michael and Crystal’s place, attempting to carry the massive crate of Modelo bottles I had promised to bring. I felt a set of hands brush over mine as they lifted the crate. I looked over the bottles to see the curly haired drummer giving me his signature grin, as he lifted the box from my arms. I let out a sigh at the release of the weight, happy to have it taken off my hands. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush. I let out a slight giggle and he smiled again before taking the box over to the bar on the side of the house.
I was still stuck in my post Ashton haze, that I didn’t hear Bryana calling my name. I suddenly felt a pair of hands shaking my shoulders. “YYYY/NNNNNN,” Bryana said, exaggerating each syllable. I quickly snapped back to the present, glaring at the pretty blonde who now had a smirk on her face. “Someone got lost in Ashton Land,” she teased. “Now is not the time for that Bry, I have news, tell everyone to meet me by the bar,” I said making my way over.
I rushed over and jumped up onto the dark oakwood bartop, swinging my legs impatiently. Everyone came over, wrapped in their towels or still in their clothes. “What’s up kid, did you finally swipe your V-Card?” Michael jokes, causing Crystal to give him a slight punch in the gut, making him wince. She delivered a glare as the others snickered at their friends expense. “Ha ha very funny Clifford, but no that is not why I’m here.” I stopped, pausing for a dramatic effect. “We are officially a go for Italy!!!!” I shouted. Everyone gasped and cheered with excitement. “No way,” Brian said, “how on earth did you get your grandparents to agree?” “It wasn’t easy, but I agreed to come out a week earlier and clean the place up as well as visit them for a few days. They’ll be in Greece during the three weeks we have the house.” I told them.
“I can’t wait this is gonna be AMAZING,” AnneMarie said. “What day are we getting plane tickets for love?” Ashton asked. “Oh! Forgot to mention that, my grandparents are lending us their jet, apparently they’re going to Greece by boat. You guys won’t have to pay for anything except for souvenirs and clothes.” “PRAISE JESUS,” Lindsey shouted making all of us laugh. “Our plane leaves from LAX two weeks from Friday, I’ll text you all the gate and the code to get in,” I told them.
“This is gonna be amazing, unlimited amounts of pizza for three fucking weeks?!” Michael exclaimed, ecstatic at the notion. We sat at the bar for the rest of the night, eagerly planning our trip to Italy, and excited for the adventures to come.
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