deankh-blog · 7 years
Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you.
A - Age: 24 (internationally) B - Biggest fear: being average  C - Current time: 10:11PM (kst) D - Drink you last had: lukewarm water E - Every day starts with: the sound of an alarm clock F - Favourite song: right now its khalid’s location G - Ghosts are they real: i’ve been hearing weird noises in my recordings from the studio and i’m kinda scared I - In love with: life  K - Killed someone: no -- you crazy? L - Last time you cried: i don’t really remember M - Middle name: none. N - Number of siblings: a brother O - One wish: to be able to do whatever i want  P - Person you last called/texted: keisuke uchida Q - Questions you are always asked: "how do you write music?” R - Reasons to smile: family, friends, fans, music and a special someone. S - Song last sang: like a star - corinne bailey rae T - Time you woke up: 9:30 U - Underwear colour: why. V - Vacation destination: united states W - Worst habit: bottling everything up X - X-Rays you’ve had: one for my wrist Y - Your favourite food: right now i’ve been really loving ramen Z- Zodiac sign: scorpio
Tagged by: @chngha ( thank you! ) Tagging: @keiuc @slayeoff @kaikarie @sujjico @skygifted @kkimbona -- anyone else that wants to do this!
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vctori-blog · 7 years
Your godly parent is Zeus, the King of Olympus and Lord of the Sky.
Children of Zeus feel that they should be the leader of whatever group they are in, as their father is king of Olympus. They are also all naturally good leaders and tend to assume leadership in groups. You might try to fit reality to a perfect view, and sometimes can find yourself unintentionally being bossy. People can tend to look up to you and trust you to do the right thing, even if they're slightly intimidated by your presence. Sometimes you feel as if you want to get out of the spotlight and fit in with everyone else, but duty gets the better of you. While people look to you for guidance, they may also resent you for being blessed with gravitas and charisma. Although children of Zeus may sometimes come off as cold and distant, kindness and mercy are also defining traits as your natural leadership helps you identify with people. Because of this, people rarely want to get on your bad side as they understand that you can be a force to be reckoned with when angered, and that you tend to do benevolent things when you're in a good mood.
Pride, stubbornness, ambition, temper, leadership, charisma, duty
TAGGED BY: @daeyeons ( thank you! ) TAGGING: @keiuc @jinyis @rattledbones @pearlens
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jnnyprks · 7 years
villainous traits.
bold for recurrent, italic for tendencies. please repost, do not reblog.
tagged by: @femmetfille (thank you ;u;)  tagging: @thatotherjb @yienope @jvngyuno @lalizmanoban @daltaehyun @keiuc @chaenq
aggressive | callous | cannibal | careless | compulsive | cowardly | domineering | envious | greedy | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | murderer | obsessive | overcritical | overemotional | patronising | sarcastic | self-indulgent | serial killer | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unclean | unpredictable | untidy | vain | vengeful
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pijichu · 7 years
describe your ideal afternoon C: ?
24 HOURS OF HONESTY : accepting !» @teejane
An ideal (typical) afternoon would entail a good portion dedicated to aggravating @tcrpid and @keiuc to my heart’s desire…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
An honest answer?  Good company, good food, and a hastily-planned adventure.  Anywhere.
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khandescent-blog · 7 years
A  VERY  DESCRIPTIVE  &  DETAILED  PROFILE  OF  YOUR  MUSE. repost with  the  information  of  your  muse,  including  headcanons,  etc. when  you’re  done,  tag 15 other  people  to  do  the  same !
NAME: Sohn Ryu AGE: 29 years old SPECIES: human GENDER: male ORIENTATION: heterosexual PROFESSION: business owner
BODY TYPE: muscular fit HAIR: black, shorter along sides, styled along the middle mostly EYES: dark brown SKIN: fair to slightly tanned depending on the month  HEIGHT: 190 cm
[    FAMILY    ]
SIBLINGS: none deceased PARENTS: both deceased CHILDREN: none ANY PETS?:  yes  [ ✓ ] one golden retriever, one french bulldog  || no  [  ]
[    LIKES    ]
COLORS: black & deep hues of blue and purple, white, red, neon blues SMELLS: coffee, burning wood, fresh baked anything, oak, cinnamon, vanilla,  FOOD / DRINKS: bourbon, cognac, vintage wines and champagne, steak, seafood, coffee, sweets, raspberry anything ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes  [ ✓ ] || rarely [  ] || no [  ] FAVORITES: working out/running, spending time with the pups, live music, traveling, 
[    OTHER    DETAILS    ]
SMOKES?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [  ]   ||   occasionally  [ ✓ ] DRUGS?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]   ||   occasionally  [ ] DRIVER LICENSE?:  yes  [ ✓ ]   ||   no  [   ] EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes  [  ]   ||   no  [ ✓ ]   ||   almost/detained  [  ]
TAGGED BY: @sunmichi & @misterharington TAGGING: @beaujole @amaverasu @yusachii @aellionios @chraeon @venasaera @kaikarie @keiuc @gvnois @moonqom @soigneism
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miyogurt · 7 years
@keiuc continued from here
As much as this brunette loved the holidays, the closer the days got to Christmas, the lonelier she became. People were always busy with their families around this time and this year was no exception. Even just scrolling through her phone’s contact list, she knew that a majority of them were already busy. With Stephanie being estranged from her father and her siblings having moved away, she had no one to spend the actual day with. It became tradition that she spend it with her cat, Princess, and her equally lonely viewers. 
She had messaged a bunch of people today to wish them a festive holiday, many of whom responded back with ‘thanks, you too’ but one particular person had piped up and started a conversation. Much to her surprise, that person happened to be the one that Stephanie had least expected to do such a thing as he was always busy at this time, not with holiday things but with his career. Rolling onto her stomach (careful not to squish Princess who had been sleeping next to her), her fingers moved swiftly across the keyboard as she texted him back with a small smile lingering on her lips. 
[ sms » kei ] I know! I’m good, how have you been? [ sms » kei ] I’ve been busy the last couple of weeks but now I’m just winding down at home with my cat ㅋ [ sms » kei ] What are you up to??
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taraxacumis · 7 years
@keiuc— * (the meme for people who hate happiness.)
   How he managed to appear in front of her door was a mystery. Out of all people, Keisuke didn’t expect for his feet to pad towards her place when he could probably take care of himself. However, the agony that surged through his body eliminated the idea of self care and he finds himself asking for her to aid him. It was one of those nights where he roamed about, deep in his thoughts as his hands locked together behind his back. He was aware that it was dangerous out at night, but Keisuke didn’t suspect a thing at such an ungodly hour. No one would be awake. I’ll be fine. Leaving all of his paranoia at home, he was subjected to an unfortunate event: robbery. With a powerful hit produced from the contact of a baseball bat to his cranium, a warm, crimson liquid dribbles down the curvature of his head and neck. The sleepy expression adorning her face when she swung the door open made it evident that she was tucked in her bed until he showed up at her doorstep at 3 in the morning. A pang of guilt struck him, but he desperately needed someone to patch him up. “Look, I know you’re going to say that I should just go straight to the hospital, but I really don’t want to cause a ruckus there. Tabloids will be– ah, I honestly don’t want to think about it. Please just help me and put away any grudges you have against me. You can’t turn away someone that probably has a concussion… right?”
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insomnia is burdensome. chronic and unrelenting in its pursuit. sleep onset; it is falling asleep that is troublesome. like swaying in an indefinite state of limbo, nearly swathed in the solace of sleep’s embrace, yet not at all. that is the closest she comes to slumber; shut-eye always just at the very tips of her reaching fingers. a series of muffled knocks draws her out of compelling drowsiness, rouses the weary woman from the warmth and comfort of her bed. her steps are incredibly sluggish, body like cement as travels through her small home, swings the door open to reveal an unexpected familiar face.
he is speaking before her mouth is able to construct any inquiries. through a tired haze, her brain struggles to keep up, barely registering half of what is said. fortunately, why are you here? does not need to be spoken to be answered. no details are provided as to how such a predicament came about, but she does not care. truthfully, he does not look worse for wear. however, she is certain that he would never come to her for anything less than an emergency. so sarang watches him beneath heavy lids, body slumped against the frame of the entryway, arms crossed against her chest. “actually,” she begins, only to be interrupted by a sudden yawn powerful enough to bead tears at the corners of her eyes, traces of exhaustion refusing to disappear. “i can. but, since it’s you, i won’t. consider yourself lucky.” 
she does not bother with closing the door when she withdraws back into the coziness of her home, leaving it open as a silent invitation for the other to enter. stray items (a brush, a book, a piece of jewelry) are picked up here and there in a meager attempt to create a facade of organization in the midst of an unsettling mess. she directs him to the couch with a dismissive wave. “just sit on the couch, keep your blood to yourself, and i’ll fix all your little boo-boos.” the statement, though jeering, is made out of goodwill, even if the cutting glare she gives the man over her shoulder as she wanders into the bathroom says i wish i could have done the damage myself. “also, try not to die while i go find the first-aid kit. i don’t want to have to move again so soon. death really puts a damper on things.”
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deankh-blog · 7 years
from ( here )
Your godly parent is Apollo, sun charioteer, god of music, arts, poetry, archery, prophecy, truth, medicine, plagues and order.
Wow. That sounded like a diner menu didn't it? Apollo is considered to be the most powerful god on the Olympian council after the Big Three and Hera and Demeter, mainly due to all his spheres of influence. As a child of Apollo, you may exhibit one or more talents associated with the sun god. Children of Apollo are extremely talented and many know it, which can vary from charismatic confidence to narcissistic arrogance. You are open-minded, easygoing, empathetic yet logical. You have a skill in music, art, drama or language and being the child of the god of prophecies, you are sometimes very intuitive about the future. Yet, you focus more on the journey rather than the destination. You're kind, helpful and show extreme protection towards 1-2 people in your life you can't live without. When you're angered, you tend to make reckless but powerful decisions, and can make a complete U-turn in personality. You have no patience for betrayal or bullying, and can become very righteous in exacting revenge, resulting in devastation that was more than you planned for in hindsight. Despite your playful and shallow exterior, you probably spend a lot of time being very observant and perceptive about the world around you, and you show that in your daily activities.
Harmony, order, reason, creativity, restraint, curiosity, arrogance, narcissism, observant
tagged by: @moonqom tagging: @keiuc @sehzo @kimjnie @stephinus @mingeu @vitaso @heyheize @jolisfille -- anyone that’s interested. 
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jnnyprks · 7 years
@keiuc :
there’s no denying that the two individuals were indeed busy people. it was difficult to find time to simply meet up and casually eat lunch to catch up on life. if they did attempt to schedule something, one of them would ending up texting something along the lines of “something came up” and that would engulf guilt and some sadness. but no. they carried through and now they’re locked in an extremely tight embrace– one that would cause keisuke to wheeze a little. did she hulk up all this time away from him? “i’m trying to pull away to catch my breath, goddamn. if i let you hug me any longer, i’ll end up in the hospital.. wait– is that what you’re trying to do? to make me end up in the hospital so you can have more time with me? wow, you’re evil.” he knows damn well she would only squeeze tighter (if that way possible), but he decides to pitch in his own strength with his arms curled around her middle, squeezing with all his might. “take that!”
to say that schedules were getting the best of jinny would be a complete understatement. in fact, there isn’t much jinny could do but confine herself within the walls of the training room, hours spent drenched in sweat and exhaustion. she’s guilty of failing to seek out to old friends, and that includes keisuke— but due to the holidays around the corner, she’s gotten herself a few days of rest, permitting her to mold back into her old schedules when she wasn’t so occupied. although just a short amount of time, it’s enough for the girl to feel ecstatic, making sure to fill it with as much schedule as she can fit in. today’s agenda: catch up with the pianist whom she hasn’t spent time with since the golden renaissance, or so she feels. laughter electrifies against the air as her shrill giggles pierces the bustling noise of the street, arms only clinging tightly around his neck. 
there wasn’t a need for spoken conversation as jinny indulged herself in the warmth that radiates from the intimate embrace, the smile against her lips refusing to leave. she’s very fond of keisuke and she’s never made any attempt to hide that— she probably never will. he had been there when she’s needed to lean on him and she knows he’ll continue to be there when she needs a shoulder to lean on. “now i’m the one that can’t breathe!” she gasps loudly, fingertips prying against his shoulder blades, clutching against the fabric of his jacket in protest. “i just missed you is all! i’m no evil, i’m just being affectionate! have any complains?!” 
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khandescent-blog · 7 years
You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your mp3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs & then tag 10 people, no skipping // REPOST & DON’T REBLOG !
TAGGED BY: @wristaches​ & @chraeon​ TAGGING: @beaujole​ @soigneism​ @blindsensed​ @keiuc​ @yusachii @aetus @jihnq @amaverasu @ofstolengoods @misterharington
1. La Grúa - SANO 2. You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC 3. 청춘 Youth (NIGHT) - 우효 OOHYO 4. Believer - MAJOR LAZER & SHOWTEK 5. Voy - BOMBA ESTEREO 6. Mangú - BECKY G 7. Territorial Pissings - NIRVANA 8. Give It To Me - CRUSH 9. Equinox - JOHN COLTRANE 10. Kiss, Kiss - YEAH YEAH YEAHS
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svbjetarch · 7 years
           @keiuc once danced…
        💔    The repeated vibration against the coffee table caused for his attention to avert from the television to his glowing phone that sang a mellow piano melody. The numbers etched across the screen was an unknown one and it wasn’t often that he picked up due to prevent annoyance to build up if it were scammers or just plain commercials. But something within made his muscle twitch, resulting in his arm extending out to grab a hold of his phone and clicking the green accept button. Why are they calling so late at night? The voice entering his ear brought nothing but surprise to him, causing him to straighten his posture on the couch as if he could hear Yuzi better by doing that. “What are yo– don’t I have you saved in my contacts?” What was revealed next sent him flying out of his seat and slipping on a jacket hastily to head over to the police station while muttering incoherent curse words under his breath.     “Was it really worth it?” Keisuke was in deep disappointment as he had to speak to the woman on the other side of the bars. He didn’t expect her to lose her cool and end up assaulting another person even if it was self defense as she would argued back. She let the other person win while she sat herself at the police station and losing to anyone was a sensitive thing to Keisuke. He knew that she had better judgement than that, but at this moment, she was a sore loser. “I paid your bond. They’ll come and let you out real soon. I just– goddamn it. You better sulk and rethink your decisions on the way back home.” The frustration that surged throughout his frame was evident in the way his body spun around to give her a view of his back only, soon ruffling his hair rather aggressively as her actions are replayed in his head. “Was it really worth injuring yourself over a bitch that couldn’t control her mouth? Really?”
        ❅           She wasn't one to lose her temper, didn' usually have one, never had in her whole life, growing up as the obedient daughter, following orders like the perfect soldier, no complaint nor protest, only finishing her tasks. Just that she wasn't a soldier, based on her gender, raised to become a dancer. So why had she lost her temper? She didn't know herself, couldn't properly fathom it, despise sitting in that bare cell, hugging her legs, face hidden in her knees. For maybe the first time in her life she couldn't look into his eyes, not shy normaly about facing people head-on, yet caused by her inability to understand many situations, those that were unlike the scenes at home. Being provokated like earlier, it also had been a first, not to mention she had been in a bad mood today, at least the kind of bad mood she could actually be in, reacting sensitive to the spoken words.         An answer more often than not ready to be spoken, it was no wonder she had earned a slap, her cheek feeling swollen even after hours, resulting with her landing a punch right into that girl's guts. Unfortunately, only watching soldiers being trained in close combat didn't make her one, it had been a shameful defeat, leaving her with several bruises all over her body. Keisuke had seemed like the only one to call, someone who wouldn't judge nor scold her, with no complaint to paying the bond for her. Now his words made her feel small, the kind of small like when her father scolded her, aware that she had started this fight in vain, that fact making her aching spots even more painful. "Language..." It was her sole reply, protesting against his bad language, looking up now that she did not need to face him anymore, watching him silently for some seconds, eventually getting up to step closer to the bars, leaving her corner with no noise, hands moving through the spaces between metal, trying to pull him closer by his arms. There was hesitance, about what to say, how to get him to not be angry, shown by the touch that should be determined, more than a caress than forceful act, unsure about how to break the foul mood with words or gestures.
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geuyi · 7 years
this is dedicated to @keiuc​ for placing a heart on this!
❝ how long are you gonna make me wait this time? last time i checked, you even forgot i was with you. ❞
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bangyeong · 7 years
@keiuc hit the heart button and got a starter
Not a single word left her mouth when the male entered the room. She tried to be mad at him. She was mad at him. ❛You know, I'm mad at you.❜ It was her thing; always tell to people if she was mad at them and not hide it. Even from her body language, it was easy to see. ❛You left me all alone while I was ready to pee in my pants.❜ He only left for a few seconds and she was surrounded by too many people from her liking ( who ignored her, minded their own business )  so of course, Chaeyeong made a big deal out of it, adding a little dramatization of how she felt. 
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daoslia-blog · 7 years
“I burnt the ham, let’s just order a pizza.”
[origin] // @keiuc
       the smell of all things delicious was filling up her home, sophie had invited the other over mostly because she wanted someone to help her with the dishes she’ll be preparing. it was also because it would be quite lonesome to be enjoying them just by herself, she wanted someone to be with her and considering he was one of the handful of people she can stand, it was a no brainer. sophie had tasked him to keep an eye on the ham inside the over while she busies herself with other things she was preparing. in just a few moments when she got distracted by something on her phone, though she may have taken longer than anticipated, the smell of something burning had her running towards the kitchen to check and that’s when she saw the burnt ham being pulled out of the oven. “wha-- seriously? i only stepped out of the kitchen for a while and you already managed to burn the ham?!” she exhaled loudly, her head tipping back while she lightly pinches the bridge of her nose. “ugh... this was supposed to be a perfect night. but fine, you order and you’ll pay since you burnt our main dish.”
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deankh-blog · 7 years
take the quiz here and post your result. REPOST, don’t reblog.
TAGGED BY: @slayeoff TAGGING:@keiuc @jundaehyun @sehzo @kimjnie @jieuv @kaikarie @chryseu @mingeu -- anyone else that desires to do this, you’ve been tagged too. 
the struggling artist
key characteristics: resilient, easily frustrated, daring, keen
you are a creative soul that borders on desperation at the toss of a coin. despite this, you error on the side of optimism at all times, knowing that your next inspiration could be right around the next corner. because of this, you tend to be more adventurous than your peers, willing to drive down a dark road or befriend an aging neighbor, always seeking a story. if you are to avoid the fate of others like you, you must learn to decipher which creative endeavors are worth your time.
film recommendations: sunset boulevard, in a lonely place, the third man
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pijichu · 7 years
» @keiuc
27. Your muse breaks up with mine.
There is no happy ending.
The first chapter is dusted in soft rose tones and the sweet promise of happiness. A friendship that blooms quickly and easily beneath welcoming hands, reminiscent of sticky popsicles and days spent dangling bare feet into the river as the air around them thickens with summer heat. They make plans to conquer the world together (“I’m the queen, and you’re my sidekick!” “Shut up.”). It’s easy to be with him. To soak in his boisterous laugh and lanky frame that jostles roughly against hers when he teases her. (red is the color of her lips from those awful popsicles, sunburnt skin from days spent under the warm glow of the sun, the cap she steals from him).
Somehow, between the bickering and the laughter and the gazes that linger for half a beat more, they fall in love.
He’s the first one to say it. Soaked to the bone, she’s giggling uncontrollably as they make a mad dash to the bus stop for cover. There’s water everywhere, and she has to blink it out of her lashes when she turns to face him. The kiss is sweet. Tiptoed feet- she can feel him smiling against her lips. I love you, he murmurs. And oh- so this is what it feels like to suddenly become someone’s entire world, and for them to be yours. She kisses him back. The rain seems quieter now, but she knows it’s just because she’s no longer listening. Behind closed lids, she swears she sees a flush of red.
“I love you.” Scrawled onto a notepad, torn, and left on her bedside table– a habit he’s taken to when he has to go on tour. She buries her face into his pillow and breathes in his scent. Shifts until she can feel the fast-fading indent he’d left in the mattress that morning. Longing is a weathered friend, her evening companion. That night, she dreams in mellowed pinks (the first time her cheeks had flushed when she knew he was looking too, their fingertips from tracing unmapped patches of skin, a bouquet of flowers clumsily tied together with a piece of string).
They are not a perfect couple. They are not a perfect couple. They are not a perfect couple— You’ve never even told me you love me. More defeated than accusatory. I can’t, she wants to say. Not after the terrible storm that had drowned her before him, whispered lies into her ear as it tore her from limb to limb. She couldn’t.
She walks him walk away. The way his shoulders slope down, she knows it hadn’t been easy for him either.
I’m sorry.
Are you okay, Jisoo-ah? Your eyes look a little red.
She cries.
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