#kenny the jet smith
trendfilmsetter · 4 months
Bill Simmons claims that NBC has already secured the television rights to the NBA and that Warner has already lost the bidding war.
“I think it’s done. I think Warner already lost it. I don’t know why we’re waiting til after the playoffs. Maybe that’s how they have to do it, but it’s a wrap. NBC’s getting it.”
-Bill Simmons
No official announcement has been made as of yet.
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hiphopvibe1 · 5 months
Rudy Gobert wins 4th Defensive Player Award amid series lead [VIDEO]
Rudy Gobert wins 4th Defensive Player Award amid series lead Continue reading Rudy Gobert wins 4th Defensive Player Award amid series lead [VIDEO]
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banannabethchase · 10 months
Daddy's Getting Hot - also on AO3
Adam attempts a new experiment, something he's had in his head for a few years now. Daddy's home. He thinks.
I edited this while listening to Caramelldansen. Title from Unholy by Sam Smith feat. Kim Petras.
Concept inspired by this video, which I can't watch without laughing. Sorry, Hanger. You're just too damned cute! Paging @sarahcakes613. Sarah, Daddy kink is on the line for you.
Adam gets the idea from Instagram. He’s not on as much anymore, but he still plays around with it from time to time.
OMG Mox is so Daddy in this, he sees commented on a random video of Mox. He continues to scroll, and it’s a pattern. He outright snorts when he sees someone refer to Matt as Daddy, but it gives him an idea.
“That could work,” he says out loud.
Matt pokes his head out from the bathroom. “You good?”
Adam nods. “Yeah, I’m fine. Almost done?”
“My hair got stuck in the brush again so I’ll be a second,” Matt huffs. “This is why I tell you not to bring that brush.”
“My hair is curly!” Adam laughs. “I need different hair brushes. If you hate it so much, bring your own.”
“That requires me to think before I pack, and I’m above that,” Matt says, and his smile is so stupid Adam can’t do anything but roll his eyes.
“You’re the worst.”
“And you love me for it!”
They’re backstage for this Dynamite, mostly. Neither of them has much to do but check in with other wrestlers, coordinate. Adam’s absorbed some leadership activities without his permission, something Kenny once called sexually transmitted EVP, and he spends the evening on the phone, wondering how he can get out of this next time.
“And let catering know we need separate containers for the gluten and dairy free options!” Tony yells at Adam.
Adam rolls his eyes and relays the information as gently as he can, and hangs up.
“I am going to intentionally fuck up an order or something next week so nobody makes me use a phone,” he grumbles as he walks into the EVP room and drops his head into Matt’s lap.
“You aren’t good at fucking up on purpose, though,” Matt says, and Adam lets his eyes close as Matt runs his fingers through Adam’s hair. “Just ask Tony if he can put you on anything else.”
“Yeah,” Adam murmurs, getting comfortable. “Maybe I can be in charge of, like, directing people to locker rooms or something.
The jet lag’s getting to him and he’s almost asleep when the door bangs open.
“Jesus effing Christ, people in this building don’t know when to shut up.”
Adam’s jolted all the way awake by something heavy landing on his legs. “Hey!”
“Hi, Hanger,” Nick says, patting his thighs, where he doesn’t have his bony ass on them, that is. “You okay?”
“I was asleep, you shit,” Adam says. He twists, and Nick faceplants on the floor. “You deserved that.”
“Matt, tell your boyfriend to stop beating me up.”
“Apologize to your best friend for sitting on him,” Matt replies primly, and he pulls Adam back into his lap.
Adam grins up at him. “Do I finally beat Nick in an argument?” he asks. “Do I win?”
“Only because, this time, you were right,” Matt says, and he goes back to scrolling his phone with one hand and stroking Adam’s hair with the other. “Next time check if he’s sleeping, Nick. God. Be courteous.”
Nick glares. “Courteous?” he says. He stands up. “Courteous? You weren’t too courteous when you walked in the locker room a few weeks ago.”
Matt shrugs. “Lock it next time so I don’t have to see you bent over for Christian effing Cage.”
Adam sits up so fast his head spins. “I’m sorry, what?!”
Matt gets a little smile on his face while Nick starts making a noise that reminds Adam of when his dog smelled a coyote outside. “I never said anything because Nick wasn’t being annoying yet and swore me to secrecy, but if he’s going to be a bitch, I will be, too.”
“You are the worst brother,” Nick grumbles, throwing himself into a chair across the room. “You said you wouldn’t say anything.”
“And you said you’d stop being a douchebag,” Matt says. He finally looks up at Nick. “Go complain to your sugar daddy or something.”
“He’s not my – he bought me one pair of sneakers!”
Adam shoves his face into Matt’s stomach, but it doesn’t stop him from laughing so hard his shoulders shake.
Nick throws what Adam can only assume is a sneaker at Adam’s back. “I’m glad I sat on you.”
Tony gives them the okay to get back to the hotel early and Adam is giddy with anticipation. He’d hid in the locker room while Nick and Matt had done some work around the venue, so he’d come up with a plan. A new Matt experiment.
“Get your ass in that elevator,” he says, crowding Matt closer to the wall.
“Chill,” Matt laughs, meeting his eyes in the reflection of the metal. “You’re not usually the one being all desperate.”
He slides his hands into Matt’s front pockets, yanking him back against Adam. Matt rolls his hips and finds Adam already hard. “Hard not to be when I have you to look forward to.”
“I guess,” Matt says, pulling away when the elevator doors open. An older couple step out and frown at them. Adam responds by rolling his eyes and shoving Matt into the elevator a little rougher than necessary, but the way Matt practically climbs him when the doors close tell him he made the right move.
“Okay, I’m on board,” Matt says. “What’s the plan? Any experiments?”
Adam nods, leaning down to press a kiss to Matt’s forehead. “A surprise,” he murmurs.
Matt pulls back, eyebrows raised. “A surprise? Like a new vibrator?”
“No – god, we just got you a new one.” He pulls Matt in for a kiss, unable to resist. “It’s not a thing. It’s a – it’s a word?” He frowns. “Sort of.”
Matt tilts his head to the side, like he’s trying to read Adam’s mind. “Okay,” he says. “Sure.”
The elevator dings and Adam almost throws Matt out of it. He needs to bury himself so deep inside of Matt the next person to pull him out of there will be crowned the king of England, and he can’t do that in public.
“Room,” he says, hands on Matt’s ass, “now.”
“Your hands are in the pocket with my wallet,” Matt replies. “You open it.”
Adam does is best to grope intently as he can before pulling out the wallet and pushing Matt up against the door. “Could fuck you right here,” he murmurs in Matt’s ear. “Anybody could walk by and see you getting fucked so good you forget your own name.”
Matt exhales shakily. “You could,” he says. “You should.”
“We’d get kicked out,” Adam says, swiping the card. Matt slaps his hand away as he pushes open the door.
Adam yanks the door closed behind them and shoves Matt up against it, kissing him so hard his own head spins. Matt opens his mouth and leans into it, throwing a leg around Adam’s waist and yanking him in. Adam grabs him and turns, throwing him onto the bed.
“Take off your clothes,” he says. “Now.”
Matt does so in a frenzy, his tee shirt hitting Adam in the head, and Adam takes the moment to grin. “What?” Matt asks.
“I just – I love you.” Adam sighs. “You know that, right?” He steps over to the bed and flops on top of Matt, earning a giggle. “Always.”
Matt nods and caresses Adam’s cheek. “Always,” Matt echoes, like a promise. “So, are you still gonna eff me so hard I feel it tomorrow, or are you gonna cry again?”
Adam huffs. “That was twice, and it was your fault.”
“And?” Matt asks. “Crying tonight. Got it.”
Adam flips Matt over, kneading his ass. “Not quite.”
He opens up Matt fast, not quite as roughly as the week before, but still with a speed he doesn’t usually aim for. Matt takes seconds to start demanding Adam’s cock.
“I am a finger in, Matthew, chill,” Adam says. On an impulse, he smacks Matt’s ass, full palm striking. Matt lets out the kind of moan that Adam knows he’ll hear in his wettest dreams. “Good?”
“Yes,” Matt breaths. “Do that any time, okay? Is that the surprise?”
“Nope,” Adam says, tracing the print of his hand on Matt’s ass. Matt exhales, shaky. “Man, your ass is pretty. Sure you’re okay with me getting it all marked up?”
Matt laughs, and it cuts off when Adam adds another finger. “That’s what I’m here for, isn’t it?” Matt says. He glances back and Adam rolls them so he can see Matt’s face. “Because I’m yours. Right?”
Adam pauses. “All mine,” he says. He crooks his fingers enough to get a yelp from Matt and grins. “Mark you all over as mine, yeah?”
Matt’s eyes roll back in his head. “Oh, my god.”
Adam has to reassure Matt that he’ll be back soon when he steps away to get the lube.
“You want a –”
“No!” Matt calls. “No. Want you to come in me, like always.”
Adam chuckles. “Still gonna ask from time to time.” He pulls out the lube and flicks it open. “Get ready, baby.”
Matt nods and shifts, shoving a pillow under his hips. “Ready for my surprise.” He really does look eager, little smile and twitchy fingers. Adam gets a little more confident with his idea.
Adam goes slow to start, just the head of his cock inside of Matt as he gives him shallow thrusts. Matt whimpers, trying to push his hips down further.
“More?” he pleads. “I wanna feel all of you, Adam.”
“Yeah?” Adam asks. He gives Matt a little more, trying to keep himself focused while consumed by white-hot velvet. “That good?”
Matt shakes his head. “All of you,” he demands. “Come on, I want all of your – all of your cock.” He looks up, eyes all pretty and sweet like he knows Adam can’t resist. “Please?”
Adam slides in home, surrounded. “Yeah, baby. Anything for you.”
Matt sighs as Adam tries some deeper, slower thrusts, sighs building into whimpers into moans.
“Yeah,” Adam growls, trying to get into the head space for his plan, “make some pretty noise for Daddy.”
The atmosphere shifts as Matt freezes, his face falling into mild bemusement. Adam stops moving. He needs a reaction. Any reaction.
Matt bursts into laughter, so hard and so emphatic Adam slips out of him.
“Oh, wait, what?” Adam asks. Matt’s laughter gets more raucous as he curls up into himself, turning into shrieks. “Okay, this is just mean.”
“I’m sorry!” Matt wails, looking more gleeful than Adam’s seen in a while. “Sorry!”
Adam tries to level him with some sort of booboo eyes, or something close, but that would work better if Matt was looking at him. “You could feel a little bad about laughing at me so hard we stopped fucking.”
“I am!” Matt says. “I’m sorry, I love you. I just – all I can think about when you call yourself ‘Daddy’ is that one video of you…” He trails off, and Adam can tell he’s trying desperately to get himself under control, which is somehow worse than Matt just cackling. “Okay, remember back on the indies, when you told Kaleb to keep the belt warm for Daddy?”
Adam nods. “Yeah? And?”
“That’s what I think of,” Matt says, and he looks incredible with that smile on his face, splayed out and gleeful on Adam’s hotel bed. “That, like, toddler version of you with the curly hair and frat boy attitude calling yourself Daddy.” He reaches up and cups Adam’s cheek. “Don’t get me wrong, I do want to make noise for you and everything, but…” He sighs. “I’ve seen the way you looked back then, as first draft Adam Page, and that’s the only other time you’ve ever called yourself Daddy.”
Adam opened his mouth to retort, because he’s sure he’s said something like that at that point. “I’m sure I did other times. I had to.”
“Not that I can remember,” Matt says.
Adam huffs. “This is the meanest you’ve ever been to me, you know.” He grabs Matt’s thighs. “Like, is this payback from the other night?” He slides back into Matt, grins when Matt’s face flutters into that open, desperate look. “You mad you didn’t get to be mean to me then, so you’ll make fun of me now?”
Matt lets out a little whimper. “Not – not making fun,” he whispers. “It just didn’t work – but I still want –”
Adam pulls out, fighting the smile that’s threatening. “You do? Didn’t feel like it.”
“Wait,” Matt says, eyes searching Adam’s face. “Wait, no, I don’t – don’t leave.”
“You were laughing at me while I was fucking you,” he says. “Maybe my feelings are hurt.” He tries to give Matt booboo eyes.
Matt huffs and bangs his hands on the mattress in an adorable little temper tantrum. “I laughed at you when you called yourself Daddy because you were so effing cute back then, and the video sticks in my head any time anybody says the word ‘Daddy.’ It’s stuck there.” And then they hit: full caliber boo boo eyes. It doesn’t matter what either of them say next. Adam already knows his battle is lost.
“You aren’t allowed to be rational about your answer,” Adam sighs. “Get over here.” He yanks Matt a little farther down the bed and rolls Matt over, sliding a hand from the small of his back into his hair. He tangles his fingers and Matt gasps. Adam drags his dick down the still so slick crease of Matt’s ass. “Not so funny anymore, am I?”
Matt whines, arching his back, and it makes Adam’s cock catch on the rim of his hole. “No,” he pants. “No, not funny.”
“You gonna laugh at me again?” Adam asks, sliding in just the tip of his cock.
“I won’t,” Matt gasps. “Please get in me.” He’s begging now. Good. “I won’t laugh again. I won’t laugh, please.”
“Good boy,” Adam growls, and Matt mewls. “Oh, that’s it, isn’t it?” he laughs, sliding into Matt all the way. “You need it all about you. You’re the only one that gets a nickname.” He goes slow at first, dragging it out so Matt’s miserable, trying to rise back up on his knees and make it faster, but Adam keeps a firm hand on his back. “I get it,” Adam says, laying across Matt’s back. “Mox is right. All you want to be is a good little hole, and you don’t like it when the people who use you like a toy try to make it about them.”
Matt’s response is almost inhuman with the force of it. That’s it for Adam. He can’t fight it anymore, and yanks Matt’s hips back so he’s hilt deep into him. “Oh, thank god,” Matt whines. “Adam, please, more.”
“More – alright.” Adam reaches back and swats at Matt’s ass, braces one foot on the floor and a knee on the bed for the best leverage, and goes wild. It’s different than the time before, without any anger, but he laughs a little as he fucks gorgeous little sounds out of Matt as he shoves his hips backward. Matt’s driving himself onto Adam’s cock like a man on a mission, and it’s addictive.
“Gonna keep you like this forever,” Adam laughs. “Mark you up all over the place, make sure people know you belong to me.”
“Okay,” Matt says. “Yeah, do – do that.” He looks over his shoulders. “You, um. Handprints?”
“I can do that.” Adam pulls his hand back and swats.
“C’mon, you can do better than that,” Matt scoffs, and it feels unfair that he can be uppity and smug with Adam’s dick inside him. He sighs. “And you did so good at being mean last week.”
“I – are you challenging me?” Adam asks, drawing back his hips to slam into Matt. Matt gasps. “Is that really a good idea right now?”
“Yes,” Matt says, tongue poking out between his teeth.
“Put your tongue in your mouth so you don’t bite it off,” Adam says, fighting a laugh. “And hold on.”
He swings his hand back and lands a smack right on the same spot as before, leaving a pink splotch behind. “Oh, hey. My handprint stayed behind.” He circles his hips. “Okay, yeah.” The pink darkens, leaving the shape of his hand behind. “I like that.” He fucks into Matt slowly, intentionally, running his hand along the remnants of the bruise from last week. Matt sighs, dropping down onto the mattress with his ass still up in the air.
“You could do that again,” Matt suggests. “Or, like, always. I like having a reminder of you on me.”
“Yeah?” Adam asks. He smacks Matt’s ass again in the same place, earning a whimper. “You want people to know you’re mine?”
“Uhuh,” Matt murmurs. He turns his face back and moans into the pillow.
“Don’t do that,” Adam says. “I want to hear you.”
Matt snickers. “Does Daddy want me to make some noise?”
Adam expected it to – well, Matt’s right. It doesn’t really work.
“See!” Matt says. “It doesn’t – you’re hot and all, but the Daddy thing doesn’t work for you.”
“Fine,” Adam sighs, and he rolls his hips. “I fuckin’ hate it when you’re right.” He smacks Matt’s ass again. “Turn over so I can see your pretty face when you come.”
Matt shifts, whimpering when Adam pulls out of him, then lays on his back with his eyes all big and wide again. “You think I’m pretty,” he says, beaming.
“You’re hot and pretty and the best thing that’s every happened to me,” says Adam as he finds his way back home. “You’re also insufferable and incredibly annoying, and it pisses me off that I get so into it.”
Matt laughs and Adam joins in, and it’s not long before Matt’s braced his arms against the headboard and making the tell tale noises that he’s about to come all over the place.
“Go ahead, baby,” Adam murmurs. “I wanna see it. Be all pretty when you come.”
Matt locks eyes on Adam’s, then, with a whispered, “Adam,” comes across his own stomach. He gets so fucking tight around Adam that it’s basically over with a few more rolls of his hips. He grabs Matt’s hand as he comes, clutching him as closely as he can, and begins to wonder how much longer he can pretend that ring isn’t burning a hole in his bedside table at home.
“Love you,” he murmurs, rolling over and yanking Matt into his chest. “I love you.”
Matt laughs, tangling his legs with Adam’s. “I love you, too. Scoot, I’m falling off the bed.”
“Alright,” Adam says. He grabs Matt around the waist and rolls them over so Matt’s on the other side of the bed.
“That was so much more uncomfortable than I think you planned for,” Matt mutters, and, to be fair, his face is shoved into the pillow.
“Sorry,” Adam says. “Got overexcited.” He lets go of Matt and props himself up on his elbow. “You okay?”
“Adam, I cannot go again right now.”
“I didn’t – that’s not what I meant!” he says. He flips Matt over and settles his hand over the print he’d left there.
“Is it still pink?” Matt asks, craning his neck to see. “Move your hand.” He slaps Adam’s hand away. “Ugh. I can’t see.” He stands up, stark naked, and all but parades over to the bathroom. “Oh, wow!” Adam can hear him say from the bathroom. “Good work!”
“Thank you for that evaluation, Mr. Jackson,” Adam snarks back, but then Matt pops his head out.
“What did you just call me?”
“Mr. Jackson?” Adam says. “Oh, god, now you have a new pet name for yourself that you get off to.”
Matt shrugs, walking back into the bathroom. “Pretty sure you’d get off on me calling you Mr. Page.”
Adam has a sudden image of Matt in a board room, suit half off, laid out on a conference table while Adam fucked the life out of him. “Yeah,” Adam says. “Yeah, I think I would.”
Mini playlist (crackier than usual sorry except I'm not):
Unholy - Sam Smith feat. Kim Petras
Daddy AF - Slayyyter
Do Me - Kim Petras
Smack That - Akon
BAIT - Kim Petras and Banks
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taigastyle · 2 years
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ghostbeam · 2 years
my bozzie bear!!!! your game is so adorable i would love to play if you’ll let me 🥰 my fav is…that man and the date we’d go on together is somewhere to look at animals!!! maybe a cat cafe or something similar or even just a cafe. we love our fancy coffee!!! thank u bb ily
Hiiii kennie!!!! I went with cat cafe cause it sounds so cuuuuute!!!! Oh u and that man (natsuo) on these little coffee dates I bet he pouts when u give the cats more attention and he thinks he’s hiding his jealousy but he’s NOT (also the cats in the bottom left are u and natsuo) the vibe for this feels very sweet very comforting very soft so yeah I hope u likeee<333
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big jet plane-angus & julia stone
say yes-elliot smith
cherry wine-hozier
home-edward sharpe & the magnetic zeroes
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coughloop · 1 year
i am going to harm kenny "the jet" smith for what he has said on tv
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allthenewsworld · 1 month
Charles Barkley recently revealed that he turned down an offer of at least $100 million to stay with TNT, despite interest from other networks. ❤️
On "The Dan LeBatard Show," Barkley described the experience as "humbling and cool," expressing gratitude to those networks but emphasizing his loyalty to TNT. He mentioned that as long as his team
at TNT is secure, he's happy to stay.
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This comes amid a legal battle between TNT's parent company, Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD), and the NBA after the league rejected WBD's bid to match Amazon's offer for a portion of the NBA's new media rights deal.
Barkley's long-term commitment means he'll continue to be a key figure on TNT's "Inside the NBA," alongside Ernie Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, and Kenny "The Jet" Smith.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Charles Barkley says he turned down 'minimum of $100 million' to stay with TNT
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/charles-barkley-says-he-turned-down-minimum-of-100-million-to-stay-with-tnt/
Charles Barkley says he turned down 'minimum of $100 million' to stay with TNT
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After the NBA signed a new rights deal with ESPN, NBC and Amazon Prime, Charles Barkley could have gone there, also — but he opted to stay home.Barkley has been an NBA analyst on TNT since 2000, and once it started to look like TNT would no longer broadcast the league’s games, Barkley announced that the upcoming season would be his final one.He backtracked later on, eventually stating that he would be with the network as long as the NBA would be on it, and he’d work with TNT leadership to develop new shows and additional sports content.CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON FOXNEWS.COMBut, as far as the network’s relationship with the NBA is concerned, TNT feels they have not been able to fairly match the new rights deal, thus leading to a lawsuit, and the likely ending of Barkley’s broadcasting work in the NBA.Barkley, though, has insisted that he would not leave for another network, and this week, he revealed he turned down nine figures to go elsewhere.The Hall of Famer said on “The Dan LeBatard Show” he turned down “a minimum of $100 million” in order to stay at TNT.Barkley said the experience was “really humbling and cool.”PACERS STAR TYRESE HALIBURTON POKES FUN AT LACK OF OWN PLAYING TIME AT OLYMPICS”It was a great feeling, and I wanna thank all those networks for reaching out to me…” he said. “But even though they were throwing crazy numbers — I was like, ‘Damn!’ — but as long as I got my people safe at TNT, I feel really good.”Last month, the NBA rejected a bid from Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD), TNT’s parent company, to exercise its right to match an offer from Amazon for a part of the league’s 11-year, $76 billion media rights deal. Shortly after the announcement, WBD filed a lawsuit under seal in New York County Supreme Court. Ernie Johnson serves as the moderator on TNT’s “Inside the NBA,” while Barkley, basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal and two-time NBA champion Kenny “The Jet” Smith provide analysis. Barkley’s long-term commitment will see him “exclusively contribute to TNT Sports for many years to come,” per the news release.TNT did recently land the rights to some College Football Playoff games, and the network will also serve as the U.S. broadcasting home for the French Open tennis tournament beginning in 2025. The pivot to tennis and college football could be viewed as a way for the network to try and fill the hole that would be left behind from the loss of the NBA.Fox News’ Chantz Martin contributed to this report.Follow Fox News Digital’s sports coverage on X, and subscribe to the Fox News Sports Huddle newsletter.
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stacksandkicks · 3 months
NBA Legend Charles Barkely will hang up his mic and headset after the 2024-25 NBA season. Sir Charles has been a staple in our homes for over 24 years with Ernie Johnson,Shaq and Kenny the jet Smith. The league is making some changes to how the games will be televised and there’s a ton of money on the table for the NBA. TNT hopes it won’t get out bid by other networks but the writing seems to be…
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hiphopnewsoftheday · 9 months
Kenny The Jet Smith Said Shaq Would Keep His Wallet If He Dropped It 😂
Kenny The Jet Smith Said Shaq Would Keep His Wallet If He Dropped It 😂
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m-ill-k · 1 year
Former NBA player and champion Kenny “The Jet” Smith names multimillion dollar business owned by Shaquille O’Neal. Follow Us:… | Instagram
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hiphopvibe1 · 5 months
Victor Wembanyama wins Rookie of the Year, talks move to US [VIDEO]
Victor Wembanyama wins Rookie of the Year, talks move to US Continue reading Victor Wembanyama wins Rookie of the Year, talks move to US [VIDEO]
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brighterviews · 1 year
Champions do daily what everyone else does occasionally
You're not extraordinary, you just do the ordinary, extra
Kenny the jet Smith
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labelleperfumery · 1 year
Kenny Smith Goes On Another Miami Beach Date With Aline Bernardes
Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley are gonna love this — Kenny “The Jet” Smith has landed back on the beaches of Miami … and he brought along the stunning Aline Bernardes for another relaxing day in the sun. The “Inside The NBA” cohost and his… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/06/29/kenny-smith-in-miami-with-model-aline-bernardes/
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dan6085 · 1 year
Stephen A. Smith - Known for his fiery opinions and extensive basketball knowledge, Stephen A. Smith is a prominent voice in sports media. He has covered the NBA for years, offering analysis on ESPN's "First Take" and "SportsCenter."
Charles Barkley - A former NBA star himself, Charles Barkley has become one of the most respected analysts in basketball. His unfiltered opinions and humor have made him a fan favorite.
Shaquille O'Neal - Another former player turned analyst, Shaquille O'Neal provides expert analysis on TNT's "Inside the NBA." His larger-than-life personality and experience as a four-time NBA champion make him a valuable commentator.
Kenny Smith - Kenny Smith, also known as "The Jet," is a former NBA player who has become a prominent analyst on TNT's "Inside the NBA." He provides insightful analysis and a unique perspective on the game.
Ernie Johnson Jr. - As the host of TNT's "Inside the NBA," Ernie Johnson Jr. guides the show and keeps the conversation flowing. His professionalism and experience make him a valuable member of the team.
Chris Webber - A five-time NBA All-Star, Chris Webber brings his extensive playing experience to the table as an analyst for TNT. He provides thoughtful analysis and in-depth breakdowns of games.
Jalen Rose - Jalen Rose is a former NBA player who has become a prominent analyst on ESPN. His knowledge of the game and engaging personality make him a fan favorite.
Doris Burke - Doris Burke is a respected basketball analyst and commentator for ESPN. She has covered the NBA for years and provides insightful analysis on players and games.
Mike Breen - Known for his signature "Bang!" call, Mike Breen is a play-by-play announcer for ESPN and ABC's NBA coverage. His expertise and enthusiasm for the game make him a favorite among fans.
Mark Jackson - A former NBA player and coach, Mark Jackson is a respected analyst for ESPN. He provides expert analysis on players and games and offers a unique perspective from his years of coaching.
Jeff Van Gundy - Another former NBA coach turned analyst, Jeff Van Gundy provides insightful commentary on ESPN's NBA coverage. His experience and knowledge of the game make him a valuable member of the team.
Reggie Miller - A former NBA All-Star, Reggie Miller has become a respected analyst for TNT. He offers sharp insights and expert analysis on players and games.
Hubie Brown - Hubie Brown is a legendary NBA coach and commentator who has covered the game for decades. His knowledge and experience make him a valuable voice in basketball analysis.
Bill Simmons - Bill Simmons is a writer and commentator who covers the NBA for The Ringer. His in-depth analysis and bold predictions have made him a respected voice in basketball media.
Brian Windhorst - Brian Windhorst is a basketball writer and commentator who covers the NBA for ESPN. His expertise and insider knowledge make him a valuable analyst.
Skip Bayless - Known for his controversial takes and strong opinions, Skip Bayless has become a prominent NBA analyst on Fox Sports. His bold predictions and critiques have made him a polarizing figure in sports media.
Shannon Sharpe - Another opinionated analyst on Fox Sports, Shannon Sharpe provides expert analysis and strong opinions on the NBA. His engaging personality and unfiltered commentary make him a popular commentator.
Max Kellerman - Max Kellerman is a commentator for ESPN who provides analysis on the NBA. His in-depth analysis and bold predictions have made him a respected voice in sports media.
Richard Jefferson - Richard Jefferson is a former NBA player who has become an analyst for ESPN. His knowledge of the game and engaging personality make him a popular commentator among fans.
Kendrick Perkins - Kendrick Perkins is a former NBA player who has become a prominent analyst for ESPN. His straight talk and unfiltered opinions make him a valuable voice in basketball analysis.
Overall, these 20 NBA analysts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to basketball coverage. Whether they are former players, coaches, or writers, they all offer unique perspectives on the game and provide insightful commentary for fans. From play-by-play announcers to bold opinion-makers, each analyst brings their own style and personality to the table, making for engaging and informative coverage of the NBA.
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Watch: NBA TNT crew mocks Shaquille O’Neal as he misses the show after All-Star break: "Superman doesn't get sick"
The NBA on TNT is back, but Shaquille O’Neal is missing from tonight’s episode as he’s reportedly sick after the All-Star Weekend festivities. With that said, his co-stars chimed in and started teasing the 7-foot-1 bigman for not being able to come to work despite having a decent amount of breaks. Ernie Johnson, Kenny “The Jet” Smith and Charles Barkley all had something to say about O’Neal’s…
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