#keelin: memes ft. briggs
fragmcntedsouls · 5 months
you believe me, don't you? (for Keelin)
keelin malraux ✦ memes // flashback
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Month after painstaking month, admission after admission it was always the same fabrication of a twisted truth. ‘Fuckin’ kids clumsy as hell, he tripped.’ Bullshit. ‘Little bastards gettin’ in fights at school.’ Another bruise, another broken bone, another lie – one after the next.
The air was suffocating in it, Briggs’ father pacing back and forth in the corner of the room, exchanging warning glances with his son, but Keelin wasn’t about to be intimidated by this bastard. Interrupting his pace, she stood her ground between Briggs and Gideon, her eyes warning him as she spoke calm, yet firmly “there’s a cafeteria down the hall, you can wait there. This'll take a while.” 
Placing his chart down on the bed beside him, she adjusted the sling that was supporting another fresh break. This wasn't the last time they would find themselves here and nothing terrified her more. What use was she if she couldn't put an end to this insidious cycle? Her eyes were pleading with the teen and her features had softened – a far cry from the expression she’d previously used against his father. "I want you to tell me again what happened."
‘You believe me, don't you?’
A saddened sigh filtered from her lungs as she removed her gloves, tossing them into the waste before taking a seat beside him. “I need you to help me, help you -- and that begins with you being honest with me.” She was all but begging him now, "let me do that."
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fragmcntedsouls · 6 months
❛ do you remember when we first met? ❜ ( for Keelin )
keelin malraux ✦ memes
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"Do I remember?" Keelin repeated with a grin, "my sweet, sweet pickpocket, how could I forget?" In passing, the she wolf draped her arms around his shoulders from behind, leaning around to place a kiss against his cheek. She made sure to exaggerate the 'mwah' sound, before releasing him from her grasp as she manoeuvred through the kitchen. "You know, I really wanted to put that talent to good use, but your mom wouldn't let me." She was teasing, of course but as his mother, she simply couldn't resist. Grabbing two beers from the refrigerator now, she returned to sit beside him, sliding over a bottle as her tone became entirely sincere. "I remember it like it was yesterday. I knew from the moment that I saw you that you belonged right here, with me and your mom."
Their first encounter had told Keelin enough about his circumstances – but it was the second, the third, the fourth – month after month of the same young face in the ER, those had been the real sucker punches. Her heart contorted in her chest, her breath momentarily hindering as she tapped her finger against the side of her bottle within reflective thought before angling her frame to face his. "My brave, beautiful boy" she humed softly, a hand reaching to ease her finger beneath his chin as she tilted it upwards “I remember everything.”
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