#keith: okay play it cool kogane. you're supposed to be under the radar. you have no connection to the kerberos case.
klanced · 7 years
show us the bfu au outline or perish, coward
gdghkjsdhf I’ve been thinking about this au for months now but it’s still… so rough. I’ll keep this kind of vague in case I one day decide to actually write it.
Instead of working for a company Lance, Pidge and Hunk share this independent YouTube channel called ‘GarrisonTrio’ that’s basically dedicated to scientific hijinks and explanations. Do you remember those like… John Green CrashCourse videos? It’s essentially that but more science focused/emphasized, because they’re all smart cookies. So they post lectures, concept explanations, and lots of cool experiments and inventions. Also Pidge and Hunk prank Lance a lot (scientifically).
They decided to start up the channel while they were in their junior/senior year of college (their dorm was nicknamed the Garrison, hence the title of the channel).
Their channel is actually pretty popular because kids/teens think they’re hilarious and the stuff on their main channel is appropriate enough that teachers like to show their videos in class. Lance however has control of the BuzzFeedBlue-equivalent channel and that’s where he decides to host… Garrison Unsolved.
Garrison Unsolved becomes wildly popular right as Pidge/Lance/Hunk enter grad school and get bogged down by work. GU is Lance’s baby, but even he admits he can’t balance researching for the show and studying for his PhD, so they decide to call in outside help. Enter Keith.
Keith is Pidge’s best friend (they’re roommates) who has no idea what he wants to do with his life which is why he’s willing to work as the main researcher on his best friend’s ghost-hunting show. Gotta use that History degree somehow.
Unsolved is Lance’s baby and he hates having to hand over some of his responsibilities to some guy he doesn’t even know (Keith doesn’t even have a resume Pidge just vouched for him and overruled Lance) and that’s the main source of the Klance rivalry in this au.
Keith comes in around the second or third season and pretty much stays in the background/behind the camera so the fandom has no idea who he is until… The Mothman Video.
Keith thinks ghosts are total bullshit but he’s a die-hard believer in cryptids/aliens, which Pidge knows about. Mothman is a particular favorite of Keith’s, which Pidge also knows.
Pidge convinces Lance to film an episode of Unsolved: Supernatural dedicated to Mothman and then forces Keith to guest-star in it (the same way Daysha showed up in the videos about Tupac and Biggie Smalls)
By this point (it’s been like a year) Keith and Lance have become antagonistic friends and spend basically the entire episode fondly bickering and the fandom loves it.
From that point on Keith reluctantly finds himself in front of the camera more and more often (though usually for Post-Mortems or like Instagram stories). Maybe he introduces the concept of Garrison Unsolved: True Crime? Idk a lot of stuff is still up in the air.
Keith’s thing is that he only believes in things he claims to have witnessed with his own eyes, something that pisses Lance off all the time because if that’s true then why does Keith believe in aliens?? Huh????
Keith always goes ~mysteriously~ quiet.
(Hint hint.)
On that note, a running joke in the fic is Keith’s Mysterious and Tragic Backstory.
Anyway the climax of the story is that, after months of slow-burn and mutual pining, Lance decides to woo Keith the only way he knows how- By dedicating an entire season of Garrison Unsolved to aliens and alien abductions. Keith is suitably flattered and impressed. Pidge and Hunk make their excuses and leave them to it.
It’s basically an excuse for Lance to take Keith on a big gay alien hunting cross-country road trip.
Keith is having the time of his life (and working up the courage to confess to Lance) when Lance announces the topic of the season finale: The Mysterious Disappearance of the Kerberos Mission Crew. 
Lance: Yeah so normally I don’t try to cover really recent cases but I was on Reddit and I read this really convincing theory by some guy named ‘Akira’ who alleges that the crew of the Kerberos mission were abducted by aliens and NASA is covering it up.Keith, who is literally Akira: (sweats)
Lance is a die-hard believer in the supernatural/ghosts (the spirit box is his best friend) and also believes in a lot of folklore stuff (like mermaids). 
Pidge is a skeptic who thinks ghosts (and Lance’s theories) are bullshit. She does believe in aliens, but in the most boring way possible- i.e considering the size of the universe aliens statistically must exist but most alien abduction stories are probably made up, etc. 
Hunk is a skeptical believer, in that he’ll get scared really easily but once he calms down he reevaluates the evidence and can usually rationalize/normalize it (to Pidge’s glee and Lance’s consternation). 
Keith is a skeptic who’s willing to believe, in that he thinks ghosts/the supernatural are bullshit but he’s a die-hard believer in cryptids and aliens. He refuses to talk about his family, but Lance and Hunk know he has - or had - a dad and brother.
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