starberry-cupcake · 4 years
Read more doesn’t work again so here are the three replies under it fully instead of just part of it
@keatslesbian replied to your post “I love watching videos or reading articles on lost media people found...”
Stupid comparison but this post made me think abt the vsauce video where he talks about what is creepy especially things that were creepy as kids for no reason
I haven’t seen it but that seems very interesting! :o 
 replied to your post
“I love watching videos or reading articles on lost media people found...”
I could never force myself to finish the Alice in Wonderland book until I was in college I think. It just creeped me out.
I am in the midst of compiling as many publicly available versions of Alice in Wonderland movies I can find for my workshop and some of them are really creepy, including the ones I was obsessed with as a kid lol I think I read the book like 10 times in a row when I was young and my dad was super tired of me re-watching the Disney version and the ‘72 version so many times. 
replied to your post
“I love watching videos or reading articles on lost media people found...”
List them! My brother was terrified of Kato in the Pink Panther movies and the way he waggled his eyebrows. And once a life size cutout of John Denver. Me? I was terrified of Carrie which seems sadly unoriginal in comparison.
The cut-out thing reminds me of my sister, she was creeped out by a Tarzan animatronic lol but I get it, it was kind of eerie looking. 
Oh boy I had a lot of them. I’m gonna list some on read more. 
The musical Cats, I saw it for the first time this year because I was terrified of it since I was 5. I’m glad I watched it though, I like it a lot now, it’s probably my top ALW musical at this point, but I still understand why I was scared as a kid, part of which was intentional by the musical so props to them.  
There’s also The Haunting remake from 1999, it’s a terrible adaptation of the book and of the ‘63 movie and everyone considers it a bad horror film, I mean yeah the horror elements are bad but those children sculpted in wood that turned their heads? That were supposed to be nice and not the Actual Scary Part of the movie? I couldn’t sleep for a week. They still creep me out. 
There was also one Gottfried Helnwein photo I came across as a kid of a girl lying down on the floor with her head bandaged, creeped me the f out for days. I know now he has ever creepier work, that one was actually pretty normal apparently, but nope, get that man away from me. 
Pinocchio was another source of fear, most of the versions of it, with the exception of the actual book, which I teach in my workshop and I’m ok with, and the Disney version which I really like, I have a Pinocchio Tsum Tsum and all. 
But then they all grow in the scale of no thank you for me. The lower the budget of the Pinocchio adaptation, the worse it is. AI was creepy and it was also a Pinocchio-based movie, but that miniature theme park underwater they created is one of my favorite miniature scale projects in film I’ve seen. The new Italian production looks like a nightmare-scape I don’t even wanna see, my cousin sent me the trailer and I’m regretting having seen it. 
I have faith in Del Toro’s adaptation though because it’s stop motion and I’m not gonna have to witness another uncanny valley nightmare realm. 
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starberry-cupcake · 5 years
poorlifedecisionsemily replied to your photo “I jumped on the millennial bandwagon and got myself one of the...”
Ahhhhh thank you Emilyyyyyy :’D ♥
keatslesbian replied to your photo “I jumped on the millennial bandwagon and got myself one of the...”
rogue disney fan
If you mean the way in which I acquire Disney stuff trying to avoid as much as possible to actually pay the Disney Corporation and instead paying legit indie re-sellers who have the stuff but don’t use it and need the money or content creators who have their own great related products, then yes, absolutely, you are 100% correct. 
My purchases though are limited to legit used products people bought at some point and indie made stuff, I draw a line at stuff like buying stolen animatronics from people like b*ckdoord*sney from the trunk of his freakin car, like that guy from the NBA who bought Buzzy’s stolen parts and was like “I didn’t know it was stolen” 👀
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