#peter and alt-livia
I’m still going through Alias for the first time and my opinions are still a little fluid. Saw someone who is anti Sydney and Vaughn... I look at their blog to see if they have opinions on Fringe just cause i’m curious. They are pro Peter and Alt-Livia. This is a situation where I automatically do not take any stock in their opinions cause their opinions are clearly shit.
Like a get not being into Polivia... whatever... you do you. But I cannot look past someone who ships Peter and Alt-Livia. She raped him motherfucker!!!! She lied to him and made him believe that she was his Olivia. He could not consent because he was deceived. The definition of rape backs me up to. It says it’s rape if someone cannot consent and one of those circumstances listed where you cannot consent is if you are deceived among other situations. I mean, ship what you want there are just certain ships that are fucked up and should not be shipped under any circumstances like Peter and Alt-Livia and also Harringrove etc.
In general, we don’t talk enough about male sexual abuse. If the roles were reversed and it was a alternate Peter perpetrating this on Olivia then everyone would universally despise Alt-Peter as they should in this hypothetical. For some reason people are so easy on Alt-Livia though and she has many stans even though she tried to kill a whole universe and also raped someone in the process. Fuck off Alt-Livia!! 
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
Fic asks: 5, 15, 16, 19 💕
5. What’s a crackship you love?
Oh man, this is such a tough ask. Like, I’d like to think that I have a whole bunch of crackships, but like...I can’t think of any of them. I think that more than crack ships, I like crack FIC more (see gems like @the-restless-brook​‘s Catastrophic, which, like. If a fic can make me laugh so hard I can barely breathe, it has done its job.
15. Post the last line you wrote without context.
And she doesn’t need to be able to see to feel the way Seth stalks over to her, slowly easing his way into her space until his hands are on her shoulders.
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count.
Okay, so I have a LOT of WIPs that have lots of word counts between Kastle and SethKate, so I’m going to split them by ship:
SethKate: The Punisher Crossover that takes place in Texas (because yes, there are two. And technically both crossovers take place in Texas, but THIS is the one that takes MORE place in Texas than the other one. It makes more sense in my head, I guess.)
So, in this one, Kate and Richie are hanging out in hell during 3x10 when they find Carlos, who offers them a way out in exchange for the Xibalban knife of murderous blood dreams that’s been haunting everyone since the pilot episode. They give up the knife, because duh, and escape hell in time for Kate to rip Amaru’s heart out and save the day.
3 months later, New York City. Karen Page, lead investigator for the law offices of Nelson, Murdock & Page, is tasked by a client to...return the Xibalban knife of murderous blood dreams to one Richard Gecko, proprietor of a roadside truck stop called Jacknife Jed’s, in Houston, Texas.
Well, that can’t be good, now can it? Also featuring [redacted happenings because spoilers] because of the knife, Frank Castle somehow finding himself in Texas in spite of the fact that he REALLY shouldn’t be anywhere near the Mexican border, even if Houston is actually pretty far from the border, and also pretty far from Juarez, Richard being a Karen Page fanboy (and Frank NOT being down for that AT ALL), Kate having some leftover abilities from her time as Amaru and that walk she took into hell, Leo Lieberman coming out as gay during an emergency team video chat (which, I promise has a point related to the plot), an unexpected team-up between Kisa and [redacted], and Seth not being okay with ANY OF THIS.
Kastle: The Fringe Crossover
Taking place after TPS2 and during Season 3 of Fringe, after Olivia returns from Over There and has told Peter she’s not okay with his relationship with Alt-Livia, an Observer appears in Karen Page’s kitchen, telling her that she needs to go to Boston because Frank needs her help.
Karen goes, only to discover her old friend Olivia, and the man who ran her daycare when she was living in Florida while her mother was receiving treatment for cancer, Doctor Walter Bishop.
With the help of the Fringe squad, they discover that something bad has indeed happened to Frank, and with the help of David Lieberman, who had been recently bashed in the kidneys, again, by Frank, they work together to help Karen get her old powers back so they can save Frank from [redacted because spoilers].
Also featuring a sequel that takes place during Season 4, where Karen accidentally helps save both universes, because New York is weird and she and Frank don’t actually forget Peter when he accidentally erases himself from time. Featuring one of the best sentences I’ve ever written, where Karen talks about how much she loves Frank’s balls.
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
I’m caught somewhere between my love of Seth’s unfortunate time-based anxiety and how he still thinks so much about his father even though Ray Gecko is a piece of shit abusive ass, and the idea that, had he not been a criminal, Seth 10000000% would have been an overly dramatic actor who won a SHITTON of awards for his signature inability to chill the fuck out.
Fanfic Asks
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Hi, I am in Fringe season 3 rewatch. I used to ship peter and Olivia so hard that I almost want to give up this show because my hate toward alt livia and her spy thing, but somehow during the rewatch I found myself enjoy the romance less. I still think they were cute together, but I can only ship them as friends or soul mate. I heard both actors also wished they were just friends made me feel better lol. The other change is I no longer hate alt livia. I actually like her, and I am happy she’s with Lincoln and had a wonderful life in alt universe.
That was the same for me!! I don’t think they’re cute together at all this time, though. lol I still have a bit of a problem with AltLivia when she’s doing her undercover thing. But I saw her as just another person in the episode where she was kidnapped and her pregnancy was sped up. She seemed more human to me when I saw her go though her own trials in her own life. I really love Altlivia in season 4. Big crush on her. lol
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aenslem · 3 years
the first character i ever fell in love with: olivia
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: -
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i hardly ship anyone there tbh
my ultimate favorite character™: olivia
prettiest character: olivia, obviously
my most hated character: there were bad guys, but somehow i don’t really hate anyone like i hate blackwood in caos for example
my OTP: i don’t really ship anyone there,  i know peter/olivia was there and i like them, but i don’t really ship them. it;s like clark and lois, they exist and im fine with it but it;s not my kind of ship... but if we consider olivia and altlivia hmmm
my NOTP: -
favorite episode: uuuuuh my most fav episodes were probably about olivia in alt universe, where she had to pretend to be alt livia while fauxlivia was in main universe. 
saddest death: i remember characters dying there, but somehow i don’t remember how i felt about it ?? it was so long ago... i really need to rewatch it one day
favorite season: s3 i think
least favorite season: the last one
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: i don’t think i have one like that
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: -
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: -
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: -
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: peter/olivia, as i said, i like them they are cute, but it’s not like i ship them, they are there and im fine with them :D 
it was not easy cos i have not really rewatched it and can;t remember everything :D
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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dearmrsawyer · 4 years
@kaspbrakeddie​ tagged me to do this thank you so much!! This is going to be further evidence of the disaster that takes place when i’m asked to make decisions!!!
Rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, tag some other people
The Flash
i’m really not sure who is invested enough in tv shows to want to do this! i’m going to tag @nightwideopen @gratitudecafe @gloryhalleloujah @candybarrnerd but please please if you love tv please do this. i’d love to know what shows you love and also your answers.
i feel bad about the length of this so i’m going to put it under a cut 
who is your favorite character in 2?
(supernatural) mr sam winchester my first and dearest love! lately i’ve been stopping a lot and thinking about the fact that i’ve followed his journey for FIFTEEN YEARS which is more than half my life and that i love his character just as much now as i did back then! and he’s grown and changed and evolved a lot, and my reasons for loving him have grown and changed and evolved as well!
who is your least favorite character in 1?
(lost) oh, i guess of the main characters probably Michael, he/his backstory just wasn’t as interesting as the rest of the survivors, but he DID have tough competition. 
what is your favorite episode of 4?
(community) IMPOSSIBLE. gah picking FAVOURITES if my life depends on picking favourites i will surely die. okay i don’t know if this is truly my favourite but whenever i’m asked to pick a standout Community episode i always think of “Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design” with the mysterious night school. just so STUPID. just peak stupidity i love it with my whole heart. 
what is your favorite season of 5?
(the flash) ok ok i’m going to go with season 5 aka the season with Nora! oh what a GIFT. making my most beloved characters have to take on the role of father? oh yes give it to me >:) give it to me all the way i’ll take it deep into my heart. 
who is your favorite couple in 3?
(fringe) well Peter and Olivia are one of the few couples in the show but they are one of my fav couples in general re: television so i’m happy to go with them! honourable mention for Alt!Livia and Lincoln tho ;__;
who is your favorite couple in 2?
(supernatural) there hasn’t been a single successful romance in 15 years so jkdgdfjklgdjl tbh tho Sam and Eileen have really hit my heart hard, i haven’t been invested in any of the romances that cropped up over 15 years because i knew there was no point! but even if Sam and Eileen aren’t endgame their brief flicker really touched me.
what is your favorite episode of 1?
(lost) finally an easy favourite omg my favourite episode is the FINALE. in all honesty my most special tv experience ever, like the most moving... the most moving and emotional and satisfying and fulfilling thing i’ve ever had the pleasure to watch on screen, just the most beautiful episode! the most! beautiful! episode of television i’ve ever seen! i remember that night so clearly, and how i felt at every moment, and how i felt after. just so beautiful!! and not for everyone i know but really for me! REALLY so special for me!
what is your favorite episode of 5?
(the flash) i love the episode “Welcome to Earth-2″ when Barry and Cisco travel to Earth 2, that episode is so so funny and their run-ins with Barry’s doppelganger omg. its one of the episodes that makes me laugh soo much
what is your favorite season of 2?
(supernatural) well this is difficult since there are FIFTEEN. a season that always stood out for me was season 8! i’m tempted to choose one of the most recent seasons but let’s give a throwback shout out to season 8, which gave us the first real angel storyline and was sooooooooooooo good, and one of the best season finales of the entire series!!! i LOVE the arc of that season. i feel like after Eric Kripke stepped down post-season 5 the show took a couple of years to find its feet, i really enjoyed season 6 and 7 but i could tell they hadn’t quite nailed a big picture plan yet, you know? it felt a bit like living season to season, which is not how supernatural works best since its got such an epic premise. but season 8 really found its big picture feet and i distinctly remember feeling the seeds of it begin to plant, and regaining that feeling from the earlier seasons where we were headed somewhere bigger!
how long have you watched 1?
(lost) it finished in 2010 but i watched from the very first episode to the very last as their aired! it’s been so many years since i’ve watched any of my tv on tv, it feels so foreign to look back and think, that’s how i watched lost for its entire run! i watched it on tv every week with all the ads and the waits and i loved every second of it! i wouldn’t have changed that experience for the world. even before streaming got so big, i couldn’t do that for long after lost because my internet behaviour changed, and it just wasn’t feasible to wait until shows reached Australian tv. i would’ve been spoiled as soon as it aired in the US, before it came here 4 months later. i do genuinely miss that a lot. i liked the ritual of an episode a week at a time outside my choosing, when i knew millions of others were watching it too. i’m so glad that’s how i watched lost. my experience was wonderful because of it. 
how did you become interested in 3?
(fringe) i genuinely. don’t remember? i feel like it may have been the fact that it was a JJ Abrams production, and after Lost i was so eager for anything JJ had touched. i started watching it not long before Lost finished so it gave me something to think deeply about in the void Lost left behind lol. 
who is your favorite actor in 4?
(community) oh well i think Donald Glover gave some of the best comedic performances in the show, but also the DEAN. what didn’t he give as a performer rofl. 
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
(lost, supernatural, the flash) Lost is my fav show of all time hence why it is #1!
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
(lost, fringe) I’ve seen all the episodes of everything on my list!? That is why i’ve picked them! There are more episodes of Lost so i would say Lost!
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
(community) oh brother let’s not delve too deep here, annie for her wardrobe lol. 
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
(fringe, community) that would be incredible. that would be. but which show’s perspective would the crossover be from? because i think they would deliver different tones! i would sort of like it to be from Fringe’s perspective to see how on earth they’d handle being confronted with the tone of Community.
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
(lost) i am NOT interested in playing with the author’s will but look, i think pairing just about anyone with Sawyer would have interesting repercussions. mostly because even though he is supposed to be prickly i think (esp with his character growth) he is probably the character most likely to be widely compatible. Sawyer and Sun! Okay! i’m picking Sawyer and Sun. 
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
(fringe, the flash) Fringe had some of what Lost had, which was beautifully intricate storytelling that for me just sits above most television. I really do hold those shows on a pedastool and so of these options i have to pick Fringe, because i would probably pick it over anything except Lost. 
which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
(supernatural, community) okay okay since supernatural doesn’t really have theme music are we counting Carry On My Wayward Son as its theme music? Because............. i may have to go with that. 
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defiancebled · 6 years
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…   /   accepting
my favorite female character.   olivia goddamn dunham. the badass but emotional and completely unapologetic female lead we all need in our lives. she’s genuinely one of my favorite tv characters ever. my favorite male character.   nick lane. but he’s only in three episodes. i don’t care. he has like six lines total. i. don’t. care. i love my son. also sam weiss.  what the fuck is it with me and extremely minor characters?my favorite book/season/etc.   probably season two? it’s been awhile since i did a re-watch and everything kind of blurs together but it’s in that sweet spot of found family and bonding before everything went batshit off the rails.my favorite episode (if its a tv show).   either ‘bad dreams,’  ‘brown betty,’  or ‘jacksonville.’  maybe ‘peter.’ i am incapable of making choices like this.my favorite cast member.   john noble, probably.my favorite ship.   polivia. not that i don’t love lincoln and alt!livia, but they don’t even come close.a character i’d die defending.   olivia. dunham. i will literally fight to the death.a character I just can’t sympathize with.   i don’t think there’s anybody in this entire show i can’t sympathize with a little bit. that’s why it was such a good show, why i love it so much. the characters are so fleshed out and real.a character I grew to love.   walter. it took me so long to warm up to walter. partially because i spent the first two seasons convinced his ‘insane old man’ thing was fake my first time watching through but now i think about walter bishop and get teary i love him and his arc so much.  to this day if i see a flower even resembling a white tulip i burst into tears and i’m not even kind of exaggerating.my anti otp.   nothing against it but walstrid always kinda. grossed me out a little. i love their dynamic so much, but i’ve never seen anything even remotely romantic in it. 
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my-pocket-universe · 7 years
Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people I was tagged by Nadia @cometothedarkside-x and Lena @impossible-stardust​.(I combined your questions into one post) Thanks for tagging me!!! <3 Time: 11:17am Nickname(s): Jamie (from Jamie MacDonald of “In The Loop”) Gender: Female Sign: Scorpio Birthday: November 15 Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Height: 5'5" Ethnicity: Russian, English and Taiwanese Fave fruit: Lemon Fave scent: Citrus Favourite Food: sushi Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate: Tea Fave season: Winter and Summer Fave flowers: None, I’m allergic Fave animal: Dogs Lucky number: 38 Instrument: violin What am I wearing: navy blue pajamas Number of blankets: 1 Average hours of sleep: 7.5 (I need more) Dream job: CEO of my own company Dream trip: Maldives Fave band: Coldplay, One Republic Favorite Solo Artists: Sia, Leona Lewis, Lorde Song stuck in my head: none lol Last movie I watched: Van Gogh Last show I watched: The Good Doctor Fave book series: Agatha Christies’ Hercule Poirot Last book I read: Misbehaving by Richard Thaler Fave fictional characters: Diana Prince, Steve Trevor, Lincoln Lee (Our!Lincoln), Olivia Dunham (Alt!Livia), Walter Bishop, Peter Bishop, John Luther, Joss Carter, Steve Rogers, Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor), Dana Scully, Fox Mulder 3 favourite fandoms: DCEU (Wonder Woman only), Fringe, The Good Doctor What did I last google: Kendo When did I create this blog: in 2011 What do I post: Wondertrev, Wonder Woman, Chris Pine, Gal Gadot, Fringe, Linham, blue stuff, positive posts, the X-files and miscellaneous stuff Do I get asks: every now and then Why did I choose this URL: it’s a reference to Fringe Why I made a tumblr: for discussions on a show I was watching at the time Following: 531 Followers: 2038
If you’re following me, consider yourself tagged (I’m lazy today :p). Only if you want to. :)
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ettadunham · 7 years
Day 8 - Making Angels
Here’s a link to the sets of this whole Fringe September shebang, I’m just gonna do some random thoughts on the episode.
If there’s one thing that this show did wrong is the neglect of Astrid throughout its entire run. Making Angels is the only Astrid-centric episode of Fringe, and it’s actually centers around Alt!Astrid at that.
Now you see, Alt!Astrid is autistic. I don’t know if how the show portrays her is realistic or not, we do see her fitting into the classic Rain Man stereotype of a human calculator... But regardless, the emotional beats of her story got to me like a gut punch. To the heart.
Her father died and she just didn’t do how to deal with it. Who to turn to. So she took a trip to the other side, seeking out our Astrid to help.
Which is actually pretty hilarious, because as we find out, she did all that without telling anyone; she just gave herself clearance to cross over, and everyone in the Red!verse was just like wtf. I love her. And so does Alt!Liv I think, who convinces Broyles to let her come over to retrieve Astrid instead of a team or some other more official or sinister approach.
Even better, once Liv sees that they’re in the middle of a case that Alt!Astrid is helping out with, she just pretty much reclines in a chair all chill and is like ‘well looks like we’re gonna stay a little longer’. I love her too, not gonna lie.
Alt!Astrid eventually tells our Astrid what bothers her the most about her father’s death. That she feels like her father wished that she would’ve been normal, someone ‘who could love him in a way he could understand’. It’s fucking heart-wrenching.
These storylines always feel very personal to me tbh (largely why Synecdoche of Person of Interest got to me so fucking much as well). Sometimes I feel like I don’t react to loss in a way that’s expected of me, or that I don’t show or feel my emotions regarding other people on a level that’s considered... normal. And again, I don’t think that’s necessarily the case, but it’s still something that I feel, and something that I therefore connect with on a whole new level.
In any case, in a moment that destroyed us all, our Astrid reassured Alt!Astrid that it wasn’t about her, that her father too seemed distant because that was just the way he was... AND THEN WENT BACK HOME TO HIS DAD WITH WHOM SHE’S OBVIOUSLY SO INCREDIBLY CLOSE. We all cried.
Alt!Astrid also got along with Walter of all people, and he seemed to show genuine care towards her from moment 1. Possibly my favorite moment is their last one, their goodbye scene. Alt!Astrid holds out her hand for a handshake, but Walter opens his arms instead, AND HE WAITS UNTIL SHE NODS HER HEAD, GIVING HER CONSENT TO HUG HER. That was such a good Walter moment, I’m proud of him.
Walter also had some interesting scenes with Alt!Liv who, remember, in this timeline merely kidnapped Olivia and took her place. But Walter is still VERY upset with being tricked, but as Alt!Astrid says, these sort of emotions often come from a place of care and love in the first place. It’s true to why Walter is so impatient with Peter, and it’s true to why he’s treating Alt!Livia the way he has. Peter is the almost son he lost and as much as he tries to deny it, he does like Alt!Liv with all her sassy comebacks and all. (”I’m sorry were you solving world hunger or perfecting the perfect peanut butter milkshake?” CLASSIC LIV)
The case itself is an interesting one. It centers around a mathematician who stumbled upon September’s Observer tech that could predict the future, and took it upon himself to “save” people from upcoming tragedies by giving them a quick death. He was making himself an ‘angel’, a savior by design.
The last twist of his character also unexpectedly linked him to the storyline between our Astrids. You see, he used to have a twin brother who died, and he overheard his mother saying that she thought that ‘the wrong one’ died. It’s a really messed up thing to hear for any kid, and apparently our guy internalized that shit to a whole new level. That’s what pushed him to do better, and from his perspective, that’s what he was doing with all that murder as well.
It’s an episode that’s worthy of a place for the Justice for Astrid’s Storyline part alone, but it’s also just a pretty episode overall.
I don’t eve know what to bulletpoint, but let’s try:
Walter calls Alt!Astrid by her actual name, thank fuck.
Alt!Astrid voices the opinion and thought that Walter is basically a father figure to Astrid, which is probably the best way to look at their relationship
This is the only time we see Astrid at home, and the only time we meet her father..I feel like.even the fact that she lives with her dad is new information.
Alt!Liv comments on how Peter seems ‘cute’, but that he isn‘t her type since she likes the ‘nice guys’. Obviously this is all hilarious to the audience who know exactly what happened there the last time.
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karensfrank · 7 years
my all-time ultimate fave character: Olivia Dunham
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Alt!Livia
a character I used to like but now don’t: Bell (i still appreciate him as a villain though, but there’s definitely slight hate there lol)
a character I’m indifferent about: Rachel
a character who deserved better: Alt!Lincoln 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Alt!Livia & Peter
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: PETER BISHOP AND OLIVIA DUNHAM 4LYFE
a cute, low-key ship:  Charlie & Bug Girl
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: Alt!Linc (the original) and Alt!Livia? I don’t think they’re unpopular but def not as popular as others I think?
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Broyles & Nina, *shudders* (even if it was just for that one episode, it was still WRONG) 
my favourite storyline/moment: “You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing.” 😭😭😭 
a storyline that never should have been written: charlie being switched by a shapeshifter and Olivia having to sort of kill her best friend/confidant/partner 
my first thoughts on the show: huh, this seems interesting and different
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pangeanews · 5 years
“La pace non è la quiete, è piuttosto l’accoglienza dell’irrequietezza”: come la meditazione può diventare un gesto politico rivoluzionario. Su un libro prezioso di Chandra Livia Candiani
Che cos’è la meditazione? Aldilà delle tecniche, che sono molteplici, qual è il fondo comune che non cambia al cambiare delle diverse discipline? Sì può dire che per meditare si devono rispettare almeno tre condizioni: silenzio, immobilità del corpo, attenzione al respiro.
L’attenzione normalmente rivolta ai sensi è costretta a volgersi all’interno. All’interno trova l’inferno di processi mentali allo stato selvaggio, nebulose di pensieri che attraversano fulminee la mente col loro carico di emozioni e ricordi, recriminazioni e giudizi, immagini ed echi di parole dette e sentite, che la disciplina del respiro insegna a lasciar scorrere sullo schermo della mente, senza fissarvi l’attenzione.
La meditazione, se praticata quotidianamente e con senso di avventura, cioè di ricerca, a poco a poco cambia la vita, perché cambia gradualmente il nostro stato di coscienza. C’è una bellissima definizione di Yogananda in proposito: “meditare significa morire al mondo senza morire”. È un lasciar andare tutte le cose cui quotidianamente, e per tutta la vita, rimaniamo aggrappati. Morte, imparare a lasciar andare, sono temi che tornano spesso in “Il silenzio è cosa viva. L’arte della meditazione” di Chandra Livia Candiani (Einaudi, 2018): “Da piccola mi sembrava che gli adulti fossero troppo aggrappati, non si lasciavano strappare abbastanza e guarivano troppo presto, non sentivano più il mare dell’inconsistenza sotto i piedi, non erano marinai della morte”. La meditazione è un lavoro quotidiano, ed è necessario praticarla in un luogo che si sia destinato a quella funzione. “La stanza della meditazione” è anche il titolo di uno dei capitoli del libro, quello in cui Chandra parla della propria “stanza vuota”, nella quale è solita praticare e dove accoglie il gruppo di allievi che periodicamente lì si riunisce. Luogo che è nato “intorno a un gesto. Il gesto di inchinarsi, di poggiare la fronte a terra. Di scendere. È bello avere un gesto che si ripete ogni giorno […]. Tenendo fermo il gesto, notiamo che un giorno lo facciamo con commozione, un giorno con rabbia, un giorno di fretta, un giorno siamo innamorati e un’altra volta non lo siamo più, la vita ci ha toccato a fondo, la vita sembra trascurarci, e con tutto questo scorrere di eventi e di stati d’animo, insieme a tutto questo, noi c’inchiniamo”.
Meditare è una via che non sta da qualche parte nella mente, raggiungibile con l’immaginazione, con i pensieri, con l’attività intellettuale, ma è “in un dentro molto prossimo al corpo, molto distante dal carattere, in un’intimità con me che andava oltre me […]”. Ed è soprattutto una via di silenzio solitario e comunitario insieme: “non esiste il silenzio mio o tuo. Fare silenzio insieme è una profondissima comunione. Le diverse esperienze di vita, i diversi stati d’animo possono creare complicità o avversione, il silenzio consapevole unisce”. E ancora: “Ci sono infinite varietà di silenzio. Il silenzio è un po’ come la luce, bisogna affinare i sensi per accorgersi di quante diverse sfumature di luce in una giornata incontriamo”.
Si potrà credere che tutto questo lavorìo interiore in fondo assomigli molto a una sorta di fuga dalla realtà, assecondando così il luogo comune che vede nella meditazione una specie di droga che ci renderebbe indifferenti al mondo perché focalizzati su un nostro universo interno, pacificati e lontani dalle necessità della vita esteriore, dall’impegno quotidiano nell’azione. Niente di più distante dal vero: anche se “la maggior parte di noi inizia un percorso meditativo in cerca di pace”, ben presto ci si accorge che “quello con cui entriamo in contatto è il caos della nostra mente e la ristrettezza del nostro cuore. La pace non è la quiete, è piuttosto l’accoglienza dell’irrequietezza”. Non si tratta dunque, sottolinea la Candiani, di sottrarsi alla vita, all’azione, alle sue necessità, per “fuggire in un mondo solo interno, in un oltre”, ma “sono seduta (a meditare) perché tutto brucia di illusione e di incantamento e ora so che non voglio più essere incantata, che voglio svegliarmi”. Per questa via l’autrice approda a una delle affermazioni più forti di tutto il libro, che investe un concetto fin troppo abusato come il concetto di “politico” (o meglio, di “atto politico”), ma qui come pulito da ogni incrostazione superficiale. E se conveniamo che la dimensione del politico è diventata oggi, per dirla con Shakespeare, una storia “piena di rumore e furore, che non significa nulla”, Chandra si premura invece di ricordarci che il mondo può cambiare solo se cominciamo a cambiare noi stessi, perché la postura (“fisica e del cuore”, come l’autrice sottolinea in un altro punto) necessaria per meditare è “esporsi all’essere. Dunque, sedersi in meditazione, accogliere in silenzio il respiro, conoscere senza pensare, è un atto politico. Ha una portata collettiva indelebile, mi trasforma e con me trasforma tutto il mondo attraverso il cambiamento del mio atteggiamento verso ogni fenomeno con cui vengo in contatto”.
“Il silenzio è cosa viva. L’arte della meditazione” è un libretto aureo nel quale uno può perdersi e ritrovarsi, camminare sulle tracce della poesia, incontrare momenti di autobiografia scabri e tersi come un cristallo e cogliere disseminati per le pagine, come i sassolini bianchi della fiaba, ma così come per caso, con leggerezza, tutta una serie di insegnamenti etici e pratici. E ogni pagina è pervasa da quel tono dolce e profondo, da quello sguardo infantile e guerriero insieme, dolorosamente toccato dalla vita eppure così luminoso, che caratterizza sempre anche tutta la poesia di Chandra. Poesia che d’altronde fa capolino nel libro, e prende la forma di alcuni testi, riportati nei primi capitoli, composti dai bambini durante i seminari che la poetessa tiene nelle scuole primarie di Milano. Perché fare poesia con i bambini? La risposta comprende anche il senso del meditare e, in fondo, dell’incontro: “Peter Bichsel in Quando sapevamo aspettare scrive: «è possibile ascoltare bene solo quando si tollera di non capire». Seminare la meditazione, come pure seminare la poesia a scuola, fra i bambini, significa innanzi tutto invitare a tollerare di non capire, per imparare ad ascoltare e ospitare nel corpo. Incorporare è portare umilmente al corpo ancora e ancora quello che ascoltiamo, finché l’io si stanca e allora noi cambiamo, ci apriamo al non conosciuto”.
È un racconto-saggio-poemetto dal tono colloquiale costellato di saporose citazioni questo testo, dove la stessa lunghezza dei capitoli obbedisce più a una logica di respiro organico che di argomentazione razionale. Ogni capitolo un respiro, e come ogni respiro del corpo è diverso in ampiezza sia dal precedente sia dal successivo, così la lunghezza di ogni sezione sembra seguire un ritmo analogo. Ci si può imbattere allora anche in paragrafi di mezza pagina o nel più breve: un sutra del Buddha – il “sutra del Diamante”, sei righe.
Ci sembra un libro importante questo, perché c’è una strana atmosfera intorno alle pratiche meditative; un risveglio di interesse che mette in luce la grande diversità degli approcci e concorre a creare anche molti equivoci. Meditare è un percorso che mette in gioco tutta la vita della persona, è qualcosa che scardina e consola, mette in crisi e ricentra. E si tratta di un lavoro spirituale. Mai come oggi si avverte una specie di timore a cogliere questo lato della questione. La vulgata New Age mette piuttosto l’accento sul rilassamento, sulla lotta allo stress, sul miglioramento delle prestazioni lavorative – aumento della concentrazione, maggiore energia ecc. –, sulla conservazione della salute, fisica e psichica. Ma questi sono effetti che non esauriscono la portata enorme, spirituale ripetiamo, della meditazione. Ecco allora che questo libro contribuisce, con gentilezza e grazia, a disperdere molti degli equivoci che si sono accumulati sull’argomento, i quali, funzionali come sono al mercato del benessere, certo non aiutano a districarsi in una materia che è complessa e richiede una conoscenza profonda e sottile.
Franco Acquaviva
L'articolo “La pace non è la quiete, è piuttosto l’accoglienza dell’irrequietezza”: come la meditazione può diventare un gesto politico rivoluzionario. Su un libro prezioso di Chandra Livia Candiani proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news http://bit.ly/2BKBXOB
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usertimothee · 7 years
my all-time ultimate fave character:
olivia dunham!!!
a character i didn’t used to like but now do:
nina sharp
a character i used to like but now don’t:
i liked william bell when he first was introduced but didn’t like him by the time he left.
a character i’m indifferent about:
a character who deserved better:
charlie francis
a ship i’ve never been able to get into:
i liked alt!liva and alt!lincoln together but i wasn’t super invested in it.
a ship i’ve never been able to get over:
a cute, low-key ship:
alt!charlie and the bug girl were cute.
an unpopular ship but i still enjoyed it:
alt!livia and frank tbh.
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
peter and alt!livia
my favourite storyline/moment:
the arc from jacksonville to entrada is one of my fav stretches of tv ever.
a storyline that never should have been written:
alt!livia getting pregnant and having peter’s baby it seemed unnecessary.
my first thoughts on the show:
i hope peter and olivia kiss.
my thoughts now:
this is one of my fav shows ever and i miss it so much and i’m also glad peter and olivia kissed.
send me a show!
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
You obviously gotta do Peter and Olivia on the "who does what" ship questions. :D
Ughhhh yes! My universe(s) saving couple of badasses. Which, of course, I saw a commercial on my Amazon Prime recommending I start rewatching Fringe again, which like, yes, but also...I just rewatched the whole show like...3 weeks ago.
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Peter, because it’s canon and it’s ADORABLE. And like...Olivia really isn’t the MOST affectionate of the two but Peter so is, and it’s just such a great dynamic.
Gets jealous the most - I don’t think either of them would be, now that they’ve gotten their shit together (twice over). Olivia went through all of that with Alt-Livia, in season 3 and once she and Peter get past that, I really don’t think jealousy becomes an issue. Sure, Peter was a little jealous of Olivia’s relationship with Lincoln in season 4, but that got wrapped up quick. It also helps that Lincoln ended up with an Olivia of his own in Alt-Livia (which I think is both adorable AND hilarious)
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - On the rare occasion that Peter and Olivia get shmammered, I think they’d A, do it together, and B, just take a cab home.
Takes care of on sick days - Peter takes care of Olivia, full stop. Olivia is 1000000% the type to overwork herself to the point of exhaustion. Peter is a close second, but he has more of an understanding of what his limits are, and does take breaks (whether they’re Walter wants a snack-induced or it’s time to flirt with Olivia induced). When Olivia gets sick and the combined efforts of Peter AND Broyles to take a break, then, with reluctance, Olivia lets Peter take care of her.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Peter 10000%. Olivia is 10000% the more serious of the two, and on the rare occasion that they take time off from trying to save the world, Peter would definitely be the one to drag Olivia away from the shelter of the reports she snuck into her bag to review while at the beach.
Gives unprompted massages - Peter, definitely. Especially after he and Olivia get together (both times) and they have the opportunity to be tactile with one another, Peter DEFINITELY takes advantage of it. Like, they were suuuuuper touchy from day 1, but now that he has permission? It’s cuddle time ALL the time (when they’re, you know, not trying to save the world)
Drives/rides shotgun - Olivia drives every time they have the opportunity, and especially when they’re working. Peter doesn’t mind being chauffeured around, since he does all the driving he can when he’s in the car with Walter (unless Walter’s having one of his self-actualization moments)
Brings the other lunch at work - Astrid. Someone has to keep her scientists and FBI agents healthy and functioning, and it sure as hell is not going to be Peter and Olivia (and, of course, Water).
Has the better parental relationship - Well....that’s a tricky one. I think Peter gets this one by default once he and Walter clear up all the nonsense and Peter acknowledges Walter as his dad and Walter decides to finally start treating Peter as his son. Obviously it’s not perfect. I also LOVE the relationship Peter has with Elizabeth from Over There, what little we see of that, and that’s definitely functional, all things consider. Olivia’s relationship with her mother from Other there was a lie, and of course her step-dad was a piece of shit. So, goes to Peter. 
Tries to start role-playing in bed - I don’t think either would, really. Olivia had to pretend to be Alt-Livia and isn’t a fan of putting on a persona, especially not in bed with Peter, and Peter is happy to follow her lead.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - They’re both pretty decent dancers, and Olivia isn’t the type to let loose and be ridiculous, let alone Peter. I would say, of the two, the answer would probably be Walter.
Still cries watching Titanic - Neither. Olivia doesn’t have time for movies like that, and as much as Peter enjoys a good classic, he’s not the type to get emotional about movies.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Walter, of course. Peter isn’t here for it, and Olivia is probably slightly more inclined to humor him.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Peter would. He’d find something sweet and obscure that Olivia would love, but she would definitely make a stink about the price tag.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Well, when it’s not Walter making frittatas naked on Tuesdays, it’s Peter. Olivia is the type to have dry cereal and whiskey for dinner (see: season 1), so Peter is the one who makes sure she’s fed and healthy. 
Remembers anniversaries - Olivia has a photographic memory, and she and Peter like to acknowledge important dates from both the Blue ‘Verse and the Amber ‘Verse.
Brings up having kids - Well, it was Olivia in canon, so yeah, Olivia. Which, is actually the more left field of choices between the two, imo, but I like it, because it makes for a TON of character growth for Olivia, who was this crime-solving robot when the show started, and now she’s looking forward to the future and having a family with Peter, and that’s just adorable as hell.
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I miss Oliviaaaa. I mean, technically we have two of them, but they planted the alt-universe-Olivia’s memories in Olivia, so she’s basically alt-universe Olivia. so i’m on ep 3x05 and I miss the “real” Olivia. Although when she gets to the other side and sees that Peter’s voice in her head was right and she realizes that she’s from the other universe, she started to start seeming like herself.
And also, I don’t know the terms for the Olivias. ok, so I was assuming “Faux-livia” is the one who is from the alternate universe and posing as our Olivia. but I had forgotten that our Olivia was implanted with alternate-universe Olivia’s memories... so personality-wise she’s now the same as the other Olivia. so what do we refer to her as? I’ve also seen the terms alt-Olivia and Red Dimension Olivia??? And the subtitles called her “Bolivia”??? lmao And it’s real annoying that Peter doesn’t question the fact that Olivia “seems like a completely different person”. He actually said that but without any suspicion. It’s like, “Duh, are you not even suspicious? you were right THERE when the wrong Olivia came back with you. you know there are two of them!!!” You’d think it would at least enter his mind that there’s a possibility that she switched with the Olivia from this side??? And the more annoying thing is that it seems like he likes her more??? he likes that she’s happier and “more patient with Walter”, which I disagree with bc I feel like she never really interacts with Walter (which is probably why she’s more patient with him). And the funny thing is that the Olivia from over there is outgoing and nowhere near as serious as our Olivia, but she’s also not as warm. And she doesn’t put nearly as much emotion into solving cases. I feel like yeah, our Olivia is more reserved and has a hard time letting people be there for her, but she also has a warmer personality and is more emotional (in a good way). But it seems like Peter would rather have a more fun Olivia than one with more warmth and passion and emotion and care for other people. like wtf is wrong with you dude? 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
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gateruner · 7 years
Fringe Ficlet - “In The Cold Light Of Day”
So yeah, another ficlet I found on my harddrive that i don’t recall drafting or posting.  Eh, so here we go!
Title: "In The Cold Light Of Day" Author: Shelby (gateruner) Feedback: yes, please! Category: Peter/Alt!Livia, Peter/Olivia, Angst, Drama, Episode Tag, Ficlet Rating: PG-13 (only for some imagery, but nothing graphic) Spoilers: Episode 3.04: "Do Shapeshifters Dream Of Electric Sheep?" Summary: Peter reflects on the morning after and the consequences of his actions.  
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "In the cold light of day" by: Shelby (gateruner) Peter stared out the window at the morning sunlight, recalling the conversation with Olivia at the restaurant. Part of his mind told him to run, to get as far away from the situation as possible. The look in her eyes had been fleeting, a split second reaction that told him all he needed to know. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. He knew his instincts had been right all along, that prickly sense that circled his spine and made his skin crawl; the undeniable fact that the woman asleep in the bed next to him was not his Olivia. She was an imposter, she was the 'other' one. Yes, this was the cold woman from the other side that had held nothing more than a curious interest in him. And she was sound asleep, her back to him, the even tone of her breathing assuring him of her slumber. Peter looked at her back, the gentle curve of her spine, the warm glow of her skin. He reached out and gently brushed her hair back from her shoulder, revealing the faint bruise at the nape of her neck. Hours ago, he'd found that so appealing. The reaction he'd gotten as he sucked the warm skin between his teeth, her excitement was evident. The taste of her lips, the feel of her skin, the scent of her arousal was wrong, all wrong. It was nothing like the kiss he'd shared with Olivia on the other side; the way she had trembled, hesitant and unsure, and yet gentle and comforting. Of course he'd already imagined what their first time would be like. Peter closed his eyes, conjuring up the images he'd played out in his mind's eye. How she'd respond to his touch, the connection they would share. Even the exact moment that she'd fall apart beneath him, panting and satiated. No, this woman was different. She was desperate, needy and hungry. There was a desire and a motivation that seemed to drive her in a way that Peter didn't understand. There were too many variables to put it into the proper perspective. Peter shook his head and let out a sigh. Deep down inside he knew what it all meant, what the terrifying answer really was. He could do the math, and the equations balanced themselves out like they always did. If the other Olivia was here, then that meant his Olivia was over there. The Olivia that he truly wanted to be with, the one that he'd fallen in love with was not the woman he was lying next to and that made his stomach turn once again. He'd do what he always did. Work until he found the answers and uncovered the truth. Peter wasn't sure who he could trust anymore. Walter and Astrid for sure, but even Broyles gave him a moment's pause. The one woman he knew he could trust wasn't there. She was lost to him, lost to all of them, but he'd make damn sure he found a way to bring her back, if it was the last thing he did. - The End
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
Catch up with me tag
Tagged by my numero uno enabler @myletternevercame
Last album: Covers from Away, which are Newfoundland-based artist covers of the songs from the musical Come From Away. On repeat, especially Heave Away. 10000/10 would recommend.
Last movie: Truman Show. This summer at camp the video guy and I helped the CITs get set up to watch it at the local movie theater, the Rustic (they let people rent it out for a period and you can watch pretty much whatever you want, it’s super cool), on their day out, but because of activities going on at camp, we couldn’t stay, so I didn’t have a chance to watch it all the way through until I got home. I would be SO curious to see them, make a modern remake of it, especially with all the social media and marketing we have.
Currently Reading: A, from camp, told me I needed to start reading the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. I got through the first book, which was CRAZY, and about halfway through the second, The Well of Ascension, when camp ended. Now that I finally have A’s backup kindle, I can get back into it. The second book has been interesting compared to the first. I have a LOT of reading ahead of me, because A needs someone to talk about it with.
Currently watching: Fringe season 3. Olivia is about to find out that Peter and Alt-Livia were together while she was trapped on the other side. It’s going to be great.
Currently craving: TBH, same as what I was craving the last time I answered this: a cheeseburger and shot of tequila from the Idyllwild Brewpub, an Angry Orchard at the Rustic, and a hug from Mr. 90% Farmers Tan and Dad Bod (and also, you know, more than that). 
Unfortunately, that last one is definitely not happening any time soon since he’s currently on the other side of the goddamn planet because bullshit.
tagging: anyone who wants to partake, consider yourselves tagged and me very curious about what you’re up to!
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
As much as like, I love love love Peter and Olivia together (and I DO), I don’t know why Lincoln/Alt-Livia has just smacked me in the face during this rewatch. 
Like, I just want so much more of them together. I got CHILLS watching 5x12 when the camera pans on them both in the cafe. And like, the sass between the two? Alt-Livia joking about Lincoln checking out Olivia’s ass?
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