fumusannuit · 2 years
Who: Valentin Stanislav @daemxnium​ Where: Tartarus, Betting Area When: After the council meeting and mama marzan’s rambling | 01:30am
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Another fist connected with the opposition’s forehead, the man crumpling to the floor while yells erupted from the surrounding crowd. Kayra could smell the blood dripping from her cheek as the knockout was solidified- blue corner, winner. The illegal gambling pits had turned into a regular stop for the brunette. Pain, after all, was one of the few ways to ground herself in reality. To show whatever scared little girl that still lived in her that she had control now. With the return of Kerem and Kamile’s growing power, the world was spinning with too many questions for one soul to handle. Kayra found herself once again dancing with several devils, each chassé putting her in a more precarious position that before. Somehow, her lifeline was intertwined with the eldest Stanislav. Somehow, she was going to see to it that the council burned. Somehow, she was going to survive all of this...Her body fell into a bar stool, nimble fingers counting her winnings with a smirk. The win had been fair. Mostly. Kayra was just about to take a sip of her drink when a silhouette invaded her space. Blonde hair, oozing of confidence, the stench of death: one of the originals. Almost immediately, she felt her jaw clenched. “Hadi oradan, how many of you are there...” The words left her lips with sigh. As it was, her track record with the ruling vampires had been questionable at best. Diana had attacked her, Zephyr brought out Kamile, Alexei extended an olive branch.  “Which brother are you?”
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