tabithwaslost · 11 months
Kay Faraday x Simon Blackquill for your ship headcanons thing?
Alr!! Here they are:
They met through Miles and when Kay first introduced herself as "The Great Thief", Simon was ready to throw hands but then Miles explained the situation. She steals the evidence that people who shouldn't be working for the law hide and she exposes them.
They work on tons of cases together because Kay is also a prosecutor. Kay pays attention to all details and searches every suspicious looking nook and cranny and she can climb, jump from high places and Simon can pick up and break things quite easily so their investigations are a breeze.
Kay is pretty chaotic and energetic meanwhile Simon is tired asf. So she does her best to make him a little more energetic by trying to hype him up and do anything in her power to make him not look intimidating or depressed 24/7.
Simon is a heavy sleeper, Kay can barely make him wake up and she has done some weird hairstyles with his hair when he is asleep. He does get mad when he wakes up an realise/realize but he doesn't do anything because he knows that Kay is just fooling around and doesn't mean any harm, + he loves her too much.
Kay loves to do weird crafts and make stuff. She has made benches, chairs, tables and bags from multiple things and she gets Simon to help her make these things.
She has a crow called "Yatagarasu" and it gets along very well with Taka. They used their birds to mess with the others. Like when Simon tied a small note onto Taka's leg saying "I'll meet you in the park on Saturday, 2 P.M. sharp." and sent it to Klavier, then Kay tied a small note on Yatagarasu's leg saying the same thing but she sent it to Apollo, the birds left the notes and that's how Klapollo came to be. Trucy has kidnapped both birds and made them act in one of her magic shows once, Kay and Simon asked everybody about the birds and a month later, they were home and they saw their birds with Trucy on stage. They were kinda proud to see how well-trained their birds are.
They sometimes watch cursed, conspiracy theories about Miles's prosecutors' building. Things like "This prosecutors' building is haunted." or "This prosecutors' building is hiding a very dark secret." and they'd make fun of these videos because they're hilarious.
Kay steals whatever shirts and sweatshirts Simon has, wether he likes it or not. All his shirts are hers as well.
They make fun of the stupid witnesses in their trials when they're home. If Kay has a really stupid witness that lied for absolutely no reason at all, she goes home and makes fun of the witness and mocks them. However, Simon doesn't mock them or make fun of them, he complains to Kay by telling her how stupid the witness was and SHE makes fun of the witness. Simon loves it.
They watch the same shows and animes and they argue a LOT on who the best characters are, what the best episodes are, etc.. They argue like they do in court but they're just bluffing and neither of the 2 admit defeat EVER, they are gonna defend their fictional characters to the ends of the Earth.
Kay sometimes accidentally flusters Simon to the point his face becomes as red as a tomato and he can't speak without stuttering. She does this by accident and is kinda surprised when it happens. It always happens by accident, it has never happened intentionally and Kay loves to make fun of how red his face gets.
Kay is an early bird, Simon is not despite them sleeping at about the same time. Kay is barely able to wake Simon up and when they first started dating she used to wake him up by a kiss on the lips, then a few months later she started to play MCR music or wake him up by tickling but now, she does the most obnoxious things ever. She has dumped water onto his face, thrown pillows at him, pushed him off the bed, and she once literally hired a trombonist to come to their house and play as loud as they possibly can to wake him up. She ended up paying the trombonist 780 dollars.
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