mgkente · 4 years
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MgKente.com #1 on Amazon and Ebay #ghana🇬🇭 #ghana #kentecloth #kente #kentestyles #kentedress #kentefashion #kentebride #kenteatime #kenteinspiration #kenté #kenteashowたいむ #kenteprint #kentegown #kentefabric #kentequeen (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLe9KkKlTBb/?igshid=z3467mzktanh
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abdulraveman · 2 years
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Kenteatime 2022.0622
the two best friends taking selfies (and taking about daiki behind his back lol) during Popolo photoshoot —
From kenty's jweb: 
Lastly, I was with my favourite person, whom I still love even after 10 years, for a photo shoot. 
 *To the person I wished there was one more person (Shigeoka Daiki, their other best friend) ↓.
I met not only a snow woman (the title of daiki's drama), but also a snow man. I'll give you a hint: he's the one with the big smile.
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shorilicious · 7 years
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Shori: For our new song „Gyutto“, (Kikuchi) Fuma-kun took part in writing the lyrics. Kento: For the first time a member tried writing the lyrics (in a co-production) for our single and since it’s the theme song for „Wagaheya“, it brings out a nice atmosphere. Shori: It’s a really simple and ordinary song but with a good meaning. Sexy Zone has many songs that aren’t ordinary (laughing), so this one sounds rather fresh. That’s the charm of „Gyutto“. Kento: I also thought of the choreography as one of the members, this is also my first attempt at it. We haven’t had a single like this until now, but I think after our fifth anniversary we can actively give our opinions. Shori: The base of our choreography was made by Kenty and Fuma-kun, and while listening to everyone’s opinions I feel like we completed it together until the last adjustment. Because we made it so even little children and grandpa’s and grandma’s can dance to it, I want you to listen and watch it! Kento: Because we all put our hearts into making it, I think you’ll be able to feel our warmth. Shori: There’s also a coupling track on the single, so because I had some spare time in between work, I went to see Matsushima (Sou)’s recording. As soon as he noticed me, Matsushima started trying to act cool as he did his part of the song. His voice suddenly turned a little aggressive and he was told it’s „too much!“ by the director (laughing). Kento: I really like Shori. So cute, isn’t he (laughing). Shori: The attention should be on Matsushima’s voice (laughing). So, what’s Kenty up to lately? Kento: I’m addicted to „KenTeaTime“ (blog on Jweb), so I update it every day. There are too many things that I want to show to everyone. Recently I’m looking for things that are „insta-worthy“. For example this here (three photos of yakiniku), how is it? I posted this before. Shori: ...it’s not bad but I feel like insta-worthy means something a little different (laughing). Kento: It’s difficult to make something „worthy“. But I will continue to look for „worthy“ pictures in the future as well (laughing).
Q1. Recently, did something happen where you thought that you were saved? Kento: We we’re shooting our new MV with elementary school kids, but in contrast with the precocious girls, the boys were so innocent (laughing). I was saved by their innocence. Shori: Oh yeah they’re boys (laughing). In my case, I had a feeling that the condition of my mobile phone was getting worse at the location so I immediately went to the staff, borrowed a cable and made a backup so it was saved but two hours later it really broke down... Kento: It’s amazing how your phone realised the danger itself and I’m glad the staff had a cable with them.
Q2. Is there anything you want from the other members’ belongings? Kento: There is. Shori’s sunglasses. Shori: The ones I had in „ROCK THA TOWN“? Kento: Yup. They’re really nice. In fact I borrowed them for „Shokura“ before. Shori: Normally I do not rent anything but it was special (laughing). For me it’s Fuma-kun’s shoes. Kento: I see. I’m sure it’s those shoes. It’s okay, I will give them to you. Shori: You can’t do that as you please without that person himself being here (laughing). But anyways, I’m not really good at matching with someone, so just watching them is okay (laughing).
Q3. Shori-kun and Kenty are good with musical instruments. If you two were to collaborate together, what song would you like to make? Kento: We did a collaboration with the piano and guitar in a play before. Shori: We had a ballad the last time, so next time I would like to do a piano rock song. Kento: That’s nice, it sounds like fun! Shori: I’d like the image to be like something by Coldplay. Kenty playing the piano and me an electric guitar... ah no, maybe rather acoustic guitar. Kento: Acoustic guitar would be a challenge. I’d like to try doing my best. Shori: It would be fun if we make it come true. Let’s seriously consider it!
Keep in mind I am not a native speaker therefore there might be mistakes in my translations. Also I’m not exactly translating word for word. Feel free to correct me in my ask box any time you want, I’d appreciate it! I apologize if someone already translated something before me and I didn’t notice, I hope you don’t mind.
Credit goes to yoshiko_mama @ LJ for the scans, thank you!
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dongbinh · 6 years
もつ鍋 六本木 の薔薇色更新わーーい らぶまに♥️♡ こここ個々の更新されるのも嬉しいけどやっぱりみんなのが更新されるともっと嬉しい笑 らぶまにの、こここってとこすき笑 もつ鍋美味しいよね!私も前に福岡でひとりもつ鍋した!しめのうどんがね。もう…さいっこう。
おいしい、、おいしい、、ご飯を、、、だれかと、、たべたい、、、 、、もつ鍋、、、焼き肉、、、ラーメン、、、、予約ポイント5倍!3時間全8品キノコもつ鍋食べ放題&飲み放題付き2880円! ♯町田 ♯歓迎会 ♯送別会 ♯食べ放題 ♯飲み放題!!
【梅田駅・大阪駅・西梅田駅近完全個室】楽蔵うたげ梅田店ではただ今国産モツを使用した2種類のもつ鍋をご用意!こくまろの黒!【もつすき鍋】と辛うまの赤【赤もつ鍋】ビールと相性抜群♪ 日次 2018年04月09日 ねー。娘でよかったよね。 言いたい放題で険悪になることもあるけど 女子トークをしたり 楽しい実はランチのもつ鍋屋さんにイケメン店員がいて大盛り上がりの母娘でした(笑) スケボーを一緒にだなんてユウさん若いはずだわ(*´艸`)
vic.Storyが始まって勝利さんの個人連載が出来たことは当たり前に嬉しいんだけど、食べられなかったもつ鍋の話とか知らぬ間にできた新しい家族の存在とかをファンに共有してくれるってことが何より嬉しいんだよ。勝利さんの「楽しかった」… あんなセクシーもつ鍋みたことないんですけどぉぉぉ…
京都もつ鍋行天 ブログ更新でーす
福岡公演楽しかったよー もつ鍋食べられて良かったね 思い掛けず同じおいなりさんも食べられて嬉しかった ホテルで聴いたらじらーのアカペラも凄く良かった! ラブラブな鶴が一緒でゆっくり寝れなかった?なんてことはないよね(笑)
KenTeaTime KTT博多離れる直前にもつ鍋食べたくなってしまったから、次はもつ鍋食べたい
豚骨ら~めん、とかどうですか? 水炊きやもつ鍋セットなら百貨店地下か、昨日食べた10階のもつ鍋専門店で(お土産)セットものがあったかと…久々
もつ鍋 六本木
博多名物「もつ鍋」のレシピを伝授!具材もスープもしめも網羅! - macaroni
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