kenjo-arts · 2 years
Mermaid Au:
I'm obsessed with Mer!Dream design like everyone else, but why am I also so obsessed with Georges???? Like hello doctor
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He's studying a (man) fish
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
When you mentioned in your recent post about how that is not ff!Dream actual height, do you meant for him to be shorter or taller? (This is vital information, I need to knooowww) /nf tho
He's shorter!! he's 8 years old and ff!sam is 7 feet tall so there's a big difference but it does mean he can easily be carried around!
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
The more I see of your merpeople AU, the more I keep wondering just why the hell Dream's fins are in such awful, deplorable condition. What are they DOING to him there? Why is he so covered in scars to an extent not even Techno is? Why is he always bandaged up with new wounds all over his body? This aquarium should be shut down for abusive conditions and behavior, even IF we accept these are just animals and NOT sentient beings who are also People. 😤 Why isn't anyone doing anything about the merfolk conditions? Why is no one concerned??? Why is GEORGE not pulling a Free Willy and getting all these bois out of there? I thought he cared at least somewhat about the merpeople. Or does his scientific curiosity outweigh all ethical consideration?
It's run by c!Sam with c!Quackity as an extra sponsor. that should answer any question :)
And in the case of mermaid Dream they are improving his conditions but they literally know nothing about how to keep mermaids, they thought they knew how to do it but when he began having fin rot they tried new things to try and improve his conditions. c!Sam doesn't care that much tbh but he knows he needs to at least try and appear like he does incase they're faced with an inspection.
Not all of c!Dreams scars are from tests either, most of them aren't. He had a lot already, got a lot by smashing against things trying to escape, got a few attacking security and scientists who instinctively when faced with murderous mermaid might have stabbed him a bit. but also some are from tests, from peeling off scales to harvesting body parts and so on.
Techno is much less aggressive with the facility so they kinda just conclude that mermaid Dream is just a particularly aggressive mermaid, same with c!Tommy when they catch him.
Eventually, George will try and get him free because 1: he realizes mermaids are as intelligent as humans and 2: he realizes that sam doesn't actually care about the proper care of mermaids, whether they're animals or intelligent
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
What was everyone’s wishes are you willing to give that information yet
Ok so wishes right, they can inform what kinda powers the character ends up with too. In general I'm keeping the wishes kinda... vauge also because alot of the au isn't 100% developed but here's a few of what I think is the wishes unless i change my mind later:
C!Techno, wished to be able to feed his family with infinite pigs. He... Ended up with a power to transform into a pig. A pig that could be "eaten" infintely. Which also gave him the ability to regenerate his body easily. His magical boy outfit is a knight, tho it's changed since he first became a magical boy, originally it's a knight because he dreamed of becoming a knight as a child.
c!Wilburs wish is more shaky, meaning i haven't really worked out the specifics yet. But in basic he wished for power and ability and to be seen because he wants to prove himself. He didn't know about magic for a long time and when he found out what his dad was hiding from him he wanted to prove he could stand by his Dad and be an amazing magical boy and that he wasn't useless. Philza who knows the secret of magical kids was of course horrified to find out his son had made a wish because he wanted to prove himself to him.
c!Philza's wish is something he hasn't shared with anyone but his wife. Though people speculate he wanted freedom or to be able to rise above everyone since he got wings.
c!Tommy's wish was styled after what he thought c!Dream's power is. It was during a fight with a witch where c!Wilbur got injured and c!Tommy by kyubey's insistance that if Wilbur wasn't healed he might die, made a wish to be able to heal him just like Dream once healed Tommy when he'd gotten in the way of a witch and so he got the power to heal! He also has a few diffrent smaller powers and abilities on the side like his ability to "float/glide" which come through in his design comes from his wants to be free from the goverment systems as an orphan.
c!Sapnap made a wish to be strong and be able to save people. He'd met c!Bad before becoming a magical boy who told him not to, but when he encounterd with a witch who had people marked, he decided to save them because he knew he couldn't get to Bad in time despite Bad's warnings against it.
c!George's wish is more pragmatic and somewhat selfish.
c!Dream's wish was to save c!Sapnap when kyubey brought him to a fight he'd been having agaisnt a strong witch! It was bit of a rush but he got the ability to enhance others and himself and boost/strength magic. Basically his basic abilities is a bit like enchanting and potion effects. He learned "normal" healing himself on the side which is how he could heal Tommy before he became a magical boy since his ability to heal magical kids works by boosting/strengthening magic so their natural magical healing work again as it cleans soul gems when they're are getting muddied.
c!Bad's wish was made so long ago he doesn't even remember it anymore. He'd like to think he wished for good things but sometimes he feels the fact he transforms into a demon is proof he didn't. And Kyubey isn't telling him
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
any background or general info on researcher!george?
Ok so researcher!George saw a mermaid as a child (It was Dream! And they played together! Untill George was called out of the water and Dream got spooked and remembered he shouldn't let himself be seen by humans) and mermaids aren't quite known so he became a marine biologist because he wanted to find out more and find the mermaids again.(his parents did try and tell him mermaids don't actually exist but he wouldn't listen)
c!Sam who runs the research facility heard about a new young researcher who was interested in the legends about mermaids and approched George as he knew mermaids exsisted, having already having had done some research on an injured mermaid he found some years earlier that died quickly of their injuries (of Sams experimenting). George had a pretty impressive resume so he was quickly put on the team!
George doesn't really care that much about being a marine biologist in general but he has a deep fascination with learning about and wanting to meet mermaids. At first he sees them more as decently intelligent fish (maybe as smart as dogs or pigs) that look partly human.
He was actually the one of the people who set the nets and then eventually captured Dream :D He doesn't realize it but he was unintential bait as Dream randomly saw him letting some sealife that had gotten caught in the nets free. It gave him a good first impression of George and when he recognized him as the human hed played with as a kid he got interested in George and stayed in the area to watch him and try and find out what he was doing sitting at the ocean everyday. And eventually he swam into a net and was captured
But as time goes and he's put in charge of Dream he starts to realize that mermaids are as intelligent as humans.
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
technofish’s expression in the boxed fish AU says so much, afsgdhfjgk, even with his poor scarred tail and torn up fins he is lookin at dream like damn bitch u live like this?
The guy got kidnapped and dumped in an aquarium, and then this green nerd mermaid dropped in with him. He's very confused and also very concerned because Dream's fins are all torn and have begun to rot a bit so he can tell he's usually kept in a poor space for mermaids unlike the big pool Techno is in.
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
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BABY !!!!!
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
Is ff!Dream smort
He's not smarter than c!Dream he's just got some more education and likes building and redstone because he was taught it personally by FF!Sam and so he understands it and is decently good at it. Like c!Dream he tends to like doing things he's good at rather than struggle with new things. Which means he can appear smarter to some, than his past self who didn't understand redstone the same indepth way or hadn't developed a skill for building/landscaping.
He also doesn't know alot of combat or parkour at first though he thinks it's very cool, because FF!Sam doesn't allow it, so whenever he's taken from FF!Sam he becomes a little energetic shit who'd mostly rather get kicked into the snow by Techno than sit and build landscapes or do redstone, tho he still loves it and keeps up with new techniuqes and information.
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
Does Dream and Techno get to spar in the crackier forced family AU? Dpeas Sam allow it, does Dream sneak out, would Techno want to, is the kid actually good?
ff!Dream adores techno, he's cool, hes strong, and most importantly he's kind. ff!Sam wouldn't let him spar because he doesn't want ff!Dream to learn violence in any way (he's being taught to be a builder and he loves landscaping!!!) but in au paths where ff!Dream is rescued from ff!Sam he does spar with techno and he's pretty good! he's rusty but he fights like c!Dream just small and weaker because of his age
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
only a real dad will teach you trigonometry at the age of eight then play peekaboo with you also at the age of eight
Listen ff!Sam is doing a balanced child raising. He needs education (at a levels) but he also has emotional needs! Like playtime! It says so in all the parenting books he's read, and it's not like he dislikes spending time with Faith! (FF!Dream) They do say parenting is a gift!
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
George: yeah I don’t actually like the ocean
Random worker: but your a marine biologist?!
George hyperfixated on mermaids: ironic isn’t it?
Good thing they aren't keeping the mermaids in the ocean then 🙄 he has nothing to worry about then. But also him not liking the ocean would be awesome tbh. Like an extra barrier seperating him and the mermaids. He likes water and swimming but not the ocean where they live.
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
how sentient is dragon blob dream in his dragon form? is he 100% aware of anything, did his brain go full dragon mode or is it somewhere in between?
He's intelligent like a dragon!! Smart and cunning with a bit of human intelligence!! But also not really sentient like a human which is why in my art he seems so surprised when he transforms back. He's VERY confused what just happned.
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
Omg sorry for dumping it in you ask box but I spend years of my life wondering about mermaids mating... Do they have the hole in the front or in the back? And what happens when they have two holes? When we take for example dolphins the have genital slits and anuses on their under belly. That would mean that mermaids have them at the front? And they can only mate front to front?
I appreciate the enthusiasm but I'm not gonna think too hard on this 😭 sure they have fish or aquatic mammal like eks dolphin bits. Whatever that would realistically mean for mermaid coupling is up to you. It's not really important for this au tbh 😭 (and the less i think on it the better for my sanity)
The most Ive thought of with funny body thing is that they can change sex. (because alot of fish can! It's really cool) Usually it's just for balancing the population. The mermaids are very gnc though some are more comfy with one body or another so usually those don't usually change from that.
At some point mermaid c!Dream changes over because he's getting placed in tanks with alot of other male mermaids to observe mermaid social behaviour. Let's say it got alot of the scientists very confused and flustered and they tied some cloth on him as a shirt after because he grew human boobs
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
For your boxed like a fish au. Are Bad or Ant in it since they were guards at the prison? What about people who visited the prison like Ponk and Sapnap?
Bad and Ant are guards! Ant is probably the one Dream bit one time and I see Bad going around on his routes sometimes throwing in extra food to the mermaids because they "look sad" and he feels bad (and because maybe then he won't get bitten too 💀)
Sapnap is a mermaid himself! He's not in most the au but he's a friend of Dream's back in the ocean and Ponk is Sam's ex who broke up with him because he was more interested in fish people than anything else
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
I actually just noticed this. What's that on ff! Dream's right arm? Like close to his wrist
It's an armband with a vitals monitor and a tracker, it has a hook for if he needs to be chained in timeout, and it also has a tazer function <3
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
would Mumza is inclined to poach FF!Dream since Sam tried to poach her husband? Retaliation is not something that slighted gods aren't known for
Nah in the branch of maximum chaos where FF!Sam approches c!Philza for the good old "core family values" she doesn't really poach him as much and basically just gets in on Philza's plan to get this random kid, who looks and sounds suspiciously like c!Dream sometimes, from FF!Sam. She can't exactly eaaily manifest in the world whenever she wants or not so she's supporting c!Philza in getting FF!Dream away from his shitty dad.
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