#keep sending me those funky asks if you'd be so kind
schrijverr · 6 months
Oops i also missed the ask post!
Gonna ask 36 cuz i need advice for myself lol
And 2, 31, 32 cuz im curious about your anwsers
That's okay, super funky that you send one, always welcome :D, thank uu! <3
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
Oeh, I one made a helpful guide about titling fics, because I used to give more writing advice. I think the most important thing is knowing what your main thing is in the fic, like is it about a certain thing happening or an interaction between two or more characters, and then making it a little more abstract, so narrowing it down to like a few words, before getting more poetic with it. A pyramid approach so to speak xp
As for which one I'm the most proud of? Oef, I don't know, I think Stitching Up a Mask, but that could be recency bias. I also love Home of the sky take me to the home of my youth.
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to?
That's a though one, I mean, I guess more darker fics. I love angst, but I'm not good at keeping it angst, so it turns out a little more h/c whenever I try. Plus, certain topics are just outside of my experience and I'll feel weird about writing those. But overall, I usually give whatever I want a try, the only thing stopping me is hours in the day lmao
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
Definitely I Found Myself a Cheerleader, because I kind of fell out of the fandom for a bit, I really only had two more chapters to write, but I just stopped feeling it. I'm the kinda person who won't post until it is finished, so I had poured all that work in only for it to never see the light of day, so that really sucked. The only thing that got me through that one was rereading comments on my other Stranger Things fics, so much appreciated to everyone in my comments <3
32. Do you have a word/expression that you always use in your writing?
Gosh, probably. Not deliberately, but certain things just come back over and over, because the themes fit or I like them. When you start looking my crying descriptions probably all look very similar haha
(if anyone noticed anything, do tell, I am curious)
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