#keep in mind that my username says i am peter bishop's lawyer so come at me at your own risk
I’m still going through Alias for the first time and my opinions are still a little fluid. Saw someone who is anti Sydney and Vaughn... I look at their blog to see if they have opinions on Fringe just cause i’m curious. They are pro Peter and Alt-Livia. This is a situation where I automatically do not take any stock in their opinions cause their opinions are clearly shit.
Like a get not being into Polivia... whatever... you do you. But I cannot look past someone who ships Peter and Alt-Livia. She raped him motherfucker!!!! She lied to him and made him believe that she was his Olivia. He could not consent because he was deceived. The definition of rape backs me up to. It says it’s rape if someone cannot consent and one of those circumstances listed where you cannot consent is if you are deceived among other situations. I mean, ship what you want there are just certain ships that are fucked up and should not be shipped under any circumstances like Peter and Alt-Livia and also Harringrove etc.
In general, we don’t talk enough about male sexual abuse. If the roles were reversed and it was a alternate Peter perpetrating this on Olivia then everyone would universally despise Alt-Peter as they should in this hypothetical. For some reason people are so easy on Alt-Livia though and she has many stans even though she tried to kill a whole universe and also raped someone in the process. Fuck off Alt-Livia!! 
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